Archaeologists discover major texts in La Gomera
Oct. 3, 2006
Archaeologists from the Corporation of La Gomera have discovered the largest Berber texts in the
Canary Islands.
A discovery, says the president of the island corporation, Casimiro Curbelo, that will change the
whole archeological panorama. The discovery was made in a small cave, on the walls of which
105 alphabetical symbols have been found.
The text has been identified as Lybian Berber writing, which has it's origins among the population
of North Africa - in the area that is now Lybia - since the fifth century BC and, will transform
currently held views of the ancient population of La Gomera.
Both the size of the find - on a area measuring five meters in length and two meters in height -
and the number of symbols, 150, surprised the investigators.
The La Gomera Cabildo is now working on the conservation of the find, named Toscas del Guirre,
but they are not presently divulging its exact location.
Arqueólogos del Cabildo descubren el mayor texto líbico bereber de Canarias