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The Egyptian Book of the Dead

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Author Topic: The Egyptian Book of the Dead  (Read 10805 times)
Josie Linde
Superhero Member
Posts: 4493

« Reply #135 on: December 24, 2008, 11:00:29 pm »


Vignette: The mummy-chamber, arranged as a plan, representing the floor and walls laid flat, in fifteen compartments. In the centre, under a canopy, is place d the bier bearing the mummy of Ani, beside which stands the god Anubis,[1]

[1. In the Nebseni papyrus the text referring to Anubis reads: "Anubis, who dwelleth in the region of the embalmed, the chief of the holy house, layeth his hands upon the lord of life (i.e., the mummy),

It and provideth him with all that belongeth unto him, and saith: 'Flail to thee, thou beautiful one, the lord! Thou hast been gazed upon by the Sun's eye, thou hast been bound up by Ptah-Seker, thou hast been made whole by Anubis; breath hath been given unto thee by Shu, and thou hast been raised up by the fair one, the prince of eternity. Thou hast thine eyes. Thy right eye is in the sektet boat, and thy left eye is in the sektet boat. Thine eye-brows appear fair before the company of the gods. Thy brow is in the charge of Anubis. The back of thy head is in good case in tile presence of the sacred hawk. Thy fingers are stablished by written decree in the presence of the lord of Khemennu, and Thoth giveth unto thee the speech of the sacred books. Thy hair is in good case in the presence of Ptah-Seker. Osiris is in bliss, and reverence is done unto him before the company of the great gods. He looketh upon the great god, he is led on fair paths, he is made strong with meals of the tomb, and his enemies are cast down beneath him in presence of the company of the great gods who are in the great house of the aged one in Annu.'"]

{p. 360}

with hands outstretched over the body. At the foot of the bier kneels the goddess Isis, and at the head the goddess Nephthys, each being accompanied by a flame of fire, which is placed in the compartment immediately behind her. The Tet occupies the compartment immediately above the bier, and the jackal--emblematic of Anubis or Ap-uat--couchant on the tomb, with a sceptre having pendent menats--occupies the compartment below. The four children of Horus, or gods of the cardinal points--Mestha, Hapi, Tuamautef, and Qebhsennuf--stand in the corners of the four adjoining compartments. In each of the two upper and outer compartments is the human-headed bird emblematic of the soul, standing on a pylon, the one on the right being turned to the west or setting sun, the other on the left facing the east or rising sun. In the right lower compartment stands the figure of the Perfected Soul; in the corresponding compartment on the left is a Ushabti figure.

Text [CHAPTER CLI.] [Isis saith:] "I have come to be a protector unto thee. I waft (2) unto thee air for thy nostrils, and the north wind, which cometh forth from the god Tmu, unto thy nose (3)- 1 have made whole thy lungs. I have made thee (4) to be like unto a god. Thine enemies have fallen beneath thy feet. (5, 6) Thou hast been made victorious in (7) Nut, and thou art mighty to prevail with the gods."

[Nephthys saith:] "(2) I have gone round about to protect thee, brother Osiris; (3) 1 have come to be a protector unto thee. [My strength shall be behind thee, my strength shall be behind thee, for ever. Ra hath heard thy cry, and the gods have granted that thou shouldst be victorious. Thou art raised up, and thou art victorious over that which hath been done unto thee. Ptah hath thrown down thy foes, and thou art Horus, the son of Hathor.]"[1]

[1. In Ani the text is corrupt, and the passage within brackets is translated from the following version (Naville, Todtenbuch, Bd. II., Bl. 428):

maket-d ha-k sep sen t'etta setem nas-k an Ra smaaxeru an neteru thes-tu semaaxeru-k her arit erek xer en Ptah xeft-k entek Heru sa Het-Heru.]

{p. 361}

[The flame of Isis saith:] "I protect thee with this flame, and I drive away him (the foe) from the valley of the tomb, and I drive away the sand from thy feet. I embrace Osiris Ani, who is triumphant in peace and in right and truth."[1]

[The flame of Nephthys saith:] "I have come to hew in pieces. I am not hewn in pieces, nor will I suffer thee to be hewn in pieces. I have come to do violence, but I will not let violence be done unto thee, for I am protecting thee."

[The Tet saith:] "I have come quickly, and I have driven back the footsteps of the god whose face is hidden.[2] I have illumined his sanctuary. I stand behind the sacred Tet or, the day of repulsing disaster.[3] I protect thee, O Osiris."

[Mestha saith:] I am Mestha, thy son, O Osiris Ani, triumphant. I have come to protect thee, and I will make thine abode to flourish everlastingly. I have commanded Ptah, even as Ra himself commanded him."

[Hapi saith:] "I am Hapi thy son, O Osiris Ani, triumphant. I have come to protect thee. Thy head and thy limbs are knit together; and I have smitten down thine enemies beneath thee. I have given unto thee thy head for ever and for ever, O Osiris Ani, triumphant in peace."

[Tuamautef saith:] "I am thy beloved son Horus. I have come to avenge thee, O my father Osiris, upon him that did evil unto thee; and I have put him under thy feet for ever, and for ever, and for ever; O Osiris Ani, triumphant in peace."

[1. The text here is corrupt. Brit. Mus. papyrus, No. 10,010 (Naville, Todtenbuch, Bd. II., Bl. 429) reads nuk ahu sa er teb ament xesef-a xesef su er teka set au seset-na set au setenem-na uat au-a em sa, "I surround with sand the hidden tomb, and drive away the violent one therefrom. I lighten the valley of the tomb, I cast light therein, I traverse the ways, and I protect [Osiris]."

2 Reading i-a em heh xesef nemmat kep-hra-f sehet' kep-f.

See Naville, Todtenbuch, Bd. II., Bl. 428.

3 Variant hru xesef sat, "day of driving back slaughter."]

{p. 362}

[Qebhsennuf saith:] "I am thy son, O Osiris Ani, triumphant. I have come to protect thee. I have collected thy bones, and I have gathered together thy members. [I have brought thy heart and I have placed it upon its throne within thy body. I have made thy house to flourish after thee, O thou who livest for ever.]"[1]

[The bird which faceth the setting sun saith]: "Praise be to Ra when he setteth in the western part of heaven. Osiris Ani, triumphant in peace in the underworld, saith: 'I am a perfected soul,'"

[The bird which faceth the rising sun saith]: "Praise be to Ra when he riseth in the eastern part of heaven from Osiris Ani, triumphant."

[The Perfected Soul saith]: "I am a perfected soul in the holy egg of the abtu fish. I am the great cat which dwelleth in the seat of right and truth wherein riseth the god Shu."

[The text near the Ushabti Figure (Chapter VI.) reads]: Osiris Ani, the overseer, triumphant, saith: " Hail, shabti figure! If it be decreed that Osiris [Ani] shall do any of the work which is to be done in the underworld, let all that standeth in the way be removed from before him; whether it be to plough the fields, or to fill the channels with water, or to carry sand from [the East to the West]." The shabti figure replies: "I will do [it]; verily I am here [when] thou callest."

Vignette: Ani, with both hands raised in adoration, standing before a table of offerings; behind him is his wife holding lotus and other flowers in her left hand.

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