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:::"Monolith" Space Beacons, stolen by Cabal, now restored to space‏ :::

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Author Topic: :::"Monolith" Space Beacons, stolen by Cabal, now restored to space‏ :::  (Read 455 times)
Superhero Member
Posts: 1688

Using rocks and minerals to heal the earth and us.

« on: September 10, 2007, 08:58:41 pm »

I looked at google earth where described and tried to coppy pictures but was unsuccessful.  The black shapes were not hard to find, especially if you start with Greenland.  They just look CRAZY!! How could anything bee that immense and be manipulsted by humans?

Joint Psychic Exercise To Heal Earth’s Latest Injury: Wednesday, Sept. 12
    You are invited to join in a Joint Psychic Exercise on Wednesday (Sept. 12) to respond to a healing need of Mother Earth’s after the removal yesterday of the third and final Space Beacon from where the Cabal had been storing it, straddling the Alaska/Yukon Territory boundary line.
    The need for this healing effort is because the Beacon which the Cabal had stolen from space exerts powerful electromagnetic fields which disrupt Earth's natural energy lines and grid.   
    However, a task force, consisting of Colonel Shadow (and his Counter-Insurgency Team) and a Zeta crew and starcraft, took this device out of Cabal control September 9. The device, which was damaging to Earth, was then removed from Earth’s atmosphere by Zeta safely into space back to its proper original positioning there. However, the device had been in place long enough to do serious erosive damage to Earth’s surface and energy fields in that locale. Thus, Mother Earth needs substantial healing of the damage left by that device’s past presence.
    This is where you can help.
    You are requested to join in a Joint Psychic Exercise September 12 to respond to the need of Earth’s healing after this Cabal-inflicted injury.
    The Joint Psychic Exercise will consist of directing healing, restorative energy to the SE Alaska-Yukon Territory, Canada location where the device had been sitting. The healing-energy "send" should last at least 15 minutes.
    Please send your energy to Earth Mother by intention to the location where the #3 Beacon had lain. 
    The time for you to join us in this Joint Psychic Exercise, is this Wednesday, Sept. 12, as follows:
Hawai'ian Islands: 5 am, Wednesday

Anchorage, Alaska: 7 am

Los Angeles/San Francisco/Vancouver, BC (PDT): 8 am

Denver/Calgary (MST): 9 am

Chicago/Mexico City (CDT): 10am

New York/Washington, DC/Bogotá (EDT): 11 am

Halifax, Nova Scotia/San Juan, Puerto Rico/Caracas, Venezuela: 12:00 noon

Sao Paulo, Brazil: 2 pm

Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)/Greenwich Mean Time/Zulu: 15:00 / 3 p.m.,

London/Dakar: 4 pm

Paris/Algiers: 5 pm

Amman, Jordan/Capetown, SA: 6 pm

Moscow/Riyadh: 7 pm

Dubai: 7 pm

New Delhi: 8:30 pm

Beijing/Shanghai/Singapore/Manila: 11:00 pm, Wednesday

Tokyo/Seoul/Perth, AU: 12 midnight, Wednesday 

Adelaide, AU: 12:30 am Thursday 

Brisbane, AU: 1 am, Thursday 

Canberra/Sydney, AU: 1 am Thursday 

Auckland, NZ: 3 am Thursday 

Kamchatka, Russia: 4 am Thursday

    If you absolutely cannot make this time, join us as soon as you can, and back-time or forward-time your effort (time-jump by intention) to coincide with our Exercise.

    Thank you for joining us to help heal our Earth Mother.

          in the light,
          Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC; Councillor
President, Star Kids Project, Ltd
Diamond Springs, California 95619,  USA
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Thus ye may find in thy mental and spiritual self, ye can make thyself just as happy or just as miserable as ye like. How miserable do ye want to be?......For you GROW to heaven, you don't GO to heaven. It is within thine own conscience that ye grow there.

Edgar Cayce

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