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"Pyramids of Bosnia" - Documentary Film

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Author Topic: "Pyramids of Bosnia" - Documentary Film  (Read 3840 times)
Oracle of Delphi
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Posts: 2163

« Reply #30 on: August 24, 2008, 03:24:34 am »

This tunnel, of course, could have been made in modern times, who knows?
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Oracle of Delphi
Superhero Member
Posts: 2163

« Reply #31 on: August 24, 2008, 03:28:14 am »

Looks pretty darn symmetrical to me!  I am surprised no one noticed it earlier than the last couple of years.
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« Reply #32 on: January 01, 2009, 06:47:57 pm »


This is my first post here.

I was fortunate to have been able to visit this site and much to my disappointment, could not see anything suggesting this mountain was man made. The stones that appear to be cut to fit upon closer inspection are just natural cracks and fissures and quite typical of the general geology in the area. Indeed there are some steps, terraces and buildings that have been constructed on this mountain, but these seem to normal constructions that abound in the general area.

The area appears to be rich in neolithic relics, is largely unresearched and still holds a wealth of information.

Thank you.

Hello Manutius, and welcome to this forum.  I like to point out when I see a well thought and smart comment.
This pseudo archeologist is a joke. When he first declared that he had found the biggest pyramids that there ever were in Europe if not in the world he got his 15 minutes of fame. After close examination from well reputed scientist from different fields, like Geology archeology e.t.c he was very quick dismissed. I read a very well written report by a lady archeologist who’s working for years in the area. I can find it and posted here.
She claims that all of these ruins are nothing than primitive Neolithic remains. Nevertheless the Bosnian government, drunk in their fantastic stories ignores her factual input and just dismisses her. I think she is not of Bosnian origin.
She accused this Bosnian-American S Osmanagic guy of destroying Neolithic relics trying to make the entire site look like a pyramid.  If there was a pyramid are you telling me that he wouldn’t have found it? And the site is dated more than 10,000 years old. Now, if there were pyramids in Europe 10,000 years ago why would the Egyptians try and fail 5,000 years ago till they got it right (trial and error!). Egyptians always traded with Europe. Are you telling me that pyramids of that size wouldn’t be in the local folklore? Do you know how big they are, if, of course they were real? Massive. Twice the biggest pyramid in Giza.
What part of the criticism doesn’t he understand? The entire world tells you is not a pyramid. Experts that have been working on around the site for decades say is not.  That’s how reputations go down the drain. Where is Sarmast now? Writing on his blogger bc no one cares about him anymore. At one point Bob was all over the news but he didn’t listen to Geologists when they told him that the wall was natural.
Anyway, this Bosnian guy is finished no one follows him except amateurs driven by either nationalistic pride or just unrealistic fantasies.

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« Reply #33 on: January 01, 2009, 09:42:12 pm »

In June, a British archaeologist rejected claims that Visocica is a man-made structure. Professor Anthony Harding, who is president of the European Association of Archaeologists, visited the site and said the formation was natural.

Pyramid in Bosnia -- Huge Hoax or Colossal Find? by National Geographic

Professional Outcry

While he concedes that the notion of such colossal structures in the region defies accepted history, Osmanagic is adamant that the pyramids are real.

But a pantheon of archaeologists disagrees.

Prominent Bosnian archaeologists entered the scrum early on, denouncing the dig and lobbying to shut it down.

Anthony Harding, president of the Czech Republic-based European Association of Archaeologists, has dismissed Osmanagic's ideas as "wacky" and "absurd."

Garrett Fagan, of Pennsylvania State University in University Park, has slammed the project. He says that the dig will destroy bona fide archaeological sites in the area.

He recently told the London Times newspaper: "It's as if someone were given permission to bulldoze Stonehenge to find secret chambers of lost ancient wisdom underneath."

Experts shovel some of their scorn on the media, which have been trumpeting Osmanagic's astounding announcements in recent weeks.

Many news Web sites, including the Washington Post, the Boston Globe, MSNBC, and ABC, ran a credulous Associated Press story dated April 19 that carried the headline, "Experts Find Evidence of Bosnia Pyramid."

In response, the executive editor of New York-based Archaeology magazine, Mark Rose, blasted Osmanagic as a quack and the press as gullible.

To emphasize his case, Rose quoted from online excerpts of a 2005 book by Osmanagic about the Maya.

Passages from the book suggest the Maya descended from the people of the mythical city of Atlantis, who themselves are aliens who came to Earth from the Pleiades star cluster.

Osmanagic counters that the material was misrepresented and was not his theory, but an interpretation of a Maya codex, or ancient book.

In general, the Bosnian-American dismisses Rose and other critics. Reported to have the Bosnian government's support, he plans to press on with this year's six-month excavation.

"I understand that the archaeologists would be the last ones to accept the fact that thousands of years back we did have advanced civilization in this region," he said.

Osmanagic remains confident his team will unearth sufficient proof to back that claim.

Given the level of professional skepticism, it will be a tough sell.

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence," said Curtis Runnels, an archaeologist at Boston University in Massachusetts and a Balkan prehistory expert.

He says the known Upper Paleolithic peoples in the region were lucky if they could build tents and fires. Monumental architecture on a scale not even seen in Egypt would be a cosmic leap forward.

"It is not up to professional archaeologists to explain 200 years of research and evidence," Runnels said. "It is up to Mr. Osmanagic to prove his claims."

If the Bosnian-American businessman is correct, the structures would be the first known step pyramids in Europe.

So he is not a profesional archeologist? are you kidding me.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2009, 09:55:36 pm by nikas » Report Spam   Logged
Damien Woodruff
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Posts: 16

« Reply #34 on: January 04, 2009, 09:59:43 pm »

I disagree.  Anyone who looks at the pictures can tell that it was worked by man in some way and at the very least deserves some further investigation.  Most of the attacks on the work being done here seem confined to the man himself, Osmanagic, which is a poor way to critique the work he has done.   
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« Reply #35 on: January 05, 2009, 09:34:56 am »

I disagree.  Anyone who looks at the pictures can tell that it was worked by man in some way and at the very least deserves some further investigation.  Most of the attacks on the work being done here seem confined to the man himself, Osmanagic, which is a poor way to critique the work he has done.   

Well Damiel, indeed, all the work being done here it is to confine to the man himself, Osmanagic. There is a reason for it. He is not a qualified archeologist, rather an uneducated contractor. He has destroyed much of the site. You’re saying that it looks man-made. Of course it looks; it was dug by him for couple of years now in such a way that it looks a man-made. Where is the pyramid? Are you telling me that if there was a pyramid he couldn’t have reached the wall at least at one point?
There are archeologists who work around there for years who know the area better than him and he scupss in and takes the "credit". Of course there are neolithic artifacts around there as Illyrians are known to have inhabited Bosnia for thousands of years. But nothing to the magnitude that he is claiming to be.
Now every-well respected men o science, geologist, archeologist e.t.c claims that the area is natural, with the exemption that primitive people may have used the caves. Why do I have to believe a lunatic idiot who fantasizes about aliens coming to earth and building pyramids?
Why are people so ignorant to believe that Aliens came and build pyramids? Although they're are pretty complex even with today's standards no Civilization of at least our level would spend time consuming to build rocky pyramids! For what? And why that way? If we were to build pyramids to stand the time I am sure we can build better ones. Now someone who comes all the way across the universe builds primitive looking pyramids?
So Damiel, I go right now to Serbia or Albania and I choose a pyramid looking hill and I start digging and claim to have found a pyramid should I get a chance to express my self or what….
He should have consulted archeologists first of all and then start to dig.
So for the last time, as a man of science myself, I rather go with my colleges rather than an uneducated lunatic.
>P.S. Dint Sarmast do the same thing? Claiming to have found Atlantis. Everybody told him is a 100,000 years old volcanic mud. So we gave him the chance. He disprove himself.

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Hero Member
Posts: 117

« Reply #36 on: January 05, 2009, 08:47:52 pm »

I really don't think we should hold the man's lack of credentials against him.  Many a site was discovered, even unearthed by an amateur.  Troy comes to mind, Heinrech Schliemann was no professional archaeologist, he was a businessman following a dream. 

Arthur Evans was trained, but his conduct at the Minoan site (reconstructing the temple rather than letting it lay as it was) was decidedly unprofessional.

I say let Osmaganic continue to his heart's content.  Despite claims to the contrary, not much was done with the hill prior to his arrival, nor do I imnagine much will be done after he is gone.  He may not be right about his conclusions, but it is plain that some neolithic cultures used it for something.
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Superhero Member
Posts: 41646

« Reply #37 on: January 05, 2009, 08:58:24 pm »

Welcome to Atlantis On Line, Damien and Dante!!!

Dante ( going by your name), are you acquainted with the pyramids in Italy?

A researcher, Nunzio Cartalemi, just sent me an email. 

I am hoping I can persuade him to post here and get a discussion going on them.

Maybe you'll join in?
« Last Edit: January 05, 2009, 08:59:02 pm by Bianca » Report Spam   Logged

Your mind understands what you have been taught; your heart what is true.
Hero Member
Posts: 117

« Reply #38 on: January 05, 2009, 09:04:22 pm »

Thank you for the welcome and the invitation, Bianca. I have heard of pyramids in Italy, but I have never seen them. I have seen some pictures of the pyramids in Germany, though, are they of the same type?
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Superhero Member
Posts: 41646

« Reply #39 on: January 05, 2009, 09:14:44 pm »

I don't really know, Dante.

Frankly, I mentioned them briefly a few months ago and the gentleman claims I had done so and
would I like to correspond with him about this matter?

I haven't had a chance to answer him yet.

If you are interested, keep your eye on ITALY AND MAGNA GRAECIA, halfway down the main page
of this Forum to see what develops.

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Your mind understands what you have been taught; your heart what is true.
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