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Morgellons disease comes from chem-trails

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Author Topic: Morgellons disease comes from chem-trails  (Read 193 times)
Superhero Member
Posts: 11110

« on: December 17, 2007, 12:32:19 am »

 Interview - Morgellons disease comes from chemtrails - Dr H Staninger
« on: November 19, 2007, 06:15:46 PM » Quote 

well worth listening to, this researcher claims that Morgellons fibres come from chemtrails, i.e. we are being sprayed by nanobots, especially hot in SOCAL and Texas and Florida, 100,000 cases worldwide, sufferers have an awful time with the most awful skin irritations.

Dr Hildegarde Staninger Interview

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Confirmed! The Nanomachines Invasion from chemtrails
Morgellons: Nano-911 A Foreign Invader
by Dr. Hildegarde Staninger
Presented at the
National Registry of Environmental Professionals
2007 Annual Conference, September 6, 2007, San Antonio, Texas
Dr Hildegarde Staninger Interview (Part One)
More videos Here...

Dr. Hildegarde Staniger PH.D Industrial Toxicologist/IH and Doctor of Integrative Medicine Imagine your body pocked by erupting sores, the sensation of little bugs crawling just below the surface of your flesh, and worst of all, mysterious, hideous looking fibers sprouting from your skin. It may sound like a scene from a science fiction movie, but a growing legion of Americans, sixty thousand of them, now suffer from this condition. Join us as Dr. Hildegarde Staninger fills us in on the terrible affliction known as Morgellons". Learn how what appear to be nanorobotic "assemblers" replicate from the inside out, from the digestive system to the skin, and how the composition of chemtrail fibers matches that of some of the fibers found on Morgellons sufferers. Are these nanorobots in our food? Can we protect ourselves from them? Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, Ph.D.'s websites:

Note - This is the most generally complete, current profile of Morgellons as we perceive and define it based on clinical lab data and extremely advanced research being done by a small group of heroic, brilliant private sector scientists and physicians. - Jeff Rense

Morgellons Disease - April 2007
A communicable nanotechnology invasion of human tissues in the form of self-assembling, self-replicating nanotubes, nanowires, nanoarrays with sensors, and other nano configurations, some carrying genetically-altered and spliced DNA/RNA. These nano machines thrive in extreme alkaline ph conditions and use the body's bio-electric energy and other (unidentified) elements for power. (People should *not* strive for an acidic ph - they should work for a normal pH of 7.5 ). There is some evidence these tiny machines possess their own internal batteries. They are also believed to be able to receive specific tuned microwave, EMF and ELF signals and information. To what end is not known. The symptoms vary from open skin lesions from which colored or plain fibers emerge, which do not scab normally, heal extremely slowly and never become bacterially-infected -- to brain fog, fatigue and depression, etc. It is also established that Morgellons nano machines are commonly found in all body fluids, orifices and often even hair follicles, and are believed to routinely achieve total body systemic penetration. It is reported by nearly all afflicted that Morgellons nano machines seem to have some kind of hive or 'group intelligence.' Communicability appears to be possible/probable through shedding of the fibers by the infected and through all normal bacterial or viral vectors. Some fibers have been shown to withstand temperatures in excess of 1400 F, routine sterilization for Morgellons nano machines in all reusable medical/dental medical equipment and instruments is moot.
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