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The God of the Bible May Be Satan

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Author Topic: The God of the Bible May Be Satan  (Read 1526 times)
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« on: July 23, 2016, 10:15:40 pm »

The God of the Bible May Be Satan

 I think based on the things we read from the bible such as the Old Testament and even the New Testament it would imply very distinctly that "God" is in actuality "Satan". To many Christians, I know this may sound like the worst blasphemy but don't worry, I'm atheist, I have that covered. I use to be a Christian, but after reading the bible and many stories within it, I've come to a conclusion- God is not the loving, caring, Creator we suppose him to be, but in reality an evil being. I say, let's look at his qualities then you can determine who or "what" type of being your dealing with. Let's do some quick comparing and contrasting. The bible says that Satan came to kill, steal, and destroy. That makes sense if he's an evil being; yes. Satan is here to divide and conquer, but I specifically remember reading the bible and having Jesus say he came to do the same exact thing, more or less. In the bible, God kills in large number, insights wars, lies, and purposely admits to confusing and confounding people, or sending "strong delusion". God says he creates the "good and the evil,..the light and the dark"...he also has been documented sending "evil spirits" to people. Putting lying spirits in the mouths of prophets too. If God is actually doing all of this stuff, what in the hell is Satan sitting back doing if he's a being distinct and different from God? Maybe Satan is free roaming the world somewhere not even bothering anybody afar off. Who knows? Anyway, right now, think about this,..if Jesus was real, and came to earth, you would think if he was a creator he came here to unite people in love or to bring peace. You'd expect that if he was loving, but he isn't -by his own words. Jesus is exactly the opposite.

"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.” -Matthew 10:34-37

"Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.” -Luke 12:51-53

Here we have Jesus openly saying he came not to bring peace on earth, but he actually came to bring division. Listen to that, division. He admits it. Why would a loving benevolent Creator say that he came to divide families and put people one against another in such confusion? Isn't that the devil's job? Why say I came not to bring peace, but ..."the sword"? The sword to me is a direct symbol of war. Remember? Live by the sword, die by the sword? Not only that, God himself admits he is a "God of War".

"The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name." (Exodus 15:3)

This is very interesting. How can any rational person, even a Christian, believe in such a being with these type of qualities? Satan is pointed to as the author of confusion, but in the bible, God saw that men were going to build a building that reached into the sky or "the heavens" so God got angry and said "let us go down and confound their language so that they may not communicate one with another". Remember that? Before God confused man's language, God saw that if man were to put his mind to anything, nothing would be impossible for him. I guess the story serves to show how the many languages of the world came to be but I think it's rather evil for what God did. Apparently, humanity would have advanced had we built this structure, yet God confounded the language of everyone so that we cannot work in unity as one. God is ultimately the author of confusion then, ..not Satan. This is only one example of many. If we have a being out there, invisible to man, who made everything, sends evil spirits to people, purposely causes evils and disasters, supposedly murders people on a large scale, can we not look at this being as Satan or just outright evil? If God were good, why cause and create evil for our world at all? Is evil a necessary thing or a punishment from God? Who knows. But I will tell you this, if you read the bible for yourself, I don't see how you don't come away as an atheist. The very being we all "wished" was out there,..loving, benevolent, caring, protecting, and all those things, if he's real, I think he has to be Satan in disguise. The world is filled with evil, murders, unprotection, disasters, wars, diseases that literally appear out of nowhere, and many other things,- how does it make you feel to know that the being that you believe in as a Creator purposely causes all those things? If the God of the bible is real, in any aspect, I think he's evil. Call him Satan, call him whoever you want, but he ain't good. What are your thoughts on the issues I raised guys? What is your outlook on the world if a hidden Creator actually did exist? What do you think humanities relationship is to that Creator if he exist? And if he admitted to causing the evils of the world, would you still worship him?
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Halloween is the only holiday that matters!

« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2016, 10:16:16 pm »

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« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2016, 10:18:29 pm »

 The point of my post originally was that the biblical God, if he exist, is actually not benevolent but instead evil. Which is why I called him Satan. If you study and read the Old Testament, and even the New Testament and look at the qualities of God, you'll begin to realize if you have a brain, that evils afoot. The bible paints God as jealous, hot-tempered, wrathful, wroth with anger, decietful, murderous, and to be honest an outright "omni-evil" being...who also occasionally enjoys the smell of ritual animal sacrifice. "A sweet savor to the Lord". Taking all of these different emotions and instances into account, it makes you really wonder, maybe the bible was describing Satan the whole time.  Of course, if God was Satan I wouldn't believe in him. But in the bible, Satan and God seem to act almost like brothers, or tag partners or something,-one describing the other in detail while the other goes around acting it out. The stories are really incredible, to say the least, if you read them. Rather they are to be taken as literalism or metaphor is beyond the point,...we still get to make a judgment on what we're reading.
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Halloween is the only holiday that matters!

« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2016, 10:19:21 pm »

 I always thought the God from the Bible was a whimsical mass murderer. If the Bible is to be taken seriously he kills innocent people at random and by the absolute bucket load. He takes, takes, takes and gives nothing back and butchers anyone who denies him.


If one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter, maybe Satan was on to him and tried to put an end to the whole sale slaughter.
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senator Bam
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« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2016, 03:56:20 pm »

I think the "Pope" [Pontifex maximus &/or Emperor] is Satan (or sitting on Satan's throne). They seem to be the people behind this globalist, digitalist, corporatist western world "order". They are the people who are forcing me to eat/drink poison/harmful fluoridated & alluminium-laced tap water which they call "kool-aid" and which the bible calls "wormwood" or "[blood water]". Pergamos Satan's seat seems to match Rome?
I don't think Yhwh is Satan, but i tried to be a christian for 9 years until weeks ago and "God"/Yhwh/Yshu has not saved me form being poisoned etc so i have quit and do not have any nice thoughts/feelings about him anymore.
Yhwh & Satan have Sumerian originals.
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