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:::"Monolith" Space Beacons, stolen by Cabal, now restored to space :::
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:::"Monolith" Space Beacons, stolen by Cabal, now restored to space :::
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Topic: :::"Monolith" Space Beacons, stolen by Cabal, now restored to space ::: (Read 454 times)
Superhero Member
Posts: 1688
Using rocks and minerals to heal the earth and us.
:::"Monolith" Space Beacons, stolen by Cabal, now restored to space :::
September 10, 2007, 08:37:48 pm »
Friends, you have GOT to check out the google earth link below and find the monoliths.
Friends and Star Kids,
Now it can be told.
Ancient ancestors of the current Star Nations civilizations had constructed and placed in space a network of Space Beacons which would facilitate navigation and position-finding across the galaxy.
Three of the Space Beacons were positioned within our solar system. At least one of them had been spotted by Apollo astronauts during flights to the Moon.
These 30-mile-long black rectangular Beacons look somewhat like the "Monolith" in Arthur C. Clarke's novel/movie, "2001: A Space Odyssey." Not a coincidence; Clarke was a CIA asset and knowledgeable.
In 1972, the Cabal, covetous of the advanced technology these Beacons utilize, had secret military astronauts go into space and retrieve first one, and later the other two Space Beacons. These they ultimately placed in remote snowy locations in Nunavut Territory, Canada, in Greenland, and astride the Alaska-Yukon Territory boundary.
These Beacons exert powerful electromagnetic fields which disrupt Earth's natural energy lines and grids, have altered the weather, and have been used by the Cabal to focus energy in undisclosed ways.
I have informed you of previous extractions of what I then had to vaguely term (for security reasons) "Cabal disruptive-energy devices" These extractions were: Space Beacon #1 (Nunavut Territory) on July 18, and Space Beacon #2 (Greenland) on August 14.
Yesterday (9/10/07) Colonel Shadow and his Counter-Insurgency Team (CIT) helped provide security for an operation in which the Zeta came down and extracted the Third and final Space Beacon back into space. They did so amid withering fire from Cabal mercenaries ordered to prevent the Beacon from leaving Cabal grasp. The Colonel sustained a superficial flesh wound, which he minimized, as well as many rounds to his chest, (but protected by body armor.) Others in his CIT also took hits to their bullet-proof vests.
Now that these Beacons are back in their natural positions in space, the equilibrium of electromagnetic forces in local space and on Earth is restored.
Star Nations is grateful for this, as is Mother Earth. And so should be we all.
Because satellite imagery is only updated occasionally, you can still see these beacons where they rested (before extraction) on Google satellite imagery,at:
Their precise locations were:
Monolith #1 was located in Nunavut Territory, Canada, northwest of Chesterfield Inlet on the central western shore of Hudson's Bay and south of Baker Lake.
Monolith #2 was sitting atop the south-central Greenland snowy ice sheet, east of Kangerlussuaq (Sondre Stromford); i.e., WNW of Iceland. Being 30 miles long and pitch black, it's hard to miss.
Monolith #3 was situated in Alaska adjacent to the Gerstle River Army Test Site, (near Fort Greely), SE of Fairbanks and west of Highway 2.
I extend my personal thanks to Star Nations for their forbearance these past 35 years while Cabal had confiscated property stolen from space. And my deepest thanks to Colonel Shadow and his CIT for a huge job well done.
By separate email, I will be announcing a Joint Psychic Exercise for Wednesday to heal the Earth where Beacon #3 had lain.
in the light,
Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC; Councillor
President, Star Kids Project, Ltd
Diamond Springs, California 95619, USA
To subscribe to my free email newsletter: send one email to:
OK here's links to monoliths:
#1 (Nunavet)
#2 (Greenland)
#3 (Alaska)
Sorry it took me awhile to figure out the google linkage.....
I would appreciate your opinions on this strange stuff! It's so weird!
Last Edit: September 11, 2007, 12:37:07 pm by rockessence
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Thus ye may find in thy mental and spiritual self, ye can make thyself just as happy or just as miserable as ye like. How miserable do ye want to be?......For you GROW to heaven, you don't GO to heaven. It is within thine own conscience that ye grow there.
Edgar Cayce
Superhero Member
Posts: 1688
Using rocks and minerals to heal the earth and us.
Re: :::"Monolith" Space Beacons, stolen by Cabal, now restored to space :::
Reply #1
September 10, 2007, 08:58:41 pm »
I looked at google earth where described and tried to coppy pictures but was unsuccessful. The black shapes were not hard to find, especially if you start with Greenland. They just look CRAZY!! How could anything bee that immense and be manipulsted by humans?
Joint Psychic Exercise To Heal Earth’s Latest Injury: Wednesday, Sept. 12
You are invited to join in a Joint Psychic Exercise on Wednesday (Sept. 12) to respond to a healing need of Mother Earth’s after the removal yesterday of the third and final Space Beacon from where the Cabal had been storing it, straddling the Alaska/Yukon Territory boundary line.
The need for this healing effort is because the Beacon which the Cabal had stolen from space exerts powerful electromagnetic fields which disrupt Earth's natural energy lines and grid.
However, a task force, consisting of Colonel Shadow (and his Counter-Insurgency Team) and a Zeta crew and starcraft, took this device out of Cabal control September 9. The device, which was damaging to Earth, was then removed from Earth’s atmosphere by Zeta safely into space back to its proper original positioning there. However, the device had been in place long enough to do serious erosive damage to Earth’s surface and energy fields in that locale. Thus, Mother Earth needs substantial healing of the damage left by that device’s past presence.
This is where you can help.
You are requested to join in a Joint Psychic Exercise September 12 to respond to the need of Earth’s healing after this Cabal-inflicted injury.
The Joint Psychic Exercise will consist of directing healing, restorative energy to the SE Alaska-Yukon Territory, Canada location where the device had been sitting. The healing-energy "send" should last at least 15 minutes.
Please send your energy to Earth Mother by intention to the location where the #3 Beacon had lain.
The time for you to join us in this Joint Psychic Exercise, is this Wednesday, Sept. 12, as follows:
Hawai'ian Islands: 5 am, Wednesday
Anchorage, Alaska: 7 am
Los Angeles/San Francisco/Vancouver, BC (PDT): 8 am
Denver/Calgary (MST): 9 am
Chicago/Mexico City (CDT): 10am
New York/Washington, DC/Bogotá (EDT): 11 am
Halifax, Nova Scotia/San Juan, Puerto Rico/Caracas, Venezuela: 12:00 noon
Sao Paulo, Brazil: 2 pm
Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)/Greenwich Mean Time/Zulu: 15:00 / 3 p.m.,
London/Dakar: 4 pm
Paris/Algiers: 5 pm
Amman, Jordan/Capetown, SA: 6 pm
Moscow/Riyadh: 7 pm
Dubai: 7 pm
New Delhi: 8:30 pm
Beijing/Shanghai/Singapore/Manila: 11:00 pm, Wednesday
Tokyo/Seoul/Perth, AU: 12 midnight, Wednesday
Adelaide, AU: 12:30 am Thursday
Brisbane, AU: 1 am, Thursday
Canberra/Sydney, AU: 1 am Thursday
Auckland, NZ: 3 am Thursday
Kamchatka, Russia: 4 am Thursday
If you absolutely cannot make this time, join us as soon as you can, and back-time or forward-time your effort (time-jump by intention) to coincide with our Exercise.
Thank you for joining us to help heal our Earth Mother.
in the light,
Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC; Councillor
President, Star Kids Project, Ltd
Diamond Springs, California 95619, USA
To subscribe to my free email newsletter: send one email to:
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Thus ye may find in thy mental and spiritual self, ye can make thyself just as happy or just as miserable as ye like. How miserable do ye want to be?......For you GROW to heaven, you don't GO to heaven. It is within thine own conscience that ye grow there.
Edgar Cayce
Superhero Member
Posts: 1688
Using rocks and minerals to heal the earth and us.
Re: :::"Monolith" Space Beacons, stolen by Cabal, now restored to space :::
Reply #2
September 11, 2007, 12:37:41 pm »
OK here's links to monoliths:
#1 (Nunavet)
#2 (Greenland)
#3 (Alaska)
Sorry it took me awhile to figure out the google linkage.....
I would appreciate your opinions on this strange stuff! It's so weird!
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Thus ye may find in thy mental and spiritual self, ye can make thyself just as happy or just as miserable as ye like. How miserable do ye want to be?......For you GROW to heaven, you don't GO to heaven. It is within thine own conscience that ye grow there.
Edgar Cayce
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