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Tainted Food effecting the brain
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Topic: Tainted Food effecting the brain (Read 1598 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 206
Tainted Food effecting the brain
January 20, 2016, 06:51:24 pm »
""""I have posted a video about my experience on youtube
I am a psychic, and I have had many past lives, but my past life in Atlantis memory came to me after having my chakras healed and cleared by a native American shaman.
I lived to be 800 years old in Atlantis. I was pure plieadian but born on Earth in Atlantis. I lived in the temple of venus near the northern shores of Atlantis. I was a crystal healer that worked exclusively with helping people achieve physical beauty. My soul is very connected to beauty in all forms and I always incarnate into a beautiful body. In this life in Atlantis I was male, looking almost identical to myself today. I had very pale skin in Atlantis, platinum white blonde hair, and violet eyes. I was taller too. I never looked older than the age of 20, because I specialized in beauty, anti aging, and mystical love arts. Most people in Atlantis were blonde haired and had blue eyes, everyone was beautiful and extremely spiritual.
Atlantis was a city made up of crystals and quartz, the temples, sidewalks, everything was made of crystal. The crystal amplified the peoples energy and enhanced psychic gifts. I believe the crystals and perfect condition of the planets air quality and water allowed for extremely long life spans. Atlantis was a perfect world until other extra terrestrials started to become jealous of Atlantis. There were also mermaids and merpeople in atlantis, they were created by alien scientists to scout the oceans but ended up reproducing and creating a race/ society of their own. However I remember mermaids and mermen often were seen and conversed with near the temple of venus. I knew many of them personally and even preformed beautification rituals on them since merpeople are obsessed with achieving physical beauty. In my regression I saw myself experiencing an attack from reptilian space beings upon the area, which actually caused me to leave through a portal in order to escape capture and death. However once entering this portal I was not able to return to Atlantis, and instead reincarnated into a different dimension since my guides told me Atlantis would be destroyed soon. I did not live through the destruction period, I ascended before Atlantis was destroyed.
I know Atlantis was destroyed by mis use of the energy source, a powerful crystal that was underneath the main city. Scientists from Mars were responsible for the creation of a laser which reacted badly with the great crystal. Many people who lived in Atlantis are alive today, the nuclear age and the 2012 conscious shift triggered many Atlanteans to reincarnate."""
What kind of mushrooms are these people eating?
If one were to place any credence to these lunatic accounts of Atlantis, then indeed that old saying of; "There is a sucker born everyday" is not only true, but immensely understated, as it indicates that old fools are reborn many times over.
It's amazing though, in the construction of such a short account of about 444 words that the person was able to connect some major concepts of religion/theosophy, history, and science fiction.
Dissecting the above account we see the various places from where these people plagiarize their "memories" of past lives. It seems that it is, mainly, a sort of a mixed concoction of Bible, Blavatsky, Nazism, and the science fiction of Heinlein and company. Aryan blondes with blue eyes, an evil empire of tyrannical madmen, galactic colonization and conquests, alien scientists, and all the splendor of the New Jerusalem coming down from heaven, with its golden gates of precious gems, and its street of crystal clear pavements lined with trees of life fruiting all year round, and the water of long life flowing throughout.
What is alarming is the number of these accounts abounding on the internet; they are everywhere. Now it is clear that many are only meant as subtle sarcasm by the more "reasonable" people, but still, too many are beginning to take this stuff seriously, and before we know it, it will be an epidemic of biblical proportion. Brain damage will result when we couple this with legal/illegal drugs we are ingesting, "Michigan," and who knows where else, "led contaminated" drinking water, plus all the technology that is, slowly, taking creativity and thinking on our own away from us, then it's a recipe for disaster; just what the real tale of Atlantis, and all the other works given by Plato is meant to warn about.
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Superhero Member
Posts: 1922
Re: Tainted Food effecting the brain
Reply #1
February 19, 2016, 07:25:46 pm »
I'll have you know that past lives do indeed exist and that reincarnation is truth. How do I know this? Well, how do you know they do not? In science, there are no absolutes and true scientists are trained to have an open mind. Save your scorn for yourself, young man, here, we search for the truth. And often we are not that particular where we find it.
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senator Bam
Hero Member
Posts: 136
Re: Tainted Food effecting the brain
Reply #2
July 25, 2016, 04:12:18 pm »
I agree that tainted food and water are causing serious health and ability problems esp for disadvantaged.
Even now i am hopelessly fighting here to try stop them Forcing me to drink & eat their "kool-aid" poison fluoridated (& alluminium-laced) tap water. But no one cares.
Clean Water is one of the First most essential necessities of life.
Some may say that this is too materialist, but there is no doubt that chemicals effect the brain and body. Some may say its all genetics, but even the gods in Irish myth got sick when Bress withheld them food.
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Full Member
Posts: 2
Re: Tainted Food effecting the brain
Reply #3
June 08, 2018, 03:32:39 pm »
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