New Member posted 03-19-2004 06:25
Some years ago I had the chance to see this mountain in Finland that we are talking about.
Actually I was an Egypt fan but after I gave it a close look I had to admit: Yes, here is something that is very very worth exploration.
I also see the difficulties that come from the long search of Atlantis in so many parts of the world where I was always wondering why the north was so explicitly excluded from the arising speculations of the searchers. (Too cold, too far away, too difficult languages,too much nature, too strange
)By this fact - the exclusion of the north of Europe - it came under my suspicion as the true source.
Furthermore Atlantis might not only be a place but a period in time that really existed everywhere on the planet and also for sure has left kind of remains and artefacts. But actually we want to know where the centre was.
Grace to you, ladies and gentlemen we come closer to our goal: a point of reference and identification. Thank you.
How far can we honestly go back and how are we to explore the sources? What has to happen to "convince" the authorities to look at their very early ancestors? And may be just dig some smaller or bigger holes into the ground??
So I am very grateful for this interesting and fair - nearly academic- discussion. Thank you very much.
And please go on, it is a real pleasure and a relilef in the same time to read your postings.
Cheers from Germany