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Search for Hidden Chambers on the Giza Plateau

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Author Topic: Search for Hidden Chambers on the Giza Plateau  (Read 5542 times)
Josie Linde
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Posts: 4493

« Reply #15 on: January 26, 2008, 09:37:07 pm »

Hawass NOVA Interview Excerpt

© Photo copyright Larry Orcutt

On 10 February 1997, NOVA conducted an on-line Internet question-and-answer session with the Director of the Giza Plateau, Zahi Hawass. At the time, Sphinx restoration was ongoing. Guy Stokes, of Fruitvale, B.C., asked:

Could the Sphinx have chambers inside it? How do you know that it doesn't have chambers? Have you tried x-raying it? And finally, does it have chambers underground? I hope you will be able to answer my questions.

Response by Zahi Hawass:

The work-in-progress at the Sphinx is concerned with the conservation and restoration of the Sphinx. At present, we are working on the north side. We have not found any chambers inside or outside the Sphinx, except for a passage in the northwest corner of the rump.

In 1980 I opened, in collaboration with Mark Lehner, a passage that opens at floor level on the northwest hind part of the Sphinx. This was reported to us by Mohammed Abd al-Mawgud Fayed, who had worked as a boy with the 1926 clearing of the Sphinx by Emile Baraize, engineer for the Antiquities Service. Mohammed went on to work for 40 years as an Overseer of workmen and guards for the Antiquities Service. Baraize found patches here and there where the ancient layers of repair masonry had fallen away from the lower part of the body, exposing the natural rock from which the statue was carved. One such patch was at the northwest corner, along the great curve of the base of the Sphinx rump. He remembered that the passage descended to the water table.

I had one brick-sized stone removed in order to check the story. Nearly half a century after he saw it, Mohammed picked just the right stone, for there was the passage. We documented it in maps, architectural profiles, and elevations, and these records have been published. One part of the passage winds down under the Sphinx before it comes to a dead end about 4.5 meters below floor level. The other part would be a open trench in the upward curve of the rump except that it is covered by the layers of ancient restoration stones. In 1980-81, we found that the lower part did indeed come to the water table, and just above this point the debris contained modern items -- glass, cement, tin foil -- evidence that Baraize had cleared and refilled the bottom of the passage before he sealed the opening by his restoration of the outer layer of masonry "skin." The passage is crudely cut, its sides are not straight, but there are cup-shaped foot-holds along the sides. It looks like an exploratory shaft.

For our Sphinx studies, the Centre Wladimir Golenischeff in Paris kindly lent us a series of some 226 photographs that were taken of Baraize's Sphinx excavation which went largely unpublished. A series of three photographs on the Sphinx's middle north flank show what could be a recess or grotto inside another place where Baraize found the overlying masonry fallen away. In these photographs, a workman seems to stand inside this recess -- or overhang to the bedrock -- just inside the masonry gap, with the floor level of the Sphinx coming about to his waist. Another workman stands outside on what appears to be floor level. Here, again, Baraize replaced the fallen limestone covering slabs using his tell-tale gray cement. This recess may be nothing more than the over-hanging natural rock which erodes into great recesses and projecting layers. Mohammed Abd al-Mawgud does not remember seeing another passage here. If we reopen the overlying masonry layers of this area, it will be in the course of the on-going restoration work and not to look for secret tunnels.

Florida State University, on behalf of the Schor Expedition, carried out a remote sensing survey around the Sphinx and elsewhere on the plateau for three weeks in April 1996. They claimed to have found "rooms and tunnels" in front of the Sphinx and running from the rear of the Sphinx. Several other projects have made similar claims:

SRI International did an electrical resistivity and acoustical survey in 1977-78.

In 1987 a Japanese team from Waseda University (Tokyo), under the direction of Sakuji Yoshimura carried out an electromagnetic sounding survey of the Khufu Pyramid and Sphinx. They reported evidence of a tunnel oriented north-south under the Sphinx, a water pocket 2.5 to 3m below surface near the south hind paw, and another cavity near the north hind paw.

In 1991 a team consisting of geologist Robert Schoch (Boston University), Thomas Dobecki, and John Anthony West carried out a survey of the Sphinx using seismic refraction, refraction tomography, and seismic reflection. The investigators interpreted their data to indicate shallower subsurface weathering patterns toward the back and deeper weathering toward the front, which they take to indicate that the back of the Sphinx and its ditch were carved by Khafre later than the front. They interpret their data to likewise indicate subsurface cavities in front of the front left paw, and from the left paw back along the south flank.

In 1992 Imam Marzouk and Ali Gharib from the Egyptian National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics carried out a study of the ground below the Sphinx using shallow seismic refraction. Their evidence indicated the subsurface rock is composed of four layers and no faulting. They report no evidence of cavities.

The techniques such projects use do not directly reveal chambers and passages. They only show "anomalies," that must be interpreted as chambers and passages. Faults and other natural features can also produce anomalies. We cannot give permission to dig into the natural rock of the Sphinx, or to drill into the Sphinx on the basis of anomalies, especially now that our highest priority is to conserve the Sphinx. Remote sensing programs should anyway be carried out elsewhere to test the techniques, and to demonstrate that it works before it is used to make sensational claims of secret rooms in the Sphinx.

Meanwhile, we struggle in our department to save the Sphinx and many other sites and monuments for future generations. We work hard to organize the site for tourism, so all can enjoy our monuments, and we try to balance tourism with conservation. If we found evidence of a civilization older than that of the dynastic Egyptians, we would not, and could not, keep it from the public. Nor do we try to stop reasonable research. The list of remote sensing surveys at the Sphinx proves that we have not prevented this kind of research -- and the list is even longer for those who have probed the pyramids. But now other priorities are far more urgent, and we cannot allow digging and drilling into the Sphinx on the off-chance that somehow we have missed the only evidence of a lost civilization!
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Josie Linde
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« Reply #16 on: January 27, 2008, 05:20:02 pm »

Known Sphinx Passages

There are several holes and passages in the Great Sphinx at Giza. Some are of known origin but others are not.

There is a hole on the back of the Sphinx, about 4 feet behind the head. It was made by Howard Vyse in the 1840s and has been dubbed Perring's Hole after his engineer. Seeking chambers, Vyse bored a hole 27 feet deep but the drill rod became stuck. He tried using gunpowder to remove the rod, but gave up so as not to do further damage to the Sphinx. The cavity Vyse created was cleared in 1978 by Zahi Hawass, and inside it he found a part of the Sphinx's headdress.

Later, in the 1850s, August Mariette cleared out a shaft on the Sphinx's back, which he realized was nothing more than a widening in a natural fissure. (He also found the peculiar masonry "boxes" against the body of the monument).

In 1923, Department of Antiquities director Lacau and engineer Emile Baraize began an 11 year excavation of the Sphinx area. In December 1925 a photograph was made by the team showing the area of the large masonry box on the south side of the Sphinx. Loose stones can be seen, stones cut for repairs, but in the side of the Sphinx body a large gaping entrance, or perhaps grotto is visible. It was covered up in the restoration. Further conservation included lining the largest fissure on the Sphinx's back (some 6 feet wide) with limestone blocks and covering the resulting shaft with an iron trap door.

Baraize also paved with cement a deep hole on the top of the Sphinx's head. The hole measures approximately 5 feet square and nearly 6 feet deep. An iron trap door was fitted to the mouth of the hole. It has been theorized that the hole, began as a means for affixing a headdress to the sphinx in the manner of the New Kingdom (see photo below), was later deepened in search of hidden chambers.
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Josie Linde
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« Reply #17 on: January 27, 2008, 05:21:02 pm »

Tutankhamun's calcite sphinx, Luxor Museum.

© Photo copyright Larry Orcutt

In 1980, Zahi Hawass uncovered a passage beneath the casing stones leading under the Sphinx (see photo below). He was informed of the passage by two elderly workers who had worked with Baraize (the tunnel had not been documented and had nearly been forgotten). The passage is on the north side near the tail and has two parts at right angles to each other. One descends for 13 feet, terminating in a dead end. The upper part runs for about the same length and ends at a small niche (about 3 feet wide and 6 feet high). Items found among the limestone chips and sand included bits of charcoal, small ceramic particles and other pottery shards, an alabaster chip, a granite chip, part of a modern water jug, a piece of tin foil, another fragment of red granite, and two old but modern leather shoes. It is possible that the passage was made by Vyse, who had mentioned in his journal that he had bored "near the shoulder, and near the tail," without providing further details.

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Josie Linde
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Posts: 4493

« Reply #18 on: January 27, 2008, 05:21:50 pm »

Passage at rear of Sphinx
(bottom left of center).

© Photo copyright Larry Orcutt

There is an iron trap door fitted to the ground within the Sphinx's paws, between the Thutmose IV Stela and the chest of the Sphinx. This is not a passage but rather a somewhat rectangular pit that was covered with a cement roof and iron beam then sealed with a trap door by Baraize as a part of his restoration efforts in the 1920s.

There is another shaft in the Sphinx enclosure but not connected with the Sphinx itself. The so-called Keystone Shaft is in the floor of the enclosure under the north ledge of the wall, just opposite the north hind paw. The passage measures about 4.5 feet by 3.5 feet and is just over 6 feet deep. A large piece of basalt, with one side finished smooth, was found inside the shaft. It is likely that the passage was meant to be a tomb but was never completed.

Catchpenny Mysteries © copyright 2000 by Larry Orcutt.
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Josie Linde
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Posts: 4493

« Reply #19 on: January 27, 2008, 05:24:16 pm »

Waseda Report Highlights

The following excerpts are from Studies in Egyptian Culture No. 6: Non-Destructive Pyramid Investigation (1) By Electromagnetic Wave Method by Sakuji Yoshimura, Takeshi Nakagawa, Shioji Tonouchi, and Kazuaki Seki (Tokyo: Waseda University, 1987; grammatical errors remain uncorrected):

1. Area south of the Sphinx

Seven measuring lines were installed east and west and four measuring lines north and south to scan the Sphinx over 70 meters from the east to the west and over 10 meters from the north to the south. The bedrock of the Sphinx contains more moistures than that of the pyramid. This would be because the Sphinx locates closer to an underground stream. A response was obtained which would indicate that there is a plash 2.5 to 3 meters below the ground surface near the south-eastern forefoot. On its body, a groove with a width of 2 meters, a depth of 3 meters, and a length of 2 meters was found which seems to extend underneath the body. At the center of the southern rock, vertical cracks were observed; however, the cracks never seem to affect the bedrock.

2. Area north of the Sphinx

Four measuring lines were installed east and west and five measuring lines north and south to scan the Sphinx over 60 meters from the east to the west and over 7 meters from the north to the south. The northern bedrock seems to contain more moistures than the southern bedrock. The vertical cracks, run east and west across the Sphinx, would be produced naturally. On the body, there is a groove similar to that on the southern part, which seems to extend underneath the body. Under the Sphinx, therefore, there may be a tunnel. Further, near the front elbow, a geometrical cavity (1m x 1.5m x 7m) has been detected, possibly containing metal or granite.

3. Area east of the Sphinx (Near forefeet of the Sphinx)

The front of the Sphinx consists of pieces of limestone that have been arranged artificially and paved. With the passing of time, the arranged and paved pieces of limestone have been projected and recessed. At first, the team had been concerned about survey, as the turbulent reflection on the surface might disturb the sensor. Measuring lines (comprising reticulate 10 lines each) were set by meter east and west, and north and south. Inner part of both the forefeet, a geometrical cavity (1.5m x 3m) has been detected. The bottom has not been detected clearly, because the bottom may be uneven or there may be some articles. The cavity seems top extend from the east to the west, i.e., toward the chest; however, an offering table made of granite prevented survey.

At the western part beyond the offering table, two measuring lines were installed for survey east and west. The surface, which is not made of limestone and has a great number of cracks, was not measured correctly due to violent turbulent reflection on it. Rough survey has indicated the high possibility of the presence of a cavity 1 to 2 meters below the ground surface. The cavity may be connected to the above cavity located in front of the Sphinx, and may extend into the Sphinx. However, if these cavities are separated, it is very possible the former cavity located in front of the Sphinx is Sertab where the statue was installed. [pp. 7-8]

The Sertab mentioned above is more commonly called a serdab, a room in Old Kingdom tombs in which statues representing the ka of the deceased were placed. Eyeholes or slits were often provided so that the ka might gain access to its offerings. There is little reason, however, to think that the Sphinx served as a tomb.
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« Reply #20 on: April 21, 2008, 05:48:22 pm »

Edgar Cayce origionally stated that the Hall of Records would be found under the Right forpaw of the sphinx.

But it was Edgar Cayce, the "sleeping prophet," who popularized the idea of a secret chamber associated with the Sphinx. According to Cayce, there is a "Hall of Records" with an entrance to be found between the paws of the Sphinx. In answer to the request, "Give in detail what the sealed room contains," Cayce answered:

A record of Atlantis from the beginning of those periods when the Spirit took form, or began the encasements in that land; and the developments of the peoples throughout their sojourn; together with the record of the first destruction, and the changes that took place in the land; with the record of the sojournings of the peoples and their varied activities in other lands, and a record of the meetings of all the nations or lands, for the activities in the destruction of Atlantis; and the building of the pyramid of initiation, together with whom, what, and where the opening of the records would come, that are as copies from the sunken Atlantis. For with the change, it [Atlantis] must rise again. In position, this lies -- as the sun rises from the waters -- as the line of the shadows (or light) falls between the paws of the Sphinx; that was set later as the sentinel or guard and which may not be entered from the connecting chambers from the Sphinx's right paw until the time has been fulfilled when the changes must be active in this sphere of man's experience. Then [it lies] between the Sphinx and the river.

John Anthony West's team of seismologists, headed by Boston University's Professor Robert Schoch, discovered a square cavity directly beneath one of the paws. According to the experts, it did not appear to be a natural formation. Could this be the Hall of Records of Atlantis?
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Josie Linde
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Posts: 4493

« Reply #21 on: May 03, 2008, 09:48:01 pm »

John Anthony West's team of seismologists, headed by Boston University's Professor Robert Schoch, discovered a square cavity directly beneath one of the paws. According to the experts, it did not appear to be a natural formation. Could this be the Hall of Records of Atlantis?

Good luck in any of us ever finding anything out about that!  They found the cavity about ten years ago and we are still waiting for any real work to be done in that area.

Check this out:

That is the Dream Stela before the Sphinx.  If you look at the depiction, it shows two sphinxes atop two houses.  The meaning?  At one time, there may well have been another sphinx.  But also, the houses the sphinxes are sitting on are, most likely secret chambers!  The ancients knew they were there, today's Egyptologists don't want to own up to the idea! 
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Josie Linde
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Posts: 4493

« Reply #22 on: May 03, 2008, 09:50:02 pm »

Another shot:

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« Reply #23 on: May 04, 2008, 01:53:33 pm »

Have you ever seen just one Sphinx in later Egypt that didn't have another? Not only did the ancient Egyptians mention a second Sphinx, but so did the Greeks, Romans, and Muslims. It was destroyed between 1000-1200 ad.

At the entrance to buildings and temples there are two Sphinxes, side by side, but on the avenue or approach to the temple they are facing each other. Sometimes they may have as much as 100 or so facing each other in the avenue. The Nile is Egypt's avenue between North and South. All of the writings about the two Sphinxes say that they were facing each other. The second one, by the way, was partly destroyed during a high Nile flood, and then completely destroyed by ensuing Moslems carting it off to rebuild their villages.
It was, as I recall, made out of mudbrick and faced with stone. It makes sense that the stone would disappear around 1200 ad, Cairo had a large earthquake and the people used facing stones from the Great Pyramid to rebuild part of the town and would also use the ones at the 2nd Sphinx. That would leave the mudbrick to deteriorate to the weather, and the Nile gradually moved east away from the pyramids and may have engulfed and erased the 2nd Sphinx.

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« Reply #24 on: May 04, 2008, 02:01:56 pm »

Another reveiw of the story:

We are only now just catching up in technology to be able to find these hidden treasures left by past advanced civilizations. The latest version of the sphinx, that built of stone, can be dated via astrological terms. The lion and the woman-Leo/Virgo. This is a symbolisation of the transition point between the Ages of Virgo and Leo.This transition occurred in 10.600bc. Mythologies of the Egyptians saw the lion as the guardian of sacred places.Sphinx's always stood beside gateways as keepers of treasure or watchman of the gates of the underworld. The sphinx has been seen in ancient records to be associated with hidden scrolls of knowledge, the papyrus of Hunefer tells of the decree of the chamber of archives. From these archives now and then the ancient rulers of the land would bring forth documents to be read at the sphinx and then to be returned to secret vault near the Sphinx itself.
There are many references stating that the tunnels from all the pyramids and the sphinx link together in a huge system of vaults and passageways. These are referred to as the "hall of records". Not only do these secret chamber contain documents of our true history but also sophisticated science and technology devices.
A well in the plateau built during the last world war uncovered a network of hallways. At the end of certain drops, chambers and corridors is a sarcophagus lid. Under this lid is another cavity leading back towards the Sphinx. The kings chamber is nowadays reported to be resonating to F-sharp but according to Seth this is not the original intended key.
(Openers of the Records) One of the two. Two, with a guide. Hept-Supht, El-Ka, and Atlan. These will appear.

- (Between the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid was a holy city.)
For the entity's tomb then was a part of the Hall of Records, which has not yet been uncovered. It lies between - or along that entrance from the Sphinx to the temple - or the pyramid; in a pyramid, of course, of its own.
The layout of the Pyramids at Giza has been demonstrated to perfectly represent the constellation of Orion approximately 10,500 B.C.

Give in detail what the sealed room contains.
A.2: A record of Atlantis from the beginning of those periods when the Spirit took form, or began the encasements in that land; and the developments of the peoples throughout their sojourn; together with the record of the first destruction, and the changes that took place in the land; with the record of the sojournings of the peoples and their varied activities in other lands, and a record of the meetings of all the nations or lands, for the activities in the destruction of Atlantis; and the building of the pyramid of initiation, together with whom, what, and where the opening of the records would come, that are as copies from the sunken Atlantis. For with the change, it (Atlantis) must rise again. In position, this lies -- as the sun rises from the waters -- as the line of the shadows (or light) falls between the paws of the Sphinx; that was set later as the sentinel or guard and which may not be entered from the connecting chambers from the Sphinx's right paw until the time has been fulfilled when the changes must be active in this sphere of man's experience. Then (it lies) between the Sphinx and the river. (378-16; Oct. 29, 1933)
....the entity joined with those who were active in putting the records in forms that were partially of the old characters of the ancient or early Egyptian, and part in the newer form of the Atlanteans. These may be found, especially when the house or tomb of records is opened, in a few years from now. (2537-1; Jul. 17, 1941)
....(the entity) was among the first to set the records that are yet to be discovered or yet to be had of those activities in the Atlantean land, and for the preservation of data that is yet to be found from the chambers of the way between the Sphinx and the pyramid of records. (3575-2; Jan. 20, 1944)

page 147-8 -- Q.2: Give in detail what the sealed room contains.
A.2: A record of Atlantis from the beginning of those periods when the Spirit took form, or began the encasements in that land; and the developments of the peoples throughout their sojourn; together with the record of the first destruction, and the changes that took place in the land; with the record of the sojournings of the peoples and their varied activities in other lands, and a record of the meetings of all the nations or lands, for the activities in the destruction of Atlantis; and the building of the pyramid of initiation, together with whom, what, and where the opening of the records would come, that are as copies from the sunken Atlantis. For with the change, it (Atlantis) must rise again. In position, this lies -- as the sun rises from the waters -- as the line of the shadows (or light) falls between the paws of the Sphinx; that was set later as the sentinel or guard and which may not be entered from the connecting chambers from the Sphinx's right paw until the time has been fulfilled when the changes must be active in this sphere of man's experience. Then (it lies) between the Sphinx and the river. (378-16; Oct. 29, 1933)
Comprehend that the word sphinx means to bind or close a circle tightly

Discarnate entities, those being priests associated with the records, have remained behind to oversee the safekeeping of The Hall. There are also additional guardians to these records.
One is a black stone statue of a man holding a sword, another of a woman armed with a bow and a third sitting on a throne with a armed with a lance. These statues are reported to have the ability to stop a person entering unlawfully.
One Arab workman who was lost in the outer halls came back with a red crystal goblet. According to those that observed it , the goblet had the same weight when empty or full, implying a highly esoteric/technological art.

The time for the opening of the Hall of Records to the whole world is now upon us. Psychics and prophets through the ages point to a time just before the start of the second melinium starts. Not only are our sacred records kept in the Giza plateau but also in places scattered around the globe. Contributions from civilizations around the world have been placed in safe keeping while also serving as a back up to the other sites.
Spiritual sources predict that the opening will coincide with the light from Polaris beaming down the northern airshaft. Strangely enough according to astronomers this can not occur until some time in the far future. However, the channeled source informs us that there will be a slippage in the earth crust that will bring along this alignment.
Thoth had named these halls as "The Halls of Armenti". The Amenti Halls consist of huge network of halls some of which have multi dimensional aspects to them. These halls are "linked" to other chambers located around the world. Many psychics have described the rooms to be full of technologies but more importantly they contain artifacts of initiation.

Reference has also been give to more pyramids yet to be discovered under the Giza plateau. Apparently the most important one there is still hidden and is directly related to the ancient artifacts. Another pyramid containing supernatural devices was found in the Bimmi waters by Dr. Ray Brown. While scuba diving he came across a pyramid in perfect condition, found an entrance near the top and entered. There he saw a brass rod hanging down from the apex and at its end was attached a red gem, which tapered to a point. Directly below this, sitting in the middle of the room, is a stone shaped into the form of a scroll. Upon this is a mould of a pair of blackened hands which appear burnt. Upon these hands, was a crystal sphere four-inches in diameter. Brown left the pyramid with this crystal after he could take no other object, and witnesses have attested to its magical abilities.

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Josie Linde
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« Reply #25 on: May 18, 2008, 04:30:28 am »

"I have found a shaft, going 29 meters [95 feet, approximately] vertically down into the ground, exactly halfway between the Chefren Pyramid and the Sphinx. At the bottom, which was filled with water, we have found a burial chamber with four pillars. In the middle is a large granite sarcophagus which I expect to be the grave of Osiris, the god,"

---ZAHI HAWASS, (Directed of the Giza Plateau, Egyptologist), In newspaper Extra Bladet (Copenhagen), January 31, 1999, "Sandpit Of Royalty", By Dorte Quist

NOTE: All pictures and text in this article "Ananda in THE HALLWAY OF OSIRIS" are Copyright © 1999 by ANANDA ®.

We have released these pictures without asking any high money bidding, or for any profit in cash, what-so-ever, like most would; in order to release them for the concern and good of the public. If we would not have copyrighted them, someone could copyright them, and hence these could no longer be viewed by you. Since there are some who wish to make as large a profit on this story as possible, this is to the sacrifice of public knowledge. We therefore, state, inexorably, for the public concern, THAT ALL PICTURES within these pages, now designated OS (i.e. OS31 or OS3a), are strictly Copyright, under international copyright laws, for protection of public information, to be continuously viewable at this site. You are free to link to this site.

The photographs of Borris Said, the paintings from Orbit,The Daily Telegraph, are public domain, as far as I know.
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Josie Linde
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« Reply #26 on: May 18, 2008, 04:33:12 am »

Some astonishing revelations are emerging out of Egypt. Set to shake the tradition notions of our recorded history, and seeing the light of day with far too much delay, due to vested interests in the profit margin, and notions of human development status. Now let us unveil one curtain, amidst a hundred-thousand, to humanity at large.

Whilst the above quote is from a report from journalist Dort Qvist, who had access to the royal meetings, where Zahi Hawass, director of the Giza Plateau, briefed the Scandinavia royals on "his" discovery of the "grave of Osiris", I can independently confirm this story. Why. Because I was there, I have touched the tomb.

I, with a small group of colleagues also managed to interview numerous persons who have been involved in excavation, as well as higher officials, who essentially confirmed the particulars of the "Osiris" tomb belief of Hawass.

In this article you will find the copy righted, but freely accessible photographs, that for the first time in the public domain show the adequate details of this tomb, and my testimony also reveals that much more excavations have gone on there, which lead to the Sphinx and pyramids.

How did I get there? I received some non-local "guidance", which brought me there almost immediately upon arriving at Giza, with a form of "Andromedian" Deja Vu for of remote viewing. This article is just one of the numerous revelations that are making grounds now on the Giza plateau, which we will cover on this site.

But it was on two previous occasions, when the Hallway Of Records (HOR) the Egyptian pictographics became alive and bespoke themselves into a higher form of cortical brain activation, that this location proximity was indicated. This especially came out in December 1997 in the Tomb of Tuthmosis 3. Here, for more than an hour I explained 32 others the spontaneous living wisdom of this tomb.

The deep underground tomb of Tutmosis III, within the Thebian Valley Of The Kings. Facing the books of "what is in the Djuat", the underworld and star realms.

This, the non-localized quantum intelligence "Icon", "Ptah", relayed in the holographic imagery, which becomes activated by sound. In this case, "Atum PtahKa", the sequence of echoes, if one stands in the correct place, shows one the sequence of pictographic books to follow, and a visual door opens in the mind, whereby, pictographics spontaneously flood into visual display. Upon opening the eyes, one instantly knows the pictogrammes to approach, and they appear to "speak to one".

When one has a blank, I was also shown how to use the mirror sides of the book which very often are identicle clones, and superimpose them visually into one. These "mu" form of visual holographics, phase conjugates the brain halves into resonance (8 hz passes through a vacuum, and hence is a non-local Mercury messenger from the quantum continuum of infinite information). This mirroring is also utilized within individual pictures, and the entire tomb and all of the books of the Djuat (Tuat) holographically mirror.

The end result is that every wall mirrors every other wall, book to book, chapter to chapter, icon to icon. The entire room becomes one 3D+ hologramme. This interactive living hologramme, can be cross compared and superimposed to other tombs and temple high esoteric hieroglyphics. This is a whole other story to be explored elsewhere...

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Josie Linde
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« Reply #27 on: May 18, 2008, 04:35:19 am »

Along these procedures, in the Tomb of Thothmosis 3, the double Sphinx, Akr (Aker, or Akeru), is in front of the Great Pyramid. Which has the capstone as the head of the Initiate. Often in this portion of the books of the Djuat, Djehuti stands in the Tomb of Osiris, upon a winged snake, deep underground. But here the headdress is of Horus.

This gives not only symbolic, initiatory clues, but also physical clues, overtly. But the physical is equally incorporated with the visual and Spiritual for "those who have eyes to see". We will return to these clues in our adventure story.

Parts of this discoveries are not new at all. Two levels underground had been discovered in 1935, where the Daily Telegraph, of England, published on March the 10th the details of this Tomb. The Osiris section was underwater, however.


The so called "Egyptian book of the 'dead'", the "Pyramid Texts", various Papyrus', and the Greeks, describe the Osiris story in great detail. The story ends with the successful suspended animation of the NTR god, as he is projected into the star realms called Imwh Skh (Imperishable Orion).

Within the classic story is described the jealousy of Set for his brother Osiris, and his desire for Isis his sister, whilst Ausir (Osiris) is upon his teaching travels in the world. Without going into too much detail here, or interpretations of the clear astronomic and time cycles embedded within the story, essential Sutekh (Set) with 72 accomplices manage to trick and seal Osiris into a sarcophagus specially cut to fit him, and he was thrown into the Nile.

This was supposed to have killed him. But he survived. In a second assassination attempt, Set cuts Ausir into 14 pieces in the exoteric story, and 15 pieces in the esoteric story (there are 15 parts to the male body: 2 feet; 2 legs; 2 thighs; 2 hands; 2 forearms; 2 upper arms; 1 torso; 1 head; 1 phallus. This number is one secret symbol of taro card #15, the Devil, or Baphomet, who is Cronos, and Saturn who rules Capricorn, and the Unicorn. December 25 was Osiris' resurrection day and that is ruled by Capricorn. It is also Christmass. The Hebrews used the Baphomet as a cover symbol for the ark of the convenent, amoungst other things. The Egyptians divided the body into a total of 36 sub-divisions, each ruled by a different god (NTR)).

These 15 parts were scattered all over the land of Kham (Egypt). But Isis was able to follow the trails of her brother Sutekh (Set) and gather 14 pieces of her brother and husband Osiris' body. The missing part was the Phallus, which had been thrown into the Nile and eaten by two fishes.

Since the Nile was called the backbone of Osiris and looks like the human spine, the symbology here is a rampant code for transforming the life force into the spine for illumination, or Alkhemia. This is a involved story which will be presented elsewhere (as we have presented it in our multi-media seminars).


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Josie Linde
Superhero Member
Posts: 4493

« Reply #28 on: May 18, 2008, 04:37:02 am »

Auset (Isis) managed to assemble the 14 pieces together at Abydos, where the sand of the nile is Khem (Black), with which Alchemy transformation of gold was established, due to the rich content of high spin mono-atomic elements (superconduction), from which Egypt partly had its name, as did Alchemy. But Kham has another series of meanings as well, which have equal if not greater significance.

At the Osirion Temple at Abydos (with a very ancient design), Djehuti (Tehuti, T-hu-T-i, Thoth, Hermes) aided Isis in resurrecting Osiris with magick plants (some identifiable, these will be presented in our book Somanetics), mixed with the high spin element powders, together with words of power.

Osiris would only be conscious during the night. From here the understanding of the Dark Rite was born (coded in Ishtar-Innana, Adonis, and Orpheus), which had two components: The Internal Dark Rite (Light Isolation within the Pyramid Temple), and the External Dark Rite with the Alchemical Elixir from plants, and high spin elements.

During one night in December, the god Sokar enabled a new Phallus to be placed upon Osiris, at the position of the Hara, the Chi or Ki point of martial arts. Isis transforms herself into a Bak Bird (soul bird), and sits on Osiris' phallus, which is shown without damage at Abydos. She becomes impregnated. And on the 25th of December HOR is born. Horus, the Hero who is also known as Iosos in Egypt. Iosos is one root of Iosus or Jesus, who also was born on the 25th of December from the Virgin Mary, just as Isis was the Mer Mother of the Deep see, and had an "immaculate conception". The Egyptians called her Sept, and she was the great Virgin who we call Virgo for Sept-ember. Another name she carried was Ios.

From the place where Osiris sleeps, surrounded by water (Abydos), Ausir was transported in his granite sarcophagus on the Nile, to Giza.

He arrives by AKU the Sphinx, where the shores of the Nile reached to in ancient times. His sarcophagus is described to be transported through an underground canal beneath the Sphinx, to a deep chambre in parallel to the Sphinx and the Chefren pyramid, and infront of the Great pyramid.

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Josie Linde
Superhero Member
Posts: 4493

« Reply #29 on: May 18, 2008, 04:41:15 am »

Ananda's exploration into the Sphinx's "ass" room on the December 21st Solstice (precisely on solstice). Pictures are of the "OS" series, and are copyright © 1999, by Ananda®

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