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Topic: The visit (Read 72 times)
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The visit
October 16, 2016, 04:53:46 pm »
The visit
Posted on 9-9-2016
By: Vinny D | Location: West Palm Beach, Fl
When I was 17, I was in to all types of problems and activities I shouldn't of been into. I was a lost kid and had no reason to be so. I just wanted to rebel, and I had a friend that always looked out for me and listened to every and anything I had going on. She was special the type of friend that would last a life time, she was beautiful in ways that words can't explain. We never had any type of physical relationship, probably because we respected and admired each other and did not want to ever jeopardize that friendship. We spent almost every day hanging out with her and my crew I was very close to her mom, who always trusted and was at ease when she knew she was with me.
One weekend, it just happened that we didn't see each other, there was a drugstore that everybody would meet up at since our friend was the cashier and we could get cigarettes without a hitch. It was a Monday and I ran into her there, she came up to my window and told me she missed me and loved me, and where the hell had I been. I asked where she was going and she said a mutual friend's house, "Mike", she kissed me on the cheek and had to leave but told me to head over. I told her I was two minutes behind her.
I bought a pack of cigs and headed to Mike's home. As I arrived I didn't notice a car had driven past me she was with the girl that was driving. I asked where she was and they told me that she went to the pool house to use the restroom. Suddenly, Mike came out with a somber look in his face, he told me that he didn't understand or if it was a joke but this girl, Lisa, that had been driving just called him and said Janet had had an accident and she was hurt.
I jumped in my car and flew to the pool house. As I arrived the ambulance was already leaving with Janet. Girl was hysterically sobbing, she wasn't making any sense. I grabbed by her arms and demanded she tell me what happened to Janet, she just kept saying she fell. I looked down at the blood on the floor to my horror there was pieces of broken teeth on the ground. I called Janet's mother right away, before I could get even a word out she instinctively said where is my baby. I told her that she was on her way to the hospital.
Lisa than settled down and finally told us what had happened, as a prank she took off with Janet sitting on the trunk of the car. As she turned the curve into the pool house whether on purpose or as a joke we will never know but Janet got thrown off the trunk and landed face first on the concrete ground. But she said that Janet was responsive and had left with the ambulance to be on the safe side, lie number one! I relaxed after she told me that and waited for her mom to call me. She didn't, the next day, I called her house and her grandmother answered I asked for Janet and I was confused she said that she hadn't got up yet, I breathed a sigh of relief, she was home, but I was terribly wrong. I realized this after her grandmother said please pray for her, what she meant is that she hadn't woken up because she was in a coma. Janet died two days later, the crew through our own wake that consisted of a party celebrating her life I was a wreck it was saddest time of my life.
Then it happened, the night before her funeral. In a dream that I will never understand because I don't believe in these type of occurrences, in my dream I was at a party, a party that was for Janet, everybody was drinking and toasting her, we were in a large home and the house was packed. Then from across the room this older woman, a woman that had no business being at a teen party walked into the room, our eyes met and we locked on to each other she kept her eyes on me the whole time as she maneuvered through the people. She walked up to me and said hello, in my disbelief, remember this is a dream, I said Janet? is that really you? she said yes.
She told me exactly as follows, don't be sad for me tell everyone that I am ok and in a better place I love you and will miss you and everybody else, please tell my mom I love her and that I am not mad at her I understand why! I woke up sobbing like a three year old boy. The next day we went to her funeral, after that her mom asked me and some of her other friends to come back to her house. She spoke with us and told us she was moving she couldn't bare to live in a house that would be quiet with out her baby, then she said she needed to tell us something since it had been in the news papers and she wanted us to know from her.
Janet had gone into a coma when she had arrived at the hospital, because of the way she had been held after her fall, was it by the girl Lisa or the paramedics I will never know, she lost oxygen to her brain for an extended period of time her brain had swollen tremendously and she had been on life support the entire time, the doctors advise her family if she was to wake up and able to breathe on her own she would be a vegetable. Her mother made the decision and physically was the one to pull the plug on Janet...Tell my mom I love her and I am not mad at her I understand why!!!! The hairs on my neck stood up I started crying again but I didn't have the heart to tell her about my dream. RIP NENA.
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