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The Racist Judgment Of Africa By Moses

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Author Topic: The Racist Judgment Of Africa By Moses  (Read 1992 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 608

« Reply #30 on: May 26, 2009, 01:31:39 pm »

Here’s some information that I found while researching this. Unfortunately I can't remember where I found it at.  I had saved it in my personal archives but I didn’t save the website. Embarrassed Sorry.

Despite the apparent early date for Moses and his commandments, it is really only in the post-Babylonian period that we can speak of ‘Mosaic’ Judaism, when a priestly caste and a fantasy history of race origins are in place. It is only after the Babylonian experience that the Jews adopted a monotheistic religion, with Yahweh as sole god, not merely as chief god. And with this single ‘jealous’ god, the priests imposed a rigid liturgical year, a regimen in which readings from the Torah (Genesis through to Deuteronomy) were to be read successively and completed within the year.

By the closing years of the 6th century BC the priesthood had codified their tribal rules, and were writing with all the authority of their singular deity.
The famed ‘Ten Commandments’ – even today erroneously accepted in the popular mind as absolute and universal rules to live by – are nothing other than a codification of Jewish male property rights.
In their original full versions, two of the commandments endorse slavery; the taboo on adultery was an attempt to stop polygamous Jewish males taking each others wives (‘foreign’ concubines and wives had no rights); the ‘honour’ to be accorded parents merely endorsed a draconian patriarchal social structure; even the taboo on murder was open to interpretation, since the slaying of enemies and wrong-doers would not be ‘murder’ but the Lord’s will!
Here was intolerance writ large. No spirit of ‘live and let live.’ In essentials, these barbarous ‘Laws’ ratified the correctness of annihilating enemies, the subjugation of women, the enslavement of conquered tribes, the suppression of dissent and the curtailment of any liberality, especially relating to the body or sexuality.
The priests of other cults were to be murdered; their ‘altars, images and groves’ to be destroyed (Exodus 34.13).
Libidinous ‘foreign’ women were a particular cause for concern (just look how Delilah had brought Samson down by cutting his strength-giving hair!) – and ‘foreign’ in this context meant from a town a whole 25 miles from Jerusalem!
Captured war-brides were to have their head shaved (Deuteronomy 21.14) but otherwise could ‘give delight.’ However Jewishness could only be inherited from a Jewish female. The stress was upon racial purity and in the real politic of the 6th century, even the original Jewish ‘people of the land’ were summarily excluded from ‘the Jewish race.’
Subsequently, Jewish numbers grew rapidly. Neighbouring tribes were conquered and forcibly converted to the Yahweh cult! They were made part of the ‘Jewish race’ – and were circumcised accordingly – giving the lie to the latter-day notion that circumcision had something to do with ‘health’!
In fact, the Bible tells us that circumcision is purely symbolic and that the obligation extended to purchased slaves. We are led to believe that ‘the LORD appeared to Abram’ (who was ninety nine years old at the time!) and (of all possibilities) told him:

"And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token of the covenant betwixt me and you…He that is born in thy house, and he that is bought with thy money, must needs be circumcised: and my covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant. And the uncircumcised man child whose flesh of his foreskin is not circumcised, that soul shall be cut off from his people; he hath broken my covenant." – Genesis 17.11,14.

Thus, for the Jews, ‘race’ was determined by one’s mother and/or forced genital mutilation, unless that is, political expediency stepped in and required otherwise! Having thus ‘defined’ their race in a conveniently flexible way, Jewish hostility to marriage outside the cult, fussy dietary laws, and generations of inter-breeding, protected the Jewish gene-pool. Certain physiological traits may have become pronounced, though hardly unique.
By the time Greek civilization advanced across the eastern Mediterranean, the Jews were an in-bred cult of several generations, a ‘pseudo-race’, possessors of a sacred text of racial superiority.

Of Coming Forth by Light
(aka Egyptian "Book of the Dead")
On Transformation (Chapter 125)
Greetings to you, High God, Master of the two Maats! I came to you, my Master, to see your perfection. I know you and I know the name of the two Maats. Here I have now come to you and have brought what is just and have chased iniquity away.

- I have not committed iniquity against men,
- I have not mistreated people,
- I committed no sins in the Place of Truth,
- I have done no harm,
- I did not "blaspheme" God,
- I did not impoverish the poor in their belongings,
- I did not do what is abominable to the gods,
- I have not afflicted and made the people weep,
- I have not starved anyone (but have fed instead),
- I did not kill or order killings,
- I have harmed no one,
- I did not soil the gods' bread,
- I did not steal the holy wafers belonging to the fortunate ones (of the sky),
- I was not a pederast,
- I did not Reduce my bushel, (my scales were fair),
- I did not add to the weight of my scales,
- I did not cheat on the measurement of lands,
- I did not steal milk from the mouths of small children,
- I did not deprive cattle of its pasture,
- I did not steal the gods' birds and fish,
- I did not divert water when there was a flood,
- I did not put out a fire which burned brightly,
- I did not forget the days for offering meat,
- I did not oppose a god during a procession,

I am pure, I am pure, I am pure! My purity is that of the Grand Phoenix at Heracleopolis, as I am the nose of the Master of the winds who makes all men live in this, the day of the Filling of the Eye at Heliopolis.
16th-24th century BC (Trans. E. A. Wallis Budge)

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