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Topic: Twin Peaks (Read 9336 times)
Jami Ferrina
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Posts: 2135
Re: Twin Peaks
Reply #45
November 12, 2007, 12:34:28 am »
Birth date: 9/30/50
Sign: Libra
Likes: Big Ed
Education: Twin Peaks High School, Twin Peaks Community College
Actor: Peggy Lipton
I am a former Miss Twin Peaks from 1969 and the 1987 Twin Peaks Chamber of Commerce Small Business Owner of the Year.
I am always looking for new recipes for meat loaf and catfish. I make a mean cup of coffee.
I have made a poor choice in my selection of men, and I can't seem to resolve my difficult relationship with my mother.
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Re: Twin Peaks
Reply #46
November 12, 2007, 12:39:09 am »
Last Edit: November 12, 2007, 12:40:28 am by rockessence
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Thus ye may find in thy mental and spiritual self, ye can make thyself just as happy or just as miserable as ye like. How miserable do ye want to be?......For you GROW to heaven, you don't GO to heaven. It is within thine own conscience that ye grow there.
Edgar Cayce
Jami Ferrina
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Posts: 2135
Re: Twin Peaks
Reply #47
November 12, 2007, 12:39:45 am »
Hank Jennings
Hank Jennings was a character on the ABC series Twin Peaks. He is the criminal (and during the first few episodes imprisoned) husband of Norma Jennings. Hank was played by Chris Mulkey.
He is a career criminal, albeit a more professional one than Leo Johnson. Bad to the bone, he is able to put on a nice-guy apperence and manages to convince some people. According to Sheriff Harry S. Truman, Hank once was a member of the Bookhouse Boys, and in fact, "one of the best", and was probably expelled for his criminal activities. In many ways, Hank is a counterpart of Sheriff Truman.
Prior to the start of the series, Hank has been hired by Josie Packard to arrange the death of her husband Andrew Packard, owner of the Packard Saw Mill, in a boating accident. (However, later it is revealed that Andrew anticipated and secretly avoided this attempt on his life.) Hank used his apparent involvement in an drunken driving accident as an alibi for the night of Andrew's death and for this was convicted of manslaughter. At the beginning of the series, he is still imprisoned but due for parole.
Hank has a difficult relationship with his wife Norma. Norma actually has an affair with Big Ed Hurley since high school and only due to misunderstandings, the two were married to other people. Hank's imprisonment provides the couple safety from Hank and hence the two are feeling uneasy about his imminent parole. Nonetheless, Norma gives a restrained but positive testimony in the parole hearing, ensuring his release, and provides him with a job at her Double R diner.
After his release, Hank violates parole by by committing a number of crimes and by crossing the Canadian border.
Immediately after his release, he threatens Josie, who had agreed to pay him $90,000 by Josie upon his release, and tries to extort more from her.
Hank is hired for a number of shady dealings by Benjamin Horne. In particular, he is responsible for shooting Leo, after Leo set fire to the Packard Mill on Hank's orders. The shot does not kill Leo, but sends him into a coma. Unbeknownst to him, this was witnessed by Bobby Briggs, whom Leo had been attacking with an axe at the time.
After crossing the Canadian border on orders of Benjamin Horne, he is captured by Franco-Canadian criminal Jean Renault and his henceforth involved in his doings, especially the takeover of One Eyed Jacks and the Dead Dog Farm stake out.
Hank is arrested and tries to get an alibi from his wife, Norma, while she is visiting his cell to tell him that she wants a divorce. Hank replies "you give me my alibi, and I'll give you a divorce". He also calls her Big Ed's "****", to which she replies that she'd "rather be his **** than your wife."
On being released, Hank decides to punish Ed for the affair with Norma but runs into Ed's superhumanly strong wife Nadine, who beats him to a pulp. Hank spends the remainder of the series on crutches.
Hank, trying to frighten Josie, is eventually killed by Mr Lee, one of Josie's associates from Hong Kong.
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Jami Ferrina
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Posts: 2135
Re: Twin Peaks
Reply #48
November 12, 2007, 12:41:36 am »
Two cups of coffee, and a damned good slice of cherry pie!!
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Jami Ferrina
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Re: Twin Peaks
Reply #49
November 12, 2007, 12:46:30 am »
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Re: Twin Peaks
Reply #50
November 12, 2007, 12:47:45 am »
Regional Chief Gordon Cole
Agent Stanley
Last Edit: November 12, 2007, 12:48:38 am by rockessence
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Thus ye may find in thy mental and spiritual self, ye can make thyself just as happy or just as miserable as ye like. How miserable do ye want to be?......For you GROW to heaven, you don't GO to heaven. It is within thine own conscience that ye grow there.
Edgar Cayce
Jami Ferrina
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Posts: 2135
Re: Twin Peaks
Reply #51
November 12, 2007, 12:49:08 am »
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Using rocks and minerals to heal the earth and us.
Re: Twin Peaks
Reply #52
November 12, 2007, 12:50:23 am »
One-Eyed Jack's sign
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Thus ye may find in thy mental and spiritual self, ye can make thyself just as happy or just as miserable as ye like. How miserable do ye want to be?......For you GROW to heaven, you don't GO to heaven. It is within thine own conscience that ye grow there.
Edgar Cayce
Jami Ferrina
Superhero Member
Posts: 2135
Re: Twin Peaks
Reply #53
November 12, 2007, 12:51:23 am »
Shelly Johnson is a fictional character played by Mädchen Amick on the David Lynch/Mark Frost television series Twin Peaks. Shelly works at the Double R diner which is owned by Norma Jennings, a good friend of hers.
Shelly dropped out of high school to marry trucker Leo Johnson, who had swept her off her feet by wining and dining her and so forth. As soon as they got married, it turned out that Leo just "wanted a maid he didn't have to pay for," in the words of Shelly. Leo is a monstrous home dictator, wife-beater, and dangerous criminal, and he is tangibly connected to Laura Palmer's murder.
Shelly has been having an affair with Laura's boyfriend, Bobby Briggs. Bobby, like Laura, is still in high school, and besides being a jock, he's something of a known hooligan. Although Bobby doesn't quite tread on the right side of the law, he is at least kind to Shelly, unlike Leo. The risk of the affair is great; Bobby deals drugs for Leo and knows just how dangerous Leo is.
During the show's second season, Leo lapses into a catatonic state and Shelly and Bobby openly flaunt their relationship in front of him.
Last Edit: November 12, 2007, 12:53:06 am by Jami Ferrina
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Jami Ferrina
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Posts: 2135
Re: Twin Peaks
Reply #54
November 12, 2007, 12:56:01 am »
Regional Chief Gordon Cole is actually series co-creator, David Lynch! Chris Isaak and Kiefer Sutherland play the FBi Agents in Fire: Walk with Me, a great movie! Lots more violent than the series, though.
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Jami Ferrina
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Posts: 2135
Re: Twin Peaks
Reply #55
November 12, 2007, 12:59:48 am »
Leo Johnson is a fictional character on the 1990-1991 primetime ABC series Twin Peaks, portrayed by Eric Da Re.
Leo in one of his more humorous scenes
Leo is one of the major suspects in the murder of Laura Palmer, with whom he had sex at least once. He is a drug runner, and is also linked with Jacques Renault, whom he smuggles over the border. According to the town sheriff, Johnson is free only because the department hasn’t found sufficient evidence.
Johnson beats up his wife Shelly regularly, often just because he can but also because of his (accurate) suspicions of her infidelity. He also reads Fleshworld magazine and advertises for sexual link-ups through it.
Leo traps Shelly in the Packard Saw Mill and sets it in on fire as revenge for her affair with Bobby Briggs, but Shelly is freed by Catherine Packard Martell and survives. To cover for the fire, Ben Horne hires Hank Jennings to shoot Johnson. By coincidence, Johnson is attacking Bobby at the time (with an axe), so Bobby witnesses Hank shooting Johnson.
Leo subsequently lapses into a coma, and is confined a wheelchair. He appears to be brain damaged, but eventually returns to consciousness by unknown means and attacks Shelly.
Towards the end of the second season, he becomes Windom Earle’s slave, and is controlled by an electrified collar. He releases Major Garland Briggs from captivity, apparently finding some degree of redemption in his desire to save Shelly from Earle. Earle responds by confining Johnson in a contraption which will release deadly spiders on his body as soon as he unclenches his jaw.
Leo briefly appears in the series finale as he is still clenching the contraption with his jaw. Because of the series' cancellation, his ultimate fate is unknown.
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Jami Ferrina
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Posts: 2135
Re: Twin Peaks
Reply #56
November 12, 2007, 01:02:49 am »
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Jami Ferrina
Superhero Member
Posts: 2135
Re: Twin Peaks
Reply #57
November 12, 2007, 01:06:32 am »
Leo Johnson
Birth date: 4/25/68
Sign: Taurus
Likes: Ice cream, birthday cake, and money
Education: Twin Peaks High School, MTA Truck Drivers School
Actor: Eric DaRe
With the money I saved from my paper route and various other capital ventures, I was able to buy my own 16-wheel rig by the time I was 20. I love having the freedom to pick up and go any time I want. I've driven across the country over 100 times, but never with Shelley. I was a hall monitor in high school.
I'm not afraid to make a buck, and I am a good provider for my wife.
I am a bad judge of character. It seems that I'm always getting involved with the wrong kinds of people. Because of this, I let my temper get to me at times.[/b
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Jami Ferrina
Superhero Member
Posts: 2135
Re: Twin Peaks
Reply #58
November 12, 2007, 01:09:24 am »
Shelley Johnson
Nickname: Shel
Birth date: 5/30/72
Sign: Gemini
Likes: Television - mostly soap operas
Education: Twin Peaks High School (completed two years, never graduated)
Actor: Madchen Amick
I can't think of anything that I have really achieved. I try to be a good wife. I am a hard worker, and I think I am a good waitress. The customers at the RR Diner seem to like me, and Norma always says that I am very helpful to her. Who knows? Maybe one day, Norma might let me become manager. Now that would be an accomplishment.
I am very tolerant and acception of others.
I should have stayed in school and gotten a bit more mature before marrying. I feel I have missed something.
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Jami Ferrina
Superhero Member
Posts: 2135
Re: Twin Peaks
Reply #59
November 12, 2007, 01:11:32 am »
RR Diner
Located on Highway J, down the street from Horne's Department Store.
Points of Interest:
Owned and operated by Norma Jennings, the RR Diner serves as the crossroad of Twin Peaks. The 1950's look of the diner is just one part of its appear Damn good coffe and cherry pie are two more enticing reasons to stop by. Open seven days a week, the RR Diner serves breakfast, lunch and daily Early Bird Dinner Specials for $7.34. Highlights of the diner's other food delights are mentioned in the Twin Peaks Access Guide.
As a community service, Norma Jennings bakes six fruit pies each July 4th for Eagle Scout Troop #294's Pie-Eating Contest. All visitors and RR Diner regulars are invited to attend.
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