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Death of Marilyn Monroe

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Author Topic: Death of Marilyn Monroe  (Read 463 times)
Superhero Member
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« on: August 05, 2007, 07:42:17 am »

Today marks an anniversary. Marilyn Monroe was found ****, dead in the bedroom of her Brentwood, California home clutching her telephone by her live-in housekeeper Mrs. Eunice Murray on August 5, 1962. She was 36 years old.

Her death was ruled as an overdose of sleeping pills by Los Angeles County Coroner. However many believe it was murder.
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« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2007, 07:45:29 am »

Autopsy Report

External examination: The unembalmed body is that of a 36-year-old well-developed, well-nourished Caucasian female weighing 117 pounds and measuring 65-1/2 inches in length. The scalp is covered with bleached blond hair. The eyes are blue. The fixed lividitv is noted in the face, neck, chest, upper portions of arms and the right side of the abdomen. The faint lividity which disappears upon pressure is noted in the back and posterior aspect of the arms and legs. A slight ecchymotic area is noted in the left hip and left side of lower back. The breast shows no significant lesion. There is a horizontal 3-inch long surgical scar in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen. A suprapubic surgical scar measuring 5 inches in length is noted. The conjunctivae are markedly congested; however, no ecehymosis or petechiae are noted. The nose shows no evidence of fracture. The external auditory canals are not remarkable:. No evidence of trauma is noted in the scalp, forehead, cheeks, lips or chin. The neck shows no evidence of trauma. Examination of the hands and nails shows no defects. The lower extremities show no evidence of trauma.

Body cavity: The usual Y-shaped incision is made to open the thoracic and abdominal cavities. The pleural and abdominal cavities contain no excess of fluid or blood. The mediastinum shows no shifting or widening. The diaphragm is within normal limits. The lower edge of the liver is within the costal margin. The organs are in normal position and relationship.

Cardiovascular system: The heart weighs 300 grams. The pericardial cavity contains no excess of fluid. The epicardium and pericardium are smooth and glistening. The left ventricular wall measures 1.1 cm. and the right 0.2 cm. The papillary muscles are not hypertrophic. The chordae tendineac are not thickened or shortened. The valves have the usual number of leaflets which are thin and pliable. The tricuspid valve measures 10 cm., the pulmonary valve 6.5 cm., mitral valve 9.5 cm. and aortic valve 7 cm in circumference. There is no septal defect. The foramen ovale is closed. The coronary arteries arise from their usual location and are distributed in normal fashion. Multiple sections of the anterior descending branch of the left coronary artery with a 5 mm. interial demonstrate a patent lumen throughout. The circumflex branch and the right coronary artery also demonstrate a patent lumen. The pulmonary artery contains no thrombus. The aorta has a bright yellow smooth intima.

Respiratory system: The right lung weighs 465 grams and the left 420 grams. Both lungs are moderately congested with some edema. The surface is dark and red with mottling. The posterior portion of the lungs show severe congestion. The tracheobronchial tree contains no aspirated material or blood. Multiple sections of the lungs show congestion and edematous fluid exuding from the cut surface. No consolidation or suppuration is noted. The mucosa of the larynx is grayish white.

Liver and biliary system: The liver weighs 1890 grams. The surface is dark brown and smooth. There are marked adhesions through the omentum and abdominal wall in the lower portion of the liver as the gallbladder has been removed. The common duct is widely patent. No calculus or obstructive material is found. Multiple sections of the liver show slight accentuation of the lobular pattern; however, no hemorrhage or tumor is found.

Hemic and lymphatic system: The spleen weighs 190 grams. The surface is dark red and smooth. Section shows dark red homogeneous firm cut surface. The Malpighian bodies are not clearly identified. There is no evidence of lymphadenopathy. The bone marrow is dark red in color. Endocrine system: The adrenal glands have the usual architectural cortex and medulla. The thyroid glands are of normal size, color and consistency. Urinary system: The kidneys together weigh 350 grams. Their capsules can be stripped without difficulty. Dissection shows a moderately congested parenchyma. The cortical surface is smooth. The pelves and ureters are not dilated or stenosed. The urinary bladder contains approximately 150 cc. of clear straw-colored fluid. The mucosa is not altered.

Genital system: The external genitalia shows no gross abnormality. Distribution of the pubic hair is of female pattern. The uterus is of the usual size. Multiple sections of the uterus show the usual thickness of the uterine wall without tumor nodules. The endometrium is grayish yellow, measuring up to 0.2 cm in thickness. No polyp or tumor is found. The cervix is clear, showing no nabothian cysts. The tubes are intact. The right ovary demonstrates recent corpus luteum haemorrhagicum. The left ovary shows corpora lutea and albicantia. A vaginal smear is taken. Digestive system: The esophagus has a longitudinal folding mucosa. The stomach is almost completely empty. The contents is brownish mucoid fluid. The volume is estimated to be no more than 20 cc. No residue of the pills is noted. A smear made from the gastric contents and examined under the polarized microscope shows no refractile crystals. The mucosa shows marked congestion and submucosal petechial hemorrhage diffusely. The duodenum shows no ulcer. The contents of the duodenum is also examined under polarized microscope and shows no refractile crystals. The remainder of the small intestine shows no gross abnormality. The appendix is absent. The colon shows marked congestion and purplish discoloration. The pancreas has a tan lobular architecture. Multiple sections shows a patent duct.

Skeletomuscular system: The clavicle, ribs, vertebrae and pelvic bones show fracture lines. All bones of the extremities are examined by palpation showing no evidence of fracture.

Head and central nervous system: The brain weighs 1440 grams. Upon reflection of the scalp there is no evidence of contusion or hemorrhage. The temporal muscles are intact. Upon removal of the dura mater the cerebrospinal fluid is clear. The superficial vessels are slightly congested. The convolutions of the brain are not flattened. the contour of the brain is not distorted. No blood is found in the epidural, subdural or subarachnoid spaces. Multiple sections of the brain show the usual symmetrical ventricles and basal ganglia. Examination of and brain stem shows no gross abnormality. Following removal of the dura mater from the base of the skull and calvarium no skull fracture is demonstrated.

Liver temperature taken at 10:30 A.M. registered 89 F

Specimen: Unembalmed blood is taken for alcohol and barbiturate examination. Liver, kidney, stomach and contents, urine and intestine are saved for further toxicological study. A vaginal smear is made.

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« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2007, 07:47:46 am »

Marilyn Monroe was buried in what was known at that time as the "Cadillac of caskets" -- a hermetically sealing silver-finished 48 oz (heavy gauge) solid bronze "Masterpiece" casket lined with champagne-colored satin-silk; the casket had been manufactured by the famous (but now defunct) Belmont casket company in Columbus, Ohio. Before the service, the outer lid and the upper half of the divided inner lid of her casket were opened so that the mourners could get a last glimpse of the deceased actress. Whitey Snyder had prepared her face for her last appearance, a promise he had made her if she were to go before him. Dressed in her favorite green Emilio Pucci dress, she held a small bouquet of pink teacup roses.

The service was held at the Westwood Memorial Park Chapel in Hollywood, and only 30 people were in attendance. Marilyn's acting coach, Lee Strasberg, delivered her eulogy, and Judy Garland's "Over the Rainbow" (from the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz) played at the end of the service.

The crypt at the Westwood Village Memorial Park CemeteryMarilyn is interred at Corridor of Memories, #24, at Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery in Westwood, California, in a pink marble crypt. This is the cemetery where her foster mother Grace Goddard's aunt was buried and where Monroe in turn had arranged for Goddard to be buried.
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« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2007, 07:50:32 am »

The crypt at the Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery
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« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2007, 07:55:11 am »

Recent investigations of Monroe

LA County DA re-investigation

A formal re-investigation in 1982 by the Los Angeles County District Attorney uncovered no evidence of foul play, but concluded that the original investigation into her death had not been conducted properly. The officers that arrived at her home had failed to secure the scene, people freely came and went, possibly contaminating or destroying evidence. The re-investigation also revealed that all lab work, tissue samples, and test results from the autopsy disappeared from the county coroner's office immediately after the official ruling had been made public.[citation needed] The report also suggested that Monroe's body may have been moved after death, as lividity had appeared in different parts of her body at different times.

Dr. Noguchi's assertions and memoir

Coroner Dr. Thomas Noguchi, who conducted the autopsy, claims that misplacement of samples has never happened in another case before or since.[citation needed] In his memoir Coroner, he also states that it was "highly likely" that Monroe's death was suicide. He concedes, however, that no trace of the barbiturates Monroe reportedly took were found in her mouth, stomach, or intestines. This has led some theorists to suggest that Monroe had been rendered unconscious by a person or persons unknown (for instance via chloral hydrate) and that a drug overdose had been administered by intravenous injection or by rectal suppository[citation needed].

Rachael Bell of Court TV

According to a mini-biography of the events leading up to Monroe's untimely death written by Rachael Bell for Court TV's Crime Library, a sedative enema might have been administered on the advice of Monroe's psychiatrist, Dr. Ralph Greenson, as a sleep aid and as part of Greenson's larger project to wean his patient off barbiturates.

Drawing on Donald Spoto's 2001 biography, Bell elaborates on the theory that Greenson was perhaps unaware of the fact that his patient's internist, Dr. Hyman Engelberg, had refilled Monroe's prescription for the barbiturate Nembutal a day earlier, and that the actress may very well have ingested enough Nebutal throughout the day such that it would lethally react with the chloral hydrate later given to her. Bell writes:

Spoto makes a very persuasive case for accidental death. Dr. Greenson had been working with Dr. Hyman Engelberg to wean Marilyn off Nembutal, substituting instead chloral hydrate to help her sleep. Milton Rudin claimed that Greenson said something very important the night of Marilyn's death: "Gosh darn it! He gave her a prescription I didn't know about!"

Bell goes on to suggest that the suspicious circumstances surrounding Monroe's death are very possibly the result of an elaborate cover-up for what was, essentially, a tragic medical mistake.

John W. Miner's 'tapes' assertion

On August 5, 2005, the Los Angeles Times published an account of Monroe's death by former Los Angeles County prosecutor John W. Miner, who was present at the autopsy. Miner claims that she was not suicidal, and offered as proof his notes on audio tapes she had supposedly recorded for Greenson and that Greenson had played for him. Greenson's widow told the Times that her husband never mentioned any such tapes, which, if they ever existed, have been lost or destroyed, so there is no way to verify Miner's story.

The CBS 48 Hours investigations

In April, 2006, CBS's 48 Hours uncovered newly released FBI files that referred to a dinner party at actor Peter Lawford's beach home. Among those in attendance were Marilyn Monroe and President John F. Kennedy. Monroe had been married to playwright Arthur Miller, who had many Communist friends in and out of the Hollywood and political circle. Monroe also had known associations with suspected mafiosi through her relationships with Joe DiMaggio and Frank Sinatra.

In the summer of 1962, Monroe had visited Mexico on a shopping trip, which had led the FBI to further investigate her for communist associations. Other FBI files mentioned her relationship, or non-relationship with the Kennedy brothers (John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy). Further in the broadcast, newly discovered audio tapes led some to speculate that perhaps Monroe's death was not suicide, but perhaps an accidental overdose. The broadcast hypothesized that Marilyn was over-ingesting barbiturates while talking on the phone with Lawford.
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« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2007, 07:59:19 am »

Kennedy connection

Most try to make a case for murder due to her connection with the Kennedy family and the sometimes strange and unprofessional relationships between Monroe and her psychiatrist, Dr. Ralph Greenson; the housekeeper he hired for Monroe, Mrs. Eunice Murray; and her personal publicist, Pat Newcomb, who was hired by the Kennedys immediately following Monroe's death.

Up to four hours passed between the discovery of her body and the phone call to the Los Angeles Police Department. Jack Clemmons, the first officer on the scene, claimed that when he entered the home, Mrs. Murray was doing laundry, Monroe's room was very tidy, as though it had been cleaned prior to his arrival, and her body looked posed. In Clemmons's words, "She was face down, her arms at her side, like a soldier at attention, a phone under her torso."

Clemmons said that Dr. Greenson kept pointing to rows of pill bottles lined up neatly on her nightstand, and saying as if rehearsed, "She must have taken all of these." Clemmons said that no typical signs of drug overdose were present, namely foaming of the mouth or twisting of the body due to convulsions. The police report mentioned a broken bedroom window and glass on the floor, to which Murray claimed was the only access to the locked room. Lividity (settling of blood) in various parts of the body suggested that the body had been moved as well. Those who spoke with her in the days prior to her death would describe an upbeat, optimistic Monroe.
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« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2007, 10:42:47 am »

If I remember correctly, it was a Sunday morning - like today - that the world found out that

she was gone.......S O   S A D.
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Your mind understands what you have been taught; your heart what is true.
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« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2007, 11:45:37 am »

It was my birthday, August 5th, 1962..... I have felt a deep bond to her ever
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Thus ye may find in thy mental and spiritual self, ye can make thyself just as happy or just as miserable as ye like. How miserable do ye want to be?......For you GROW to heaven, you don't GO to heaven. It is within thine own conscience that ye grow there.

Edgar Cayce
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« Reply #8 on: August 05, 2007, 12:56:19 pm »

« Last Edit: August 05, 2007, 01:01:10 pm by Bianca2001 » Report Spam   Logged

Your mind understands what you have been taught; your heart what is true.
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« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2007, 06:15:52 am »

Bianca, Rocksessence, I am glad that you feel such a connection with Marilyn.  To me, she was the most beautiful woman in the world, when she was alive.

Any thoughts on how she really died?

Personally, I don't think it was a suicide.  I am not sure about the Kennedy connection, but I think that it was an accident.
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Using rocks and minerals to heal the earth and us.

« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2007, 11:34:00 am »

As thrilling photos of Marilyn are, they simply cannot capture the effect she projects on film, even in the smallest sense.  The way her mouth moves is just unreal, and she sort of hums in her body.  When she is responding to other actors, there is a sort of locomotion that is subtle, even when she is being still.  I always loved the "real woman" she projected, and her round belly.   And she chuckles....!

Oh I am hearing bagpipes coming on the breeze from down the hill.....nice....
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Thus ye may find in thy mental and spiritual self, ye can make thyself just as happy or just as miserable as ye like. How miserable do ye want to be?......For you GROW to heaven, you don't GO to heaven. It is within thine own conscience that ye grow there.

Edgar Cayce
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