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Sunken Continents versus Continental Drift

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Author Topic: Sunken Continents versus Continental Drift  (Read 9538 times)
Superhero Member
Posts: 1126

il mio va Piano, sono Asino ?

« Reply #60 on: October 15, 2008, 10:23:07 am »

That's true.  One of the biggest fallbacks of the Mid-Atlantic Ocean theory is, that if a cataclysm actually happened in recent years (say the last 12,000) to sink so vast a land as Atlantis was (even if it was an object from space striking the Mid-Atlantic Ridge), chances are, we wouldn't be here right now.  It would have wiped out everything.

Dear . . . .  MORRISON , . . .  Carolyne, . . . and. . . TOM,

Atlantis did not SINK it was SPLIT-UP ( Plato said. )as it subsided ! Grin

The Continental- Drift is a wrong-expression,  wordimg for what actually happened: SEA- Floor Spreading !
As is the POLE- SHIFT, for the oblique angle of the Earth's axis and ZODIC-reversal ! )
But that's too complicated for the average " Atlantologist "! to remember yet included in: " BlueHue's "-dissident-theory

Many  non -greek or latin knowledgable-atlantologists want to keep the basics simple : a sunken isle !
Moon Bounches, Hybris punishments by cataclysms & Mountain-raising are too complicated for them,
to be included in PLATO's Atlantis with too foreign names for Atlas-kings as: Epi-and Prometheus !

and "WHO the Hell was Dame PANDORA "? ( But the Pan-doric-City) of the failed RAID on Syracuse ?
Most Atlantologists just ignore ( inter-pollated)Dame PANDORA as the substitude cause of the sinking of "Atlantis"

DORIANs could be the last Pelgaskian string of Atlantes from Arabia FoELIX that went to colonize Greece in 855 bc.
They were actually East-Punicians fleeing from the in"vasion of Atlantis/Punt by "GOD"-King Salmanasser-3 who'demonized "Atlantis

mentioned in AR that Plato never used the GEO-Word " Atlantic Ocean" but Sea of Atlas "
I did not believe him then, but on closer scrutiny of the text of TIMAEUS 21-E quoted by

ATALANTE it seems that Atlantis-Capital never faced the Atlantic Ocean BECAUSE
there was a BRIDGE- WATER inbetween called the PONTOON- SEA that all overlooked !

NESOS is not ISLE and PELAGOUS, is  not ISLE- Empire:
PLATO even mentions that the 'ISLE 'of Atlantis was a PROMOTORY, with a Volcano Centre
and an ISTHMUS" Connecting it to the " MAINLAND" ( Jargon: TOMBOLO &coastal- ATOL)

PLATO's topography completely overlooked ?
How come people look for Atlantis in the Atlantic or on ANY ISLE in the Mediaterranean-Sea ? ?
when PLATO clearly states that the SEA surrounding Atlantis is but a harbour with a narrow entrance ?
This SEA of ATLAS is NOT the Atlantic Ocean but a PONTOON SEA bridging the TRUE- SEA(= Red- Sea.)
with the REAL- SEA(= INDIAN- Ocean.)

LAND of Ad(= ADEN) became " Atlant-is"
The World Sea that surrounded the WORLD is a mis-quotation for KNOWN" World
KNOWN World, is Plato's jargon for ARABY only, KNOWN beiing a substitute Word for" friendly/ familiar
thus not depending on Helenistic Earth driving range knowledge or American Punic-connections.

BETWEEN Assyria and EGYPT BECAUSE OF THE Marib- DAM FRANCKINCENSE-Hesperid-garden-connection.

ATALANTE has quoted TIMAEUS-21-e
 where Plato mentions that when approching " Atlantis capital from any direction
one is travelling the bridgewater or PONTOON SEA which connects the RED- Sea
(= True-Sea)with the INDIAN Ocean(= REAL- Sea.)

QOAIS has quoted that General Hasdrubal
in 220 bc, FIRST mentions the Gibraltar Strait as the " PILLARS of Hercules"
and that before 220 bc the same Pillars were situated at Bab-el-Mandab.
or at Melos( but that is a Fib.)

Atlantis is a FAKED name by the Latin compilers
Anyone with a knowledge of latin should recognize it as a LATIN word
so in any ( Greek-)Text the word "ATLANTIS / Atlantide is an ANACHRONISM !

Atlantis versus" Land of Ad "
I have not got any commentary yet from my fellow Atlantologists who dared to  admit that
Plato's Atlantis, would be named ATHE(TA-) Land a name that still exists on maps of ADEN !
ATHENS or NEW- ATHE was ( re-named)and founded by King DANAOS & ADANA by Dardanus
THESE 2 seemingly different kings are one and the same KING'called 'ATHAMAS in a well known version.'

ATLANTIS was the KNOWN- World,
This Known World was ASIA Majoris or ARABY FoELIX(= White Elephant- Land".)
PLATO himself says that Atlantis was the KNOWN- World of OIKUMENE the capital was called: ORCHOMENE
the CITY of ORICALCUM- FIRE " but Atlantologists have even trouble imagining Atlantis capital as POSEIDONIS
so now remembering it as ORCHOMENE would be too much to ask of their Atlantis fixed mind thus the THEORY
of "BlueHue "is too difficult for the Atlantologists or they fear ridicule chasing after a NON existing ISLE !

 Brynwys mentioned them as, the Playing-caracters in the Atlantis- Drama Thety are reffered to as: Planet MARS & Planet MOON.
MARS/ Osiris was once a Water Planet called Poseidonis when it was hit by the MOON the Mars/Poseidonis fragments
skidded as Meteorites over the Hymalays and ARABY leaving straight lined impactCraters around 855 bc when MOON hit Hawaii Isles
By the seismic collision wave, wich travelled through Earth's centre the Hymalays were raised not prior to 855 bc but in late Quarternary Lake burst time!

 married the THETYS- SEA and their offspring was the PONTOON Sea(= JAPEnTUS- SEA who begat POSEIDON
Poseidon is not a Person nor sea but a corruption of the Geo-Name for RAS- AIDON "( Which knows 5 derivative names eg.Ahodhiya Etc.)
 When the Hyksos or Punicians left ADEN to colonioze Europa, ther renamed the egyptian BLUE- SEA
as the NEW- WORLD-SEA(= Media Terran Nean-SEA.)after the original Mid- Earth Sea or Known-World-SEA.


As MARIO quoted me so brilliantly the other day:
: Atlantis is NO ISLE and it is NOT in the Atlantic Ocean but in the Gulf of ADEN.
BECAUSE this GULF of ADEN used to be named PONTOON- SEA the surrounding Continents"(= Pelagous)
were also named PUNT or BUTHO(= today Djibuti./ Punta-Land Etc.)Egyptian:Retenue or PTAH/ Punt)

COMMON  OVERLOOK: Atlantis- Capital, was a Volcano Caldeiras
It is a mystery that any true atlantologist could overlook large essential portions of Plato's text and claim the opposite
Some Atlantologists at MELOS have come to their sences and declared 9.000 before Solon a derivation of 900 bc !
The other measurements whether in Time or landsurvey were exaggerated by mistake too but each time by only a decimal
not by misreading an egyptian sign for 100 as 1.000 but by simply misreding the latin transl;ation of :" X  +  X " as: " X  x  X " !
Some Atlantologists even ignore that Atlantis-Capital was called "Poseidonis(-Polis)( which is a corruption from: RAS- Aidon.)SIDON & ( Ely-)SION

" BlueHue's "dissident Theory of Atlantis in Aden"
may severely dammage the Intrest of other( more clever-thinking )Atlantologists
Who have not spotted, or just ignored,  that Plato's textus-receptus,  is corrupted by latin translators !
They cannot help but translate " Land -of Ad " ( in: Surat-89.)as Atlantis"/Atlantide/Atlantidis

ACCOMODATIONS for the Next ( 3-rd.)Atlantis Conference!
I am not in a hurry to make others as Mister Thorwald Franke,  Schoppe,  Dr Reinhard Kuhne, a laughingstock !
But I would, propose to the very clever Publisher " HELIOTOPOS " that the 3-rd Atlantis Conference
would be held at home town of it's true-discoverer: " BlueHue ", at  the Delft-University in Holland !("City of Vermeer ")
There is a WMCA-rated hostel nearby or otherwise one could camp-out at the City's Park campingZone !

Sincerely,  " BlueHue " dd . 15- Oct. 2008   Cry Shocked Cry    PS my appologies for this large Spinning Yarn !
« Last Edit: October 15, 2008, 10:40:07 am by BlueHue » Report Spam   Logged

( Blue's)THEORY, locating"original" Atlantis( in Aden-Yemen.)
1: ATLANTIS =Fake=Latin name, original Greek: ATHE(=a Region in Aden)
2: Atlantic-OCEAN=Greek: RIVER-of-Atlas+also" Known "World-OCEAN(=Red-Sea)
3: Greek-obsolete-Numeral 'X' caused Plato's Atlantisdate:9000=900
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