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The Oak Island Mystery

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Author Topic: The Oak Island Mystery  (Read 9799 times)
Jennifer O'Dell
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Posts: 4546

« on: January 30, 2007, 03:13:49 am »

The Oak Island Mystery
From Canadawiki

Map by Nickell
The mysterious “money pit” of Oak Island, in Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia, has stymied treasure hunters for decades. The site was first discovered in 1795 by a local teenager, Daniel McGinnis, who found a ship’s tackle block hanging from a tree branch, overhanging a large depression in the ground. McGinnis and friends John Smith, and Anthony Vaughan dug to 30 feet and temporarily gave up. In 1803, they and the Onslow Company begin excavatiing, hitting layers of timber and clay every 10 feet, until they broke through a clay booby trap at 90 feet and were flooded out, when seawater rushed in from a tunnel to a nearby bay, filling the pit to sea level.
In 1804, the Onslow Company dug a parallel pit to 110 feet. This too flooded when they attempt to tunnel over the Money Pit. Apparently they discovered a flagstone at the 90 foot depth, with an inscription on the stone. James Leitchi, a professor of languages at Dalhousie University, suggested that it was a simple-substitution cipher, which read, "Forty Feet Below Two Million Pounds Are Buried". But Leitchi was involved in a treasure hunting company trying to sell stocks, and the stone may have been a fraud.

In 1849, the Truro Company started digging. They were able to drill through 2 casks filled with "loose metal", and claimed to have recovered 3 gold chain links. In 1850, a subterranean waterway and artifical beach were found at Smith's Cove.

The first life was claimed by Oak Island in 1861, when a man was scalded to death by an exploding boiler. That year, the bottom literally fell out of the so-called money pit, as the items that had been at 100 feet feel farther down to hole thanks to weakening of the pit by several cross tunnels.

In 1893, Fred Blair and The Oak Island Treasure Company begin their investigations, first investigating the causes of the cave-in. In 1897, a triangle rock formation was discovered, and a cement vault and parchment were supposedly found during drilling. A second life was lost that year when Maynard Kaiser fell to his death while being pulled out of the pit. In 1899, a second flood tunnel, The South Shore Tunnel, was discovered.


lThe "money pit" has been dug and excavated many times - one enthusiastic treasure hunter was a young Franklin Roosevelt, who invested in a 1909 excavation attempt. But even modern engineering has failed to crack the mystery of various staggered layers of logs, clay, ships putty, coconut matting, charcoal and iron. Further booby traps have either opened the pit to sea flooding, or caused it to collapse and kill treasure hunters.
In 1936, a second inscribed stone was supposedly discovered, and more evidence of the original cofferdam found. A further tragedy happened on August 17, 1965, when four treasure seekers drowned in the money pit, overcome by gas, likely carbon monoxide from a generator. In 1971, a new group of treasure hunters lowered a camera into the pit and reportedly captured images of wooden chests and human remains.

So what is at the bottom of the Oak Island mystery? Does it contain Spanish treasure, buried by Captain Kidd, or perhaps the Royal Crown Jewels of France (which went missing in 1791 and were said to have been smuggled to Louisburg), a Masonic "Secret Vault" containing the Holy Grail, the treasures of King Solomon's temple, Viking or Pirate booty, Inca treasure, payroll for colonial British soldiers, or even the secret writings of Francis Bacon.

A new theory has been suggested recently by researcher Keith Ranville, who believes that nearby Birch Island, owned by Toronto financier Christopher Ondaatje may be part of the mystery. The 16-acre island features a large triangle which takes up a good portion of the landscape.


The Nickell Investigation sggests that Masonic ritual plays a role in the mystery.
Further theories about the Oak Island Treasure
See: Henry Sinclair May Have Visited Nova Scotia
« Last Edit: January 30, 2007, 03:24:03 am by Jennifer O'Dell » Report Spam   Logged

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Keith Ranville
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Posts: 2387


« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2007, 10:31:56 pm »

April 2007 Edition
Hard Copy Version
Oak Island Update! – Cree Code Breaker Challenges 140-Year Old Cipher   

MAHONE BAY, Nova Scotia –The enigma of Oak Island has been called one of the greatest archaeological and engineering achievements of mankind. Often referred to as Canada’s best known unsolved mystery, Oak Island proudly boasts it’s title for hosting the site of the World’s longest treasure hunt in recorded history. Now in its 212th year this 10 million dollar project that has selfishly taken the lives of six young men is no closer to being solved than it was in 1795 when three teen boys discovered a shaft here and began digging for what they believed to be pirate treasure! The boys excavated down to the 30 foot mark, exhausted and unable to continue they realized the dig would be a much larger effort then they first imagined. What the boys found as they dug convinced all three that they had indeed discovered a man-made vertical shaft of sound engineering. Their only conclusion was that it had been built to hide an enormous treasure. Knowing that a proper excavation required equipment, animals and manpower the boys set out to find investment capital. It took years but they did find an investor with whom they became the founders of the Onslow Company, the first of many treasure recovery companies that would come and go on Oak Island. To date the cost of this intoxicating treasure hunt has far exceeded ten million dollars and consigned six sturdy treasure hunters to an early grave.

Now for the first time since the 1860’s one man has come forward to challenge the translation of a cryptic message found etched into a stone that was discovered at the 90-foot mark in the original shaft in 1803 by the Onslow Company. The stone vanished about 1900 and no known image or text was preserved showing the cryptic message. However a Mahone Bay school teacher in 1909 claimed to have copied the two line, forty-character coded text directly from the stone hoping that he could break the code himself. He provided the only image of the codex known to exist stating the code was a simple letter-for-cipher that was accurately translated by Professor James Leitchi, a professor of languages at Dalhouse University in 1860’s. Leitchi’s translation reads… “Forty feet below two million pounds are buried.” Although Leitchi’s translation has never been directly challenged it has always been suspicious since a business relationship is known to have existed between Leitchi and the Oak Island Association, the 1860’s recovery company. 

Recently Keith Ranville, a Cree First Nations researcher announced his challenge of Leitchi’s translation stating… “Birch Island holds the secret to the meaning of the construction on Oak Island. According to the Lunenburg Progress Enterprise, Ranville claims that Leitchi’s method to break the code was flawed, citing that his translation using the First Nations tradition, sees the codex as individual abstract symbols that were never intended to be translated into a single message. Using Ranville’s method to decipher the code, which reads more like a map, Oak Island is directly linked to its sister island, nearby Birch Island by underwater man-made shafts. He cites the repeated use of the triangle from the original inscription and points to the large triangle that he discovered on Birch Island which is only visible from the air. The triangle on the 16-acre Birch Island takes up much of the Island which Ranville believes is also the ancient burial grounds for those who were involved with the complex construction found on Oak Island.   

Ranville’s work offers a completely different approach to solving the Oak Island mystery. Traveling across Canada Ranville has presented his findings to a number of scholars and groups many of whom have supported his work in principal. He has been interviewed on radio programs and his currently looking for funding to help pursue his research further. Those supporting Ranville’s research include mining engineer, Steve Zou, P.Eng.,PH.D, the Bear River First Nation of Nova Scotia, the Sault Ste. Marie Museum and to learn more you can log on to Ranville’s web site at:

Interview with Mr. Ranville December-2006

Treasure Hunter
Keith Ranville
« Last Edit: February 03, 2007, 10:34:09 pm by Keith Ranville » Report Spam   Logged
Keith Ranville
Superhero Member
Posts: 2387


« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2007, 10:41:38 pm »


First Nations translator deciphers ancient stone as a treasure map
By Angie Zinck- Lunenburg Progress Enterprise – October 18, 2006
 WESTERN SHORE – You many have heard about the Da Vinci code, but the Ranville code could be what solves the longest running treasure hunt in recorded history.
 Keith Ranville, a First Nations man, has traveled from Winnipeg to Nova Scotia in hopes of unlocking the secret codes on Oak Island.  He says he has done so by re-translating one of the stones found on the island over 200 years ago.
 The stone was first found in 1803 by the Onslow Company.  Found 90 feet down the Money Pit, the stone was believed to be two feet long and 15 inches wide, weighing approximately 175 lb.
 Since that time, it has been said that the inscription on the stone read, “forty feet below two million pounds are buried,” as translated by James Leitchi, a professor of languages at Dalhousie University.  Some researchers have questioned this translation, as Mr. Leitchi was involved in a treasure hunting company trying to sell stocks.
 Today, the actual stone is lost.  It was used as a hearthstone in two homes on Oak Island, but it was moved to a Halifax store front where it went missing when the building was torn down.  Its last known location was around the Centennial Pool area.
 Mr. Ranville used pictures of the stone to decipher its series of shapes, lines and dots to reveal a new translation that reads more like a map.
 “I’ve brought some new stuff to the table,” he says, adding that the stone’s etchings could be used to figure out the mystery of Oak Island.
 By his translation, much of the digging in the Money Pit area has been a waste of time and money.
 “I believe the pit wasn’t meant to go beyond 100 feet,” he says.  “I believe it wasn’t meant to go beyond these symbols.”
 If one were to take Mr. Ranville’s code and follow it, it would lead you off Oak Island the site of all the treasure hunting for the past 211 years, under the water of the bay and onto the neighboring Birch Island via man-made shafts.
 “The instructions at the bottom of the pit tell you about where and how to locate these shafts and I believe they’re in Mahone Bay,” he says.
 Mr. Ranville believes the two islands are connected by these shafts.  He said that aerial shots of Birch Island prove the island has been touched by human hands.  These aerial shots of the 16-acre Birch Island do show a large triangle which takes up a good portion of the island landscape.
 “What I want to do is investigate this island where I think these symbols lead to,” he says.
 Mr. Ranville has contacted the owner, Christopher Ondaatje, to inquire about doing some soil testing and exploring on the island.
 In addition to being the home of the famous treasure, Mr. Ranville believes Birch Island may also be an ancient burial site of those who were involved in the original treasure hiding scheme.
 “This is a significant Nova Scotia heritage discovery and that is Canada’s national treasure brought here for our guardianship long before Canada was established,” he says.  “We should respect the civilization that is responsible for the makings of these structures.
 “They were a very unique culture and may hold the secret to many ancient structures.”
 Although he doesn’t know who actually buried the treasure, Mr. Ranville believes Oak Island and Birch Island need to be protected from further change to unlock their true history.
 At the time of this interview, Mr. Ranville had yet to hear from Mr. Ondaatje regarding the island.  He says he will continue to research the island and its tales of mystery and treasure.  Check out Google Earth on the World Wide Web to see satellite photos of Birch Island and its triangle.

Native Treasure Hunter
Keith Ranville

« Last Edit: September 02, 2007, 12:51:13 am by Keith Ranville » Report Spam   Logged
Keith Ranville
Superhero Member
Posts: 2387


« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2007, 10:45:58 pm »


Theory points to possible connection with nearby Birch Island

HALIFAX, Nova Scotia: Friday, July 14th, 2006  - - For the past two centuries, the tunnels of Nova Scotia’s Oak Island have piqued the imagination of historians and treasure hunters alike.  Now, a new theory by First Nations researcher Keith Ranville may add fresh speculation to the mystery.  Based on a unique reading of an inscription once found in the “Money Pit,” Mr. Ranville believes that the answer to the riddle may be found on nearby Birch Island.
Oak Island, located on the scenic Mahone Bay about an hour’s drive south of the provincial capital of Halifax, has been associated with buried treasure since the late 18th century.  Local settlers reportedly found a ship’s tackle block hanging from a tree branch, overhanging a large depression in the ground.  Early efforts to dig down failed when the diggers encountered layers of timber every 10 feet.  In the ensuing generations, several organized excavation attempts have drilled down nearly 200 feet, en route encountering some artifacts within the staggered layers of logs, clay, putty, charcoal, flagstones and most perplexingly, coconut husks.  Among the scores of enthusiastic treasure hunters was a young Franklin Roosevelt, one of the investors in a 1909 excavation attempt.
During the earlier diggings of 1800’s, the tunnel had become flooded by seawater – which many believed was the result booby trap being sprung – thus complicating further digging since then.  A drilling effort in the mid 1800’s was said to have uncovered fragments of a gold chain.  In 1971, a camera was lowered into the pit and reportedly captured images of wooden chests and human remains.
One of the most fascinating artifacts from the pit was said to be a flat stone recovered at the 90-foot depth, carrying a mysterious inscription.  A fragment of stone with similar symbols was found nearby in Smith’s Cove in the 1930’s.  The stone tablet itself has gone missing, but a record of its symbols remains.  Until now, the consensus is that the symbols are a code translated as “forty feet below two million pounds are buried.”  However, Keith Ranville’s theory offers a different interpretation as to the stone’s symbols, which could lead to a new explanation of the Oak Island mystery.
“I believe these symbols have been incorrectly assumed to stand for something else.  In the First Nations tradition that I’m a part of, we believe symbols should simply be looked at in and of themselves, rather than thinking of them as codes that have to be cracked,” Mr. Ranville explained.  “In the pictograms of Cree Salavics, for example, the images are meant to be descriptive, not abstract.”  Using this approach, Mr. Ranville examined the Oak Island symbols and found what may be a set of instructions about a tunnel system involving both Oak Island and nearby Birch Island.
For example, the stone inscription begins with a triangle symbol, which is repeated throughout.  Mr. Ranville believes that this represents nearby Birch Island, which has a distinctly triangular clearing on its north shore.  Likewise, a symbol showing a circle divided into two hemispheres can be thought of as representing north/south directional markers.  A series of dots in singles, pairs and triplets may be quantitative symbols.
Examining all the symbols in this way, Mr. Ranville believes that the symbols on the Money Pit’s stone tablet are actually technical instructions describing the location and layout of a possible underground network involving both Oak Island and Birch Island.  “There was a fragment of another stone tablet that was found on Oak Island’s Smith Cove in the 1930’s,” Mr. Ranville explained.  “It too has these types of symbols, but one in particular appears to be a Greek symbol designating ‘underwater door’.  In conjunction with the other symbols, I believe this points to underwater doors and additional shafts on Birch Island itself.”  Smith’s Cove is on the part of Oak Island that is closest to Birch Island, and is said to have yielded several artifacts itself over the years.
“Based on the inscribed symbols, I think we should be looking at Oak Island and Birch Island together in order to solve the mystery.  If Birch Island proves to have underwater doors and tunnels around its triangular clearing, then it would be a huge step forward in our understanding of what Oak Island is all about.”
There have been many, occasionally bizarre, theories as to what the Oak Island tunnels may contain: a Masonic vault containing the Holy Grail, Viking or Pirate booty, Inca treasure, the French Royal Crown Jewels, payroll for colonial British soldiers or even the secret writings of Francis Bacon.  Mr. Ranville prefers not to speculate.  “Those are interesting and sometimes funny theories, but I’d rather just look at the evidence that we do have, and go from there.”
Mr. Ranville is a self-taught researcher born in Manitoba.  While living in Vancouver, he became acquainted with the Oak Island mystery and began studying it.  In October 2005, he relocated to Nova Scotia to further research and advance his theories on the subject. 
Both Oak Island and Birch Island are private property, and access must be sought by permission of the landowners.
# # #
For further information, please contact:

Treasure Hunter
Keith Ranville

« Last Edit: February 03, 2007, 10:56:09 pm by Keith Ranville » Report Spam   Logged
Keith Ranville
Superhero Member
Posts: 2387


« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2007, 11:33:52 pm »

A image I interpreted from a skull stone found on Oak Island. there is also other images on this stone.   


Keith Ranville


Canadian citizen

Right now in Vancouver B.C

Currently continuing studying, the Oak Island Treasure Mystery.

Current status of studies, translated the Money pit symbols and located a large triangle on an Island called Birch Island it's two Island’s east of Oak Island, investigations are currently ongoing at this time.

Heritage is Cree Canadian Native and Scottish Heritage decsent

Web page

Referance Letters

Steve Zou, P.Eng.,Ph.D.
Minning Engineer

Dec 1, 2005

To whom it may concern:

Re: Mr. Ranville's discovery of the Oak Island Mystery

Last week, Mr. Keith Ranville came to see me in my office and provided a
document regarding his discovery of the Oak Island Treasure Mystery. He made a Presentation and explained his Findings.

I found that his interpretation of the inscription carved on the stone discovered in 1803 is
very different from others. I believe that his translation has some logic and is reasonable to certain degrees. If his discovery can be proven to be correct, it will have a significant impact on Canada's heritage on the east coast. Therefore I think that his proposed project is worth consideration for support.

Steve Zou, P.Eng.


Bear River First Nation
P.O. BOX 210 PHONE: (902) 467-3802
BEAR RIVER (902) 467-3803
NOVA SCOTIA FAX: (902) 467-4143

October 18, 2005

To whom it may concern:

Please be advised that Keith Ranville has met with the BEAR RIVER FIRST NATION of Nova Scotia and provided a presentation of his proposed research on Oak Island or Mahone Bay. On behalf of the Bear River First Nation, we support this project in principle and look forward to the progress of this endeavor.

Chief Frank Meuse jr.


Sault Ste. Marie Museum
January 19th, 2006

To Whom It May Concern;

In the fall of 2005 Mr. Keith Ranville came to visit the Sault Ste. Marie Museum and provided an explanation of his research and his proposed project to the Museum Director / Curator.
On December 29th, 2005 the Museum received a fax from Mr. Ranville asking for a letter of support for his project.
The Management Board of Directors of the Sault Ste. Marie Museum was provided with his information package and his request at the regular meeting of January 19th, 2006.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, we support this project in principle as it relates to the history of Canada and look forward to further developments which may result.

Mr. Bruce E. Pearce, President
Management Board of Directors
Sault Ste. Marie Museum

For more Information Please tour My Webpage

Canadian First Nations Researcher
Keith Ranvile


« Last Edit: February 04, 2007, 01:51:43 pm by Keith Ranville » Report Spam   Logged
Jennie McGrath
Superhero Member
Posts: 4349

« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2007, 01:32:33 pm »

Hi Keith, and welcome to the forum!  Gee, nice graphics, I didn't realize how many other islands were close to Oak Islan.  Have they all been investigated for anomalies yet?
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Keith Ranville
Superhero Member
Posts: 2387


« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2007, 02:10:26 pm »

Hi Jenny

Thank you for welcoming me' as far as I know just the surrounding Island's to Oak Island were investigated, and I am in the progress of investigating my newly discovery two Island east of Oak Island A island called Birch Island' that I am sure you heard about lately.
Birch Island and it's triangle is at the opening of chester Basin, a part of Mahone Bay. the other two Island's in-between Oak Island and Birch Island in the satilite photo the small Island is called Apple Island and the other one is called Frog Island, I believe they have been investigated and turned up nothing surficial to-date.   

It's good to hear from you again Jenny

Keith Smiley 
« Last Edit: September 02, 2007, 12:55:56 am by Keith Ranville » Report Spam   Logged
Jennifer O'Dell
Superhero Member
Posts: 4546

« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2007, 04:26:49 am »

Keith, what you call a triangle on Birch Island also looks like the letter 'V', which they made a big deal about in the Da Vinci Code as a sign of the Sacred Feminine.  Leonardo's composition in the Last Supper has a 'V' composition.
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Jennifer O'Dell
Superhero Member
Posts: 4546

« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2007, 04:28:36 am »

Oh, and I'd like to welcome you aboard, too.  This is bound to be a more civilized place for us to research things than AR was...
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Keith Ranville
Superhero Member
Posts: 2387


« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2007, 08:56:55 am »

Hi Jennifer

Were you referring to this triangle or v shape with a circilar bottom with a line through it at a south/north degree angle? that was found south of the Money pit.

a large triangle made of stones about three hundred feet directly south of the Money Pit area,
The most interesting discovery made by Mr. Hedden in this period was the mysterious triangle in the grass just above high-water mark on the south shore of the Island, which had been previously discovered by Captain Welling and Fred Blair in 1897.
This triangle was equilateral, each side measuring ten feet and was composed of large round beach stones; from a point on the base line, four feet from the west end of the line and six feet from the east end, ran a medial line, composed of beach stones connecting the point with the apex, and pointing directly to True North or the Pole Star, thus eliminating the variations of the magnetic compass.
There was also a curved line about three feet below the base and connecting both ends, the pointer line being extended southerly to meet the curved line, making the whole design resemble a giant sextant.
This triangle undoubtedly has some significance as the vertical line, or pointer, passes through the Money pit 300 feet away to the north.

Birch Island's triangle has the same charactistics as the Oak Island stone triangle they are both off center to the left?   Huh Oak Island's evidence is similar to a Da' Vinci Code
some the evidence is either missing or bein misshandled I dont know what those guy's were thinking? when pass searches were made.   

Yes Jennifer it's always easier, to explain your self in a civilized inviornment'

Keith Smiley

« Last Edit: February 05, 2007, 09:17:07 am by Keith Ranville » Report Spam   Logged
Keith Ranville
Superhero Member
Posts: 2387


« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2007, 10:57:36 pm »

Keith, what you call a triangle on Birch Island also looks like the letter 'V', which they made a big deal about in the Da Vinci Code as a sign of the Sacred Feminine.  Leonardo's composition in the Last Supper has a 'V' composition.

Hi Jennifer the Da' Vinci code is a very interesting subject that one article by reporter Angie Zink, kind of puts my research in that category of a Da’ Vinci  theory map.

Da’ Vinci’s last supper does look like mary in his last supper portrait I wish there was more to go on’ than the V shape. I am fascinated with the churches and memorial site that are aligned to the co-ordinates to the Da Vinci code novel.  I heard Dan Brown is going to write a novel on America’ I think it will be about how the states was formed including the connection with the; freemasons templars illuminati and even a small bit of Oak Island it mentioned supposedly I am sure it will be a interesting novel I enjoy a good conspiracy to keep me thinking?

keith Smiley
« Last Edit: February 05, 2007, 11:19:27 pm by Keith Ranville » Report Spam   Logged
Jennifer O'Dell
Superhero Member
Posts: 4546

« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2007, 03:10:41 am »

Keith, has your research ever told you anything about a Templar connection into Oak and Birch Island? I notice that you never seem to mention them in these and other posts.

Isn't it cool the fact that we can post so many pictures here?  Gives you the chance to really illustrate what you're talking about...
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Keith Ranville
Superhero Member
Posts: 2387


« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2007, 05:42:30 am »

Hi Jennifer


Is there a connection yes there is a possibility, the Templar’s were mysterious and seemed to pop up in history, first of all over Europe then in Scotland; ie Sinclair Family or St.Claire Family. My Lineage is Sinclair and it is known that Sinclair’s sheltered the Templar’s. I don’t mention the Templar’s, because of my lineage and my connection to the Sinclair family. It would make my research bias, if I would commit to one possibility.

Yes it is good to express visual picture, but to bad you can’t put personal drafts, pic’s downloaded from the computer’s hard drive.

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Jennie McGrath
Superhero Member
Posts: 4349

« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2007, 09:51:49 pm »

Good to hear from you again, too, Keith! I'm loving all those diagrams and pix you have.  Do they come from your website?

When you say you are a Sinclair, you mean like the famous family in Scotland that build Rosslyn Chapel? 

They are supposed to be descended from the Merovingians, who, of course, came from Jesus Christ! 
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Keith Ranville
Superhero Member
Posts: 2387


« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2007, 11:25:07 pm »

I am Sinclair also, I don’t know if my lineage is a direct seed to the famous Sinclair family. When I start investigating this Oak Island Mystery what appealed to me was there may be a Sinclair connection, and I am part Sinclair' this is what kicked started my inquiries among other interests?

Since I am also Sinclair' then I can attribute my theory to my Lineage of who I am, after all I am seeking for information that can answer many questions, this is why that I am excelling in a Treasure Hunt that has good viabilities' one theory of the triangle on Birch Island or the meaning of the triangle is that it may mean trio of three past civilizations one-the secrets of the Templars that were conventing secrets descending from the Middle east-two the treasures from south America or the Sun People-three the secrets to Atlantis.     
Birch Island's Triangle, May hold all these Secrets?

Yes Jenny
A majority of the diagrams or pic’s is from my webpage

« Last Edit: February 08, 2007, 12:19:25 am by Keith Ranville » Report Spam   Logged
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