May I be the solver of your Gods War Quest ?
BlueHue2 theory is stated in the Subscript
so you may be prepaired for this new-hypothesis !
it is an ill Wind that blows nowhere. . . .
PICTURE of the GIGANTOMACHIA(= War of the Gods")In Iconology the saying is that
ONE Picture can say more than a whole TEXTBOOK.
The ( ancient-)WAR of the Gods is actually" Photograved "
in a Giganto-machia-STILT
complete with Paradise tree, ADAM(=Athamas !) and EVE(= Nephele !.)
Since we know that GODs are Assyrians
(= God-kings like Salmanassar-3)
and the " Titans " were the Egyptians of the 18-th Dynasty,
we can fathom were the War was about:
About Middle Earth where middlemen were thriving prices higher
So imagin Egypt and Assur
and inbetween them Foelix Araby.
where Life and death roamed as avenger trees.
the other day I found a picture of a medalion
in a book about ancient greek art in 3 parts
I didn't want to wast money & time on it.
So I didn't buy it nor observed the frontispice/title.
I simply forgot to note the source. Stupid (in-)action !
Anyway we can analyse this WAR of the GODS.
ICONOLOGY of the WAR of the GODS,
In the medallion are two wellknown figures
Poseidon, sitting in front of a Fire holding a Trident
The fire was later iconographically misinterpretated as Seawaves !)
opposite stands Goddess Athena in full regalia:Breast-Panzer + spear
(Note Usually in romantic immage Mars wears the Panzer and Venus/Athena nothing..)
Both look to an object in the MIDDLE
consisting of a Tree with Coiled-up Snake(=Watersnake NOT Cobra.)
This looks awfully identical to Aesculaep'sStaff with 2 Snakes and 2 Wings above !
Now we perceive that the Aesculaep's winged Staff was originally the spreaded leaves of a treetop !
in egyptian iconology
a snake in a tree stands for Paradise
or the Goddess of Rain named RENUTET who lives in a country called RETINUE
means West-Israel,
but the actual word is derived from LATONA or LATINUS
who is the eponymal KING of LATIUM
Since "T" was often written as "D" and "R" sometimes interchanged with "L"
We arrive at the oldest root-word: LADON.
It is thus amazing that maybe caused by backwardness
that the Original EDEN or HATTI-City of AL-ADAN, is still retained in the Toponym " ADEN "
ADEN or AD-Land is in Koran-Sura 89 the Land of the White Elephant
ARABY(=Latin.) also means Land of the white-Elephant
HUD/ Ghadjan/Tantor/ Moria/ ATAmbo/Hathi/Hasti/ Phil, etc.
are derived names from White-DIAL-Elephants(=Lokapalas.)
There exist 4 Elements/4 Wind-El;ephants.
ADEN/ Atlantis was supposedly the Greenwich of Arabia
where priests observed the Stars or Heavens-astronomy-signs
hence Atlas carrying the"World-Above "(thus Not Earthglobe !)
A snake in a tree represented a ( Sacred-)GARDEN walled or not a good place to be
it was Mid-Earth or Middle-Land/ land-of-the-Middle thus (INDIA_) Media of the Medianites
The WAR- of - the - GODS
is otherwise known as the GIGANTO-Machia Date 855 bc.
The War was Between
Egypt(= Poseidon/Osiris/Amenhotep-4)
ASSUR(=Athena/Atargatis/assyrian Watergoddesses.)
ARABY or Atlantis ! the Land inbetween Two-Continents(=Egypt & ASSUR.)
We even know the end of the conflict.
ASSUR won,
Egypt had to retract from Araby
the Crown/Symbol of Atlantis, was the Hem-Hem Crown.
The Various Assyrian governors of Araby
are seen wearing this distictively NOT assyrian crown !in Persepolis-stellae !
In El Amarna
2 Crownprinces Semenkare & Thut Ank Aton are seen wearing that Crown
as an afterthought because King-Thut was re-placed on the Elephant-Throne of Araby
by God-king Salmanassar-3, who as the new God SHIVA had cut-off Ganesha's head!
WSionce 855 bc
the Egyptians were not in charge of the induian-ocean anymore,
the Assyrians had taken over the Atlantis Seatrade realm
This prompted the Romans and Greeks that lives as AROMATII and GORGONS
in "Eden" or Adland and now migrated to Europe to avoid Assyrian realm taxes.
Rome Cartage and Athens are supposedly of various age foundations
but that is not so in Europe.
Cartage as oldest Migrant City was founded in 920 or 860 by DiDo and named Ras Fartag in South Araby
who is the egyptian Queen of Amenhoteb-3 known as TEJE or Tedje thus in greek rendering DIDO!
The Romans came from the Aromatii who built Latium(= Al-Adan.)in 753 bc
The Athens came from Queen Europe who founded THAT city in South Araby in 1055 bc. as ATHE.
Later She founded two cities with the same name in Europe as New-Atlantis: ATHEnii & ADAna
Cartage Athens and Rome were re-built in Europe by immigrants
no earlier that 705 bc
Archaeologists were unable to find earlier CITY settlement remains.
The reason was that in 705 bc
a great Tsunami destroyed the coasts of Arabia Foelix/Hadramaut
and instead of re re-building ATLANTIS or Hatti-lands
their inhabitants went to the mediaterranean Sea shores.
the Neolithic sttl;ements in Europe from 6.000 or 3500 bc
were NOT Greek or Romans !
It is understanable that the Greeks want Atlantis to have sunk near Greece !
But PLATO said that Atlantis SUNK ikn a manner of Speech
because it was the Trade realm not the Isle that wained under the seas( by Assyrian forces.)
Many Atlantologists
are mad at me for discovering the neart Thruth because,
they rather believe and protract into the false traditions about Atlantis
created by romantic mythographers who widethe political wars behind mythology.
Thus the WAR of the GODS was between Egypt and Assur over Araby in 855 bc.
Atlantologists are mad and me and try to denie or look the other way for their " Atlantis "
BlueHue2 dd 5 March 2012 Amsterdam-Holland.
Does this " Proof-narrative " answer your quest for the " real" War of the Gods "