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Herein lie the "Lost" Boreas Files by Rockessence

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Author Topic: Herein lie the "Lost" Boreas Files by Rockessence  (Read 22809 times)
Janna Britton
Hero Member
Posts: 187

« Reply #75 on: November 16, 2008, 03:11:17 am »
New Member posted 03-16-2004 20:38
I just want to let you know that an underwater survey will begin in the summer of the coast of Cyprus using a multi beam ROV surveyin 400 sq miles of the location.
Its a good second step.

Lets see what lays there before judgement is made.




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Janna Britton
Hero Member
Posts: 187

« Reply #76 on: November 16, 2008, 03:11:29 am »

Member posted 03-16-2004 23:24
... Seems to me as though the Mongolian-Patagonian DNA link was made in the late 80's and featured in both Nat'l Geo and Omni mags, among others (JAMA comes to mind) - I'll dig deeper into my own archives & get back.
Meanwhile, your mention of celts and the fertile crescent (seemingly incongruous but uncannilly linked!) promts me to ask how&why both cultures point across the Atl Antic ocean to the 'land in the west' as being "where the gods came from?"
The children of the moon (Tuatha Da Dannon) were said by the celts to have come from across the ocean BY AIR, to have worn the finely tanned hides of deer and other beasts, to have worn feathers in their hair and to have been able to change into animals at will... They also taugtht the celts the sacred symbol of the quartering of the uniVerse into active and passive principles - a cross in a circle (this 'celtic cross' must not be confused in any way with the medicine wheel of the Hopi, Zuni or Navajo, no, no!)

Gilgamesh the king also had to cross the ocean beyond Gibralter to aquire the leaves of the burning bush / tree of life with which to restore the life of Inkidu.

Go figure!


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Janna Britton
Hero Member
Posts: 187

« Reply #77 on: November 16, 2008, 03:11:46 am »

Member posted 03-17-2004 19:25
Hi Sadie,
I think You may be pointing towards England. As you may know the southern parts of these isles where (as the Baltic isles) kept ice-free, all through the eons of time when the "global" ice-cap dwelt on the rest of the northern hemisphere.
When the Baltic isolation where broken, 10.000 years ago, England became a key-area for the emigrating "caucasians", - as they searched to the south and the milder climate. Thats why the meso- and neo-littic cultures in England may show so clear and impressive signs corelated to the culture of Atlantis.
We also know that agriculture came very, very early to the Brittish isles, where seeds of 8.000 years old domestic plants have been found. (A few years ago they found a 8000 year old, cealed jar of burnt clay containing seeds of hemp. The professional asessment was that the plant had been used as a drug "for ancient religious exercises". It may seem that todays Brittish historians of today have completly forgotten that hemp used to be "the arctic bamboo", as it served as a raw-material for "almost anything", such as isolation and roofing, sails, ropes, clothes and covers, brushes and household-tools, oil and food. And - as we all know, but only some accept - hemp has always been smoked also, - for rest and relaxation.

One may wonder what "religion" really have to do with a 8000 year old archaeological site. And who can tell if theese people where "religious" - long beofe anyone have mentioned the word "religare"...? They may have been completly convinced agnostics for all we know!

Most likely did the old englishman have a solid philosophical grounding, based on a historical understanding of themselves and their inherited culture. Anyhow, these early artic culture have been very close to a highly observant, most realistic and methodic study of nature and its cycles - merely to survive...! That implies that the arctic culture - with a most impressive neolittic and bronze-age-prdoucts - where definitly occupied by the natural sciences, as we see the enormous megalittic temples, halls and astronomical observatories. Not to mention the development of advanced metallurgy, such as the creation of bronze, "to shine as gold".


Today we know that the Mediterranean cultures, such as the Egyptian and the Phoenician, where regulary sailing all the way to England for puposes of trade and cultural interchange. May the Sumerians and the Assyrians have done the same?!

The route to England, and then further north, through the North Sea and the Baltic Sea are also described in the Homeric litterature, - according to Dr. Felice Vinci and others. Did you check on his homepage, Sadie? (The link "Homer in The Baltic" is found on the homepage of

UNfortunately I do not know the Celtic material you refer to. But I have heard and read some similar stories to the vessels you describe.
According to the late Dr. Thor Heyerdahl stories about "Vessels of Feathers Flying", "Arriving from the East - over the Ocean" was found in all the myths and legends that Senòr Kon-Tiki found and got to investigate "among the 500 different tribes still existing in the Americas."

Theese myths even tell about white, bearded men, etc. and refering to "The Teacher"/"The Migthy"/"The Good (God) One"/"The True White Brother"/etc. Heyerdahl found the similarity to the well-known Viking-ships to be obvious, since they look like "featherd bodies - FLYING in the Wind (Air) - as they aproach from the horizon..."

I think the old arcticals new much more about nature and the world than we normally credit our anchestors. And I think they made a major effort to link all parts of the world back to ONE common knowledge of our globe, our nature, our own origin - as well as the basic eras of our development ("history") as human beings. Based on real ("scientific") knowledge and a wide understanding of THEIR past and present.

Along the line - some 2.500-3.000 years ago we can detect the first abruption of violence and warfare. Then we see the development of warlords using their force to conquer capital cities, killing the kings (such as the JuPiters, Zeus` and later the Pharao-lines) to become rulers - or "tyrant-kings" themselves. Thus we got nationally organised "armies" - to conquer, rob, rule and enslave any accesible neighbour.

Thus we see that the existence of the old, legal kinglines - and their nobilities - got estinguished - in more and more countries. Soon it was even prohibited to keep the memory, not to mention the history of the old culture and its forebearers. Finally we got the horrors of a millenia, namely the cultural desert-land called "The Midle Age" - where "a new time" and "the heavenly kingdom" was introduced and ministered with the most intricate disipline.

At the end of the day all memories of the old, classical world was as good as lost - and all stories, books and traditions that told about "pagan time" was completly and entirely eradicated. So was also all memories and stories connected to the old culture, that reflected out common history and our legitimate, constitutional leaders.

Thanks to an ongoing endavour of individual, social and political unrest there is hardly any clear, lityterate source left explaining the realities of our ancient culture. Not before an incredible Family-saga appears - from the deep forests of Finland, litterally at the fringe of "civilisation", as we consider it - in OUR day and time.

Since this new material exists we have to take it into consideration. Although this story may seem more than fantastic it has proven rigth on a number of tests. Moreover it has risen statemnets hereto unknown to science, that have actually proven to be rigth. To everybodies surprise...

Today the Finnish saga-material have proven its scientific basis - beyond doubt. The pictures, figures and repports given on the mentioned web-site are not animated, they`re excavated! Accordingly we have to review our history as our known mythologies in this new ligth. Just as the "Celtic" cross - the encircled sun - may be a uni-verse-all symbol, brought straigth out of Atlantis/AltLandIs/AtlAntis - to all four corners of the world...

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Janna Britton
Hero Member
Posts: 187

« Reply #78 on: November 16, 2008, 03:12:04 am »

via mars
Member posted 03-18-2004 06:00
arctic bamboo - that's a new one on me. gotta send that one to HT editors!
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Janna Britton
Hero Member
Posts: 187

« Reply #79 on: November 16, 2008, 03:12:52 am »

Member posted 03-19-2004 12:53
So Atlantis was Finland eh.
I guess there are many myths of Atlantis just about every nation may have one. Here is the Dutch version, the Oera Linda Bok
A priceless story.
Happy speculating.


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Janna Britton
Hero Member
Posts: 187

« Reply #80 on: November 16, 2008, 03:13:16 am »

New Member posted 03-19-2004 06:25
Some years ago I had the chance to see this mountain in Finland that we are talking about.
Actually I was an Egypt fan but after I gave it a close look I had to admit: Yes, here is something that is very very worth exploration.
I also see the difficulties that come from the long search of Atlantis in so many parts of the world where I was always wondering why the north was so explicitly excluded from the arising speculations of the searchers. (Too cold, too far away, too difficult languages,too much nature, too strange Huh)By this fact - the exclusion of the north of Europe - it came under my suspicion as the true source.
Furthermore Atlantis might not only be a place but a period in time that really existed everywhere on the planet and also for sure has left kind of remains and artefacts. But actually we want to know where the centre was.
Grace to you, ladies and gentlemen we come closer to our goal: a point of reference and identification. Thank you.
How far can we honestly go back and how are we to explore the sources? What has to happen to "convince" the authorities to look at their very early ancestors? And may be just dig some smaller or bigger holes into the ground??

So I am very grateful for this interesting and fair - nearly academic- discussion. Thank you very much.
And please go on, it is a real pleasure and a relilef in the same time to read your postings.

Cheers from Germany


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Janna Britton
Hero Member
Posts: 187

« Reply #81 on: November 16, 2008, 03:13:31 am »

Member posted 03-19-2004 15:37
Meanwhile, your mention of Celts and the fertile crescent (seemingly incongruous but uncannily linked!) prompts me to ask how&why both cultures point across the Atl Antic Ocean to the 'land in the west' as being "where the gods came from?"

Interesting. From the Hudson Bay Pole's perspective, West would be "our south" as far as the Celts and Fertile Crescent are concerned. South would remain south from the Maya and Inca's perspective. The myths of the "white men" arriving from the south and the gods coming from the west are in agreement.

This all points to Antarctica!


P.S. According to the archaeological record, the Maya have toy "airplanes" as do the Egyptians. Not such a far-fetched idea after all.


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Janna Britton
Hero Member
Posts: 187

« Reply #82 on: November 16, 2008, 03:13:50 am »

Member posted 03-19-2004 16:19
Agreed. The Oera Linda Boek is indeed a genuine, unique and preiceless story. As you may have read above I have already mentioned it - as it was the basis of Dr. Robert Scruttons book "The Other Atlantis", published 1972.
As the Atlantis-myth have been in the air - under changing winds - for centuries, there are a number of "theories" on where it was located. During the last decades we have seen a growing number of archaological discoveries, - such as large structures both under water and under ground. Many of these bear witness of age old cultures, - some far more sophisticated and "industrious" than the common belief have been about our ancient ancestors on this planet.
It is quite obvious that "higher civilisations" have existed all over the planet, - during ice-time as well as after.
When we get to study the new evidences we may recognize that our Ancient Antiquety (i.e. "pre-historic time") really have been a quite flourishing period of human life on earth. Furthermore we have reason to suspect that all the different cultures once where connected.

It is pretty obvious that mankind started with both a man and a woman present - creating what we may call the "first family". Thus we may - also - use sheer logic to reason about this topic.

So it all started with this first family. Being able to reproduce they obviously did so, and they must have had a good number of childred too, in order to make sure that this ability to reproduce was kept in shape, rigth? But how could the children of this first couple go on, getting more children? Well obviously by copulating with each other - since no body else would be avaliable! Consequently it took many generations before one could have "marriages" between more distant relatives, as is the "obvious" standard in our day and age.

As mankind suceessfully grew and reached all corners of the world, it had to be as different "branches" from this first family, rigth? And, although we seem to no little or nothing about the culture of this first, world-wide population, they obviously had one. "Culture" that is.

They may even have been more "civilized" than we are. It is quite obvious that mankind NEVER had succeded if we where born envious, sinister, agressive and cynical towards our fellow beings. Whish means that the biblical genesis of Kain and Abel is an evident misunderstanding (or falsification) of our inherital nature as beings. Any higher specie with that inborn tendency would simply self-destruct, before it reached anywhere. An WE, the humans, obviously reached far and wide outside the garden of Edon.

That may very well point to the realm that many traditions figured out long ago, defining our present era as a "time of trancendence". Only during the very latest millenias of our history have mankind behaved so gravely in contradiction to its own nature and existencial interests.

All traditions also speak of their respective Kings and Queens, as their central and stabilizing "first family". In most mythologies these royal lines are explained to be straigth descendants from the "GodS" - i.e. the mentioned "prime-family". Thus, through a straigth, unbroken line the Royal Family carries the genetical inheritance that represents the population and their political, cultural and existential legacy . Such we may see the historical origin and function of all known mythologis frgom our ancient civilisations.

These ancient king-lines, being the fundamental legacy of the all old cultures got under hard and continous attack, as violence and war where waged - and various warlords grew strong enough to remove or estuinguish entire family-lines, to take their assesories and position.
So today almost all the old, legitimate inheritorial lines are gone. Though we still have some King-lines left on the earth. But today they are very few, and mostly out of work...


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Janna Britton
Hero Member
Posts: 187

« Reply #83 on: November 16, 2008, 03:14:13 am »

By the appearance of the global ice-time the different branches of the "prime family" got separated due to the appearance of ice-time. Now each region got a structure by themselves, based on the straigth descendants from the prime "Allfather Family". This created the different Kings and Kingdoms around the globe, that - by time and time again - developed their own charachteristics, as to etnicity, language and culture.

Today we may still see the results of that process, as the different kingdoms still exist as populations, to be defined from their common etnicity, area, language. But, we may also recognize our COMMON origin, both in our nature and our culture. The more we study ancient stories, sagas, myths and legends the more clear it becomes that also all mythologies realy are related.

Thus we may find The Widsom of The Ages inherrent in all the old cultures, - from the Inuits to the Aborgines. All the larger stories happen to have the same structure, dealing with "the beginning" and the following processes of "evolution" in "space" and "time", - even in paralell types of chronology. Not to mentioned the coherence of pictograms AND advanced writing-systems. But also the "structural stories" signifies a common basis of culture. And; they all reflect the "Royal principle" as the basis of their social and political culture.

Slowly, slowly we may understand that once we had a world-wide co-existence between populations that consciously shared a common origin, with a common set of structures, values and traditions. So we should not be to surprised really, when modern archaology now are digging up ancient PY-RA-MID`s all around the equatorial world. It is just proving what mythologers have suspected for quite ome time. The world once WAS one. For a long time, - before it got diversed. By ice-time. Today also known as "Altlantis-time".

That period ended 10.000 years ago, as the caucasians escaped their small refugee-area of the Baltic Ocean. To find back to the tropical populations existing in the south. Which they did about 9.200-9.500 years ago. Then we find arctical people, such as The Kennewick Man - and arctical produce, such as domestic plants and animals - spreading to all corners of the world.

Their intent was to re-establish a global unity, somewhat like it existed before ice-time. Thus these articals managed to reach and connect to the populations of the different continents - to establish a communication that could start to inform and align the different cultures of the wide tropical world. Bringing the diffrent kinds of useful items and knowledge - as well as "news" from "other worlds" these altlanteans became both famous and admired.


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Janna Britton
Hero Member
Posts: 187

« Reply #84 on: November 16, 2008, 03:14:27 am »

With the Greek-Roman takeover of Eurasia we got a dramatic shift in this process. Over lem of the last milennium the old legacy have been seriously changed and altered. With the introduction of "The New Time" did the Roman powers form the Emperial Church, some 16-1700 years ago. In the centuries to come the clerical Emperor sensored, banned and destroyed all memories of the old cultures. Not only did they destroy or kill the rigthful descendants of the Atlanten north, such as all the Royal and Noble lines of northern Europe. They also banned all stories, plays, rites, books and other knowledge that remindend, upheld or maintained the old, "atlantean" culture. Such as the annual celebrations following winter and summer solistice. Not to forget the chess-game. In 1244 the bishop of Paris alone detected, collected and burned more than 30.000 chess-sets in Paris alone, starting a ban that did not become lifted before the reformation 1534 reintroduced "free thougth" in Europe.

So whats the secret of the Chess-board?!

Simply that it reflects the very basic of the old, traditional and legitimate political system that had existed sine "time origin"!

So the chessboard was originally created as a teaching-device, to get a clear and good insigth into the structure and function of the old, pyramidal society - created already in the beginning of the Altantis-period.

Now, - today everybody can see and understand that the chessboard reflects the hierarchial, but vibrant strucure of the old Kingdoms. But, even if we again may find the chessboard freely used all over the world - there are hardly anyone understanding its original significance.

Although we start to get a good clue on our ancestoral past, we still - rigth here and now - have some tricky problems with our thougth-procsses within this subject.
The complete dis-continuum created during the dark midleage, - still affects us like an "information-lag" as we try to sort out and adjust to the real and relevant information given by an objective modern science.

Not any of us have really overcome this jet-lag, to become as clear, focused AND open-minded as it is required by the term "objective".

[This message has been edited by Boreas (edited 03-19-2004).]


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Janna Britton
Hero Member
Posts: 187

« Reply #85 on: November 16, 2008, 03:14:43 am »

Member posted 03-19-2004 16:19
Agreed. The Oera Linda Boek is indeed a genuine, unique and preiceless story. As you may have read above I have already mentioned it - as it was the basis of Dr. Robert Scruttons book "The Other Atlantis", published 1972.
As the Atlantis-myth have been in the air - under changing winds - for centuries, there are a number of "theories" on where it was located. During the last decades we have seen a growing number of archaological discoveries, - such as large structures both under water and under ground. Many of these bear witness of age old cultures, - some far more sophisticated and "industrious" than the common belief have been about our ancient ancestors on this planet.
It is quite obvious that "higher civilisations" have existed all over the planet, - during ice-time as well as after.
When we get to study the new evidences we may recognize that our Ancient Antiquety (i.e. "pre-historic time") really have been a quite flourishing period of human life on earth. Furthermore we have reason to suspect that all the different cultures once where connected.

It is pretty obvious that mankind started with both a man and a woman present - creating what we may call the "first family". Thus we may - also - use sheer logic to reason about this topic.

So it all started with this first family. Being able to reproduce they obviously did so, and they must have had a good number of childred too, in order to make sure that this ability to reproduce was kept in shape, rigth? But how could the children of this first couple go on, getting more children? Well obviously by copulating with each other - since no body else would be avaliable! Consequently it took many generations before one could have "marriages" between more distant relatives, as is the "obvious" standard in our day and age.

As mankind suceessfully grew and reached all corners of the world, it had to be as different "branches" from this first family, rigth? And, although we seem to no little or nothing about the culture of this first, world-wide population, they obviously had one. "Culture" that is.

They may even have been more "civilized" than we are. It is quite obvious that mankind NEVER had succeded if we where born envious, sinister, agressive and cynical towards our fellow beings. Whish means that the biblical genesis of Kain and Abel is an evident misunderstanding (or falsification) of our inherital nature as beings. Any higher specie with that inborn tendency would simply self-destruct, before it reached anywhere. An WE, the humans, obviously reached far and wide outside the garden of Edon.

That may very well point to the realm that many traditions figured out long ago, defining our present era as a "time of trancendence". Only during the very latest millenias of our history have mankind behaved so gravely in contradiction to its own nature and existencial interests.

All traditions also speak of their respective Kings and Queens, as their central and stabilizing "first family". In most mythologies these royal lines are explained to be straigth descendants from the "GodS" - i.e. the mentioned "prime-family". Thus, through a straigth, unbroken line the Royal Family carries the genetical inheritance that represents the population and their political, cultural and existential legacy . Such we may see the historical origin and function of all known mythologis frgom our ancient civilisations.

These ancient king-lines, being the fundamental legacy of the all old cultures got under hard and continous attack, as violence and war where waged - and various warlords grew strong enough to remove or estuinguish entire family-lines, to take their assesories and position.
So today almost all the old, legitimate inheritorial lines are gone. Though we still have some King-lines left on the earth. But today they are very few, and mostly out of work...


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Janna Britton
Hero Member
Posts: 187

« Reply #86 on: November 16, 2008, 03:14:56 am »

By the appearance of the global ice-time the different branches of the "prime family" got separated due to the appearance of ice-time. Now each region got a structure by themselves, based on the straigth descendants from the prime "Allfather Family". This created the different Kings and Kingdoms around the globe, that - by time and time again - developed their own charachteristics, as to etnicity, language and culture.

Today we may still see the results of that process, as the different kingdoms still exist as populations, to be defined from their common etnicity, area, language. But, we may also recognize our COMMON origin, both in our nature and our culture. The more we study ancient stories, sagas, myths and legends the more clear it becomes that also all mythologies realy are related.

Thus we may find The Widsom of The Ages inherrent in all the old cultures, - from the Inuits to the Aborgines. All the larger stories happen to have the same structure, dealing with "the beginning" and the following processes of "evolution" in "space" and "time", - even in paralell types of chronology. Not to mentioned the coherence of pictograms AND advanced writing-systems. But also the "structural stories" signifies a common basis of culture. And; they all reflect the "Royal principle" as the basis of their social and political culture.

Slowly, slowly we may understand that once we had a world-wide co-existence between populations that consciously shared a common origin, with a common set of structures, values and traditions. So we should not be to surprised really, when modern archaology now are digging up ancient PY-RA-MID`s all around the equatorial world. It is just proving what mythologers have suspected for quite ome time. The world once WAS one. For a long time, - before it got diversed. By ice-time. Today also known as "Altlantis-time".

That period ended 10.000 years ago, as the caucasians escaped their small refugee-area of the Baltic Ocean. To find back to the tropical populations existing in the south. Which they did about 9.200-9.500 years ago. Then we find arctical people, such as The Kennewick Man - and arctical produce, such as domestic plants and animals - spreading to all corners of the world.

Their intent was to re-establish a global unity, somewhat like it existed before ice-time. Thus these articals managed to reach and connect to the populations of the different continents - to establish a communication that could start to inform and align the different cultures of the wide tropical world. Bringing the diffrent kinds of useful items and knowledge - as well as "news" from "other worlds" these altlanteans became both famous and admired.


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Janna Britton
Hero Member
Posts: 187

« Reply #87 on: November 16, 2008, 03:15:08 am »

With the Greek-Roman takeover of Eurasia we got a dramatic shift in this process. Over lem of the last milennium the old legacy have been seriously changed and altered. With the introduction of "The New Time" did the Roman powers form the Emperial Church, some 16-1700 years ago. In the centuries to come the clerical Emperor sensored, banned and destroyed all memories of the old cultures. Not only did they destroy or kill the rigthful descendants of the Atlanten north, such as all the Royal and Noble lines of northern Europe. They also banned all stories, plays, rites, books and other knowledge that remindend, upheld or maintained the old, "atlantean" culture. Such as the annual celebrations following winter and summer solistice. Not to forget the chess-game. In 1244 the bishop of Paris alone detected, collected and burned more than 30.000 chess-sets in Paris alone, starting a ban that did not become lifted before the reformation 1534 reintroduced "free thougth" in Europe.

So whats the secret of the Chess-board?!

Simply that it reflects the very basic of the old, traditional and legitimate political system that had existed sine "time origin"!

So the chessboard was originally created as a teaching-device, to get a clear and good insigth into the structure and function of the old, pyramidal society - created already in the beginning of the Altantis-period.

Now, - today everybody can see and understand that the chessboard reflects the hierarchial, but vibrant strucure of the old Kingdoms. But, even if we again may find the chessboard freely used all over the world - there are hardly anyone understanding its original significance.

Although we start to get a good clue on our ancestoral past, we still - rigth here and now - have some tricky problems with our thougth-procsses within this subject.
The complete dis-continuum created during the dark midleage, - still affects us like an "information-lag" as we try to sort out and adjust to the real and relevant information given by an objective modern science.

Not any of us have really overcome this jet-lag, to become as clear, focused AND open-minded as it is required by the term "objective".

[This message has been edited by Boreas (edited 03-19-2004).]


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Janna Britton
Hero Member
Posts: 187

« Reply #88 on: November 16, 2008, 03:15:21 am »

Member posted 03-19-2004 18:13
I forgot to point to the fact that The Oera Linda realy refers to the same waters as do The Bocksaga. There is realy no significant contradiction between them. On the contraryg - they realy confirm eachother.
I even heard that there exists other similar Family-sagas in Holland/Friesland - explaining they have inherited this "duty to keep the olde stories". This is actually congruent to historical facts of many old cultures, where the different functions of state and society where bound to the different family-lines. Thus the proword; "As father so son", as was the reality also in Europe until the 19th century,- nobilities and laymen alike.
From what I hear one of the Dutch families of story-tellers also is named Bock...!

I am realy impressed by the shrude observations and strong logic you present. And I am already convinced tht Hudson Bay has something to do with the early articals/"atlanteans". But still i dont get a real clear picture on what/how/why...

Since the Kensington stone was proven genuine I am realy convinced that the old Norse sailors, and their PREDECESSORS, sailed TO the Hudson Bay, short after ic-time. Here at Kensington we find the exact midle-point between east and west of the continent. Moreover we find the great waterways of Cananda/USA, from Hudson to Huston so to say, connected with the close waterway west to the Pacific, where the Kennewick Man was found.

It is litle doubt that this 9.200 years old guy is Caucasian. And there is NO reason to doubt that we have had a civilisation inside the Baltic Ocean during ice-time.

The traces are measured to be OLDER than 450.000 years. That implies more than 100.000 generations of isolated procreation, which may start to explain the appearance of the very fundamental genetical changes needed to divert from the orignal tropical man into the palefaced Caucasians. Thats why we have to start there. But I still agree to that the Hudson Bay must have been highly significant to the further expension of these "atlanteans".
Just as England was a bridge-head on the way south, the Hudson bay have been a traffical centre-point of early origin.

But I can`t realy see what discoveries and facts that exist FROM Antarcica, to back up that opinion.


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Janna Britton
Hero Member
Posts: 187

« Reply #89 on: November 16, 2008, 03:15:40 am »

Member posted 03-20-2004 10:27
In looking at the Kensingson stone material on line is a description of hundreds of boat-mooring holes found in large rocks along the shores of the Great Lakes.
There have been articles over the years in ANCIENT AMERICAN Magazine about evidence of copper mining on a massive and lengthy ongoing scale at Isle Royale area in upper Lake Superior relating to the period leading into and during the Bronze age. I will search for more info today. In doing a map search I notice that Alexandria Minn, the seat of the county where it was found, and the current location of the stone, is directly off the point of Lake Superior.
[This message has been edited by rockessence (edited 03-20-2004).]

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