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The Hyksos

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Author Topic: The Hyksos  (Read 1437 times)
Chessica Silva
Hero Member
Posts: 178

« on: August 27, 2014, 01:09:31 am »

The Hyksos were non-native rulers in Egypt for several centuries who eventually conquered Memphis and ruled the Nile delta area (from Avaris) during the 15th-17th dynasties. Egyptologists debate about their identity for various reasons but most agree they came from East of the Nile from somewhere in Asia (and has Semitic names).

Manetho calls them Phoenician kings. People really need to **** or get off the pot and just firmly admit they were Canaanites. The big problem with the Hyksos is biblical historians. Josephus said the Hyksos were the Hebrew and their expulsion the exodus. Manetho has his own exodus story that differs from the bible but disagrees that they were the Hyksos. He said the Hebrews were lepers who went to the former Hyksos capital and then invited them as aid in a conspiracy (according to this they had already been expelled).

The Hyksos were called "Shepherds" or Shepherd kings. I'm aware that the historians goofed when they said the name Hyksos was Egyptian for "Shepherd Kings" (or captive shepherds according to Josephus). But this does not take away this shepherd identity. Anyways, here is Seth:
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Chessica Silva
Hero Member
Posts: 178

« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2014, 01:09:48 am »

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Chessica Silva
Hero Member
Posts: 178

« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2014, 01:10:38 am »

Seth, above, Osiris
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Chessica Silva
Hero Member
Posts: 178

« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2014, 01:11:07 am »

Osiris has green skin because he's dead. Seth killed him. Seth is depicted as an animal (the seth animal or beast).

Here is Melqart:
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Chessica Silva
Hero Member
Posts: 178

« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2014, 01:11:22 am »

Melqart is the Phoencian "Hercules". He was also known as Ba'al, but Ba'al is also a title for lord. So is "Melqart" kinda, but that's a different topic. Melqart has the same feathered crown as Osiris. This statue was found in Spain where there was a known Phoenician colony.

I have no idea how old the Egyptian depiction of Osiris is, but Osiris the god dates to at least the 5th dynasty. The reason I bring this up is because I'm curious who copied from who. Did the Phoencians copy from Egypt or vice versa?

See Seth was originally a good god. Then he became demonized, probably due to association with the Hyksos. The Hyksos' god was recognized as Seth, but Egyptologists even admit that it was really probably Ba'al. Which means it was probably the same as Malqart here. Who looks like Osiris.

Seth is an usurper who kills his brother Osiris (the king) who is later resurrected for just enough time to give 'birth' to Horus (depending on the myth) before becoming a ruler of the underworld. Horus, however, is older than dynastic Egypt. This is obviously a later re-working of myths as time went on. The demonization of Seth as a beast and the above myth is most likely directly related to these much hated "shepherds" the Hyksos.
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Chessica Silva
Hero Member
Posts: 178

« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2014, 01:11:37 am »

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Chessica Silva
Hero Member
Posts: 178

« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2014, 01:12:03 am »

I know this is not proof in itself but there is no harm in speculating. Look at Osiris' staff. It's a shepherd crook. Is it possible that Seth was once depicted similarly or even identically to Osiris? Yes, again, look at Malqart. Or Ba'al, the Phoenician god who the Egyptians identified with Seth. We don't know who influence who, most will think the Egyptian influenced Phoenician. But what matters is the Phoenician "Seth" looks exactly like Osiris.

Is Osiris Seth? Is Seth Osiris?

Unrelated, but if Osiris shows up in the 5th dynasty, and if the 4th dynasty great pyramid really has a djed (Osiris' backbone) inside, does this have something to do with any of this? Because the 4th dynasty were also kings of a 'foreign race'. The pyramids were built by non-Egyptian kings. That's like the big secret that's not a secret. Were these the Hyksos hundreds of years earlier?

Here then they reckon one hundred and six years, during which they say that there was nothing but evil for the Egyptians, and the temples were kept closed and not opened during all that time. These kings the Egyptians by reason of their hatred of them are not very willing to name; nay, they even call the pyramids after the name of Philitis the shepherd, who at that time pastured flocks in those regions. -Herodotus 2:28
He's talking about the pyramid builders who apparently were hated by the Egyptians 2,000 year later. And Philitis the shepherd? Is that a reference to the Philistines? Shepherds like the Hyksos?

Egyptian chronology is fluid but Egyptologists are conservative and stubborn even if they refuse to admit it. The Hyksos=Hebrews thing is a bulls**t story but since people refuse to talk past it (or just ignore it), nobody is really trying to figure this out.

In conclusion, I have one question that can't really be answered but is a valid question:

Did Phoenicians build the pyramids?

Phoenicians, not Egyptians. And not aliens. Not Jews either but Jews lived in Canaan which is where the confusion probably is.
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Chessica Silva
Hero Member
Posts: 178

« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2014, 01:12:35 am »

Col. John Garnier lived in the early 20h century and wrote a book called "The Worship of the Dead" after studying the great pyramid. He is not really a reliable source, but he came to some interesting conclusions.

He claims that Khufu was a shepherd king and the biblical patriarch Sem (Shem) who was later equated with Seth and the Greek Typhon. He also claims that Philitis the shepherd was the same person. I've read many crazy claims, some claim that Sem priests had something to do with Shaman or the biblical Shem/Sem. Sem priests, however, did not have shepherd crooks. They were dressed like ancient Greek depictions of Hercules wearing leopard skins.

One thing that was interesting about Garnier's theory is when he says that Khufu overthrew idolatry in favor of sun worship. This is based on the Herodotus account by the way and has nothing to do with the much later Akhenaten. If there is a relation, it is misisng. Or the whole thing could just be false, who knows.

Anyways he claims the Osiris myth is rooted in the overthrow of pagan idolatry in favor of monotheistic worship of the sun (Seth killing Osiris). I don't agree, I just find it interesting. The more interesting part is that it was once observed (by G. Rawlinson in The Story of the Nations: Phoenicia, a 19th century work) how Jerusalem masonry was similar to the pyramids:

The wall had an original height of from seventy to one hundred and fourty feet. In places it is built from bottom to top of large squared stones, bevelled at the edges and varying between 3 ft 3 inches and 6 ft in height. The stones are laid without cement. The longest hitherto discovered measures 38 ft 9 inches in length (not less than one hundred tonnes). Many of the other blocks are from half to two thirds of this height. The massiveness of the work is on par with the Egyptian pyramid-Kings; and the perfection of the cutting and fitting of the stones is nearly equal.
Then we move on to "Phoenicia" aka Lebanon:

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Chessica Silva
Hero Member
Posts: 178

« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2014, 01:12:52 am »

This is a massive stone at Baalbek which was being cut from a quarry before being abandoned. There is no doubt that the Baalbek temple pieces are Greek, but the foundation is of these massive stones. Greeks never built things like this. They most likely built the temple over the ruins of an existing one. But who built it? The Phoenicians? Baalbek is another "protected" megalith site in terms of patrolled by thought police.

The last thing I'll write is in relation to the land of Canaan itself. The biblical POV is obscuring it's real history. I think the OT is a modern hoax written alongside the NT based on older source material using Egyptian, Canaanite, fiction, and something else. That something else I think has something to do with a lost civilization.
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Chessica Silva
Hero Member
Posts: 178

« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2014, 01:13:28 am »

? – Set is born.
-6000 – Agriculture in the Nile valley
-5000 – Set settles around the Nile.
-4245 – Lower Egypt conquers Upper Egypt.

-4245 : Osiris takes control of Egypt and banishes his brother Set. [Mummy1,pg 59]
many years later : Osiris Embraced by a stranger [Mummy1,pg 69]

Appears somewhere in here the Name Set ..... gets changed to Seth
? : Set returns and imprisions Osiris. Later Osiris escapes and is torn limb from limb. [Mummy1,pg 60]
? : Meshta is turned into a Mummy [Mummy1,pg 61]
? : Horus is turned into a Mummy [Mummy1,pg 61]

? : Isis restores Osiris to life. Set kills him again. [Mummy1,pg 62]
? : Khetamon flees as the last of Osiris’ progeny. He doesn’t stop until he reaches india. [Mummy1,pg 64]
? : Khetamon perfects his discipline of Bardo and returns from hiding to create the children of Osiris.

~-3000 : Set’s power is weakened by Horus’ actions. [Mummy1,pg 63]
-3000 – Athens and Troy are built at this time. Humans begin abstract mathematics.

-3000s – development of Osiran mythology
-2620 : Birth of Queen Hetephras [Mummy1,pg 69]
-2605 : Birth of Sahura during the reign of Pharaoh Khufu, aka. Cheops [Mummy1,pg 70]
-2650-2190 – the Pyramids
-2100s – popularity of the Osiris cult; royalty promotes the worship of Amon-Ra

-2000 – The start of the bronze age.
– The rise of the Egyptian pharaohs. The middle kingdom of egypt florishes.
-1650 – The middle kingdom starts to decline due to the efforts of the Mummies and the Children of Osiris.
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Chessica Silva
Hero Member
Posts: 178

« Reply #10 on: August 27, 2014, 01:13:52 am »

Old Testament Timeline
Event ...... Year from Creation ..... Year of Event .... Y Until Next Event ...... Verses

Creation ............ 0 ............ 3950 BC ............ 130 ............ Genesis 5:3

Birth of Seth ............ 130 ............ 3820 BC ............ 105 ............ Genesis 5:6

Birth of Enos ............ 235 ............ 3715 BC ............ 90 ............ Genesis 5:9
Birth of Cainan ............ 325 ............ 3625 BC ............ 70 ............ Genesis 5:12
Birth of Mahalaleel ............ 395 ............ 3555 BC ............ 65 ............ Genesis 5:15
Birth of Jared ............ 460 ............ 3490 BC ............ 162 ............ Genesis 5:18

Birth of Enoch ............ 622 ............ 3328 BC ............ 65 ............ Genesis 5:21

Birth of Mathuselah ............ 687 ............ 3263 BC ............ 187 ............ Genesis 5:25
Birth of Lamech ............ 874 ............ 3076 BC ............ 182 ............ Genesis 5:28
Birth of Noah ............ 1056 ............ 2894 BC ............ 600 ............ Genesis 7:
Beginning of the flood ............ 1656 ............ 2294 BC ............ 1 ............ Genesis 7:11, 8:13-14
Noah leaves the ark ............ 1657 ............ 2293 BC ............ 2 ............ Genesis 11:10
Birth of Arphaxed ............ 1659 ............ 2291 BC ............ 35 ............ Genesis 11:12
Birth of Salah ............ 1694 ............ 2256 BC ............ 30 ............ Genesis 11:14
Birth of Eber ............ 1724 ............ 2226 BC ............ 34 ............ Genesis 11:16
Birth of Peleg ............ 1758 ............ 2192 BC ............ 30 ............ Genesis 11:18

I can see the Evil once playing there games .....
look how Set gets explained ... to me the opposite to what his image truly presents ... fighting against the Evil rulers ways since the beginning.

Comparing written data:

Set - God of Chaos ......(My comment >> should it not says Set - God against Chaos???

Other names : Seth, Sutekh

The Egyptian god Set is most commonly portrayed as a man with a demonic head, resembling that of an aardvark.

Originally, Set was the patron god of the pharaohs of Lower (Northern) Egypt, just as Horus was the patron god of the pharaohs of Upper (Southern) Egypt. Certain Pharaohs even incorporated Set's name into their own names.

However, as the cult of Osiris grew larger and the story of Osiris' murder grew more popular, Set started to be portrayed as a more evil and chaotic god. He became associated with the barren deserts and thunderstorms.

After Set was defeated by Horus, he was banished from Egypt, and spent his time protecting Ra on his nightly voyage through the underworld.
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Chessica Silva
Hero Member
Posts: 178

« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2014, 01:15:03 am »

Connecting the dotes:

Reality of Evil strategy's & manipulations to cover-up the truth.

One single name is not uttered in the world, the name which the Father gave to the Son; it is the name above all things: the name of the Father. For the Son would not become Father unless he wore the name of the Father. Those who have this name know it, but they do not speak it. But those who do not have it do not know it.

But truth brought names into existence in the world for our sakes, because it is not possible to learn it (truth) without these names. Truth is one single thing; it is many things and for our sakes to teach about this one thing in love through many things. The rulers (archons) wanted to deceive man, since they saw that he had a kinship with those that are truly good. They took the name of those that are good and gave it to those that are not good, so that through the names they might deceive him and bind them to those that are not good. And afterward, what a favor they do for them! They make them be removed from those that are not good and place them among those that are good. These things they knew, for they wanted to take the free man and make him a slave to them forever.

To me its already clear in my mind that Set, Seth & Jesus are the same image representations; because it makes logical sense ....

The key:
39. Jesus said, "The Pharisees and the scholars have taken the keys of knowledge and have hidden them. They have not entered nor have they allowed those who want to enter to do so.

I can clearly see the key in the hands of this guy ..... & look at the shape of it .... the head shape & the cross of knowledge!!!!

Even the Horns of the Bull & Gout symbolism gives me the symbolic message of an split mind in people??

Osiris, The First Messiah: Was Jesus The “Second Coming” Of Egypt’s Christ?
Cross of Life ..........
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Chessica Silva
Hero Member
Posts: 178

« Reply #12 on: August 27, 2014, 01:16:27 am »

Look at the head dressing ..... the split mind in people between good & evil.
I can see the clear message here .... just time changed the image symbols but the meaning is the same in my view!! .......... .......

Just connect the dots .... Here are statements pointing to logical reality ......
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Chessica Silva
Hero Member
Posts: 178

« Reply #13 on: August 27, 2014, 01:16:47 am »

The Second Treatise of the Great Seth

For the Archon was a laughingstock because he said, "I am God, and there is none greater than I. I alone am the Father, the Lord, and there is no other beside me. I am a jealous God, who brings the sins of the fathers upon the children for three and four generations." As if he had become stronger than I and my brothers! But we are innocent with respect to him, in that we have not sinned, since we mastered his teaching. Thus he was in an empty glory. And he does not agree with our Father. And thus through our fellowship we grasped his teaching, since he was vain in an empty glory. And he does not agree with our Father, for he was a laughingstock and judgment and false prophecy.

O those who do not see, you do not see your blindness, i.e., this which was not known, nor has it ever been known, nor has it been known about him. They did not listen to firm obedience. Therefore they proceeded in a judgment of error, and they raised their defiled and murderous hands against him, as if they were beating the air. And the senseless and blind ones are always senseless, always being slaves of law and earthly fear.

I am Christ, the Son of Man, the one from you who is among you. I am despised for your sake, in order that you yourselves may forget the difference. And do not become female, lest you give birth to evil and (its) brothers: jealousy and division, anger and wrath, fear and a divided heart, and empty, non-existent desire. But I am an ineffable mystery to you.

Now these things I have presented to you - I am Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, who is exalted above the heavens - O perfect and incorruptible ones, because of the incorruptible and perfect mystery and the ineffable one. But they think that we decreed them before the foundation of the world, in order that, when we emerge from the places of the world, we may present there the symbols of incorruption from the spiritual union unto knowledge. You do not know it, because the fleshly cloud overshadows you. But I alone am the friend of Sophia. I have been in the bosom of the father from the beginning, in the place of the sons of the truth, and the Greatness. Rest then with me, my fellow spirits and my brothers, forever.
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Chessica Silva
Hero Member
Posts: 178

« Reply #14 on: August 27, 2014, 01:17:34 am »

Ralph Ellis: look at historical events outside of accepted timelines and places.

His website is
The website also has links to interesting debates on his findings.

Jesus, King of Edessa,
King Jesus, from Kam (Egypt) to Camelot,
Cleopatra to Christ,
Mary Magdalene, Princess of Orange,
Scota, Egyptian Queen of the Scots,
Eden in Egypt,
Jesus, Last of the Pharaohs,
Tempest & Exodus,
Solomon, Falcon of Sheba,
Thoth, Architect of the Universe,
K2, Quest of the Gods.
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