Chronological maps of El Argar society's early expansion are at:
Link to a research paper (published in 2014, by Lull about archaeology of the La Bastida site is at: above-linked paper indicates that during Phase 1 of La Bastida (2200-2025 BC), the Guadelentin-Segura river drainage region came under proto-El Argar control. In that first phase, the La Bastida site had wooden buildings.
The first phase of La Bastida resembles Critias 113c and 115b, which report that: the earliest phase of Atlantis society started building on a low hill; then Atlantean society opened a large channel to the sea (i.e. a large waterway, resembling the Segura river in Argar society).
The Guadalentin river was Europe's closest equivalent to the Nile river of Egypt. Both of these rivers overflow their banks in recurring floods, thus depositing new soil. Also, Argar society was located in the most arid part of Spain (which thus resembles the arid situation of Egypt). El Argar society farmed almost entirely barley; so El Argar society is described as a mono-culture.
The early half of Egypt's Middle Kingdom was contemporary with Phases 1 and 2 of La Bastida. In that era, Middle Kingdom Egypt developed a religious concept that Egyptian nobles could travel to the far west and grow barley to glorify the sun god Re. Egypt's terminology called the far western place Sekhet Hetep ("field of peace").
In phase 2 at La Bastida (2025-1900 BC), large stone buildings replaced the previous wooden buildings.
The above expansion maps show that territory controlled by proto-Argar society expanded up the Almanzora river drainage region (i.e. expanded upstream from the actual type-site named El Argar). While crossing a saddle between two mountain ranges at the head of Almanzoroa river (Estansias mountains on the north, and Filabres mountains on the south); this westward proto-Argar territorial expansion moved into highland tributaries of the Guadalquivir river, contemporary with Phase 2 of La Bastida, 2025-1900 BC.
This second phase of proto-Argar expansion resembles Crit 114b, which reports that the Atlantean society established Eumelus/Gadeirus (a twin brother of Atlas) as the supervisor for a region bounded by Cadiz and the Guadalquivir river. This second phase of proto-Argar expansion (2025-1900 BC) was mostly a trading-post style of activity. (i.e. Argar society did not conquer and control the lower Guadalquivir river basin.) Argar people could acquire silver in such trade with the Guadalquivir basin. At that time, Egypt was valuing silver greater than gold; but silver was plentiful in southwest Spain. The key to make such metal trade successful (or profitable) was a Middle Minoan transportation network, which reached from Argar society to Middle Kingdom Egypt.
The above expansion maps also show that Phase 2 of the La Bastida site was a time when proto-Argar society took control of the region that been previous headquarters for Spain's Los Millares society.
Phase 3 of the La Bastida site (1900 BC to 1600/1550 BC) corresponds to full blown El Argar culture, often called El Argar A by archaeologists. El Argar A society collapsed rapidly at approximately 1550 BC.
The later El Argar B society collapsed about 1300 BC.