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Egypt's Crown Jewels on Show

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Superhero Member
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« on: February 19, 2009, 02:20:23 pm »

                                               Egypt's crown jewels on show 

The Straits Times
Feb. 19, 2009

- EGYPT said on Wednesday it plans to put on public display crown jewels belonging the dynasty that ruled the country for 150 years until the fall of the monarchy in 1952.

The jewels have been kept under lock and key in 45 crates in the vaults of the Central Bank and will go on show in a museum in the Mediterranean city of Alexandria, officials said.

Culture Minister Faruq Hosni said the jewels will be displayed to the public for the first time a museum where restoration work was launched three years ago but did not say when the exhibition would open.

Mr Hosni did not give details about the treasures that will be seen by the public for the first time, nor did he give any estimated value.

'These jewels, which were put in the central bank at the time of the 1952 revolution, will be shown at the Royal Family Museum of Jewellery,' a former royal palace that was transformed into a museum in 1986, Mr Hosni said.

Antiquities chief Zahi Hawass said bank officials will hand over the crates containing the jewels and other artefacts to a committee of experts, who will sort out and evaluate them.

Mohammed Ali headed a powerful dynasty that ruled Egypt from the 19th century until the fall of the monarchy in 1952, when his descendent, the flamboyant King Faruq, was deposed by army officers and forced into exile.

Mohammed Ali - an Albanian-born commander of an Ottoman army sent to drive Napoleon out of Egypt - was considered the founder of modern Egypt. -- AFP
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« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2009, 07:59:08 pm »

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« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2009, 08:02:40 pm »

                                                 Royal splash to highlight museum

Al ahram Weekly
Mar. 2, 2009

The Mohamed Ali family jewels are to be placed on display at the Royal Jewellery Museum in Alexandria after spending nearly six decades locked in the treasury of the Central Bank of Egypt, Nevine El-Aref reports
The jewellery, which has been preserved in 45 wooden crates since the 1952 Revolution, will be handed over to a committee of experts from the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA), which in turn will inspect and if necessary restore it.

The Royal Jewellery Museum is housed in a two-storey palace built in 1923 in an Italian architectural style for Princess Fatma El-Zahraa, a member of the Mohamed Ali family. The foyer is a grandiose affair with soft, deep burgundy, carpets and carved and gilded ceilings. A marble staircase sweeps up to the first floor.

The walls are decorated with portraits of members of the Mohamed Ali family with a brief description of each personality. The ceilings of each room are painted by Egyptian, Italian and French artists and depict tales from Greek mythology, while the ceilings on the second floor depict details of famous French and Italian love stories.

Even the bathrooms on both floors are true works of art. These and the corridors leading to them are lined with small pieces of white porcelain, while the walls are painted with swimming nymphs, images from the well-known Fables of La Fontaine, and fairytales.

The highlight of the museum is the wonderful stained glass panels in the main hall of the first floor, in the stairwell, and in the first-floor bathroom. The most famous French artists of the time were commissioned to create these masterpieces, which recount more tales from European love stories.

The most important pieces in the collection are the royal crowns and tiaras. The most beautiful of all is the tiara that belonged to the wife of King Fouad and is set with 2,159 first grade diamonds and priceless white pearls. King Farouk's personal toilet set, also a masterpiece, replicates crystal bottles capped with pure gold lids embossed with the royal coat of arms, all gracefully perched on a gold tray.

Al Ahram Weekly
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