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King Kong - 1933 Screenplay

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Author Topic: King Kong - 1933 Screenplay  (Read 14016 times)
Stacy Dohm
Superhero Member
Posts: 4566

« Reply #15 on: August 25, 2007, 10:23:16 pm »

DISSOLVE TO electric sign on a theatre, "KONG, the Eight

               Tilt down to crowds outside.

               CLOSEUPS of crowd.

                                   1ST MAN
                         What is it, anyhow?

                                   2ND MAN
                         They say it's sort of a gorilla.

                                   1ST MAN
                         Gee, ain't we got enough of them in
                         New York?

               Another close-up.

                                   YOUNG MAN
                             (to his girl)
                         I hear it's bigger'n an elephant.

                             (chewing gum)
                         Does it do tricks or what?

               Another close-up.

                             (in evening dress)
                         Heavens, what a mob.

                                   HER HUSBAND
                         Well, you would come. And the
                         tickets cost me twenty bucks.

               Long Shot of crowd, zoom forward over their heads toward the

               Dissolve to wings of theatre, shoot toward stage. Ann and
               Driscoll in foreground, peering toward stage. Ann evening
               dress. Driscoll dinner jacket.

                         I don't like to look at him, Jack.
                         It makes me feel the way I did that
                         awful day on the island.

                         I wouldn't have brought you, but
                         you know how Denham insisted.

                         Of course we had to come when he
                         said it would help the show. Do you
                         suppose we'll really make a lot of
                         money, Jack?

                             (fussing with his collar)
                         Enough to pay him back for these
                         clothes, anyway...I never had an
                         open-face suit before.

               Denham bustles in. Full evening dress, silk hat, gardenia. He
               is excited and important.

                         Hello, you're just on time. You
                         look great, Ann. Glad I dressed you
                         up for this show. Hello, Jack. Ten
                         thousand dollars in the box office.
                         How's that for one night?

                         Say! That's money!

                         Oh, we're going to do that every
                         night. The newspaper boys are
                         coming in now.

               Group of reporters and photographers come in to Ann,
               Driscoll, and Denham.

                         Miss Darrow, boys. And Mr.

                                   1ST REPORTER
                         It was Mr. Driscoll rescued you
                         from the ape, wasn't it?

                         Yes. He was alone. All the sailors
                         with him had been killed.

                                   2ND REPORTER
                             (looking off-stage)
                         Alone, eh? Whew! How did you tackle
                         that baby?

                         Aw, Denham's the one that got him.
                         The rest of us were running like
                         rabbits, but Denham had the nerve
                         to stand still and chuck gas-bombs
                         at him.

               The Reporters turn to Denham, saying "Oh, you're the hero."
               "Come on spill it," etc.

                         No, lay off me. Miss Darrow is the
                         story. If it hadn't been for her,
                         we'd never have got near KONG. He
                         came back to the village for her.

                                   3RD REPORTER
                         Beauty and the Beast, huh?

                         That's it. Play up that angle.
                         Beauty and the Beast. KONG could
                         have stayed safe where we'd never
                         have got him, but he couldn't stay
                         away from Beauty. That's your
                         story, boys.

                                   2ND REPORTER
                         It's a story all right.

                                   1ST PHOTOGRAPHER
                         How about a few pictures?

                         Wait. I want you to take
                         flashlights on the stage in front
                         of the audience. We'll ring the
                         curtain up now, and I'll make a
                         speech. Tell 'em about KONG and
                         Miss Darrow and Driscoll. Then when
                         I call you, you all come on and
                         take pictures.

               The photographers ad lib. "Sure," "We'll do that," etc.

                         Come on Ann. I want you and Jack
                         there when the curtain goes up.

                         Oh, no.

                         It's all right. We've knocked some
                         of the fight out of him since you
                         saw him.

               He urges Ann off. Driscoll follows.

               Cut to back of theatre, looking toward stage, curtain down.

               House packed. Denham comes before the curtain. In almost the
               tones of the circus spieler, he begins:

                         Ladies and gentlemen, I am here
                         tonight to tell you a strange
                         story. So strange a story that no
                         one will believe it. But, ladies
                         and gentlemen, seeing is believing,
                         and we -- I and my partners -- have
                         brought back the living proof of
                         our adventure, an adventure in
                         which twelve of our party met
                         terrible deaths.

               Cut to wings of theatre. Reporters and photographers looking
               onto the stage.

                                   2ND PHOTOGRAPHER
                         Holy smoke, look at that!

                                   1ST PHOTOGRAPHER
                         Hope he's tied up good and plenty.

                                   1ST REPORTER
                         Sure he is. Denham's taking no

               Cut to front of theatre. Denham addressing audience.

                         - and now, ladies and gentlemen,
                         before I tell you more, I am going
                         to show you the greatest sight your
                         eyes ever beheld. He was the king
                         and the god of the world he knew,
                         but now he comes to civilization,
                         merely a captive, a show to gratify
                         your curiosity. Ladies and
                         gentlemen, look at KONG, the Eight
                         Wonder of the World.

               The curtain rises to disclose a raised platform, on which is
               KONG, loaded with chains and so fastened that he can move
               nothing but his head. Murmurs and exclamations from the
               audience, a few rise to their feet to get a better look.

               CUT TO medium shot on stage. Denham takes Ann's hand.

                         I want to introduce Miss Ann
                         Darrow. The pluckiest girl I've
                         ever known.

               Audience applauds.

                         There the Beast, and here the
                         Beauty. She has lived through an
                         experience that no other woman ever
                         dreamed of. And she was rescued
                         from the very grasp of KONG by her
                         future husband. I want you to meet
                         a very brave gentleman, Mr. John

               Audience applauds. Driscoll bows awkwardly.

                         Now, before I tell you the full
                         story of our voyage. I am going to
                         ask the gentlemen of the press to
                         come forward, so that the audience
                         may have the privilege of seeing
                         them take the first photographs of
                         KONG and his captors.

               He looks off-stage and beckons. The press men come on.

                         Miss Darrow first, alone. Stand in
                         front of KONG, Ann.

               Ann reluctantly does so.

                                   1ST PHOTOGRAPHER
                         That's it - That's near enough.

                                   2ND PHOTOGRAPHER
                         Ready. Hold it. Smile, please.

               The flashlights go off. KONG roars. Ann looks round in
               terror, with a startled cry.

                         Don't be alarmed, ladies and
                         gentlemen. Those chains are made of
                         chrome steel. He can't move.

               Flashlights again. KONG roars and strains at chains. Ann
               covers her face. Driscoll steps forward to her.

                         It's all right, Ann.

                         Get them together, boys. They're
                         going to be married tomorrow.

                                   1ST PHOTOGRAPHER
                         Put your arm around her, Driscoll.

               Driscoll does so. Flashlights. KONG roars, struggles. Ann
               hides her face against Driscoll.

                         Wait. Hold on. He thinks you're
                         attacking the girl.

                                   1ST PHOTOGRAPHER
                         Let him roar. Swell picture.
                             (to flashlight men)
                         Get this.

               Flashlights again.

               With a frightful roar, KONG breaks his chains.

               Everyone stands paralyzed, as KONG beats his chest, roaring.

               The Driscoll grabs Ann, and rushes for door.

               The theatre; reporters, attendants running for safety.

               Audience in panic. KONG roaring.

               Driscoll and Ann through door.

               KONG starts across arena.

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Is but a dream within a dream." - Edgar Allen Poe
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