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"Noah's Flood" Not Rooted in Reality, After All?

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Author Topic: "Noah's Flood" Not Rooted in Reality, After All?  (Read 1816 times)
Superhero Member
Posts: 1126

il mio va Piano, sono Asino ?

« Reply #15 on: March 10, 2009, 11:25:36 am »

Hi Lonestar
That is strange wording, to be sure. Didn't they also have "sons?" Then it talks about the "sons of God" finding the "daughters of men" and finding them fair, had children with them. Why is this part of the Flood story? Could it be that herein lays the reason for the Flood?

Dear ...................... QOAIS...............and .........'LONE-RANGER,'

I apologize for beiing a SpoilSport: BUT, Your Questions are very NAiiV, but worth answering

Amongst Teological litterature researchers
it is common practise to regard the Bible-story as symbolical/allegoric

The REAL Bible Story is all about Hegemony Battles
between the Israelians ( originally a split-off Brance
of the original Punicians in South- Araby.)

and the  agressive Assyrian host acting at the borderlimits,
between Israel & Assur-halfway across " Arabia - FoELIX "

( When " Israel" under Egyptian Hegemony extended till the Euphrates !)
Thus Egypt and Israel were longstanding if involuntary-enemies-of ASSUR & BABYLON.

When EZDRAS was asked to RE- WRITE the ancient BIBLE / TORA
which had been Stolen and Stored in Persepolis by King DARIUS-1 in Ca.500 bc

It is obvious that the BATTLES against ASSUR  & BABYLON
which were described in there were censored taboed !
by the Persian CENSORS. WHY ? just because !

 had to turn battle drama's into religious Sap-Stories to get " Our " Bible
past the Persian and MEDES(=ex-)" Babylonian" censors and Gates of Persepolis !

This means that EDRAS had to make amens so to make it it appear that
MOZES was an Egyptian Fugitive Lawgiver
fleeing to Babylon, masking the fact that  instead of the REAL
MOZES who was an Egyptian Generalissimus  poised to conquer
and kill every Babylonian in Araby in Sight ! You see the Problem ?

Dear old Alexander the Great
found it neccesary to burn the Place down in 331 bc.
so we ignore the extend and precise wording
of the original Bible texts from the egyptian original !

We do have Second or Third-Hand " Copies "of the Bible of  King JOSIAH( dd 610 bc.)
but they were casually-copied by the likes of Herodotus
before the Library of Alexandria went aflame by dear old CAESAR in 47 bc.


" The TEXTUS- Receptus "  of,
Both the ( Hebrew-)Bible and Plato's ( HYBRIS-)Atlantis Story
have, over time been subjected to text-destroying censorships

They couldn't be taken at face value

neither could any Biography of the great-Prophet Mohammed
( Because he was originally a Bysantine-General with a different name !
and under that name considdered an enemy of the Arabian islamists !)
BUT, that's a different Story !

Sincerely " BlueHue " ( Remember to comment on my SubScript( Bottom Posting !)
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( Blue's)THEORY, locating"original" Atlantis( in Aden-Yemen.)
1: ATLANTIS =Fake=Latin name, original Greek: ATHE(=a Region in Aden)
2: Atlantic-OCEAN=Greek: RIVER-of-Atlas+also" Known "World-OCEAN(=Red-Sea)
3: Greek-obsolete-Numeral 'X' caused Plato's Atlantisdate:9000=900
Full Member
Posts: 47

Carl Martin - Writer, Artist and Software Engineer

« Reply #16 on: March 11, 2009, 03:36:30 am »

It seems that the celestial beings that did not get trapped in this plane, wanted to help those who did and devised this method of breeding and re-incarnation as a means for the trapped souls to work their way back to their original spiritual existence.... I believe that people give "God" too many human attributes.... Then we're supposed to believe that this omniscient being would be petty enough to "send a flood" upon the very creatures he created because they were being little brats.... ...the universe is unfolding as it should, just the way it was meant to.... HE doesn't stand there and monitor every little event that happens in every corner of the universe.  It's all on automatic pilot already.  Genesis is merely some poor ignorant trying to grapple with something he didn't understand and did the best he could in telling the story.... God would not play favorites - he would not pick just a few and say I love these best and shall destroy all the rest.

Dear Qoais,

I agree with Bianca, well put. You make several very good points, and I agree with nearly everything you said. One part I disagree with is your misinterpretation of my intent. I tried to compress a book into a posting and I realize I left a lot out.

The Flood may have been a true story, and then again it may not have been. "God," or whatever agency, likely did not send a flood "because they were being little brats," as you suggest. The real reason, by my hypothesis, would have been to prevent Neanderthal from jeopardizing the spiritual reawakening. It was not a punishment, but a rescue mission.

The Bible so often characterizes the agency of "God" as vindictive and vengeful, but this is likely a semantic red herring. When it says in Malachi that God "loved Jacob, but Esau I have hated," this wasn't about the human emotion "hate," but rather a consequence of Esau's prior actions (karma and reincarnation). One might just as easily say that "God hates the man" who foolishly steps off of a three-story roof. The agency of "God's anger" is gravity and force of impact. There is no human "hate" involved.

There are so many sides to this "God" character. The group of "celestial beings" you mentioned (baby gods?) came to our rescue. When Yehoshua of Nazareth said "I and my father are one," too many Christians misinterpret this to mean that he was God. No, he was merely our brother come to help us get out of the trap. He was one of the celestial beings you mentioned. When I experienced my greatest miracle, I felt every bit that I and my father were one. That doesn't make me God, either. Yet, for a moment, I felt myself an agent of some higher power we might call God, or "universal consciousness."

Breeding and reincarnation are important aspects of our path to spiritual reawakening. I wholeheartedly agree. And I agree that people give "God" too many human attributes. I suspect that any place in the Bible where God is being rowdy, there is some other meaning involved. For instance, why would God make the children pay for the sins of their fathers? Nothing could be further from the truth, at least in the common interpretation of the passages that mention this greatly misunderstood idea. Sins of the fathers are about reincarnation and karma. Only the perpetrator pays for their crimes, not the innocent children. But it frequently takes more than one lifetime for the payment to come due (God is "slow to anger"). Again, this isn't some Zeus character sitting on a cloud throwing lightning bolts. This is natural law of the universe.

As for things like the Flood, I would suspect we had help from the celestial guardians or whatever one might want to call them -- our brother and sister immortals.

You say that the universe is unfolding as it should. I love your reference to the poem, "Desiderata." I've discovered a few things about the mechanics of creation and what you said on this point hits the nail on the head. Creation as we usually think of it takes place in two steps. One is the idea or template. The other is best described as "allowing." A creator first gets the picture of the desired end result. This does not manifest in the physical universe, because such a creation is without the dimension known as time or persistence. "Allowing" the creation gives it that dimension in the time stream. Genesis 1 is about the first step. Genesis 2 (God's "day of rest") is about the second step. In fact, one might say we are still living in God's "day of rest" -- the last 15-20 billion years of it. So, yes! I agree. The universe is on automatic pilot -- allowed to run off on its own as if it were "creating itself."

When the great teacher, Yehoshua, said that knowing the truth would set you free, he was referring to this aspect of the mechanics of creation. You view the truth of a problem, and you take the time dimension out of it. You return the creation to its moment of inception -- the instantaneity of its creation. That "moment" is not in the past, but is perhaps best thought of as perpendicular to the time stream. It is in the discontinuous realm described by the Buddhists as "paramita" -- "the other shore."

The nature of our trap here is the continuity-based creations such as the dichotomies, good-evil, victim-perpetrator, generous-selfish, compassionate-indifferent, and many others. These are the forbidden fruit that allowed us to "feel" guilt and other mortal degradations. With humble confidence we can rise above these.

I take issue with your portrayal of the writer of Genesis as "some poor ignorant." You may be found to be right, when all the answers are in. I don't know. However, I suspect that there is a lot more wisdom in Genesis that most give it credit for (biblical literalists included).

I agree that the "celestial guardians" would not pick and choose who to love. Immortal spirit, however, cannot be destroyed.

Perhaps too much emphasis is put on the materialistic -- the physical bodies. One might step on an ant and think nothing of it. One might take medicine to cure a disease, but in the process kill millions of bacteria. Killing the bodies to resurrect the spirit is a no brainer if the value is put solely in the sleeping immortal.

Suicide is perhaps the most selfish act one can do. It is pure victim. Yet sacrificing one's life for one's friends is considered sacred. What's the difference? When we can answer that, we will understand the true value of life and the purpose of our existence in this physical plane. I talk more about this in my blog on "Humble Confidence" (

How does all this relate to Noah's Flood? I think it has to do with an ongoing rescue mission -- one that has lasted for more than 10.5 million years. When Yehoshua beat the money changers in the temple, he was doing the same thing that "God," or whatever, did with the Flood. The goal is reawakening. Anything that stands in the way of that reawakening is "wicked." When, as a child, I first learned that the usually loving, "turn-the-other-cheek" "savior" had gotten so rowdy in the temple, I was shocked. Now, I think I understand. But I know for a certainty that I have a long way to go. And your dialog helps.

(Carl Martin)
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(Carl Martin)
"Now we have proof that something BIG happened right when Plato's Atlantis subdided. We have the 'smoking gun.'"
Superhero Member
Posts: 3423

« Reply #17 on: March 11, 2009, 10:55:16 am »

Thank you for the kind words.

Lonestar, don't take exception to what I say, other than to disagree if that is your opinion.  I'm not judging what you've said, that's for sure.  I'm not sure I even realized you HAD an intent!!!

Now, I think you've studied much and have come to some conclusions.  That seems to be coming through in your posts.  A bit of Sitchin maybe and possibly some other fringe writers?  No problem in my opinion.  I think they have contributed a lot towards getting people up and off the couch and into the research of things they didn't previously even think about.  You seem to have had a wonderful experience of some sort, possibly more than one, that has moved you, and you want to somehow share this experience but in trying to do so, you're finding you're learning more and more all the time.  That's marvelous.

Ok - now we're to the part where you say it's possible that the flood came to prevent Neanderthal from jeopardizing the spiritual reawakening.  What you're basically referring to here is gene manipulation.  No Neanderthals allowed in the breeding program.  Now to split hairs, I would agree with you that "God" did not set up such a program.  It's possible some of our "brothers" and "sisters" did, but who are these brothers and sisters?  This has been my question for a very long time.  If they were in the spiritual realm, how did they manifest on this plane to institute their experiment?  They must have been powerful beings, but still, they had to be physically real to be able to breed which previously, they had been incapable of.  Therefore, it would make sense they had to USE neanderthal because Neanderthal was already breeding.  Once they got the hang of it though, they probably did selective breeding for whatever purpose was a priority at the time.  One cannot just sit around being spiritual in a physical body.  The physical body has needs.  These requirements must be met - to do that - one needs to breed a physique that can handle hard work and face killer animals.  Ok - then we need physiques that have endurance, and speed, and then ................... and on it goes.  We still have not reached the point where man can work very little and meditate a lot.  Some people are fortunate enough for that, but most of us are not.  The plan is in place, but we haven't all followed it.  I imagine the whole world would be more spiritually advanced if we all lived like the Tibetan Lamas.  So - what Cayce is saying - is that the path has been created - walk on it who will.  

Ok, let's say some illustrious beings, Jesus being one of them, came up with this plan as Edgar Cayce says they did.   They would still be operating under the directives God set down, and would not be allowed to harm the creatures God created nor would they WANT to.  Not even Lucifer has been judged yet for what HE did, why would they condemn the poor old neanderthal who hadn't harmed anyone?

I have no doubt the flood is a true story.  But WHAT was the story?  Was it just a local flood as some say?  Was it a particularly wet year, with some global warming at the time and waters rising way above normal?  Did they write about it because it was so terrifying and some leader told them this was a punishment?  Floods are not punishments sent by God.  They're a normal weather cycle.  They didn't know that perhaps so whoever was leading them, could use it as a threat.  But there again, not God's way.  We were put here with free will.  God does not "threaten" us that we have to love him or else!!!  Or else what?  He's going to send a flood?  Not.  That's what I meant about some poor ignorant trying to relate something he didn't understand.  I didn't mean the person was stupid.  Not at all.  It wasn't like the writer of Genesis was actually present himself during this epic.  Not if we have our time lines right. Roll Eyes

Noah's flood may have been the "cause" of a rescue mission also.  What other "man with daughters" was there on earth way back then for the sons of God to breed with?  They would have been busy saving their breeding stock from the flood - whoever THEY were.

The nature of our trap here is the continuity-based creations such as the dichotomies, good-evil, victim-perpetrator, generous-selfish, compassionate-indifferent, and many others.

Goes without saying - since there is only "good" on the other side, nay?   

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An open-minded view of the past allows for an unprejudiced glimpse into the future.

Logic rules.

"Intellectual brilliance is no guarantee against being dead wrong."
Superhero Member
Posts: 3423

« Reply #18 on: March 11, 2009, 08:45:59 pm »

Suicide is perhaps the most selfish act one can do. It is pure victim. Yet sacrificing one's life for one's friends is considered sacred. What's the difference? When we can answer that, we will understand the true value of life and the purpose of our existence in this physical plane.

Probably not the thread for this, but I would have to disagree with that statement.  I know I was TAUGHT that - to think that suicide is selfish - but after I'd gotten a little bit of life under my belt, I have to disagree.  Always remember that we have free will.  God did not put us here to suffer.  God did not create us to suffer unnecessarily.  If you were in terrbile  pain with  brain cancer and were screaming from within the depths of your agony for someone to give you that final needle, I would not call you a coward.  Nor would I call you selfish.  I would call myself selfish if I did not do as you asked.  Beyond selfish - cruel.

If you were a young lad, trained up from babyhood to believe so strongly in your God that you would become a suicide bomber for his sake, I would not call you selfish.  A victim yes, but of others who destroyed your innocense and taught you wrong for their own sakes and selfish greed.

What is the value of life?  To the warlords, and the drug lords - life has no value.  They live for the excitement of the moment - a few years of wealth to buy all the material things they could ever want, and then it's their turn - the other top dog takes him out.  What was the value of his life?  Did anyone learn anything from it?  What value is life to the scum bags in the Phillipines who run the government and say prostitution is illegal, and yet run the brothels?  Those girls never see the light of day.  Do you think they have such a wonderful life they shouldn't commit suicide if given the chance?  They've already been put under a death sentence with being forced to have sex with no protection - they are already dying a slow death.  I would not call them them cowards if they chose to end it sooner.

Should be a different thread for this I guess.
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An open-minded view of the past allows for an unprejudiced glimpse into the future.

Logic rules.

"Intellectual brilliance is no guarantee against being dead wrong."
Full Member
Posts: 47

Carl Martin - Writer, Artist and Software Engineer

« Reply #19 on: March 12, 2009, 10:17:52 am »

...It's possible some of our "brothers" and "sisters" did, but who are these brothers and sisters?  This has been my question for a very long time.  If they were in the spiritual realm, how did they manifest on this plane to institute their experiment?  They must have been powerful beings, but still, they had to be physically real to be able to breed which previously, they had been incapable of.  Therefore, it would make sense they had to USE neanderthal because Neanderthal was already breeding....

...We were put here with free will.  God does not "threaten" us that we have to love him or else!!!  Or else what?  He's going to send a flood?  Not....  ...It wasn't like the writer of Genesis was actually present himself during this epic....

Good stuff, Q.

You've helped me see where my dissertation can create misunderstandings. My ideas are strange enough that, where they collide with someone else's experience, new meanings sometimes arise that I didn't anticipate.

I'll touch on only a few points you made.

You say the "brothers" and "sisters" must have been powerful beings. I'd agree with you there. If we are all basically spiritual beings made in God's image, then we are all basically powerful beings capable of creating universes, or manipulating elements of this one -- moving mountains, parting seas, or walking on water. Marco Polo said he saw a Tibetan Buddhist monk fly. I don't doubt it for a moment.

You also stated that "they had to USE Neanderthal because Neanderthal was already breeding." Part of the discovery I made in Genesis (based on Cayce's two dates -- 28,000 BC for the Flood, and 10.5 million years ago for Adam), I found a simple formula in Genesis that yields a date of 10,454,130 BC (less than 1% from Cayce's rounded approximation). If Homo sapiens is 10.5 million years old, then Neanderthal (at only a few hundred thousand years in age) could not have been used in the genetic manipulation that led to the creation of Homo sapiens.

I agree that we were put here with free will. That is implied in my statement that God's "day of rest" is the last 15-20 billion years. But again, you seem to miss my earlier point. The Flood, if my hypothesis is correct, was not a threat or a punishment. Perhaps all bodies are expendable despite our sentimental attachment to them. The only real people are the sleeping immortals and their brothers and sisters who are already awake.

And if we (on Earth) are all sleeping immortals, perhaps the writer of Genesis was there at the Flood. Weren't you? I personally don't remember any of it, but I do have a few memories almost that old. At least they feel like memories, full of emotion I could not explain otherwise. The scientist in me is at least open to that possibility.

To counter the impression that this discussion has drifted far off topic, let me say that there is a possible connection between the Flood and Atlantis, besides the date given by Cayce (28,000 BC for both the Flood and the second upheaval in Atlantis).

If the purpose of the Flood was as part of a rescue mission, to get Earth back on purpose -- moving toward the reawakening of the sleeping immortals (us), then Atlantis may have suffered its demise because, like Neanderthal, its existence may have jeopardized that reawakening.

A baby god (celestial being / spiritual brother or sister) with infinite power, but also selfishness is likely going to get into trouble. Maybe that was part of the great fall from grace. Selfishness is not conducive to that spiritual reawakening. In fact, the very nature of selfishness is one of separateness and arrogance. If Atlantis had persisted, then it might very well have conquered Earth. In the social vacuum at the end of the Ice Age, it might eventually have accomplished that aim. A planet Earth under one selfish empire would not have created a healthy environment for spiritual awakening. A democracy is much more conducive to this. Our form of government in the Western cultures is not perfect, but it tends to encourage a certain degree of humility. Atlantis had lost its humility. Like Neanderthal, Atlantis had to go. Perhaps the same brothers and sisters that helped bring the Flood helped nudge Atlantis into its oblivion.

(Carl Martin)

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(Carl Martin)
"Now we have proof that something BIG happened right when Plato's Atlantis subdided. We have the 'smoking gun.'"
Superhero Member
Posts: 3423

« Reply #20 on: March 12, 2009, 11:18:45 am »

Perhaps the writer of Genesis, like yourself, had a few flashbacks, but couldn't remember the whole event Huh Cool  Too bad, it would be nice to know what it was all about.

The powerful brothers and sisters - seems they could create just about anything they put their mind to, but they could not reproduce.  Sorry if I mixed up Neanderthal and Homo whatever.  Those words don't make pictures for me so I tend not to remember which was which.  I just meant whatever "man" was on earth when the siblings decided to make their plan.

Was the flood manipulated by the powerful siblings/overseers?  Possibly.  Perhaps their experiments got out of control and they were purging the results.  Maybe it's true that they kept just a few certain breeding stock and wiped out the rest.  Maybe they took eggs and sperm and kept them safe somewhere and did the in-vitro thing.  Not that the commoner would ever have been told that this is what had happened.  Not like they left any evidence of what they were doing.  Again, I wish they would have, then we'd know for sure.(That's why I like Sitchin's take on all this.  It's so logical - even if he made it up!!)

According to Cayce, the Atlanteans themselves caused the destruction of their homeland by deliberately ignoring warnings that their experiments with their power source were too dangerous.  Talk about ignorant!!  Talk about selfish!!  Even then, there were those that did remember that they were once spiritual beings but chose not to walk the path that had been created for them, in order for them to return to their spiritual existence.  At that time, they still had a lot of knowledge of the universe.  They lost their spiritual abilities, not their knowledge.

Again probably not the place to get into a deep discussion, but have you read the Urantia Book?  People make a big deal of it because it was supposedly channelled and therefore not factual or trustworthy.  I don't think it matters who wrote it.  We could say some guys called Mathew, Mark, Luke and John wrote it, and people would suck it up.  Point is - the words have been said and what they say gives rise to a lot of food for thought.  You're of a scientific bent, so you can separate the wheat from the chaff. 

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An open-minded view of the past allows for an unprejudiced glimpse into the future.

Logic rules.

"Intellectual brilliance is no guarantee against being dead wrong."
Superhero Member
Posts: 1126

il mio va Piano, sono Asino ?

« Reply #21 on: March 13, 2009, 06:02:22 am »

Indeed I would also say that the UFO CAYCE Subject,
Chrystal Clear: Talking about Noach's Flood with God's Wrath
and celestial beiings, reeks of Zacharia Sitchin !

These postings belong to the Atlanis NEW - AGE Topic,
not to the Atlantis Scientific Topic unless one regards Philosophy as" Scientific !
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( Blue's)THEORY, locating"original" Atlantis( in Aden-Yemen.)
1: ATLANTIS =Fake=Latin name, original Greek: ATHE(=a Region in Aden)
2: Atlantic-OCEAN=Greek: RIVER-of-Atlas+also" Known "World-OCEAN(=Red-Sea)
3: Greek-obsolete-Numeral 'X' caused Plato's Atlantisdate:9000=900
Superhero Member
Posts: 1126

il mio va Piano, sono Asino ?

« Reply #22 on: March 13, 2009, 06:10:31 am »

DEAR .. . . . . .mr. " LONESTAR "


Don't you think that your Postings are in the Wrong TOPIC ? Huh
They belong to the TOPIC of " Atlantis- in -the -New -AGE." Roll Eyes

As an ancient historyresearcher,
I told you that " GOD " was a GLOSS from an interloper called Salmanasser-3
a GOD- King of Assur, Who entered himself into the Tora/ Bible as the GOD of Paradise( dd.GENESIS 3 verse 14-15.)

CELESTIAL beiings or Gardians were the " Watchmen on the Walls of Zion" called Cherubs or Grigorii

Sincerely " BlueHue " dd 13 march 2009

the spiritual realm, to USE neanderthal because Neanderthal was already breeding....


Good stuff, Q.

You've helped me see where my dissertation can create misunderstandings. My ideas are strange enough that, where they collide with someone else's experience, new meanings sometimes arise that I didn't anticipate.

« Last Edit: March 13, 2009, 06:15:49 am by BlueHue » Report Spam   Logged

( Blue's)THEORY, locating"original" Atlantis( in Aden-Yemen.)
1: ATLANTIS =Fake=Latin name, original Greek: ATHE(=a Region in Aden)
2: Atlantic-OCEAN=Greek: RIVER-of-Atlas+also" Known "World-OCEAN(=Red-Sea)
3: Greek-obsolete-Numeral 'X' caused Plato's Atlantisdate:9000=900
Superhero Member
Posts: 1126

il mio va Piano, sono Asino ?

« Reply #23 on: March 18, 2009, 03:08:05 pm »


CAYCE is a good diagnostician but a bad Atlantic-Soothsayer I call him a gullible society-Fraud

Dr G.LITTLE scuba dive- Family are much like ' GEORGEOS '
they try to find " Atlantis " where it never was .
are they Hoaxers too ? AMERICA or SPAIN is it a HOAX or not ?

The DUAL Tsunami that overtook Atlantis ( in: 1055 and 855 bc.
were caused by MOON- Collisions from the opposite end of the Globe( pushing-up the Himalay Mnts.)

Have you actually grabbed/ READ or Missed Out on my
# 3 RULES of THUMB to Locate the " Original " Atlantis ?

1:.....ATLANTIS is a Latin- Faked name
the Original GREEK read ' ATHE '(= today ADEN/ Ras ADAN in Yemen/South Araby.)

2:.....Atlantic OCEAN is a Latin - Faked name
the original GREEK word was a Composite- word of Two waterbodies surrounding the KNOWN- World(= today ARABY.)
Atlantic- SEA of ATLAS(= supposedly in Morocco.)
and the ( Middle-)Earth Surrounding or KNOWN- World- OCEAN.( today the RED- Sea surrounding ARABY(= " The Known World " .)

3:..... PLATO's Atlantis Data have been exagerated by TEN
NOT because of misreading the egyptian numerals( eg -KHET-)but by misreading the GREEK numeral for 1.000(=" X ".)
which was confused with the Latin Numeral or Sign for" Multiply - by- TEN "(= " x ".)

For a merely 800 measily posts I tried to convince the Forum members
who in their ignorence believe in 50
Atlantis Reference points
& can't see the Forest from the trees !
That's why I pre- warned all since my entry in 2007, for hapilly Barking-up a wrong tree !

Withoud harking and heeding these 3 RULES of THUMB
No Atlantologist here on AIO Forum will ever find it.
My #3 Rules of THUMB will debuke every other Theory

However the AO-Forum members choose not to know what hit them !
Have you one of your thoughfull comments on the Above # 3- RULES of THUMB ?

Sincerely " BlueHue "  Cry Shocked Cry

dd 18- March- 2009 ( From, the Polly-Univ.of : Delft / Holland.)

Perhaps the writer of Genesis, like yourself, had a few flashbacks, but couldn't remember the whole event Huh Cool  Too bad, it would be nice to know what it was all about.
  Perhaps their experiments got out of control and they were purging the results.  Maybe it's true that they kept just a few certain breeding stock and
According to Cayce, the Atlanteans themselves caused the destruction of their homeland by deliberately ignoring warnings that their experiments with their power source were too dangerous.,
 but have you read the Urantia Book?   not factual or trustworthy.  I don't think it matters who wrote it.  We could say some guys called Mathew, Mark, Luke and John wrote it,a lot of food for thought.  You're of a scientific bent, so you can separate the wheat from the chaff. 
« Last Edit: March 18, 2009, 03:34:09 pm by BlueHue » Report Spam   Logged

( Blue's)THEORY, locating"original" Atlantis( in Aden-Yemen.)
1: ATLANTIS =Fake=Latin name, original Greek: ATHE(=a Region in Aden)
2: Atlantic-OCEAN=Greek: RIVER-of-Atlas+also" Known "World-OCEAN(=Red-Sea)
3: Greek-obsolete-Numeral 'X' caused Plato's Atlantisdate:9000=900
Superhero Member
Posts: 1126

il mio va Piano, sono Asino ?

« Reply #24 on: March 18, 2009, 03:30:53 pm »

THANK you for reviewing " REPLY nr 23 ".

Archaeology and geology never have an answer, they make it as they go along, sometimes without even any new evidence.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2009, 03:33:29 pm by BlueHue » Report Spam   Logged

( Blue's)THEORY, locating"original" Atlantis( in Aden-Yemen.)
1: ATLANTIS =Fake=Latin name, original Greek: ATHE(=a Region in Aden)
2: Atlantic-OCEAN=Greek: RIVER-of-Atlas+also" Known "World-OCEAN(=Red-Sea)
3: Greek-obsolete-Numeral 'X' caused Plato's Atlantisdate:9000=900
Superhero Member
Posts: 1126

il mio va Piano, sono Asino ?

« Reply #25 on: March 18, 2009, 03:32:11 pm »

Thank you for your REVIEW of " REPLY-Nr-23 ".

The myth of Noah's flood is just one of many flood myths told through-out the world.  They were used to describe the rising sea levels at the end of the last ice-age.  I've never heard of the flood being people though. Why or how would someone tell the story be confused between people and water?
« Last Edit: March 18, 2009, 03:32:59 pm by BlueHue » Report Spam   Logged

( Blue's)THEORY, locating"original" Atlantis( in Aden-Yemen.)
1: ATLANTIS =Fake=Latin name, original Greek: ATHE(=a Region in Aden)
2: Atlantic-OCEAN=Greek: RIVER-of-Atlas+also" Known "World-OCEAN(=Red-Sea)
3: Greek-obsolete-Numeral 'X' caused Plato's Atlantisdate:9000=900
Superhero Member
Posts: 1156

« Reply #26 on: March 18, 2009, 04:26:24 pm »

Dear BlueHue,

I am not the same person as Wind.  Not sure where you got that.  Maybe great minds think alike.  Grin

Now as far as the Noah character he goes by several different name all over the world.  In Sumer his name was Utmaphishtim.  And in other tablets from Sumer he was also known as Zisudra, Xisuthros or Atrahasis.  And in the stories of Noah Utmaphishtim they were both told by God to build a boat and fill them with all living things. 

In Central America according to Aztec mythology only two human beings survived: a man, Coxcoxtli; and his wife, Xochiquetzal, who had been forewarned of the cataclysm by a god.  They escaped in a huge boat they had been instructed to build and came to ground on the peak of a tall mountain.

A related Central America tradition, that of the Mechoacanesecs, is in even more striking conformity with the story as we have in Genesis and in the Msopotamian sources.  According to this tradition, the god Tezcatilpoca determined to destroy all mankind with a flood, saving only a certain Tezpi who embarked in a spacious vessel with his wife, his children and large number of animals and birds, as well as supplies of grains and seeds, the preservation of which were essential to the future subsistence of the human race.  The vessel came to rest on an exposed mountain top after Tezcatilpoca had decreed that the waters of the flood should retire.  The man sent out birds of which only the hummingbird came back, with a leafy branch in his beak.  With this sign that the land had begun to renew itself, Tezpi and his family went forth from their ark, multiplied and repopulated the earth.

These are just a few of the many flood myths told through-out the world.  I could go on and on.  With so many how could someone say that they do not have some basis in fact?
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Blasphemy is a victimless crime.
"The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being as His father, in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter."     Letter to John Adams, April 11, 1823 -Thomas Jefferson
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il mio va Piano, sono Asino ?

« Reply #27 on: March 24, 2009, 04:32:52 pm »

There is something not right with the timing of NOACH's FLOOD. and the Atlantis flood.

In my theory
The Noach-Flood was invented to hide the fact that
 contemporay people died not because of a Flood
but by marauders that turned heroes afterwards and later were portraited as
" Peacefull invaders called the TEN Jewish tribes from NOAH"

In Noach's Story,  Atlantis is NOT mentioned Nor the reason WHY that Flood happened
The WaterGod EA spoke to NOAH through a Reedmat wall" Because he was not supposed to speak to humans when seen.
in the Hindu Manu-Flood Myth SHIVA spoke to  Manu though a Stone Wall later called a LINGAM.

Whilst in the Plato-Story the Flood-reason is feigned to be Mankind's disobediance against "good nature"
in the Bible it seems to be that not ManKind but only ADAM's disobediance against God's nature counted
because ADAM ate from the Tree of knowledge of GOOD( and bad.) but did not die (after leaving the Paradise.)

A little comparison of Atlantis Story and the Bible-Flood-Story:

The MEN of Atlantis lived in a virtual Paradise, ................ADAM lived in a Paradise
The Atlantoii were visited by an Earth-Quake,  ............... ADAM was visited by " GOD " for wanting to be like GOD
GOD wanted the Atlantoii to die by a ( Red-)Floodsurge     ADAM was spared but had to leave by an Angel with a flaming Sword.
GOD ( RE or ZEUS.)sent his EYE/ messenger to destroy Earth.......That " Messenger " was a Planet Either the MOON or HERMES or Both !

In the KORAN or perhaps in some RCatholoc apocryph it says that on the ARK sat a GIANT that held the Boat straight/ level and warned when the Flood was over. Elsewhere this GIANT is named as the" Beast 666 of the Apocalypse .

In Plato's Atlantis on the INNER ring of Water facing the Center Temple......In the Heavenly Jerusalem on the Mount Moria( Facing the mount SINAii)
The " Watchmen " had their Bunkhouses                                               The " Watchmen " called Cherubim or GRIGORI had their houses on the Walls of
In my opinion that " Giant " was a white arabian *( Now exitinct-)Elephant. Mount Sinaii

In his political Satire called the Atlantis Dialogue, PLATO equated the Atlantean kings PRO- & Epimetheus
with the Athenian war-Archonts ALKIBIADES & NIKIAS.
to demonstrate the HYBRIS of Both Ancient Atlantis &" Modern" Athens !

in this FLOOD variant:
DORIAN Syracuse would than be the Lady PANDORA sent by Zeus to twart or tempt  mankind's progress
AFTERWARDS the Sea became impassable for the " MUD " whereas at AEGOSPOTAMI in 405 bc
ATHENS 'good' name as a Seafaring nation became"MUD " and the City went down in a Persian insurgence in 379 bc.

The FLOOD of NOACH may have never existed at all and thus
the REAL biblical Flood happened much later in Time.

The Story goes that King SARGON -1 was the REAL " NOACH "(=" SargON of ACCAD.")
in ca.1250 bc HE lead a band of marauding Settlers
from the " HINDU- Kush Valley of KARAKORUM, into Southern ARABY
where they picked a fight with the Local inhabitants over arable Land.

That was MYTH
The invasion of Araby by Iranians started inded in 1250 bc
during the Egyptian 15-th Dynasty by HYKOSOS( indian: RASHAKSAS.)
during the 15-17-th Egyptian Dynasty they ruled Egypt

Moses supposedly was an Egyptian fugitive seeking a safe haven
in his Ancestral home of ( South-)ARABY
But actually he was a Fighting-General camkpagning in the early 18-th Dynasty
 AGAINST the Assyrians & Babilonians.

Bible-Scribe EZDRAS in the service of the NEO-Babilonians
ofcourse could NOT write that story of MOSES the erstwhile " Baylonians-Basher "
so for the safety of the POW-Jews in Babilon he faked this own ancestry !

From MOSES agressive campagn to conquer Ancient Babylon 500 years earlier
he transformed the " Generalissimo" into a fugitive meek lawgiver:
thus the Egyptian megalomaniac-General KAMOSE  became the softhearted " MOISHE "
is exactly the same as MOISHE's failed attack on the City of Aii in the SIN-aii mountains.

But that is fodder for another random Posting

Thank you for returning my earlier narrative
with a nice story about comparing Flood-tales. Grin

Sincerely " BlueHue " dd 25 March, from Delft( Polly University )Holland.

Dear BlueHue,

I am not the same person as Wind.  Not sure where you got that.  Maybe great minds think alike.  Grin

Now as far as the Noah character he goes by several different name all over the world.  In Sumer his name was Utmaphishtim.  And in other tablets from Sumer he was also known as Zisudra, Xisuthros or Atrahasis.  And in the stories of Noah Utmaphishtim they were both told by God to build a boat and fill them with all living things. 

In Central America according to Aztec mythology only two human beings survived: a man, Coxcoxtli; and his wife, Xochiquetzal, who had been forewarned of the cataclysm by a god.  They escaped in a huge boat they had been instructed to build and came to ground on the peak of a tall mountain.

A related Central America tradition, that of the Mechoacanesecs, is in even more striking conformity with the story as we have in Genesis and in the Msopotamian sources.  According to this tradition, the god Tezcatilpoca determined to destroy all mankind with a flood, saving only a certain Tezpi who embarked in a spacious vessel with his wife, his children and large number of animals and birds, as well as supplies of grains and seeds, the preservation of which were essential to the future subsistence of the human race.  The vessel came to rest on an exposed mountain top after Tezcatilpoca had decreed that the waters of the flood should retire.  The man sent out birds of which only the hummingbird came back, with a leafy branch in his beak.  With this sign that the land had begun to renew itself, Tezpi and his family went forth from their ark, multiplied and repopulated the earth.

These are just a few of the many flood myths told through-out the world.  I could go on and on.  With so many how could someone say that they do not have some basis in fact?
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( Blue's)THEORY, locating"original" Atlantis( in Aden-Yemen.)
1: ATLANTIS =Fake=Latin name, original Greek: ATHE(=a Region in Aden)
2: Atlantic-OCEAN=Greek: RIVER-of-Atlas+also" Known "World-OCEAN(=Red-Sea)
3: Greek-obsolete-Numeral 'X' caused Plato's Atlantisdate:9000=900
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Posts: 11110

« Reply #28 on: March 25, 2009, 07:22:57 am »

The story of Noah is based on a human Earth king named Zisudra whom Enki entrusted all the embryos of most of the species of animals of the time to keep them safe as Nibiru passed Earth displacing the  icecaps via gravitational sheering causing the mass flooding.  FYI.  Wink
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Posts: 1126

il mio va Piano, sono Asino ?

« Reply #29 on: March 26, 2009, 10:09:12 am »


I cannot help to warn you of an omission in thought

The Niburu text was found in an archive destroyed aroun 612 bc.

At and before  that time our present Moon was  still a wandering Comet
captured by Earth in an erratic orbit and thus feared an observed
She was named the EYE of RE and ASHERAT of the SEAS( Causing -yearly-annual-Cataclysms.)

But since then the Moon has settled in it's cause and is harmless now.

MOON (= SETH )and  MERCURY (=HORUS )once" revolved around each other in historical times
We call that either the War of the Gods/ Titans the churning of the MilkSea(= MilkyWay !)
or the Cataclysm of Atlantis.

Sincerely " BlueHue "
« Last Edit: March 26, 2009, 10:11:47 am by BlueHue » Report Spam   Logged

( Blue's)THEORY, locating"original" Atlantis( in Aden-Yemen.)
1: ATLANTIS =Fake=Latin name, original Greek: ATHE(=a Region in Aden)
2: Atlantic-OCEAN=Greek: RIVER-of-Atlas+also" Known "World-OCEAN(=Red-Sea)
3: Greek-obsolete-Numeral 'X' caused Plato's Atlantisdate:9000=900
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