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 on: November 28, 2024, 05:03:40 am 
Started by knakker - Last post by knakker
The Babylonian map of the world

 on: November 26, 2024, 06:54:51 am 
Started by knakker - Last post by knakker
Time scheme tribulation and apocalypse

 on: November 26, 2024, 01:58:53 am 
Started by knakker - Last post by knakker
Why did Plato mention America in Timaios 25? Does it have anything to do with the false peace maker? Named: Donald Trump?

My website:

 on: November 18, 2024, 04:54:40 pm 
Started by knakker - Last post by knakker
Circe, daughter of the sun

 on: November 18, 2024, 01:02:20 pm 
Started by knakker - Last post by knakker
The gates of Gaza are an illustration of the gates of the kingdom of the dead (Matthew16:18) and the reign of death.

 on: October 19, 2024, 03:24:09 pm 
Started by knakker - Last post by knakker
Neom SA is consuming a fifth of world's steel production.

Neom is a part of Edom in Isaiah 21:11-12, Watcher what of the night? What does Edom/Neom have to do with Atlantis? Then read my book (and learn Dutch).

 on: October 15, 2024, 05:05:49 pm 
Started by knakker - Last post by knakker
Is comet Atlas a shadow of the one who is coming? The Expected one? The King Arthur/Atlas of Atlantis?

 on: October 12, 2024, 06:46:50 am 
Started by knakker - Last post by knakker

I consider myself to be the discoverer of Atlantis. My book is online for free and also on my website, however in Dutch language. Please give me credit for my discovery. This is where my idealism comes in. I believe everyone should have free access to relevant information. The book market has long since ceased to be a cosy bunch of literature lovers and has become a tough commercial sector. They only wanted to promote my book if I put it on sale and even then it was a question of whether they would help me. The second reason for putting my Atlantis book online is to raise my middle finger against commerce. I regard my Atlantis research as a mission from God.


 on: October 04, 2024, 03:17:55 pm 
Started by Danaus - Last post by Danaus
Authochton = th-(c)-t-n = thutmose
Azaes = Usos = Hatshepsut
Still looking at Diaprepes; could be Neferbity, sister of hatshepsut.

Other possibilities would include: priapus, periphas, porphyrion, etc...
periphas had a story of being turned into an eagle by zeus(dios) so dios-periphas = dia-prepes

I'd honestly rather it be a corruption of Neferbity, with the Atlantian Kings being a chamber scene, like Inherkau, of Hatshepsut with her family(including thutmose i).

 on: October 01, 2024, 10:50:32 pm 
Started by Danaus - Last post by Danaus
One of the enduring mysteries of Atlantis is the identity of Cleito, who married Poseidon.

Cleito is derived from (Ma)-at-ka-re or ka-re-(Ma)-at.  Hatshepsut or Maatkare is Cleito. She is also Athena. On a side note: her husband Thutmose II is Poseidon.

She is also the founder of Atlantis; She rebuilds Avaris, and renames it to Atlantia.

Here are the rings of Atlantis, btw. They come from a picture of the Pleiades, or stars from Senmut's tomb:

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