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The Meaning of Existence (Original)
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The Meaning of Existence (Original)
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Topic: The Meaning of Existence (Original) (Read 7852 times)
Sun Goddess
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Posts: 4517
Re: The Meaning of Existence (Original)
Reply #240
December 16, 2007, 09:18:28 pm »
Member # 2490
posted 06-13-2005 05:57 PM
Well, there you people go again, now insulting Catholics, even though it is one of the oldest and certainly the most respected religion on the planet…- Norman Pounders
Goddess worship was established before written history
Hinduism approximately 3000 BCE
Judaism is the oldest known monotheistic religion about 2000 BCE
Christianity around the year 30 CE
The Roman Catholic Church was founded by the pagan Roman Emperor Constantine at the Council of Nicaea in 325 CE
Islam was founded 622 CE
I guess in the scheme of things Catholicism has been around for 1680 years! You are right Norman it is old! Not the oldest however, nice try though. So by the factual dates provided it is safe to say out of the 6 major religions practiced throughout the world, Catholicism is the second youngest behind Islam.
If by respected you mean feared, then you hit the nail on the head. There was a brief time in history about 675 years not much is going on, if you live in Rome you are a Catholic, if you denounce it you die. Simple, cut and dry. Again I go back to facts. Sorry blanket statements won’t work for me.
By the 11 century in their zeal to establish Christ’s kingdom, the popes (popes were just the local pastor of a church, unlike today’s deification of a mortal man, blasphemous if you ask me.) came up with this great little plan, let’s use the Crusades to “cleanse” the Holy Land. As Crusaders we conquering Jerusalem, you know using brute force and weapons to demand obedience, they raped the women, pillaged and slaughtered thousands of innocent people in the name of GOD….. Norman I can see where the respect/fear comes in… I am going to paraphrase here; killing, raping, and pillaging all good when done in gods name…..whew thanks for clearing that up Norman.
OK, let’s not dwell on that, for one example is by far not enough! So I shall move on.
In the summer of 1209 CE an ARMY of orthodox Catholics attacked and murdered 60,000+ unarmed civilians, the men, the women and for only god knows why the children. The entire city was sacked; yes some of these 60,000 were Catholics, but the papal legates ordered them to keep on the killing, for god knows his own……
At Minerve, 14,000 Christians were put to death in the flames, and ears, noses, and lips of the "heretics" were cut off by the "faithful." Norman I see hate, despair, and intolerance of others….. Completely different from the free will that Christ preached…..
In 1254 Pope Alexander the IV the Office of the Inquisition within Italy…Doesn’t the inquisition contradict the simplest principles of Christian justice and to love thy neighbor? If Christ wasn’t resurrected he would have turned over in his grave during that time….
So let’s talk about the reason the Catholic church is extremely wealthy, after the victims of the inquisition were finished being tortured and safe to say murdered, their personal property were confiscated by the church building their wealth and leaving the victims family in poverty…… many centuries of this type of behavior followed and finally it was abolished in 1820…….1820!!! It saddens me that such evil is praised and still worshiped to this day….. Sure most followers are kind and generous; it is the established church that fails to meet the ideals of Jesus Christ.
Hey Norman if this chaps you butt, I am sorry but the truth shall set you free. I did not include my references on purpose. I want you to explore and read as much as you can on your religion. No matter what you find or even if you do nothing with what I have shared, always remember knowledge is power.
Matthew 7 7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
Posts: 136 | From: Oregon | Registered: May 2005
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