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Talk or act...To be or not to be, question is now?

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Author Topic: Talk or act...To be or not to be, question is now?  (Read 7023 times)
Superhero Member
Posts: 3279


« Reply #30 on: June 16, 2009, 06:04:59 am »

 Smiley Q- I like your spunk, but sweety.
You are contributing to something that is based on personal opinion.
Sure, Obama is better then Bush. Speech wise.
However, you can't expect a nation to not question his agenda's that knew the crimes of Bush.

Bush atleast did his dirt in our faces and then more or less gave us the finger when we questioned it.
Now what we have here is;

A high unemployment rate.

Then we have this example of a huge mistake the Obama's administration contributed to the nation
deficit. They were wrong about the unemployment rate getting smaller once the stimulus was passed.
It got much worse and is expected to rise. 59.4% went to everything but the people and 40.6%
went toward funding the wars on both sides. The people can spend that money better then our government, and still we have nothing to look forward to except more unemployment, and more problems.
Why would they sink money into helping first time home buyers get these grants for these huge down payments, if the can't ensure that the companies these people work for are even going to stay open?

Again, Obama is not the whole problem. Yet his plans to solve what the others did to run this country into the ground aren't going to work! They are IN FACT, making things just more complicated.
In all honesty, I feel that his real intentions do not have our best interests in mind. America needs industries like whole sale and manufacturing, instead of tourism. We need to be more innovative and creative, instead of accepting what markets work best for now to stimulate the economic structures of businesses. America needs to find things that the world will use for generations to come and they need to be made here.

Personally, if I personally owed China the kind of money that our government does.
I would have borrowed that money at interest as they did to spur progressive changes in the way we do everything to make money.

Thinking of it; Say you have a hexagonal nut for a bolt. Ever notice how it strips if you don't fasten it or losen it correctly? Then you have to drill and tap, after you finally remove it.
Now imagine manufacturing nuts with a triangle head. Now we have to make wrenches for them and produce new machines that use them. Sell the machines.

Suddenly one may need serviced. Now who in the world makes wrenches that fit a triangle head?
Better call America and order some.

Now ofcourse this is only an example of proactive thinking.
Yet American indusrties are more reactive just like the government.
To be more proactive, we need to think about the long term and short term alike in business.
Wage expences, and operating costs are factors. Now how do we go about operating with lower budgets? We need to make things more affordable. Green Energy production to run businesses should have been one of the things the stimulus covered. If businesses aren't paying utilities, your giving them greater capital. Investing into new technologies that will help the planet. Always a winner for producing more jobs. America could be a leader in this if we applied more of our resouces toward other things besides oil.

Literally hundreds of different things could have been done with the money we were given.
Yet Obama, more or less followed examples of others and now we don't have these options available because his administration decided that insurance companies and the federal reserve knew how to best use this money?

I have to ask this of you Q.
What improvements has his tour of duty accomplished thus far?
What can we rely on for a change for the better?

He can talk the talk, but can he walk the walk?
Will he save this country?
I'll personally write him a letter apologizing to him directly if he can.
However, until that happens. I don't trust him any more or less then I did Bush or any president since JFK.
Atleast JFK confessed that a NWO does exist and that they are the enemy. No president since has had the balls to do that. Plus we went to the moon under his administration. When are we going back?

« Last Edit: June 16, 2009, 06:57:32 am by HereForNow » Report Spam   Logged

Superhero Member
Posts: 3423

« Reply #31 on: June 16, 2009, 10:36:03 am »

Bush atleast did his dirt in our faces and then more or less gave us the finger when we questioned it.

Oh - well - I guess if he did his dirt in your face and he gave you the finger, it was ok then.  I guess it's just that if he'd done it behind your backs, you might have raised the roof in protest.

They were wrong about the unemployment rate getting smaller once the stimulus was passed.

Would that be because the companies that got the money gave it to their CEO's for a fun holiday?  That wasn't the deal.  It was the companies that received the money that mis-spent it.  My PERSONAL belief, is that the strategy should have been totally different.  The economy SHOULD have been allowed to collapse.  Because then everyone, would be on a level playing field.  Since everyone needs to think green, there would then be new developments in ways to go green.  America would have rose from the ashes of collapse because when everyone is in need, everyone has a better attitude and they all work together.  I feel this will still happen.  It will have nothing to do with the president.  He can only do so much.  It's the greed that rules big corporate America right now, but when the economy tumbles, those people lose the same as the ordinary man on the street.  

If the economy had been allowed to collapse, President Obama could then have introduced incentive plans.  Plans like what you've mentioned, to manufacture "green".  Perhaps a different, improved finance system, where people are not allowed to be so far in debt.  Lots of new strategies could have been incorporated for the betterment of the country and the economy would keep rolling on.

The whole question for President Obama when he took office, was so severe he basically had to make a fast decision for temporary relief.  The people he gave it to, screwed it up.  When he was campaigning he said he hoped that each State would get on board with plans to repair their infrastructures, to employ people.  What did I just read the other day?  Mississippi or Misouri (can't remember which state) is going back to gravel roads.  In today's times, there are more people living in any one given country than say 50 years ago, so how come they could afford to build all those roads back then with fewer people paying taxes, and we can't maintan them with more people paying taxes?  I think there should be ceilings on  prices of a lot of things so repairs are affordable.  

America can't afford to borrow any more money.  That's the problem.  You're already in debt up to your ying-yang and can't pay it back.

Personally - I'd kill the S.O.B. who made a triangle nut!!!  I was totally ticked when they came out with Torx!!

The President's tour of duty is a learning curve.  He's only one person, he can't know everything.  But he CAN go out on a tour of duty and personally flnd out what the rest of the world is thinking and feeling instead of hearing it second hand, and since most countries in the world DO respect him, they will at least stop and listen.  The times we are in are way different that any other time in history.  I don't think any other president had such a terrible situation to face the very day he was sworn in.  And as has been said before, he cannot make policy.  He can say what he feels should be done, but it needs to be passed before it can be implemented.  If the majority thinks it's a good idea, well then, that means they've hashed it out, discussed the pros and cons, and couldn't come up with anything better.

What can we rely on for a change for the better?

Yourselves.  When the campaign was on, I signed up to receive announcements from the Obama campaign.  I'm still getting them.  In these announcements, they say what the president has been doing, and what the party hopes they can achieve etc.  You can give feed back, saying if you agree, or if you have a different or better idea, you can send it in.  I think there is actually a site somewhere where the people can write in and give their opinions on issues.  Just google President Obama and see what you can find.  SAY WHAT YOU THINK and don't be nasty about it.  He can't know what the public wants if you don't tell him.

Will he save this country?

From what? The greedy people who make up the citizens of his country?  He cannot save it from the financial disaster it's in - no.  It's too late and those that were supposed to be on board with the plan to help the people, sucked up the money.  So why should he even TRY to save the economy now?  Let it fall, then re-build on a different model.  Maybe HFN can convince the people they don't need money.  The barter system is only good in a society where the the young and old are loved and cared for equally.  In my town there is a very disabled person who lives on a mobile gurney.  The only moveable parts of his body are in his head - like his eyes and tongue.  He manipulates the gurney with his tongue, but of course is very limited as to where he can go.  His care person takes him out, but has to be with him constantly.  What does he have to barter that he could gain food and the price of a care person?  He is without doubt, on welfare.  So if there is no plan in place in this barter system for such people, then what?  

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An open-minded view of the past allows for an unprejudiced glimpse into the future.

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"Intellectual brilliance is no guarantee against being dead wrong."
Superhero Member
Posts: 3279


« Reply #32 on: June 16, 2009, 11:57:09 am »

 Roll Eyes

Say what you will. However I am not personally going to rely on Obama to change America for the better.
That's that Q.
You can protest on his behalf al you want. However, Millions of "Americans" are seeing that the crisis here is worse then they are telling us. And literally hundreds of thousands of people "HERE" in this country feel exactly the same way I do......

Bush atleast did his dirt in our faces and then more or less gave us the finger when we questioned it.

Oh - well - I guess if he did his dirt in your face and he gave you the finger, it was ok then.  I guess it's just that if he'd done it behind your backs, you might have raised the roof in protest.

I did raise the roof in protest over Bush.  Wink
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Superhero Member
Posts: 3279


« Reply #33 on: June 16, 2009, 12:02:29 pm »

No offence to Canadian people intended. Canadian politics aren't all their cracked up to be.
Maybe you should take note of the mess in your own yard my dear.
 Lips sealed
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Superhero Member
Posts: 2568

« Reply #34 on: June 16, 2009, 12:06:08 pm »

Welcome new members from Yeswecanests HQ.Here is avatar for you.  Wink

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Ignis Natura Renovandum Integra
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Posts: 3423

« Reply #35 on: June 16, 2009, 12:52:29 pm »

I'm fully aware of the mess in my own back yard and have been invovled in trying to change it. 

Millions of Americans are seeing that the crises is worse than they thought, because finally it is affecting more people than it did before.  If people were involved in what was going on, they'd know how bad it is.  They don't usually notice it until it effects them.  Obama cannot fix the state of the world.  He's not a magician and people shouldn't be expecting him to change the world.  But he's sure trying hard to fix the things he can.  As I said, if people want things to change, they have to get up and help, not just sit there and say the government owes them.  They owe it to themselves to supervise what their elected officials are doing.
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An open-minded view of the past allows for an unprejudiced glimpse into the future.

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"Intellectual brilliance is no guarantee against being dead wrong."
Superhero Member
Posts: 3423

« Reply #36 on: June 16, 2009, 02:01:41 pm »

I think this is one thing that should be implemented in both countries.

The Urine Test

I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit. In order to earn that pay cheque, I work on a rig site for a construction project. I am required to pass a random urine test, with which I have no problem.

What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test. Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare cheque because I have to pass one to earn it for them?

Please understand that I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet. I do on the other hand have a problem with helping someone sit on their ass drinking beer and smoking dope.

Could you imagine how much money  would be saved if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance cheque?
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An open-minded view of the past allows for an unprejudiced glimpse into the future.

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Superhero Member
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« Reply #37 on: June 16, 2009, 05:23:03 pm »

I'm fully aware of the mess in my own back yard and have been invovled in trying to change it. 

Millions of Americans are seeing that the crises is worse than they thought, because finally it is affecting more people than it did before.  If people were involved in what was going on, they'd know how bad it is.  They don't usually notice it until it effects them.  Obama cannot fix the state of the world.  He's not a magician and people shouldn't be expecting him to change the world.  But he's sure trying hard to fix the things he can.  As I said, if people want things to change, they have to get up and help, not just sit there and say the government owes them.  They owe it to themselves to supervise what their elected officials are doing.

Ok but I have said almost the same things with the exception of supporting government.
All along I have stated that we are the problem and we need to fix ourselves and help others do the same for the sake of the whole of "Mankind".
Yet you have been fighting me on this. Q- I don't dislike Obama personally. His personality is charming. Not to mention the guy has got a way with words. Yet;
I just don't trust him or any other politician because this is what our recent and even not so recent history teaches us. More then anyone else I know personally, I love what this country used to stand for and what it used to mean to be an American. As time went on I began to notice that every great kingdom on Earth falls. This is because of some mistake or corruption that dictated it's course.

Now even if Obama is not entirely responsible for the actions of the rest of this kingdom.
He is obligated by his own words to tell the truth because that is change.
As a leader, a husband, and a father he should be looking for a way to disclose what American odds are of pulling through all of this no matter what happens after. If I was in his position, the truth about everything in this country would be adressed and publically disclosed.
I would have pulled those poor kids out of Iraq so they can atleast see what is left of this country with their families. Plus I would do everything in my power to make good on every word I spoke instead of putting on a fake smile and telling people what I think they would want to hear. If I didn't have some proof that an idea would work I would tell my people it's risky folks. This is why it is. Vote on it for yourselves, and we will go with what the majority feels is right.

I would also have the federal reserve and IRS disband for good measure.
These are not the changes I'm seeing. I am one who can not vote for someone I don't agree with. Nor can I support a country that didn't involve the word of it's people in these decisions that have transformed this poor country into what it is today. I support the people who live in poverty, and are suffering the worst as a result of what has happened. I support the meek.
I support those who get out of bed and work for next to nothing so his/her families can atleast eat and keep a roof over their heads barely. These are what I came from, just like Obama says he did.
Yet he bends over backwards to assist wall street?

In my eyes Q- A leader is defined not by what he speaks. He is defined by what he does.
Until my eyes see changes that are for the good of all and not just some. I will not and can not support him or anything that has to do with the politics in which he is involved in.
I will support those who smile regaurdless of what adversity they face daily who continue in strife to live on and make changes in their own lives and those of others.

Leaders teach others to lead.
Who is becoming leaders under the Obama administration?
The Chinese Government? The Russians?

No pun toward you Q- yet worldly influences inspire you more then what is in your heart old friend.  Undecided I guess we can't agree on really anything because we are obviously not on the same side if you think that the answers to all of this are going to be found by any power outside of what is in our own hearts.

Unless we consider how much more we have then others even now, and learn to share those things with these others. Unless we are willing to commit to changing things on our own without relying on governments to do it. Unless we are willing to finally take the fate of All humankind into the hands of it's own being and embrace truth and complete autonomy.

Nothing Obama or anyone else does is going to help the current situation.
America could be a self-sustaining mechanism that would endure. For that matter the world can!
We just have to come to terms that material wealth is what is haulting these things and moving beyond them. It's the reason we are having these discussions even now. It's why power is so important to those few who have taken over the world. It's also why we live like kings compared to those in 3rd world countries as we call them and these people suffer.

The world sees making more money as the answer to all these things.
Including Obama! I say that money is the reason for all these problems because of how it was abused.

Does anyone see where this is going?
« Last Edit: June 16, 2009, 05:31:30 pm by HereForNow » Report Spam   Logged

Superhero Member
Posts: 3423

« Reply #38 on: June 16, 2009, 07:04:57 pm »

Let me first of all say that "The Urine Test" was written by a fellow who works on the rigs in norther Alberta.  Those were his words not mine, but I certainly agree with him.

Let me also take this where you don't want it to go because there are many possible outcomes to what you suggest. 

I think first of all, that for what you want to happen, there can be no religion.  There can be spirituality, a belief in something greater, a belief in a higher self, but there can be no "God" as we term it today - or as religions classify it.  Because we are already fighting over whose God is right and whose God is wrong, when in fact there is supposedly only one God.  However, we invoke him to help us when we're competeing, even when we are fighting, and both sides invoke him as though he would play favorites.  We bestow human qualities on an entity we really know nothing about.

Secondly, let's just say we do away with the monetary system.   Can you give us a step by step break down of how this will work?

Let's say for instance, my husband goes to work tomorrow and they tell him that for his services for this month, they will supply him with some meat, some potatoes, some bread, maybe some jam, peanut butter, coffee, sugar and milk.  How do we go about getting the rest of the necessities of life?  What do we trade for our rent?  For our medicines?  For fuel for the car so he can get to work?  There are so many things we need to survive that we couldn't possibly do enough things to "trade" for all of it.  Especially workers that are skilled say in nursing.  They know the one trade only, so how do they go about using that skill to trade for everything they need?

I'm sorry HFN if we disagree, (which is ok too) but what you say doesn't make sense for this modern time.  If we still lived in tribes, and the tribes could trade with each other - like say we had buffalo meat we could trade for fish and salt to get something different into our diet, it would work, but not with as many people as there are in the world today.  The monetary system was developed so that people COULD travel from place to place and have something that was of equal value wherever they went.  Gold. 

Or - lets look at the way the hippies wanted to do things.  Live in communes where everyone is equal.  Everyone does the things they want to do, and everyone shares in the results.  Trouble is, there is always those who give more than others and there is always those who take more than others and then the fighting starts.  Back to square one.

If there is any system that would work, it would be tedious, because it would be a system where EVERYTHING is put to a referendum.  (We'd be spending all our time in the voting booths)! There would of course be basic rules and regulations that are standard.  Say someone is caught stealing, there is a standard punishment.  None of this business that he had a tough childhood, or his mother dressed him funny or his dad called him Sue.  If he stole, he gets the punishment.  Standard law.  There's too many words in policies today, creating loopholes that are usually used to avoid punishment or the taking of responsibility.  Things need to be kept simple.
You are absolutely right when you say we have to look at what we have and share with others, although when President Obama says those things, he gets another label stuck on him - socialist.

Moving beyond material weath as you call it, would basically mean training like the Tibetan monks do, which just might be a good thing.  It would be in my mind anyway. 
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An open-minded view of the past allows for an unprejudiced glimpse into the future.

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"Intellectual brilliance is no guarantee against being dead wrong."
Superhero Member
Posts: 2568

« Reply #39 on: June 16, 2009, 07:35:04 pm »

Is this truth?

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Ignis Natura Renovandum Integra
Superhero Member
Posts: 3279


« Reply #40 on: June 16, 2009, 08:14:34 pm »

Is this truth?


Damn that was a good post.
Thank you so much for that.
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Superhero Member
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« Reply #41 on: June 16, 2009, 08:18:47 pm »

Moving beyond material weath as you call it, would basically mean training like the Tibetan monks do, which just might be a good thing.  It would be in my mind anyway. 

Plus they aren't exchanging money......
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Superhero Member
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« Reply #42 on: June 16, 2009, 09:00:54 pm »

Trouble is, the monks depend a lot on donations.

What the woman said in the video is true.  Canada and the US are being undermined in a big way.  The small family farm cannot make a go of it anymore, so farmers are quitting by the thousands and the land has been bought up by big Cartels or by a few rich farmers who spend the summers here in Canada, and the winters in Arizona and Florida. 

It has come to pass that there really are, too many people.  And those too many people want too many things.  The standard of living will have to fall before it can go up, but remember what goes up, must come down, so this cycle will repeat itself.

What the woman in the video says, has already happened.  How does a nation change that and bring back "the good old days"? No one wants to physically work anymore.  Mostly they just want to be on the computer.  Or their cell phones.  So - maybe communism will have to be the way for a while.  Everyone gets treated equally, everyone has to contribute, there's no argument about who the leader is, and everyone lives happily ever after.  Maybe then, our expectations will get back in line with reality.

You see, in Canada, we know that whatever the States does, we follow along shortly thereafter.  So if your economy really tanks, ours does also.  If you go to war, we go to war.  Basically, we're just a secondary "state" to you.  We may not be governed by you, but we're ruled by you.
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An open-minded view of the past allows for an unprejudiced glimpse into the future.

Logic rules.

"Intellectual brilliance is no guarantee against being dead wrong."
Superhero Member
Posts: 2568

« Reply #43 on: June 16, 2009, 09:02:46 pm »

Is this truth?


Damn that was a good post.
Thank you so much for that.

Just under NWO hoping it will fall.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2009, 09:05:42 pm by Harconen » Report Spam   Logged

Ignis Natura Renovandum Integra
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Posts: 2568

« Reply #44 on: June 17, 2009, 09:52:37 am »


                                                          America By 2012: 10 Dire Predictions

If this doesn’t make you think–make you want to prepare–I don’t know what will. From “Big Jake” on SeekingAlpha, “The Worst Case Scenario (Someone Has to Say It)” [edited for length]

Since the economy began sliding downhill in late 2007, mainstream economic and market experts have consistently erred on the sunny side.

As late as June 2008, mainstream consensus held that the U.S. was heading for a “soft landing” and would avoid recession.

Several months later, the slump was acknowledged to have started in January 2008, but we were supposed to see renewed growth by mid-2009, with unemployment peaking in the eight-to-nine percent range. A quick “shovel-ready” stimulus bag was supposed to set us back on the road to prosperity.

In January, recovery projections were pushed forward to late 2009. Today, the consensus is for a mid-2010 recovery, with unemployment peaking at just over 10 percent. Clearly, the mainstream has struggled to catch up to reality for well over one year. What are the chances that they finally have it right this time?

In the interests of providing you with an alternate vision—something outside the mainstream—below are ten predictions for America through the year 2012. This is not boilerplate doom-saying. Rather, I am laying out in highly specific terms what will happen over the next three-odd years. Others have thrown around the term “Depression”, but I am going to tell you precisely what it means for you, your investments, and your community.

Prediction one.
The twenty-five-year equities bubble pops in 2009: the S&P 500 will sink below 500. In a bid to stem the panic, the government will enforce periodic “stock market holidays”, and will vastly expand the scope of its short-selling prohibitions—eventually banning short-selling altogether.

Prediction two.
With public pension systems and tens of millions of 401k holders virtually wiped out—and with the Baby Boomers retiring en masse—there will be tremendous pressure on the government to get into the stock market in order to bid up prices.

Therefore, sometime in 2010, the Federal Reserve will create and loan out hundreds of billions of fresh dollars to the usual well-connected suspects, instructing them to buy up stocks on the public’s behalf. This scheme will have a fancy but meaningless name—something like the “Taxpayer Assurance Equities Facility”. It will have no effect other than to serve as buyer of last resort for capitulating smart-money types who want to get out of stocks entirely.

Prediction three.
Millions of new retirees—including white-collar people with high expectations for a Golden Retirement—will be left virtually penniless. Thousands will starve or freeze to death in their own homes. Hundreds of thousands will find themselves evicted and homeless, or will have to move in with their less-than-enthusiastic children. Already strained by the rising tide of the working-age unemployed, state and local welfare services will be overwhelmed, and by 2012 will have largely collapsed and ceased to function in many parts of the country.

Prediction four.
“Quantitative easing” will fail to restart previous patterns of lending and consumption. As the government sends out additional “rebate” checks and takes ever-more drastic measures to force banks to lend, hyperinflation could take hold. However, comprehensive debt relief via a devaluation of the dollar is even more likely. This would entail the government issuing one “new” dollar for some greater number of “old” dollars—thus reducing both debts and savings simultaneously.

Prediction five.
The government will stop pretending that it can finance continuous multi-trillion-dollar deficits on the private market. By late 2010, the sole buyers of new U.S. Treasury and agency bonds will be the Federal Reserve and a few derelict financial institutions under government control. This may or may not lead to hyperinflation. (See prediction four).

Prediction six.
The government’s narrow unemployment figure (U3) will rise into the high teens by late 2010. The government’s broader unemployment figure (U6) will cease to be reported when it reaches 25 percent—it will simply be too embarrassing. Ultimately, one in three work-eligible Americans will be unemployed, underemployed, or never-employed (e.g. college grads permanently unable to find suitable work).

Prediction seven.
With their pension dreams squashed, and their salaries frozen or cut, police and other local government workers will turn to wholesale corruption in order to survive. America’s ideal of honest, courteous, and impartial cops, teachers, and small-time local functionaries will have come to an end.

Prediction eight.
Commercial overcapacity will strike with a vengeance. By 2012, thousands of enclosed malls, strip malls, unfinished residential developments, motels, truck stops, distribution centers, middle-of-nowhere resorts and casinos, and small-city airports across America will turn into dilapidated, unwanted, and dangerous ghost towns. With no economic incentive for their maintenance or repair, they will crumble into overgrown, plywood-and-sheet-rock ruins.

Prediction nine.
By the end of 2010, tens of millions of households will have fallen behind on their mortgages or stopped paying altogether. Many banks will be unable to process the massive volume of foreclosure paperwork, much less actually seize and resell the homes.

Devaluation (as mentioned in prediction four) could ease the situation for those mortgage holders still afloat, but it would also eliminate any incentive for most banks to stay in the mortgage business. In any case, the housing market in many parts of the country will lock up completely—nothing bought or sold.

With virtually no loans being made, even the government will finally acknowledge that most banks are fundamentally insolvent. A general bank run will only be averted through a roughly one trillion-dollar recapitalization of the FDIC, courtesy of new money from the Federal Reserve.

Prediction ten.
As an economy is never independent of the society within which it functions, the next few paragraphs will focus on social and political factors. These factors will have as much of an impact on market and consumer confidence as any developments in the financial sector.

Whether rightly or not, President Obama, having come to power at the dawn of this crisis, will be blamed for it by over 50 percent of the population. He will be a one-term president. In response to his perceived socialization of America, there will be a swarm of secessionist and extremist activity, much of it violent. Militias and armed sects will be more prominent than in the early 1990s. Stand-off dramas, violent score-settlings, and going-out-with-a-bang attacks by laid-off workers and bankrupted investors—already a national plague—will become an everyday occurrence.

For both economic and social reasons, millions of immigrants and guest workers will return to their home countries, taking their assets and skills with them. The flow of skilled immigrants will slow to a trickle. Birth rates will plummet as families struggle with uncertainty and reduced (or no) income.

Property crime will explode as citizens bitter over their own shattered dreams attempt to comfort themselves by taking what is not theirs. Mutinies and desertions will proliferate in an increasingly demoralized, over-stretched military, especially when states can no longer provide the educational and other benefits promised to their National Guard troops.

There will be widespread tax collection issues, and a huge backlash against Federal and state bureaucrats who demand three-percent annual pay raises while private sector wages remain frozen or worse. In short, the “Tea Parties” of tomorrow will likely not be so restrained.

Finally, between now and 2012, we are likely to see another earth-shaking national embarrassment on the scale of the 9/11 attacks or Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath. This will demonstrate conclusively to all Americans that their government, even under a savior-figure like Obama, cannot, in fact, save them.

By 2012, there will be a general feeling that the nation is in immediate danger of blowing up or coming apart at the seams. This fear will be justified, given that the U.S. has always been held together by the promise of a continuously rising material standard of living—the famous “pursuit of happiness”—rather than any ethnic or religious ties. If that goes, so could everything else. We were lucky in the 1930s—we may not be so lucky again.

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