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Author Topic: AKHENATEN/TUTANKHAMUN  (Read 91198 times)
Superhero Member
Posts: 3423

« Reply #1140 on: December 20, 2009, 12:14:35 pm »

Brainy theory

Todd Grey is Chief Medical Examiner for Salt Lake City. He's seen similar injuries in his career. As a falling person hits the ground, the brain is thrust forward and hits the front of the skull. Victims usually develop black eyes and fracture bones above their eyes.

Todd's theory is that the forward impact of the brain after a fall could have fractured, but not displaced, tiny bones just above Tutankhamun's eyes. These bones were dislodged long after the mummifiers had finished their work - and now are in the brain cavity.

Autopsy blunder

But others are more sceptical. They say the bones were simply broken in the 20th century by over-enthusiastic investigators trying to get into the brain cavity just as the mummifiers did - by going in through the nose.
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