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The Meaning of Existence (Original)

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Author Topic: The Meaning of Existence (Original)  (Read 8020 times)
Sun Goddess
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« Reply #30 on: December 16, 2007, 07:19:31 pm »


Member # 2244

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   posted 05-19-2005 06:33 AM                       
I have classes to attend, but will return to this discussion later. Dawn, I trust you know better than to listen to any of those spreading their negativity around this forum.

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."
- Aristotle
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"Often the test of courage is not to die but to live." — Vittorio Alfieri
Sun Goddess
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Posts: 4517

« Reply #31 on: December 16, 2007, 07:20:01 pm »


Member # 1766

  posted 05-19-2005 07:42 AM                       
A very great spiritual lesson has emerged here.

I find it interesting that Dawn consistently exhibits many of the same qualities as Jesus. Perhaps that is why these so-called Christians like norman and calvin hate her so much. I trust the following thought pattern has something of value to any reader here from the master of copy and paste truth. Smiley


124:2.4 Perhaps his most unusual and outstanding trait was his unwillingness to fight for his rights. Since he was such a well-developed lad for his age, it seemed strange to his playfellows that he was disinclined to defend himself even from injustice or when subjected to personal abuse. As it happened, he did not suffer much on account of this trait because of the friendship of Jacob, a neighbor boy, who was one year older. He was the son of the stone mason, a business associate of Joseph. Jacob was a great admirer of Jesus and made it his business to see that no one was permitted to impose upon Jesus because of his aversion to physical combat. Several times older and uncouth youths attacked Jesus, relying upon his reputed docility, but they always suffered swift and certain retribution at the hands of his self-appointed champion and ever-ready defender, Jacob the stone mason's son.

124:2.5 Jesus was the generally accepted leader of the Nazareth lads who stood for the higher ideals of their day and generation. He was really loved by his youthful associates, not only because he was fair, but also because he possessed a rare and understanding sympathy that betokened love and bordered on discreet compassion.



Simon Zelotes led them all over to his tent, where were stored the swords and other arms, and supplied each of them with this fighting equipment. All of them received these arms and girded themselves therewith except Nathaniel. Nathaniel, in refusing to arm himself, said: "My brethren, the Master has repeatedly told us that his kingdom is not of this world, and that his disciples should not fight with the sword to bring about its establishment. I believe this; I do not think the Master needs to have us employ the sword in his defense. We have all seen his mighty power and know that he could defend himself against his enemies if he so desired. If he will not resist his enemies, it must be that such a course represents his attempt to fulfill his Father's will. I will pray, but I will not wield the sword." When Andrew heard Nathaniel's speech, he handed his sword back to Simon Zelotes. And so nine of them were armed as they separated for the night.



140:8.4 Jesus had great difficulty in getting them to understand his personal practice of nonresistance. He absolutely refused to defend himself, and it appeared to the apostles that he would be pleased if they would pursue the same policy. He taught them not to resist evil, not to combat injustice or injury, but he did not teach passive tolerance of wrongdoing. And he made it plain on this afternoon that he approved of the social punishment of evildoers and criminals, and that the civil government must sometimes employ force for the maintenance of social order and in the execution of justice.

140:8.5 He never ceased to warn his disciples against the evil practice of retaliation; he made no allowance for revenge, the idea of getting even. He deplored the holding of grudges. He disallowed the idea of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. He discountenanced the whole concept of private and personal revenge, assigning these matters to civil government, on the one hand, and to the judgment of God, on the other. He made it clear to the three that his teachings applied to the individual, not the state. He summarized his instructions up to that time regarding these matters, as:

140:8.6 Love your enemies -- remember the moral claims of human brotherhood.

140:8.7 The futility of evil: A wrong is not righted by vengeance. Do not make the mistake of fighting evil with its own weapons.

140:8.8 Have faith -- confidence in the eventual triumph of divine justice and eternal goodness.



136:6.5 His superhuman power he might possibly use for others, but for himself, never. And he pursued this policy consistently to the very end, when it was jeeringly said of him: "He saved others; himself he cannot save" -- because he would not.



127:4.4 While Jesus was most methodical and systematic in everything he did, there was also in all his administrative rulings a refreshing elasticity of interpretation and an individuality of adaptation that greatly impressed all the children with the spirit of justice which actuated their father-brother. He never arbitrarily disciplined his brothers and sisters, and such uniform fairness and personal consideration greatly endeared Jesus to all his family.

127:4.5 James and Simon grew up trying to follow Jesus' plan of placating their bellicose and sometimes irate playmates by persuasion and nonresistance, and they were fairly successful; but Joseph and Jude, while assenting to such teachings at home, made haste to defend themselves when assailed by their comrades; in particular was Jude guilty of violating the spirit of these teachings. But nonresistance was not a rule of the family. No penalty was attached to the violation of personal teachings.



"But, Teacher, if a stronger and ill-tempered creature should attack you and threaten to destroy you, what would you do? Would you make no effort to  defend  yourself?" Although Jesus could not fully and satisfactorily answer the lad's question, inasmuch as he was not willing to disclose to him that he (Jesus) was living on earth as the exemplification of the Paradise Father's love to an onlooking universe, he did say this much:

133:1.4 "Ganid, I can well understand how some of these problems perplex you, and I will endeavor to answer your question. First, in all attacks which might be made upon my person, I would determine whether or not the aggressor was a son of God -- my brother in the flesh -- and if I thought such a creature did not possess moral judgment and spiritual reason, I would unhesitatingly  defend  myself to the full capacity of my powers of resistance, regardless of consequences to the attacker. But I would not thus assault a fellow man of sonship status, even in self-defense. That is, I would not punish him in advance and without judgment for his assault upon me. I would by every possible artifice seek to prevent and dissuade him from making such an attack and to mitigate it in case of my failure to abort it. Ganid, I have absolute confidence in my heavenly Father's overcare; I am consecrated to doing the will of my Father in heaven. I do not believe that real harm can befall me; I do not believe that my lifework can really be jeopardized by anything my enemies might wish to visit upon me, and surely we have no violence to fear from our friends. I am absolutely assured that the entire universe is friendly to me -- this all-powerful truth I insist on believing with a wholehearted trust in spite of all appearances to the contrary."

133:1.5 But Ganid was not fully satisfied. Many times they talked over these matters, and Jesus told him some of his boyhood experiences and also about Jacob the stone mason's son. On learning how Jacob appointed himself to  defend  Jesus, Ganid said: "Oh, I begin to see! In the first place very seldom would any normal human being want to attack such a kindly person as you, and even if any one should be so unthinking as to do such a thing, there is pretty sure to be near at hand some other mortal who will fly to your assistance, even as you always go to the rescue of any person you observe to be in distress. In my heart, Teacher, I agree with you, but in my head I still think that if I had been Jacob, I would have enjoyed punishing those rude fellows who presumed to attack you just because they thought you would not  defend  yourself. I presume you are fairly safe in your journey through life since you spend much of your time helping others and ministering to your fellows in distress -- well, most likely there'll always be someone on hand to  defend  you." And Jesus replied: "That test has not yet come, Ganid, and when it does, we will have to abide by the Father's will." And that was about all the lad could get his teacher to say on this difficult subject of self-defense and nonresistance. On another occasion he did draw from Jesus the opinion that organized society had every right to employ force in the execution of its just mandates.



I am the bread of life.

I am the living water.

I am the light of the world.

I am the desire of all ages.

I am the open door to eternal salvation.

I am the reality of endless life.

I am the good shepherd.

I am the pathway of infinite perfection.

I am the resurrection and the life.

I am the secret of eternal survival.

I am the way, the truth, and the life.

I am the infinite Father of my finite children.

I am the true vine; you are the branches.

I am the hope of all who know the living truth.

I am the living bridge from one world to another.

I am the living link between time and eternity.

Thus did Jesus enlarge the living revelation of the name of God to all generations. As divine love reveals the nature of God, eternal truth discloses his name in ever-enlarging proportions.


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"Often the test of courage is not to die but to live." — Vittorio Alfieri
Sun Goddess
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Posts: 4517

« Reply #32 on: December 16, 2007, 07:20:30 pm »

Member # 1187

  posted 05-19-2005 08:05 AM                   

You are stupid.

People like you are complicit in why there are problems in the world.

You know that guy after you left may have visited his mates and it could've gone like this:

"haha I nailed some stupid ****/**** in the park today! she even went to my home! roflmao I got free ****!"

"too bad I didn't have my flag to put over her face though"

You think I'm kidding you?
Learn to live in the real world.

All you did was boost that guy's self confidence.
Did you know him? No.

Women giving free sex like that actually indirectly give support to the man because of the feelings of satisfaction he gets from it. He will most likely feel more confident in his thoughts/deeds and you did not take the time to get to know him and see if his view of the world and behaviour is as you would approve of.

For all you know he could be the greatest bastard there is visiting the park, and you just gave him even more self confidence. See, stupid.

Now never cry again over the problems in the world, because you indirectly assist in them by not having self control and wanting to think before you act.
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"Often the test of courage is not to die but to live." — Vittorio Alfieri
Sun Goddess
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Posts: 4517

« Reply #33 on: December 16, 2007, 07:20:57 pm »

Member # 1187

  posted 05-19-2005 08:18 AM                   
Now regarding the meaning of existence.

The universe works by a system of resonance and analogy, and your feelings of depression are on the level of the female or yin side which has the negative qualities. Balance is of the male or yang side with positive feelings.

In your case, you are swung at one end of the pendulum.
The other end being the yang side of the yin pole, that is, the male aspect of the unbalanced state, a female or yin state but still yang on it's own level. You are yin of yin, female side of an unbalanced state, and your opposite is yang of yin, male side of an unbalanced state. The goal is to get to the middle, so you remove the yin/yang of yin loop, the duality within and giving rise to the unbalanced state, and get to pure yang, the next level above and beyond it so to say that results from a balance where you are at now. Kinda abstract but goes easier graphically.

Whereas you are an emotional person, caring, the other opposite yang end of your unbalanced state will be (obviously) the opposite in similar magnitude. Thus the more carelessly caring you are, the greater the bastards on the other end, which kind of bastard will include the kind that use deception with a charisma like an actor with excellent acting talents. Are you starting to get the picture of how the universe works? There ia ALWAYS BALANCE. It's just more or less, well, not pronounced, but like the schism between the two sides can be large or small.

The more carelessly emotional you are without wanting to use your willpower to control your emotions and be logical and think: the more the complimentary side of what you do not display, you will attract in your life. For there has to be abstract balance.

You need to start thinking and feeling at the same time. Not just feel.

If you only feel without wanting to think and use willpower to actually get yourself and your act together, you are giving more power to that aspect in yourself and so too also attract the missing aspect in yourself, in your reality, by meeting people or getting in situations that display that what you do not display.

And acts of will and thought without feeling... remember the people that laughed at the cat and you crying? Maybe that situation came into your life to make you 'get the clue'. The people themselves may not be evil at all, they could just be having had a bad day or be high or drunk or whatever and just be at the right time in the right place for the situation to occur and you to get the message.

[ 05-19-2005, 08:24 AM: Message edited by: Vlad ] 
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"Often the test of courage is not to die but to live." — Vittorio Alfieri
Sun Goddess
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Posts: 4517

« Reply #34 on: December 16, 2007, 07:21:19 pm »


Member # 1766

  posted 05-19-2005 08:25 AM                       
You actually followed my post with that?

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"Often the test of courage is not to die but to live." — Vittorio Alfieri
Sun Goddess
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Posts: 4517

« Reply #35 on: December 16, 2007, 07:21:51 pm »


Member # 2244

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   posted 05-19-2005 10:47 PM                       
What I meant to say earlier is that a very similar thing happened where I met happened to me, where I met a woman in distress in the park and gradually the same thing happened. No, it wasn't Dawn, it was years ago, and I didn't look at it at all in the manner that Vlad stated. I found it a beautiful experience, we stayed together for a time, even had a son together, so some times things don't happen in the manner Vlad suggests they occur. Sometimes men and women can just be honest with each other.

I like to think that whatever man Dawn met recognized not only her beauty but her inner vulnerability and senstitivity as well. I like to imagine that he wanted more from her, that he was disappointed that she left, that he will return to the park searching for her, and that, if Dawn wills it, that they find one another again.

Dawn, you do need something right now, and if it is not love, than I don't know what that something is. It doesn't have to be a physical kind of love either, by the way, just love for something.

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."
- Aristotle
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"Often the test of courage is not to die but to live." — Vittorio Alfieri
Sun Goddess
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Posts: 4517

« Reply #36 on: December 16, 2007, 07:22:19 pm »


Member # 2073

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   posted 05-19-2005 10:54 PM                       
Well, on the bright side, if that sort of thing happens in the park, I must go there and try to meet beautiful, crying women more often.
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"Often the test of courage is not to die but to live." — Vittorio Alfieri
Sun Goddess
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Posts: 4517

« Reply #37 on: December 16, 2007, 07:22:42 pm »


Member # 2174

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   posted 05-19-2005 11:29 PM                       

You're sick, Dawn, you suffer from frequent bouts of mental depression. I'm actually starting to wonder where you'll be five years from now. Could the answer possibly be, already dead for perhaps four and a half years?

Wow, Norman, why does it not surprise me to find you're just the type of ignorant bastard that would want to kick somebody when they're down?

"That which does not kill us, makes us stronger."
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"Often the test of courage is not to die but to live." — Vittorio Alfieri
Sun Goddess
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Posts: 4517

« Reply #38 on: December 16, 2007, 07:23:04 pm »


Member # 2174

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   posted 05-19-2005 11:31 PM                       


You are stupid.

People like you are complicit in why there are problems in the world.

People like Dawn are not responsible for the problems in the world, Vlad. If there were more people like her, there wouldn't be as many problems in the world.

And then, there are guys like me, who have also gotten sex like that, see it for what it is, and don't bother talking about it at all. Not every guy who gets laid is an a**hole. Especially if the girl is nice, and, trust me, she is.

"That which does not kill us, makes us stronger."
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"Often the test of courage is not to die but to live." — Vittorio Alfieri
Sun Goddess
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Posts: 4517

« Reply #39 on: December 16, 2007, 07:23:28 pm »


Member # 2244

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   posted 05-19-2005 11:42 PM                       
Vlad, your post is the perfect example of why we shouldn't be judging each other, but listening to each other here. Granted, you have a belief system that you believe serves you well, and in your view, Dawn has violated it. I can also tell you that Dawn also has her own belief system and it has very little to do with yours. My belief system has very little to do with either one of you, and Absonite, Anassa, many of the others here also have their own belief systems. Point is, none of us may be right or all of us may be right, but perhaps it is meant that we are to take things from each other rather than one thing as a whole, as Dawn has suggested in the past.

You call Dawn stupid, and yet I have learned more from her than anyone else here. I've learned to question things more than I did when I first came here. From her, I've also learned kindness, patience and grace. She often leads by example, even if she isn't even trying to lead at all.

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."
- Aristotle
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"Often the test of courage is not to die but to live." — Vittorio Alfieri
Sun Goddess
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Posts: 4517

« Reply #40 on: December 16, 2007, 07:36:25 pm »

Jade Hellene

Member # 2321

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   posted 05-19-2005 11:51 PM                       

You know that guy after you left may have visited his mates and it could've gone like this:

"haha I nailed some stupid ****/**** in the park today! she even went to my home! roflmao I got free ****!"

"too bad I didn't have my flag to put over her face though"

You think I'm kidding you?
Learn to live in the real world.

All you did was boost that guy's self confidence.
Did you know him? No.

Vlad, I think if you had your way, there would be morality police around, deciding who would be allowed to sleep with who. The world just doesn't work like that, thank God, and we are all the better off for it. You may not know this, but women also use men in the same way and talk about it all the time, too.

Anyway, why do you even care what Dawn does in her personal life? You'll probably never meet her in person anyway.

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"Often the test of courage is not to die but to live." — Vittorio Alfieri
Sun Goddess
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Posts: 4517

« Reply #41 on: December 16, 2007, 07:36:52 pm »


Member # 2403

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   posted 05-19-2005 11:54 PM                       
I agree completely with Aristotle on this.

Dawn is one of the people here who is actually trying to have an honest debate, and thoughtful discussion, and help people work through their issues yet somehow her threads get turned into insult matches.

I wish you all the best, Cuz baby you deserve it.

I am seriously thinking of starting a grudge match thread so when people get worked up they can take it there and let the real threads be about the subjects they were intended to be about.

several species of small furry animals gathered together and grooving with a pict in a cave
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"Often the test of courage is not to die but to live." — Vittorio Alfieri
Sun Goddess
Superhero Member
Posts: 4517

« Reply #42 on: December 16, 2007, 07:37:19 pm »

Jade Hellene

Member # 2321

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   posted 05-19-2005 11:59 PM                       
Unknown, all the threads over here turn into grudge matches at one time or another so it might be difficult to confine it to one thread!

Sort through the media disinformation:
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"Often the test of courage is not to die but to live." — Vittorio Alfieri
Sun Goddess
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Posts: 4517

« Reply #43 on: December 16, 2007, 07:37:47 pm »

Veronica Poe

Member # 2172

  posted 05-20-2005 12:03 AM                       
Vlad, far be it from me to add on all the people that want to dump on you for your comments, I get the feeling you mean well, but, if you're expecting Dawn to me more rational in her thinking, it is not going to happen. For better or for worse, she is all about her feelings. She has a genuine giving nature, what you see here is genuinely who she is, and yes, people have taken advantage of her like that in the past, in just the manner you suggest.

I, at least, know what I am getting myself in for and that I am the cause of my own problems. With her, sometimes, it's like being with a child and you want to shake her for not knowing better. You won’t ever change her, and you either love her or hate her when you meet her in real life. Personally, I love everything about her, I wouldn't change a thing, but some of the things that she lets happen to her almost break your heart.

I'm getting the feeling that you wouldn't like her very much if you ever met her in real life, though. From what I have seen of you and what I know of her, I'd say that you're complete opposites. 
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"Often the test of courage is not to die but to live." — Vittorio Alfieri
Sun Goddess
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Posts: 4517

« Reply #44 on: December 16, 2007, 07:38:11 pm »

Stacy Dohm

Member # 2189

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   posted 05-20-2005 12:15 AM                       
Vlad's comments are true about guys in general, though, they do talk! Whether they actually did anything or not actually. I've had guys talk about me, and also been taken advantage of in the past. On the other hand, I haven't done half as much as people say!

"All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream." - Edgar Allen Poe
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"Often the test of courage is not to die but to live." — Vittorio Alfieri
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