Nicolas Cage on Bigfoot, Nessie and the Yeti
Posted on Monday, 18 November, 2019 |

Cage certainly seems to know his cryptids. Image Credit: CC BY 2.0 Kirk Weaver
The award-winning actor shared his views on a number of cryptozoological mysteries during a recent interview.
Cage, whose film career spans almost four decades, is certainly no stranger to the weird and wonderful having played a plethora of wild roles in more than 100 movies.
His latest film, 'Primal', sees him play a big game hunter who has caught a mythical white jaguar.
During an interview with the Huffington Post, cage spilled the beans, not only on the movie itself, but also on his thoughts regarding a variety of cryptozoological creatures.
His responses were surprisingly grounded.
First up was the legendary North American biped Bigfoot:
"Well, as much as I love the idea, I'm of the mind that he doesn't exist," said Cage. "I don't think someone of that, a primate in the forest standing upright."
"I think that if Bigfoot did exist we'd probably have more proof by now."
On the topic of the Loch Ness Monster he said:
"Giant eel. Loch Ness is famous for its eel population, and if it was a plesiosaur, it would be trying to get air a lot more often. I don't think these people are making things up. I think they've probably seen an eel, and I think there might be some DNA tests to that effect coming up to the surface."
He was also asked about the mythical Yeti:
"Well, I think they had some talk about that," he said. "It's usually a bear. Most of the DNA samples come back as bear, so I don't think so. I'm sorry to say that."
"I love the idea of these marvelous creatures and to that effect, the gorilla was originally thought to be a myth and turned out to be fact. The coelacanth was a prehistoric fish, which is still alive."