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Sumeria Unexplained

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Author Topic: Sumeria Unexplained  (Read 1235 times)
the Nephilim
Full Member
Posts: 19

« on: October 19, 2016, 11:45:40 pm »

The "12" correspond to the constellations, not planets. This is one reason why even in the Old Testament the sons of God are referred to as stars (cf. Job 38:7-8), and we have the "12" tribes of Israel, the "12" disciples and "12" Apostles. (12x12 = "144", the "chosen", all symbolic). Religion is based on Nature and it`s Laws, and all symbology and numerology can be traced back to it

Here is what Nibiru is and what it is not ... “Straight is the crossing point (nibiru; a gateway), and narrow is the way that leads to it.”

If one wants to know what Nibiru as an astronomical body is, one is dependent on these texts – unless, like Zecharia Sitchin, one makes up meanings to prop up a theory. One either lets the texts tell you what Nibiru is, or ignores the scribes in favor of Sitchin.

One thing is certain from the texts, though : Nibiru is NEVER identified as a planet beyond Pluto.

Sitchin’s entire cosmological-mythological system is based on three lines of argument :

(1) The cylinder seal VA 243, which is dismantled in another PDF file on my website. In a nutshell, the “sun” on the seal (which allegedly depicts the solar system) is not the sun – based on the consistent style of the actual sun symbol in Sumero-Mesopotamian seals and art. Without a sun, you don’t have a solar system.

(2) The claim that Nibiru lies beyond Pluto and is home to the Anunnaki, neither of which come from the actual texts.

(3) The “reconstruction” of the formation of our solar system, accomplished by matching the names of gods in Sumerian creation-cosmological texts with planets - and then describing a “cosmic billiards” scenario supposedly conveyed to us in these texts. Cuneiform astronomical texts never list any more than five planets (seven if one counts sun and moon), and actually tell us which planets are which gods in their mythology. It should be no surprise that the Sumero-Akkadian planet-god correlations disagree with Sitchin’s.

What do the cuneiform texts tell us about Nibiru – particularly in contradiction to Zecharia Sitchin ? Here’s the list :

1) Nibiru is called a star.
2) Nibiru is called a planet – nearly always Jupiter-Marduk, but once Mercury, and never anything beyond Pluto or the known planets.
3) The Sumerians, by their own records, knew of only five planets (and accepted the sun and moon as planets).
4) Nibiru is never mentioned in any respect with the Anunnaki; it is never said to have been or be inhabited.
5) Nibiru is both a “fixed star” in some relationship to constellations (whether a member or just in proximity is unknown) that “holds” them in their courses, but is also described as “changing position” and “crossing” the sky at times.
6) Nibiru was seen every year, which demolishes Sitchin’s view of a 3600 year cycle for it.
Sitchins assumptions makes a nice story, but the chances are much greater that the earth will be annihilated by a meteorite than Sitchins "12" planet, which has no factual basis
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