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Topic: the TITANS & early Greek Mythology (Read 21782 times)
Crystal Thielkien
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Posts: 4531
Re: the TITANS & early Greek Mythology
Reply #360
November 14, 2008, 01:21:17 pm »
Member # 2265
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posted 05-12-2006 11:47 AM
Acteus, king of Athens before Cecrops is now linked to Apollo, Dionysus, and a Telchine. However, the telchine link might by a Typo for Antaeus. It is unclear.
Maybe Acteus is Apollo, son of Athenian Inachus(Dionysus)? Placing IO as a sister of Acteus? This is a wild guess.
"Actaios DIONYSUS, Xenios Apollo"
"Callimachus but in same to the boundaries towards the temple of Apollo Actius" -- Hyginus
"The Greek god Zeus was sometimes referred to as Zeus Xenios meaning he was god of, among other things, travellers.
xenos is a word used in ancient Greek from Homer onwards that means both foreigner (in the sense of a person from another Greek state) and such a person brought into a relationship of long distance friendship."
[ 05-12-2006, 11:59 AM: Message edited by: Rich ]
Posts: 2416 | From: Parts Unknown, USA | Registered: Dec 2004
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Crystal Thielkien
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Re: the TITANS & early Greek Mythology
Reply #361
November 14, 2008, 01:23:01 pm »
Was Atlas a Titan and is a Titan giant?
musing grai
Member # 20577
Rate Member posted 02-07-2008 11:31 PM
We all know that Titanic is something large. But were Titans large? And how does that differentiate them from giants? We know they fought each other.
Is Atlas the Titan in the furthest west the same as Atlas the king of Atlantis?
This can also be a thread for giant discussion.
ANAK, for example.
Posts: 29 | Registered: Jan 2008
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Crystal Thielkien
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Re: the TITANS & early Greek Mythology
Reply #362
November 14, 2008, 01:23:20 pm »
Member # 2265
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posted 02-08-2008 10:30 AM
The war of the titans has been described anciently as the "Gods vs. the Giants".
The Titans have also anciently been described as the off-spring of some lady named Titaea.
Diodorus Siculus calls Prometheus, brother of Atlas, a Governor of Egypt.
There is another strage old story somewhere of the Titans fleeing to Egypt.
That is some of my research on Atlas and the Titans, that is not part of my theory.
Posts: 2388 | From: Parts Unknown, USA | Registered: Dec 2004
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Crystal Thielkien
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Re: the TITANS & early Greek Mythology
Reply #363
November 14, 2008, 01:23:30 pm »
Member # 802
posted 02-08-2008 06:56 PM
Atlas wasn't that large. He supposedly held the Earth on his shoulders. Now thats BIG. Often wondered what they thought Atlas stood on in order to carry the Earth on his back. If it was a turtle then what was the turtle standing on?Hmmmmmmmm?
Posts: 11500 | From: Old Washington, Ohio , USA | Registered: Apr 2002
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Crystal Thielkien
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Re: the TITANS & early Greek Mythology
Reply #364
November 14, 2008, 01:23:50 pm »
Member # 1452
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posted 02-10-2008 09:29 AM
My translation for 114a has found an intriguing use of the Greek word eschen ("carried/supported/bore"), which is almost exactly the meaning of the Greek word Atlas.
[Critias 114a]
But it was reckonned-mentally(*2) -- with pseudonyms (*1) to them all.
onomata (*1)[neut, nom-acc-voc, pl] de pasin [ mas-neut, dat pl] etheto (*2)[aor mid 3rd sg]
Firstly (*3) in regard to the eldest and "Basileus-war-commander":
tôi men (*3) presbutatôi kai basilei [masc dat sg]
touto [neut, nom-voc-acc, sg]
especially is of that-(pseudonym category),
hou [mas-neut, gen, sg; of this, or, of that] dê [emphatic]
together with the isolated-land as a whole.
kai pasa [fem, nom-voc, sg] hê nêsos [fem nom sg]
For (*3) the sea,
to te (*3) pelagos [neut, nom-voc-acc, sg]
"carried/supported/bore" a derived-name -
eschen [aor ind act 3rd sg] epônumian [fem acc sg ]
Atlantic (Pelagos).
Atlantikon [can be either: neut, nom-voc-acc, sg; or mas acc sg]
So consequently (*3) that chosen (*4) name
lechthen (*4) hoti (*3) tounom'
was (*5) [applied] to the elder appointed as Basileus.
ên (*5) [imperf ind act 3rd sg] tôi prôtôi [masc-neut dat sg] basileusanti [aor part act masc dat sg]
footnote *1 According to the Liddell-Scott lexicon, these onomata are "merely names", and "not really people". Plato and Critias propose that these "onomata" resemble, to some extent, the use of "surnames" in medieval Europe. A common example from medieval Britain is the surname Smith (= one who is associated with iron-smithing). But Plato's "onomata" also might be regarded as merely Etiology, attempting to explain the place-names. [Derived from the Greek αιτιολογία, "giving a reason for" (αἰτία "cause" + -λογία). ]
A. III. a name and nothing else, opp. the real person or thing, hina mêd' onom' autou en anthrôpoisi lipêtai Od.4.710 ; boas d' eti mêd' onom' eiê Theoc. 16.97 ; opp. ergon, E.Or.454, Hipp.502 ; peri o. machesthai Lys.33.3 ; ek tôn o. mallon ê tôn pragmatôn skepsasthai D.9.15 ; onomati diapheresthai dispute about a word, Pl.Euthd.285a, Lg.644a.
2. false name, pretence, pretext, onomati ennomôi xummachias under the pretence . . , Th.4.60 ; met' onomatôn kalôn Id.5.89 ; chôra kalôn o. kai proschêmatôn mestê Pl.R.495c , cf. Plb.11.5.4.
footnote *2 Etheto [aor ind mid 3rd sg] is in Middle Voice for this passage, and comes from the Greek verb tithemi. The verb here means reckoned mentally, or reckoned metaphorically. (Presumably Solon and his Egyptian priest did the reckoning, as explained in 113a.) When this verb is used in middle voice or passive voice, the lexicon explains:
tithemi -
A.I.9. put down in writing, thou d' en phrenôn deltoisi tous emous logous S.Fr.597 (cj. Nauck):--Passive., ta en grammasi tethenta Pl.Lg.793b .
b. place to account, reckon, D.27.34,36, 28.13; thêsô eis duo paidas chilias drachmas hekastou eniautou Lys.32.28 , cf. ib.21:--metaph. in Med., all' ouk akribôs auto thêsomai lian E.Med.532 ; tagatha es amphibolon asphalôs ethento reckoned as doubtful, Th.4.18.
B.II. in reference to mental action, when Median Voice is more freq. than Act., lay down. assume, hold, reckon or regard as . . , ti d' elenchea tauta tithesthe; Od.21.333; daimonion auto tithêm' egô S.El.1270 (lyr.); toiouton thentes ton dikaion Pl.R.361b , cf. 430b (Med.); thes dê moi . . now suppose so and so, Id.Tht.191c; euergetêma ti theinai D.1.10 ; with hôs, thentes hôs huparchon einai ho boulontai Pl.R. 458a , cf. Phd.100a; mê touto hôs adikêma thêis D.18.193 .
footnote *3 This is a huge "men...de" construction, with two internal correlative clauses (using te and hoti). The "men" occurs near the beginning of 114a, and the "de" occurs near the beginning of 114b.
footnote *4 This passive participle, lechthen, is derived from the verb lego2.
I. 2. Homer.:--Pass. to be chosen.
And the Greek phrase scans as follows: lechthen [aor part pass neut, nom-voc-ac, sg] hoti [neut, nom-ac, sg] tounom' [neut nom-voc-acc, sg]
footnote *5 This usage is "Dative as Possessor" (with verbs such as gignomai and en/eimi (= to be). Quote from Overview of Greek Syntax, by Jeffery Rydberg-Cox.
Dative --- Possessor: Denotes possession with verbs such as gignomai and eimi. Smyth 1476-1480
allois men chrêmata esti, hêmin de xummachoi agathoi Thuc. 1.86 ; others have riches, we have good allies
[ 02-10-2008, 09:42 AM: Message edited by: atalante ]
Posts: 2596 | From: Tucson AZ USA | Registered: Apr 2003
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Crystal Thielkien
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Re: the TITANS & early Greek Mythology
Reply #365
November 14, 2008, 01:24:18 pm »
Member # 2140
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posted 02-15-2008 12:54 PM
IF " ESCHEN " has something to do with carrying the Hemishere,
than I suggest that the Gulf of ADEN was in Punic times( -500 bc.) named" PONTOS- Sea"
About: 114-a ESCHEN,as ATLAS or: Huge MAN, I have spotted a similar word on a modern-historical map of ancient Arabia, I don't know nothing about DATIVUS first or secundary word, infact I am a KLUTZ at Grammar.
During the EXODUS Into CANAAN, the SPYing party before Joshua & Caleb reported also Cananites as beiing of great Stature so: Huge MEN too large to attack by hebrew-men that compared to them felt like ants !
I only know that Plato in: Critias-114-e used the word ELEPHAS for the Elephants of Atlantis and White-Bulls, are to me also ELPHANT- OXEN of HELIOS, that were hunted by a noses, in the TEMPLE of POSEIDON.
It is my CONTENTION that the WORD ESCHERIA that is another word for ADEN, means " ELEPHANT " or " TITAN"/ big Guy.
ADEN= ADDE, that means White, in Arabic and the country of ADEN is also called : ARABIA - FoELIX.
If I am correct: ARA- means WHITE in Latin,
Bia maybe: Smoke , But FELIX, is a corruption
of PHUL, from old-Persian: Phulbe, meaning
ELEPHANT and by extention: LUCKY .
Since on several old MAPS, Arabia-FoELIX
meaning White- Elephantcountry is also
mentioned as: ESCHERIA, my deduction following
your ESE / ESCEN as: " Titan " deduction, is,
that ESCHERIA, also means " GREAT " How about that !?
[ 06-24-2008, 01:12 PM: Message edited by: BlueHue ]
Atlantis a FAKE name for
DATE-Indicative:Cecrops,900 bc
Cataclysms caused by MOON
Posts: 492 | From: DELFT, Technical Univ. Delft, Holland also: City of Master-painter Vermeer. | Registered: Oct 2004
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Crystal Thielkien
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Re: the TITANS & early Greek Mythology
Reply #366
November 14, 2008, 01:24:31 pm »
Member # 2140
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posted 02-15-2008 01:14 PM
Originally posted by Brig:
Atlas wasn't that large. He supposedly held the Earth on his shoulders. Now thats BIG. Often wondered what they thought Atlas stood on in order to carry the Earth on his back. If it was a turtle then what was the turtle standing on?Hmmmmmmmm?
Dear - - BRIG,
I think the Punishment or Term" Carrying the World" has an Allegoric meaning,
You can check that notion yourself because the TEMPLE of POSEIDON was supposed to have a Tree of undefinite Sort, that MARKED the CENTRE of the Earth.
Otherwise in the Temple innercourtyard there was a " PILLAR" that stood for the Middle-Earth.
Differently said, in the time of King-Atlas the Atlantis(-Metropolis) was the bench mark for a kind of Londen Greenwich MERIDIUM that marked or carried the Heavens in a geometrical fashion so
to speak.
This could be compared to the OMPHALOS or Ben-Ben-Stone-Pillar that was shone upon one day in the year and geometrically represented the Middle of the Universe
The assyrian Kings Title LORD of the FOUR Corners of the World pertained to some cntrally FIXED WIND-DIAL supposedly situated at the Temple court of Poseidon. For what purpose?
Most SEASON's books were designed to seek-out the right time to seed and to reap corn/wheat etc
Maybe this Astrolabe or Heaven's Globe at Atlantis was designed to forecall the yearly Higtide Floods or Recurrent TSUNAMIES ?
Atlantis a FAKE name for
DATE-Indicative:Cecrops,900 bc
Cataclysms caused by MOON
Posts: 492 | From: DELFT, Technical Univ. Delft, Holland also: City of Master-painter Vermeer. | Registered: Oct 2004
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Crystal Thielkien
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Posts: 4531
Re: the TITANS & early Greek Mythology
Reply #367
November 14, 2008, 01:24:50 pm »
Member # 2140
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posted 02-15-2008 01:22 PM
Originally posted by Rich:
The war of the Titans has been described as "Gods vs. the Giants".
as the off-spring of some lady named Titaea.
Diodorus Siculus calls Prometheus, brother of Atlas, a Governor of Egypt.
There is another strage old story somewhere of the Titans fleeing to Egypt.
That is some of my research on Atlas and the Titans, that is not part of my theory.
GOOD, because,
Part of My theory is, that PLATO borrowed fragments of the Danaos-Myth and that King-Atlas and Danaos and Prometheus, are versions, the same Person namely -originally-the egyptian King AMOSE.( Prometheus than would be: KAMOSEs etc.) " BlueHue", dd 15 Feb.2008.
Atlantis a FAKE name for
DATE-Indicative:Cecrops,900 bc
Cataclysms caused by MOON
Posts: 492 | From: DELFT, Technical Univ. Delft, Holland also: City of Master-painter Vermeer. | Registered: Oct 2004
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Crystal Thielkien
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Posts: 4531
Re: the TITANS & early Greek Mythology
Reply #368
November 14, 2008, 01:25:04 pm »
Member # 2140
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posted 02-18-2008 08:28 AM
Originally posted by Brig:
Atlas wasn't that large. He supposedly held the Earth on his shoulders. Now thats BIG. Often wondered what they thought Atlas stood on in order to carry the Earth on his back. If it was a turtle then what was the turtle standing on?Hmmmmmmmm?
Dear BRIG,
TITANS seems to mean WHITE Clay Men, and were offspring of THETYS ?( Thetys-Sea is the Gulf of Aden.)
In My opinion Atlantis was submerged TWICE in 1075 - 855 bc( in the not official but REVISED- Chronology !)
The TITANO MACHIA & the GIGANTO- Machia caused TWO Tsunamies on Earth and this was called " Turning/ churning the MILK Sea by the Hindoes.
If TITANS & GIGANTES were associalted with Tsunamies near a white or chalck Sea than the notion of WHITE men seems appropriate !
The ( Silvery-White-)MOON caused these Tsunamies and its AVATAR were " White Elephant Oxen of HELIOS " is there a correlation ? ' BlueHue".
[ 02-18-2008, 08:29 AM: Message edited by: BlueHue ]
Atlantis a FAKE name for
DATE-Indicative:Cecrops,900 bc
Cataclysms caused by MOON
Posts: 492 | From: DELFT, Technical Univ. Delft, Holland also: City of Master-painter Vermeer. | Registered: Oct 2004
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Crystal Thielkien
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Posts: 4531
Re: the TITANS & early Greek Mythology
Reply #369
November 14, 2008, 01:25:21 pm »
Member # 2140
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posted 02-29-2008 09:55 AM
Originally posted by musing grai:
A Titanic is something large. But were Titans large? And how does that differentiate them from giants? We know they fought each other.
Is Atlas the Titan in the furthest west the same as Atlas the king of Atlantis?
ANAK, for example.
Dear -----MUSINGs.
were indeed LARGE & LOOMING, but they were not HUMANS, they were a honorific name for an extinct Species of White Elephants living in Syria & Arabia, they were hunted by the Assyrians and died-out in 855 bc.
were Palestinians that were beiing invaded by Gen.JOSHUA's expeditionary force during the Exodus. babylonians called tehm ANNUNAKKI or Anaks; perhaps Kornacs ( which are Elephant-boys )and the IGIGI are White-Elephants just Like GOG & Magog were" Giants" or: White- Elephants.
The TITANS Kings
( actually styled themselves as: Elephant kings or " Strong-( Elephant-) BULLS.)had White Elephants in their Palace-garden( at Ophir and Thebes.) and infact, garden of EDEN means White-Palace-Garden/ Paradizzo, rather than " Wildernis " of Paran/ Parnas.
were named as " Men of White Clay " but also means: White-colored Elephants the rig-Vedic-indians called them the " Ancient- Patriarchs or ' Praja- Pati' s '.
In the Koran:
( See the " Lost-Tribes of Put & Lut THREAD, by JULIA.)
1.000 of these White - Elephants lived at the City of Ad-Irem, (= today Ras-Aden.)where King Solomon employed them to haul Cedar-stumps from the Ships of King(itto- Baal-) HYRAM.
The resemblance
of the geo-Word: Ad-Irem; Ras- IHMRAM & (= a volcanic-Sea-port.)and King Hyram is strikingly similar, perhaps King Hyram was King Itto-Baals'of Tyrus(= Sur in Oman.) honorific title.
In Bible:
White Elephants, called the GIANT CANNANITES: Zamzuzzites and the NEPHILIM in RAPHIDDIM, they were called the CHERUBs
(= White Angels.)who were employed as " GUARDIANS on the Walls of Mount SION.( But guardians agains WHAT outside-danger ? ? )
When the reconaissance-party got back with Grapes ( the size of ripe-Figs !) They told with frightened voice about the GIANT men that lived in GIANT Cities with GIANT walls and Enormous Entrance towers, that made the Expedition away-team-Party feel like ANTS.(= MYRMIDONES in greek.)
said Joshua because these Giant " Men", in their Giant Cities, may be tall but they are easily frightened by sharp sounds of ' breaking Earth' and Fire-Flashes because they are always oon guard for Earth-Quakes.
The WHITE- Elephant SPECIES,
is the now extinct Arabian White Elephant called :" ELEPHAS- MAXIMUS- ASSYRUS. became extinct in 855 the reaon why I'll tell below.
In 855 bc
King Salmanasser-3 of Assyr and Accad was in the proces of laying a SIEGE before the Volcano-Kingdom of ADEN/ (the HATTI-/ Mittani- Capital.) centre-Port" Leuke-Kome" of PRANKINCENSE- Trade.
King Salmanasser-3,
had unexpectedly cause, to raise the Siege by an unforseen natural catastrophe, but came back 2 years later to finish what he had started, thus in: 853 bc, for the Famous Battle of KAR-KAR in Yemen.
UNKNOWN history to many:
King Salmanasser-3 was originally a Vassal king of Amenhotep-3 who had hegemony over ASSURIA !
But when Amenhotep-4
got to power, Salmanasser-3 felt slighted over the marriages of GiluHepa & Gilukthepa Mittanic Princesses of king THUSRATHA(= greek ADRASTUS.) of Mitanni and waged a revenge-war over the Hatti-Mitanni-territory.
In the AMARNA-Letters
we see Salmanasser change from a befriended Chief of a forein Stae to open traitor, here he is named AZIRU which simply means the Vice-ROI of ASSUR ! His Father Assurnassirpal-2, was called in Egypt:" ABDI- Ashirta.
AZIRU or Salmanasser-3
attempted to forge a revolution in the Egyptian State and Take-over from King Achnaton, but he could not do that openly so he used an important Court-official to isolate The Egyption King 's communications with his Sout-Arabian territories
This Important Court-Official was named DUDU
who read both Cuneiform" Assyrian/ Aramic and Hyroglyphic and Hierartic Egyptian. The effectiveness of this Assyrian Trojan Horse is proven by the fact that after year 855 bc few letters if non were replied to, the caretakers for the Pharaoh wondered if there were still men around the Pharaohwho could read Arabian !
The poor Egyptian vassal-Kings in canaan/PALESTINE,
that were besieged by the assyrian Vice-Roy AZIRU, all felt and expresed that their Letters of warning were totally ignored even when their tax-demands and want for military protection was modest.
BUT, when militairy aid was finally sent to SOUTH- Araby, the leading General RAMIRE attacked the wrong Party and actually had Slain the defenders of the King's own City of ADEN, before he learned of his mistake.
Finally to keep to his Egyptian territories the King Achnaton's brother Gen Horemheb had to prostrate himself as vassal king, before his former Subject to keep sway over SOUTH- Arabia as is demonstrated from Salmanasser's Black-Granite Vassal-king-tribute recording Obelisk from Assur( Now in British Museum.)
the first Siege of Salmanaser-3 on Ras- ADEN failed because the White Elephants present drove back the well armored Soldiers from the Waterfront with graet whailing and Trumpetting, when suddenly a huge WALL of WATER appered and Swallowed the City and the besieging Soldiers alike, which could not keep afloat in their Iron Breastplates.
Salmanasseer himself
at the time was wearing Pyama's and was saved by his floating campagn-Bed.
Afterwards he ordered the 1.000 White-Elephants killed because in his supestition he mistook their PRE- WARNINGS for witchcraft to" Conger-up " the Waters from Below.
The Egyptians did try
to save these sacret Animals by sending General HORemheb(= HERacles,during this DELUGE, which the Greeks named the GIGANTO- Machia.) to fetch the" Bull-Herds " from GERYON in the isle of ERETHEA(= ADEN.)
General Heracles barely mannaged to save a few 100 of the 1.000 White (-Elephant-) BULLS from the Herd of KING-GERYON ". Which he had to drive via the White Nile Cities of: CACA where the Herd's Elephant leading Bull hid all 100 animals under a Waterfall-Grotto and for this cleverness was murdered by Heracles as-if it were a " Monster that was ravaging the surrounding villagers". After which Heracles, went up North to king Eurystheus in Mycene !
THUS after another 50 years in Egyptian Zoos, the White Elephant SPECIES calles Elephas Maximus Assyrus" had died out in captivity!
and with them the " Last of the TITANS.
are mentioned in CRITIAS line number 114-e ( As you yourselve have written earlier.) There tehy are but BRIEFLY mentioned in a HALF Sentence or Half-Paragraph, together with " OTHER AQUATIC- Animals that were used to eat from Sea-side lagoon with Risophoric plants.( Such as Hyppopothamaii. which Plato failed to specify.)
SOME say
that these Atlantic Elephants living on a small island 10.000 bc in the Atlantic Ocean, must have been a dwarfish sort of Mammouths like the fossile Dwarf Mammouths found on the rusian Island of Wrangel near Nova Zembla or as in: Mark-PONTA's and HERBERT's atlantic-isle of MALTA
But the Fossile Elephants- Skulls from under the " Atlantis-of-the- Sands at ADEN were the largest( breeding.) Elephants ever alive !
But the killing of the Elephant GOD of Atlantis
was not Enough for Salmanasser-3, he also wanted ALL Elephants in the World killed and ordered it TABOO( if you know what that means !)
SO even in ( Jewish)Christianity
the WHITE aquatic Poseidon-Elephant became demonised as BEHEMOTH or BAALzebub and SATAN in hell/Hades but still retaining the ( marineSea-Fish-TRIDENT of Poseidon ! )
We celebrate Christmas previously with a Bishop clothed in RED Garb holding a TRIDENT, sitting on a White HORSE that can Fly over Roofs.
This white Horse that has to have horizontal black strokes resembling Seawaves, represents the Tabooed White Seahorse of Poseidon, the White Elephant.
The LAST living White Elephant However may be the POPE dressed in White with a head-MITRE representing an Elephant's white trunk and tusks like the egyptian White Crown of Osiris.
Sincerely, " BlueHue dd 29 Febr.2008 )
Atlantis a FAKE name for
DATE-Indicative:Cecrops,900 bc
Cataclysms caused by MOON
Posts: 492 | From: DELFT, Technical Univ. Delft, Holland also: City of Master-painter Vermeer. | Registered: Oct 2004
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Crystal Thielkien
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Posts: 4531
Re: the TITANS & early Greek Mythology
Reply #370
November 14, 2008, 01:25:40 pm »
Member # 2140
Member Rated:
posted 04-13-2008 09:25 AM
became extinct around 855 in South-Arabia,
The name GIANT or GO(+ Gorgon.) is the Eleophant
as Avatar of the Moon.
The Cornac or rider of the Elephant was named
In 855 the Assyrian Emperor Salmanasser-3 was in
the process of besieging Ras ADEN,
when an upcoming Tsunami hindered him in this
worthwhile occupation.
These White Elephants had an aquired habit of
profusely PRE-warning the Inhabitants of the
ADEN- Gulf region for yearly and 50 yearly
recurrent smal & Large Tsunamies( caused by the
Conjunction of MARS & MOON.)
So, naturaly when King Salmanasser-3 was
severely twarted in his attempt to capture the
Volcano-Kingdom of ras Aden in 855 bc, he
thought that the White Elephant had conguerred-
up this Tsunami to tease Him.
When Salmanasser-3 in 853 at the battle of KAR- KAR,
did capture Ras Aden, he had all the White-
Elephants killed at the same time that
paleaontologists say that these White Elephants
in Arabia became extinct from" Natural causes" !
Salmanasser made hiself a new Godhead called
SHIVA Nataraja which replaced the Existing
Elephantrider/ God RUDRA.
Atlantis a FAKE name for
DATE-Indicative:Cecrops,900 bc
Cataclysms caused by MOON
Posts: 492 | From: DELFT, Technical Univ. Delft, Holland also: City of Master-painter Vermeer. | Registered: Oct 2004
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Crystal Thielkien
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Posts: 4531
Re: the TITANS & early Greek Mythology
Reply #371
November 14, 2008, 01:25:50 pm »
Member # 802
posted 04-13-2008 03:59 PM
Several myths seem to indicate that Atlanteans were blue eyed blonds; however, considering the supposed location of the isle, this seems a bit unlikely and possibly self serving.Until Atlantis can be located and examined, things such as race, etc. will remain unknown.
Posts: 11500 | From: Old Washington, Ohio , USA | Registered: Apr 2002
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Crystal Thielkien
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Posts: 4531
Re: the TITANS & early Greek Mythology
Reply #372
November 14, 2008, 01:26:08 pm »
Member # 2140
Member Rated:
posted 06-17-2008 03:12 PM
Originally posted by Rich:
The war of the Titans has been described anciently as the "Gods vs. the Giants".
The Titans have also anciently been described as the off-spring of some lady named Titaea.
Diodorus Siculus calls Prometheus, brother of Atlas, a Governor of Egypt.
There is another strange old Story somewhere of the Titans fleeing to Egypt.
That is some of my research on Atlas and the Titans, that is not part of my theory.
Strange Story
of " TITANS- fleeiing to Egypt"
That must have been KING DANAOS
(= Egyptian KING AHMOSE, who fled from his
very Jeallous-Second in Command: EGYPTOS
(= King KAMOSE !)
Some months ago,
You Yourselve, had posted that TITAN means
WHITE-Person, and that the TITANS formed MAN
from White Clay. ( like the Egyptian White-GOAT-
Head GOD: KNUM.)
The ( 'Greek '!)LADY, TITEIA from which these
TITANS were an off-spring, should be the
Egyptian Mother-Queen called:" TETI- Cheri."
From her name came the Geo-name " THETYS- SEA or
rather SEA of the Lady TETI- Cheri, who married
the OCEAN" they begat a son named PONTOS
(= PUNT, or " Ad-Land/ Atlantis:" *****-Land " !
( OKEANOS-Septembris, was TETI- Cheri's Husband
Pharaoh: SEPTEM- en - Re Thoth-1.)
the forrunner- last King of the 17-th( Theban or " Hyksos"-)
was indeed a Gouvernor of Egypt ( IN THIS CASE
SOMALIA.)\ But actually if you looked at my
TIMELINE- Chart, that I mailed to you in: 2006,
he was the same as the Egyptian King called:
his Brother EPIMETHEUS was also an Egyptian
King called AHMOSE !( of the famous AMOSE-
Family, Known in the Bible as MOSES- +
- Aahron.)
is a deceptive name because it only means:
" KING- of -AD "(= Ras- ADEN.)and thus it would
have stood at the beginning of a Kings-List of
Ad-land/ Atlantis !
" ATLAS " would mean:" These are the KINGS of
AD-land ": Poseidon/ Epimetheus Prometheus/ Menoetius.
is not a " Person " either but the simple TITLE,
of a " Second-King in Command."
and Oh-BOY, was Kamose ever so jeallous of the
Position of the 1-st " King in Command " ,
his brother Ahmose !Who reigned as SEA- King
Poseidon over Atlantis, whilst he as "Menoetius"
was his " landbased Sidekick "
Dear RICH,
I hope that this' intuitive' information has
put you on the right track after all.
Did you know that ATALANTE ( ? )solved the question
of the 10 digit exagerration of Plato's
measurements ? ?
It seems that
the Egyptian sign for" MULTIPLY" is the same
Sign as for the Cypher ' 10 ' namely a DOT
between 2 Bracketts !
Thus equally in LATIN
the CAPITAL " X " is 10 but the
small lettersign of " x " is a multiple-Sign !
So one can imagine
that the Translators may have gotten confused
when translating ONE Quare Meter
as 10 Square Meters !
1 meter x 1 Meter is 2 Meters ! BUT,
1 Meter, times 10, is 10 meters ! This is how
the Exaggeration(-s) must have come into beiing !
Nobody else saw this
and not even Doctor in Geography Mr. ULF- RICHTER,
who assumed that PLATO must have used the
Egyptian KHET( which is HALF a STADE.) But
still 50% too large !
Titans were Kings that lived Ca. 1.000 bc and
GIANTS were white Elephants that lived 855 bc
before they were murdered by King SALMANAsser-3
Thanks for your " REVIEW" of these Facts !
Sincerely, " BlueHue "
dd 17- June--2008
[ 06-17-2008, 03:16 PM: Message edited by: BlueHue ]
Atlantis a FAKE name for
DATE-Indicative:Cecrops,900 bc
Cataclysms caused by MOON
Posts: 492 | From: DELFT, Technical Univ. Delft, Holland also: City of Master-painter Vermeer. | Registered: Oct 2004 | IP: Logged |
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Crystal Thielkien
Superhero Member
Posts: 4531
Re: the TITANS & early Greek Mythology
Reply #373
November 14, 2008, 01:26:25 pm »
Member # 2140
Member Rated:
posted 06-17-2008 03:44 PM
Originally posted by Brig:
Several myths seem to indicate that Atlanteans were blue eyed blonds; however, considering the supposed location of the isle, this seems a bit unlikely and possibly self serving.Until Atlantis can be located and examined, things such as race, etc. will remain unknown.
RACE of Atlantis:
HYKSOS" or ' Proto- Greek / Punician/ Israelian
(= Invaders of Canaan.)
These "Israelians "or Hebrews,
were Egyptians from Sudan Army officers, set over
the MESHWESH or MADJAI, ( today MASSAii.)
BlACK Hair,
that is fringed in Curls is usuall named" Blond-
Hair" in Haircutters'Jargon,
Blue Hair is actually straight Black Hair as in " Bobbed-Hair "
So that general-information about Atlanteans with
" Blond" hair is actually correct ! As is the
" Blue-Eyes "! which is egyptian Lapis-Lazuli
>> Mascara !
So you see,
for every " WHY " there is a Wherefor !
Sincerely, " BlueHue " dd 17-June--2008
Post Scriptum:
As you could have read in this Threadpost,
the question of the Digital/ Decimal- error
in PLATO's overall measurements
has been solved last week by ATALANTA,
who discoverred that in Egypt the MULTIPLE Sign ( x ) is the SAME as the Cypher-" 10 " Sign( X )
Which constitutes of a DOT between Bracketts.
Confusion of the TWO Similar Signs has ocurred in
adding up SQUARE Meters:
1 Meter times ( x ) One Meter equals Two Metres !
But: One Meter, Times 10, is Ten Meters do you Copy ? !
Not even Dr. of Geography ULF RICHTER spotted that,
His notion was that Plato must have used egyptian
KHETs*( Which are HALF a STADE.) but THAT is still:
50 % too Large !
Thus the ( River-)Plain of 2.000 by 3.000 STADES
was actually ' only ' 200 by 300 Stades !
Thus the Time of 9.000 bc
was actually 900 bc
of the latter the MELOS conference has made a
note that the Year of Atlantis demise in: 10.600
or to make it easier 9.000 bc is reckognized-as out.
I have tried to convey this
important message( ? ) to all Atlantologists that
still adhere to the 9.000 Year but how to reach
them, One is a crook if one lets these -poor-
fellow atlantologists grouping in the dark !
" BlueHue "
[ 06-17-2008, 03:46 PM: Message edited by: BlueHue ]
Atlantis a FAKE name for
DATE-Indicative:Cecrops,900 bc
Cataclysms caused by MOON
Posts: 492 | From: DELFT, Technical Univ. Delft, Holland also: City of Master-painter Vermeer. | Registered: Oct 2004
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Crystal Thielkien
Superhero Member
Posts: 4531
Re: the TITANS & early Greek Mythology
Reply #374
November 14, 2008, 01:33:12 pm »
Museum Collection: Metropolitan Museum, New York City, USA
Catalogue No.: New York 06.1021.144
Beazley Archive No.: 214648
Ware: Attic Red Figure
Shape: Pelike
Painter: Attributed to the Nausicaa Painter
Date: ca 475 - 425 BC
Period: Classical
The goddess Rhea, standing on a rock, hands the omphalos stone wrapped in swaddling cloth over to Kronos, as a substitute for her infant Zeus. The Titan raises his hand to receive the mock child which he will devour. He holds a royal sceptre in his other hand.
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