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The Meaning of Existence (Original)

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Author Topic: The Meaning of Existence (Original)  (Read 8030 times)
Sun Goddess
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« Reply #60 on: December 16, 2007, 07:44:36 pm »


Member # 1880

Member Rated:
   posted 05-20-2005 05:53 AM                       
Well, depending on your point of view, now is either a good time to drop in, or a bad one.

It is such a shame that the time I chose, was a time when my dear friend Dawn is going through a crisis all of her own...

Cheer up, dear Dawn, crisis or not, you are still YOU, and you still have many friends throughout the whole world, many of whom are more than willing to do whatever they can to comfort you...

No amount of tribulation, however grievous can change the nature of your person... The very nature that has EARNED you the friendship of the many people whom you can call "friend"...

(those words you can take to the bank, and I will go with you personally, as a friend would..)



Have you not had enough of taunting the good people of this forum?

Your latest act of senseless abuse is, as far as I can see, in this very thread -- and yet you parade around as if your hurtful words are justified, simply because you have had it a little better than some.

Have you never committed sin, Norman? Have you never fallen short of the example of the Christ?

You know full well you are out of line...

fix it NOW.

(and as an incentive to give up your apparent "addiction", I will personally be monitoring your posts, and if I so much as see a blatant, uncalled for remark toward another member, I am going to REPORT you, each and every time, and I STRONGLY suggest others join me in this.)


I must apologise to you all for not reading the entire thread (and hence not knowing what's happening). My eyes have been failing me lately, and it is getting increasingly difficult for me to read.

It is very interesting to observe how people's attitudes change as time wears on. Three people in particular in this forum come immediately to mind: Two I applaude, the other, quite frankly, saddens me...


Ladies and gentlemen, whilst I am not ready to resume the capacity with which I once participated here, I will soon return, and from henceforth will be dropping in more frequently...

Let's get this forum back into shape  Wink

So live your life and live it well, Theres not much left of me to tell, I just got back up each time I fell...
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"Often the test of courage is not to die but to live." — Vittorio Alfieri
Sun Goddess
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Posts: 4517

« Reply #61 on: December 16, 2007, 07:44:55 pm »


Member # 1766

  posted 05-20-2005 06:22 AM                       

if you are looking for those passages you aren't looking very hard. Perhaps, your research skills are on par with your ugly social skills and your filthy disposition.

When something I quote has a reference such as 124:2.4
what it means is Paper 125 section 2 paragraph 4.
Also any intelligent person using a search engine would take a key word or words and search for that passage by enclosing the phrase in quotes after checking the box of the text or language you wish to search in..
I rarely quote from the bible since I perfer a source of truth regarding such matters instead. Amazingly though, every once in a while, but not often, the bible does have something historically accurate. 
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"Often the test of courage is not to die but to live." — Vittorio Alfieri
Sun Goddess
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Posts: 4517

« Reply #62 on: December 16, 2007, 07:45:46 pm »

Member # 1187

  posted 05-20-2005 07:57 AM                   
I like the attention I'm getting.

Makes me feel like a woman   Tongue
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"Often the test of courage is not to die but to live." — Vittorio Alfieri
Sun Goddess
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Posts: 4517

« Reply #63 on: December 16, 2007, 07:46:10 pm »

Member # 1187

  posted 05-20-2005 08:06 AM                   
Belief is irrelevant.

God does not care about good or evil.
God only cares about making more God.
More Light out of Darkness.

And this happens by the redeeming principle. I said principle, not person or saviour, but it is both.

Death and regrowth are part of it.
The thing is, morality and rules were set up by those who were higher on the 'light scale' and had more insight, in order to speed up the evolution towards light for those in darkness.

Discussions such as this one are pretty irrelevant. All is dependant upon context and situation and it's like a computer program that is also pretty neutral. For all it's worth Dawn can be scripted out to seduce Norman in a few days and it actually could work. All these possibilities exist, but are they useful? Do they make more Light? Is your children learning?

I have no idea why I just wrote all that. Then again if I had an idea it would not be me. Hey another rhyme. Rhymes are special, just like me!

[ 05-20-2005, 08:08 AM: Message edited by: Vlad ]
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"Often the test of courage is not to die but to live." — Vittorio Alfieri
Sun Goddess
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Posts: 4517

« Reply #64 on: December 16, 2007, 07:46:34 pm »

Member # 1187

  posted 05-20-2005 08:16 AM                   
Hey now that I think of it.

I had a dream this morning when I was sleeping, about an old friend and girlfriend, way back with me and them as teenagers, with the same personality as we had back then and then in that dream the discussion shifted and the message came across that they were abused by someone, about the time after I lost contact with them.

Interesting. I wonder if it's true and I could use that information to bribe and double cross them for personal gains (j/k). I may check the veracity of it all though. It's unusual for me to dream about such things.
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"Often the test of courage is not to die but to live." — Vittorio Alfieri
Sun Goddess
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Posts: 4517

« Reply #65 on: December 16, 2007, 07:46:57 pm »

Member # 1187

  posted 05-20-2005 08:58 AM                   
I still consider Dawn's behaviour stupid and irresponsible and she needs a figurative kick in the ass and get her act together. From the replies, it seems more of you do, you're like the defunct gen-x.

Let me bring a few points to your attention. Most of you live in la-la land.

Did you realize that sex, gasp, normally causes conception? Or are you all too used to contraception and free sex?

You cannot know that the women (or man) you meet is infertile. The chances that the guy has 'tantric abilities' and can control seminal emission are pretty slim. So basically, assuming here only vaginal sex is used and no condoms or chemical or other contraceptives are used, you have a pretty big chance of getting a women pregnant.

Assuming you made the woman pregnant, the result will be she needs to be fed more because she will usually feel more hungry or a need for more nutrients to feed the child, and unless it's aborted(don't start a discussion about it or twist this one), that's another human, that is another drain on resources and the environment because every human needs to be fed and whatnot.

Assuming contraceptives are used, well think of it, these chemicals ruin the environment, whether it be by disturbing delicate ecosystems through affecting animals hormonal behaviour and the chain results that come from that, or by their very need for production. You may not realize it but chemical industry is very polluting, just to make your pills and condoms you realize you need oil for plastic most of the time do you? And the energy to produce these plastics and run the factories and all that, do any of you think of the ecological factors involved in all of this or are you simply all naive about feelings and all that.

I'm not done. Assuming you don't use contraceptives and know how to not get a woman pregnant. You're a responsible guy/girl that doesn't want to indirectly aid with environmental desctruction or causes stress and like to keep it natural. Fine. There is still another factor. Having sex causes an energetic loss on the body if it is done too frequently, even with love and 'tantric union'. All that energy and biochemical substances your body makes during sex, all that takes food to produce. The basics is that you need food and water for that and how many of you actually realize that the world we live in is quite a relative harsh place viewed naturally. Most of you have never tolled the land or lived in nature and don't know how tough it can be to get good food and water. You're used to shopping and drinking alcohol and letting the gov and the system do it all for you. But hey look at where the world is now. People make war over the basics for survival, and whether it's oil for energy or not it all boils down to one simple fact. People make war to be able to survive and enjoy what they are doing now, which in many instances is a lifestyle that causes the problems necessitating war. If more people would be more responsible and care about what they do, there would be no need for wars and it all starts with the individual and little things, like not having random sex, not taking what you don't need, etc, start with being down to earth in a responsible manner, because if that's not in place sooner or later problems arise.

Now I think I can well understand Dawn's situation and others and all that, and I personally don't really care because hey it's just a few people which doesn't mean much on a large scale, BUT, what I do think is really wrong is a lack of insight in the fact why it is wrong. I don't want to hear another Jade tell me crap when she probably has never had to work the land for her own food and uses make up from the chemical industry. And that kind of person is then going to influence minds of sometimes naive young people that were still on the right track, and that is a real problem. If you preach free sex then you better damn well also preach responsibility to people and ecology.

[ 05-20-2005, 08:59 AM: Message edited by: Vlad ]
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"Often the test of courage is not to die but to live." — Vittorio Alfieri
Sun Goddess
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Posts: 4517

« Reply #66 on: December 16, 2007, 07:47:22 pm »

Member # 1187

  posted 05-20-2005 09:24 AM                   

This is who I am, it is too late to change, love me or hate me. And I freely admit to often being very foolish.

Do you want to know why others call you vain and posed?

Because you think you're 'fixed'. You think you cannot, or simply do not want to be changed. And in nature, change is constant. You resist that and people notice it. That's your problem. And many people have it.

There is little fire in you. Fire is the basis of change and movement. There is way too much of the opposite in you; water. Which is of the nature of subjection and experience by action of fire upon you, or the will of another. Basically you're like a puppet for someone with a lot of fire power to change you. You can be taught or molded into whatever. It's very noticable to someone like me. All you do is use what little fire and willpower you have, to preserve yourself, and resist change. To keep your fixation, your 'earth', your earthliness. And with that your feelings.

Fire or willpower is the causative agent in bringing about change. If you don't do that sooner or later you'll notice the cyclism in things. Things repeat themselves, it's just not always directly noticable. Scenarios change, but the underlying paradigms and structures, having little changed, generate the same experiences, life, and scenarios.

You cannot save another if you don't have or use fire and willpower, in conjunction with thought and implant these thoughts and structures as paradigms upon the subject.

Besides, save?
There is only structure and paradigm. 
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"Often the test of courage is not to die but to live." — Vittorio Alfieri
Sun Goddess
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Posts: 4517

« Reply #67 on: December 16, 2007, 07:47:50 pm »


Member # 736

  posted 05-20-2005 10:01 AM                       
Hi Dawn,

Regarding the park incident...................
lets not think of that sexual encounter as passion but , com/passion..............

Actually the closest you ever get to god is through sex , some just have a warped views of it .

Sex is the joining of two souls together, even if just for a little while.

This is who I am, it is too late to change, love me or hate me.

And we need to love and except ourselves and others , unconditionally.
Life IS the "Spiritual journey", every good and bad experience is the spiritual lesson, perhaps even a gift.

but the world is eating away at me more and more everyday and I don't even know any longer if I can even save myself.

Dawn I have had many days like this, there is nothing wrong with honoring your emotions,but when the burdens of this life get you down, reach out to someone needier than you........

is it then or than 

Dawn my youngest daughter has a chronic illness, she is the uplifter,I learn a lot from her,

She is now rehearsing for the play " Paint Your Wagon", which takes a lot out of her,the other day they were to choose partners for a dance they are working on.........there is an elderly gentleman in the play who she immediately chose as her partner , he said, " oh you are stuck with me huh?" she said, " no I chose you.".............

That is what I mean by brightening the corner where you are.

IF we take on the burdens of the whole world, it is impossible.

Do you see what I mean?

Dawn you can not fail. Life is the quest.

[ 05-20-2005, 10:04 AM: Message edited by: Ishtar ]

“Ad initio, alea iacta est.”
And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
it's Later Than You Think
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"Often the test of courage is not to die but to live." — Vittorio Alfieri
Sun Goddess
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Posts: 4517

« Reply #68 on: December 16, 2007, 07:48:15 pm »


Member # 736

  posted 05-20-2005 10:40 AM                       
Dawn you remind me of, Tara

May I recommend the buddhist meditation on, Tara,

May all sentient beings have equanimity, free from attachment, aggression and prejudice.
May they be happy, and have the causes for happiness.
May they be free from suffering and causes for suffering.
May they never be separated from the happiness that is free from suffering.

- Think of your problems, needs and aims and request Tara's help from your heart.
- Then she shines white light from her forehead into your forehead, eliminating problems and negativities of your body, do some mantras: OM TARE TUTTARE TURE SOHA
- Next she shines red light from her throat into your throat, eliminating obstacles and negativities of your speech, do some mantras: OM TARE TUTTARE TURE SOHA
- Next she shines blue light from her heart into your heart, eliminating all obstacles and negativities of your mind, do some mantras: OM TARE TUTTARE TURE SOHA
- Try to feel you are now free from al hindrances and problems, and that you have received the inspiration and energy to accomplish your aims.
- Then Tara comes to the crown of your head, facing the same way as you.
- She dissolves into green light, which descends into your heart center.
- Your mind merges with Tara's' mind.
- Keep this feeling as long as possible.

By this virtue may I soon
reach a Guru-Buddha-state,
and lead each and every being
to that state of Buddhahood.
May the precious Bodhicitta
not yet born, arise and grow
may that born have no decline


Compassionate Saviouress

Images of Avalokitesvara, thus then Kuan Yin, is often shown holding a rosary; describing being born with a rosary in one hand --- not unlike a similar story oft repeated regarding the contemporary Japanese Zen master Yasutani Hakuun Roshi --- and a white lotus in the other. It is taught that the beads represent all living beings and the turning of the beads symbolizes that Avalokitesvara is leading them out of their state of misery and repeated rounds of rebirth into Nirvana.

According to Mahayana doctrine, Avalokitesvara was a person who has made a great vow to listen to the prayers of all sentient beings in times of difficulty, and to postpone his own Buddhahood until he has helped every being on Earth achieve enlightenment.

Om Ma Ni Pa Dme Hum.

Om, has only a mystical meaning -- suggesting primordial reality. Mani means jewel, while Padme means lotus. Hum, like Om, has no conceptual meaning. Overall, the mantra is suggestive of the bringing together of the qualities of wisdom (the lotus) and compassion (the jewel). Just as the lotus can exist in muddy water without being soiled, so wisdom can exist in an impure world without becoming contaminated. And the Dalai Lama points out that just as a jewel can relieve poverty, so the compassionate mind takes away the poverty of unhappiness that exists in the world and replaces it with the wealth of wellbeing.

This is probably the best known Buddhist mantra.

This mantra is very widely chanted in Tibet, and not only chanted but carved onto stones, printed onto flags, and embossed onto prayer wheels. The illustration below shows the mantra's six syllables, which from left to right are:

Om Ma Ni Pa Dme Hum.

Tibetans find Sanskrit hard to pronounce (so do westerners, actually, but in different ways) and so Tibetans pronounce "Padme" as "peh-may".

One thing I find interesting is that some statues of Mary also have her with the serpent under her feet..........

[ 05-20-2005, 10:44 AM: Message edited by: Ishtar ]

“Ad initio, alea iacta est.”
And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
it's Later Than You Think
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"Often the test of courage is not to die but to live." — Vittorio Alfieri
Sun Goddess
Superhero Member
Posts: 4517

« Reply #69 on: December 16, 2007, 07:48:35 pm »


Member # 736

  posted 05-20-2005 10:47 AM                       

“Ad initio, alea iacta est.”
And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
it's Later Than You Think
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"Often the test of courage is not to die but to live." — Vittorio Alfieri
Sun Goddess
Superhero Member
Posts: 4517

« Reply #70 on: December 16, 2007, 07:48:55 pm »


Member # 736

  posted 05-20-2005 10:49 AM                       

“Ad initio, alea iacta est.”
And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
it's Later Than You Think
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"Often the test of courage is not to die but to live." — Vittorio Alfieri
Sun Goddess
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Posts: 4517

« Reply #71 on: December 16, 2007, 07:49:17 pm »

Veronica Poe

Member # 2172

  posted 05-20-2005 06:54 PM                       

There is little fire in you. Fire is the basis of change and movement. There is way too much of the opposite in you; water. Which is of the nature of subjection and experience by action of fire upon you, or the will of another. Basically you're like a puppet for someone with a lot of fire power to change you. You can be taught or molded into whatever. It's very noticable to someone like me. All you do is use what little fire and willpower you have, to preserve yourself, and resist change. To keep your fixation, your 'earth', your earthliness. And with that your feelings.

Actually, I agree with part of this assessment, but disagree with the idea that she can be "molded into whatever." She is one of the most feminine women you'll ever meet, there isn't any anger in her at all, and yet, oddly she is very stubborn. She is totally controlled by her feelings. Again, I'm guessing that you wouldn't like her very much if you ever met her in person, Vlad, because, from what I have seen of you, you're complete opposites.    Smiley
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"Often the test of courage is not to die but to live." — Vittorio Alfieri
Sun Goddess
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Posts: 4517

« Reply #72 on: December 16, 2007, 07:49:46 pm »

Norman Pounders

Member # 2237

Rate Member   posted 05-20-2005 07:44 PM                       

You are perfectly within your rights to report me to anyone you please, but you'll notice, offensive as you might find them, my posts never offer anything that can even remotely be construed as obsenities, and I am simply offering my own opinion. And just as you're within your rights to report me, I am also within my rights to report Veronica, Dawn or Michelle the next time they post an entry about their sordid little escapades, or Pagan, Proteus, Trent or any of the others around here when they either use or insinuate bad language, or even yourself, for that matter when you cross the line and, in your outrage say something that could be deemed "hostile." Yes, we're all free to report each other. I have refrained from doing that, but I'll narc as much as anyone if you want to. 

Now then, I'm actually pretty glad that you reappeared from wherever you were.

On May 10, I addressed this little post to you that you have yet to answer. I would appreciate it if you did me the courtesy of answering right now, now that you are here:

Bluducky, if you're out there, I await a response to this statement I made to you earlier. I am sure that both myself and your "friends" would like to know:

I'm getting the feeling from reading your earlier posts that you're somewhat more conservative than you care to let on. That your views might actually be closer to mine, Calvin's and Vlad's than you care to let on. Also, that you might like people like Dawn, Veronica and Michelle, but that deep down their lifestyles offend you.

Care to own up to any of these allegations?

Perhaps you would like to do me the courtesy of answering it.

"The world is not divided into men and women. It's divided into great minds and small minds;

- Anassa
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"Often the test of courage is not to die but to live." — Vittorio Alfieri
Sun Goddess
Superhero Member
Posts: 4517

« Reply #73 on: December 16, 2007, 07:50:09 pm »

Norman Pounders

Member # 2237

Rate Member   posted 05-20-2005 07:46 PM                       
And yet, you sidestepped the question, Absonite. Christ may preach forgiveness for immoral behavior, however, he hardly encourages it. Dawn seems to, though.

If you find a passage in the Urantia Book where Christ does happen to encourage immoral behavior, by all means, please print it. I'd be interested in seeing that interpretation.

"The world is not divided into men and women. It's divided into great minds and small minds;

- Anassa
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"Often the test of courage is not to die but to live." — Vittorio Alfieri
Sun Goddess
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Posts: 4517

« Reply #74 on: December 16, 2007, 07:50:53 pm »

Member # 1187

  posted 05-20-2005 08:28 PM                   

She is one of the most feminine women you'll ever meet, there isn't any anger in her at all, and yet, oddly she is very stubborn. She is totally controlled by her feelings.

Makes it really easy to manipulate too. All you have to do is observe and deduce what makes her react the way you want to, and then bring things in her life that make her react the way you want to without her knowing you did it, and bingo she'll 'feel the right way'.
Yes I don't think I'd like being much around such a person. Pretty boring to have to constantly be the one that makes another feel a certain way. 
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"Often the test of courage is not to die but to live." — Vittorio Alfieri
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