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Herein lie the "Lost" Boreas Files by Rockessence

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Author Topic: Herein lie the "Lost" Boreas Files by Rockessence  (Read 21433 times)
Janna Britton
Hero Member
Posts: 187

« Reply #45 on: November 16, 2008, 03:00:26 am »

Member posted 02-14-2004 06:15
Thanks for relevant and reliable information Rajesh. There are surely some highly interesting factors of pale-skin people related to the evolutionary adjustment of a seafood diet (fish AND algae). And; there is a combination of Caucasians and a diet of diaries.
This may - again - point to the information given in tha Saga-material, claiming that the Baltic population had to turn to animals, both fish, diary and meat/fat to survive the long, very cold and completly dark winters characteristic to ice-time.
To have a stable source of both vegetary and animal food it is told that the arctic survivors had to keep domestic animals, - and to specialize plants for extraordinary, seasonal growth. Out of this NEED - it is said - did this people starting to cultivate domestic plants and animals. Due to the sharply marked SEASONS it was crucial to keep this cultivation highly organised. As arctic farmers still knows - if you want to suceed living in the Scandinavian area - one have to start the fertilisation already in the fall - and the sawing of seeds as soon as the snow leaves the farmland as the spring appears. Thus all (arctic) farmers still have to follow the seasons very close, - and operate in a highly organised way to get the crop and produce needed to survive the (still) quite long winter-time...
From the facts now known, about the existence of an arctic population during ice-time, - it may be highly relevant to look into a new explanation to the development of AGRICULTURE. It may look like the culture of organised far5ming have developed due to a certain NEED, - congruent with the facts today known about the living-conditions during Baltic ice-time.

This may even coincide with the Mediterranean (and other) stories known about the "shining" ("boat-people", etc.) -
or the "good people" - bringing their natural goods to their tropical brethren. That may also explain the latest archaeological discoveries, as the spread of agricultural knowledge, plants and animals around the sub-tropic and tropic hemisphere.
As we know today agriculture occured in the Anatolian and Etiopian highlands (SUB-tropic climate) about 9.200 years ago.

If agriculture developed in the isolated Baltic, to start spreading in all directions after ice-time - it may also start to explain why theese few but remarkable Atlanteans got such a high regard within ALL the regions of the tropics. Under different names do we find the "Atlanteans", the "shining", the "gods" and the "true white brother" - arriving with extraordinary knowledge of nature and skills of technical kind.

A remarkable discovery is that the Etiopians imported five plants and five domestic animals simultaniously 9.200 BP. The same point is even underlined by the discovery that the same area completed their life-stock with five more domestic animals - arriving simultaniously (!) about 7.400 years ago.

According to the same saga there was - about 5-6000 years ago - a imigration to the arctical area from the Himalayan mountains. The Mongolians had long before discovered a rift in the global ice-cap created by the Uralian mountain-chain. Here the Mongul (meaning "yellow-tanned") arrived to the arctic ocean, from where they spread both east and west. We can still find the successors of this immigrations, - spread out in 12 different families - today tribes - still to be found around the North pole...!


The emigration of the arctical "Asers" - to the subtropic and tropical areas was - for obvious reasons - a bit more easy. As they met with their tropical brethren theese arcticals, as any caucasian today, could enjoy a better climate; from which they became "shining brown". The Finish Bocksaga tells explcitly about the Aser arriving to 10 different tropical kingdoms - straigth after ice-time. Hereto we have only had "tropical" legends describing these arrivals, such as the legends of the Incas, Mayas, Aztecs, Hopis, Greek, Egyptian, Sumerian and Vedic. With the Nordic myths and sagas, and finally the "Bocksaga" we can add a highly essential and clarifying piece to the overall picture.

In the sagas from Sweden, Norway, Brittan, Iceland and Faroe Islands the first arctical population is known to have called themselves "As-er". But from the later Norse Sagas - written during the religious regime of the Rome - we find the "Aser" redefined as "Headon Gods". A paralell treatment was already given to the legimate rulers of both the Greek as the Roman cultures, who both where overrun by warlords that evidently became "tyrrant-kings". With the clarifications from the Bocksaga it may be understod how Zeus and Jupiter - with their complete courts (Pantheons), - once was a real-life kingdom with a hands-on gouvernment of the old, legitimate Greek and the Roman cultures.

According to the Bocksaga they both originated on Crete, straigth south of Hel, todays Hel-sing-ki. This happened just after the Aser escaped the ice-time and arrived in the Mediterranean (about 9.500 years ago) where they made a pact with their tropical brethren, establishing one Eastern and one Western Kingdom, with Zeus/Pan and Jupiter/Bochus as their respective head-titles.

This happened with the support from the old, Finish capitol "Hel" ("Whole"/"Holi") and their "As-Hel-culture". Thus we may find the orgin of the "Hel-As-culture", created on Crete about 9.500 years ago. This is also giving a straigth, logical explanation of the relationship between Crete and the origin of the Mediterranean cultures, as well as their connection to a historical "Alt-land-is" ("All-land-ice").
Just note the potential sigificance of old names like Hel-io-pol-is, Per-Se-pol-is and Agro- or Akro-pol-is.

If one cares to do the work needed to understand the basic sound-system behind the Fenno-Scandic languages one will find inherent, but completly clear meanings in a lot of the names, places and persons of ancient stories. From this lingvistical codex - collected in a stringent and logic sound-system called the Alphabet (!) - one may find an overwhelming amount of relations between the arctical and the tropical myths. Just to indicate how far and wide this sound-system have reached I may mention how the sound "A" - as in "As" - still remains in essential tropical names, from Az-tec (and Co-As-Co-A-tell...) to As-tor-ia, As-ov, As-ia and even A(u)s-tral-ia.

The more one gets to understand from the different mythologies of the world the more one tend to reconize their similarieties, both in structures and functions. If one add the arctic mythologies to the picture it becomes clear that they all arrive from a common, ancient time and culture.
With the newly revealed Bocksaga at hand it even becomes possible to understand the HISTORICAL main-lines of our common, cultural background. We just have to be open and non-prejudicial, but objective and truly scientific about the matter.

It may simply be for us to enjoy,
what we are all about getting to know.

[This message has been edited by Boreas (edited 02-19-2004).]


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Janna Britton
Hero Member
Posts: 187

« Reply #46 on: November 16, 2008, 03:00:38 am »

New Member posted 02-24-2004 07:00
ALT = Everything, all
Land = LAND
It's swedish.
One HUGE mistake in the Bock Saga is the fact that there is no such place as UUDENMAA in Finland. It's UUSIMAA meaning new land, given by the Swedish people when they moved eastwards. The genetive form of 'uusi' is 'uuden' hence 'the area of uusimaa' is 'uudenmaan lääni'. It's rediculous to state that the name whould have anything to do with the Norse god Oden.

During the rading I found many similiar 'facts' that are not true. Anyway the story is compelling and there might be some truth in there too.

The part called 'Masterplan' had not much thruth in it whatsoever. Statements like 'Festival was held at the winter solstice, 22nd of December, 23rd was the day to sacrifice, (the ”X”in X:mas means two men to ”drink” each others sperm in ”69” position)' would back that up...


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Janna Britton
Hero Member
Posts: 187

« Reply #47 on: November 16, 2008, 03:01:00 am »

New Member posted 02-24-2004 15:01
Hi all,
I personally find the "Alt-land-is"-theory very fascinating and think that the sound-analyzing of the Bock saga gives here quite interesting result.
The Bock saga's idea is different to many other theories and maybe not so "cool" as some other visions about the Atlantis. I however regard the Bock saga's idea of it very clever, which definetly doesn't mean that I regard all other information about Atlantis as a false information. After all, the Bock's saga is only a family saga of one family.

I think that the birth of the white race according to the Bock saga is a logical idea. Also it's easy to understand why Nordic people would worship return of the sun after every winter if one thinks about Bock saga's vision about the arrival of the ice-age.

The time-frame of the saga's Alt-land-is sounds to me like a rounded number (50 million years). I'm also aware that currently scientists think that there were several (four) ice-ages, not just one during the last ca 100 000 years.

Acid wrote:
"One HUGE mistake in the Bock Saga is the fact that there is no such place as UUDENMAA in Finland."

What kind of mistake is that? Bock saga (to my knownledge) doesn't say that in the modern Finland exists a place called Uudenmaa... Saga simply says that there used to be a place called Uudenmaa. And think about this: at the coast of the Uusimaa there exists an island called "Odensö" ("Oden's island" in Swedish). Doesn't it someway point to the connection between Uusimaa and Oden? Kristfrid Ganander also mentions the island in his book "Mythologia Fennica".

And Boreas: it's "Finnish", not "Finish"...

[This message has been edited by Faravid (edited 02-24-2004).]


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Janna Britton
Hero Member
Posts: 187

« Reply #48 on: November 16, 2008, 03:01:10 am »

New Member posted 02-24-2004 23:42
Well, this is from the 'Masterplan':
<I>The area around Helsinki is still named ”Uudenmaa”, officially.</I>
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Janna Britton
Hero Member
Posts: 187

« Reply #49 on: November 16, 2008, 03:01:24 am »

New Member posted 02-25-2004 04:34
I'm sorry, you were right. I still don't understand why there reads so. It doesn't make any sense.
Regarding the fertility cult you mentioned earlier in the context of the Bock saga it's interesting to note how the modern science regards it healthy for one's health.


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Janna Britton
Hero Member
Posts: 187

« Reply #50 on: November 16, 2008, 03:01:37 am »

Member posted 02-25-2004 12:20
I was wondering about two things. Is there any reference to copper water in the Bock Saga (or other myths)?
The words "Atl" and "Antis" are themselves of native America origins meaning "water" and "copper" respectively.
Atlantis is the place of the copper water in the American derivation. Not too close to the "All Land Ice" derivation. Let us not forget that Olympus (the home of the Greek gods) has been claimed to be derived from Atlantis (by Ignatius Donnelly).

My second question is the caste system described by the Bock Saga. Seems this comes straight from India (or vice a versa depending on one's point of view). I've not heard this said of Norse mythology (till the Bock Saga). Is there independent evidence to verify this claim?



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Janna Britton
Hero Member
Posts: 187

« Reply #51 on: November 16, 2008, 03:01:47 am »

New Member posted 02-25-2004 14:08
Hi John,
regarding the "copper water" which you mentioned I have to say I have never heard of such thing.

You asked also of an independent evidence to verify claim of Nordic caste system. I also haven't read from anywhere else that there would have been any similar system. (Perhaps there's something similar in the "Oera Linda book", I don't know.) Of course the general history knows the different social statuses (karj, jarl, etc.) of the old Nordic societys, but I believe researches tend to think that they existed mainly at the Viking era (and after) and were not connected in any major way to the creating of the next generations. Of the Aser-Vaner-system in Finland I have found only one weak clue. In his book "Mythologia Fennica" (published 1789) Kristfrid Ganander mentions one count Bonde who believed that the "Asars" had led the Finns in the ancient times. (The count used as a proof some words, little like in the Bock saga words are analyzed.)


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Janna Britton
Hero Member
Posts: 187

« Reply #52 on: November 16, 2008, 03:01:58 am »

via mars
Member posted 02-26-2004 07:44
just a couple of things ...
cesidio - about those discoveries of yours, namely the discs that have a tether. perhaps the tether is the "lifeforce" of the contraption, so to speak. what better way to harness heat and magnetic properties of the earth? call it a seed that sends it's root into the ground ... i believe it possible to extract energies of various natures by taprooting into the ground. you could literally build your own enclosure (house), and receive sustenance from mother earth. great way to keep warm during the ice-ages ...
boreas - does anything regarding theories of lloyd pye, i.e. genetics and agriculture ring a bell? can some of it fit the equation? interested to hear your take on those.

one thing i would like to point out about linguistics. coincidence of sounds and utterences - it happens. just because some culture used a certain term or spelling, doesn't imply a connection to a similar term or spelling. yes, there usually is a connection, but not always. kirk out


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Janna Britton
Hero Member
Posts: 187

« Reply #53 on: November 16, 2008, 03:02:26 am »

via mars
Member posted 02-26-2004 07:50
tarkin - are you hailing from middleburg? best regards, via mars 22207
or philomont?

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Janna Britton
Hero Member
Posts: 187

« Reply #54 on: November 16, 2008, 03:02:55 am »

Member posted 03-02-2004 10:24
Via Mars: I hail from Vienna, Virginia.
Faravid: Thank you. I think of the Norse as leaders, warriors, and everyone else. No formal caste system. I've never heard of "ringland" before, but what an intriging idea.
Though I subscribe to the Atlantis in Antarctica theory, here is a site claiming that Atlantis is in South America. Got to keep an open mind eh?



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Janna Britton
Hero Member
Posts: 187

« Reply #55 on: November 16, 2008, 03:03:07 am »

Member posted 03-02-2004 19:22
Regarding Tolkien...I used a Web Translator on the section on Tolkien that was in German at and it was really amazing. A difficult translation but still full of goodies and well worth checking out. I watched a documentary on PBS last night about Hitlers SS search for the ideal race in their ancestry and realized that the Bock saga may reveal the true basis for their crazy idea. The true race was not a race but but a mental and physical connection between the original humans and way of relating through the sound-system which formed a planet wide religion which was broken and destroyed forever by the onset of the ice age by separating the center of the ringland from all outside rings. Whew..sorry about that sentance. People today cannot conceive of most of this information. Too weird, too pagan, too strange and seemingly unverifiable. BUT...That there is still even ONE living member of the original pagan peoples is astonishing enough, but that this information is available to all the world is so unique, so amazing, that it stuns me that we can look forward to more revelations coming from the last original voice from the beginning of time.
Felice Vinci's document on "Homer in the Baltic" on and another document from him I found on the net are so great....This shows the completely logical movement of northern peoples into the warmer climate of the Mediterranean AFTER Homer's heroic period.
[This message has been edited by rockessence (edited 03-19-2004).]

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Janna Britton
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Posts: 187

« Reply #56 on: November 16, 2008, 03:03:19 am »

Member posted 03-03-2004 02:52
I only wish to express an opinion towards the Bock Saga and the Norse legends.
I sense that you may be confusing this with another lost civilization in regards to Atlantis.
Look NW of Ireland under the Ocean blue water on Bathymetric maps. I feel that the rectangular, village like, impressions,before Iceland, far below adhere to this lost civilization which could be responsible for the Neanderthal\Norse (Northern) cultural evolution relating to Odin and this Bock Saga's blood lines.


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Janna Britton
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Posts: 187

« Reply #57 on: November 16, 2008, 03:03:30 am »

Member posted 03-03-2004 12:08
The Celtic Sea, also known as Land's End, was once above water in the distant past. Great Britain was connected by land to Europe. Let us not forget the English myths of a people who lived under the sea.
Imagine all of the continental shelves above water in the distant past. I.E. the time of Atlantis.
The North Sea, Baltic Sea, Barents Sea, Berring Sea, Gulf of Finland, etc. were dry. Australia was connected by land to Asia. Japan was connected by land to Korea and China.

The pole and equator were in different locations. The earth was a different place back then.


[This message has been edited by rockessence (edited 11-09-2004).]

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Janna Britton
Hero Member
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« Reply #58 on: November 16, 2008, 03:04:14 am »

via mars
Member posted 03-04-2004 11:28
there is an area in the up-country of sri lanka called land's end or world's end - lots of strange myths associated with it. don't have any info handy on it though. when i get some more time ...

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Janna Britton
Hero Member
Posts: 187

« Reply #59 on: November 16, 2008, 03:04:30 am »

Old John
New Member posted 03-05-2004 18:27
I hate to be an Atlantis party pooper and spoil all the Indiana Jones type adventures, but Atlantis isn’t anywhere we can see it. To help you find it, you need to draw a map.
Draw a circle with a line across the centre. Write “mind” in the top half and “body” in the bottom half. This is the map of “self” - you and I and everyone else. We can’t see the mind because it is metaphysical, or simply “information” for materialists. The body is obvious because it is physical and material. This map is part of who we are and appeared to us the moment we evolved a new brain and mind to become hominids.
By projection onto our universe, this map also represents Heaven and Earth, because Heaven (mind) is metaphysical and Earth (body) is physical. Mystics prefer to say that Heaven (the metaphysical) and Earth (the physical) are real and our minds and bodies simply follow the same pattern.

We can’t see up into the mind or Heaven because the line across the centre is a mirror (Alice’s mirror) that reflects back at us. Since before recorded history, the mirror has been represented by glass, mirrors, water, crystals, lakes, etc. This is why we use crystal balls to see into the other side, or why ghosts come from the other side through mirrors, or we cast bodies into lakes to send them on their way, or cast coins into water to please the God on the other side, or for that matter baptise ourselves in order to “pass through” to Heaven and be purified. Shamen bathe and do the same to pass into their Heaven during trances. All of these things come from the same source. The presence of the watery mirror between Heaven and Earth gives us all the classic triads such as Father (above), Son (on Earth) and shimmering Holy Ghost, all in one circular “thing”.

Men evolved to go out of the den of civilisation to hunt and fight for resources, resulting in men measuring success in hierarchies of competitive power with a single male at the top. In the Heaven/Earth map above, it puts a male monotheist God at the top of “Heaven”. In mysticism, this is called the male view or the male journey to enlightenment (or religious belief). It also explains the Sun God, rising to cross the heavens by day and sinking to visit the underworld at night in the daily cycle.

Women evolved to stay in the den of civilisation and do all the utilitarian and concerned things involved in turning the resources into nurture and reproduction, resulting in women working in flat circles of sorority and networking, where success is measured by popularity (and today’s secular celebrity “religion”). The female view or journey is very different to the male view. It produces a more harmonious pantheist, fertile view of “God in everything” as in the mysteries. It also inverts the male view, so that Earth is now on top and the “female Heaven” becomes Middle Earth, to use a popular phrase. They are separated from each other by a lake or sea. It is inverted because women have to do all the real practical work in the den while the men sit philosophising between battles. Don’t laugh boys – nothing changes – in Africa today, the men sit under the trees yakking while the women hoe the fields with babies on their backs, and in modern companies, the boardrooms are full of men discussing competition surrounded by women doing all the practical administration.

So what has this all to do with Atlantis? Well, when we evolved from animals and got a new mind, the mirror appeared. You could say that when God created humans and humans appeared on Earth, humans got up to all sorts of rumpy-pumpy sinning, so God sent a flood to “cut us off” from Heaven. It’s the same idea as baptism, but inverted because God was angry. It also explains why “dirty” Eve caused “perfect” Adam’s downfall (the story was written by men). Thanks to Noah, we survived…in rumpy-pumpy pairs, two by two. It’s a poetic way of saying that when we evolved our minds, nature (or God, if you prefer, Creationists), drew the mirror (water, the flood) across our minds and our existence.

That is how the fabulous Middle Earth became a land beneath the water, a female view (as in Lady in the Lake, and throwing the male sword into the lake in peace). It is a very, very, very ancient female type tale. When there weren’t many of us humans about, we didn’t have to be competitive, so early civilisations were predominantly female in flavour, and Heaven was middle Earth or Atlantis. Trees were worshipped because they draw their goodness from Middle Earth and bring it up to the daylight. Islands were mystical because they were peaks (top, God) of Atlantis sticking up out of the lake (mirror, flood). As we became more numerous, human groups grew larger and more competitive, so we switched to the male competitive style of living with male religions and God went up into Heaven. When He went up, Atlantis became a folk-tale and we have been searching for it in our myths ever since.

I hope it makes sense. Personally, I prefer to keep the Atlantis story. I understand all about flour, sugar and fat, but I prefer mine in the form of delicious cake. It is wonderful to be human and able to create such rich embroidery with the mind.

John Nash

John Nash
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« Last Edit: November 16, 2008, 03:05:52 am by Janna Britton » Report Spam   Logged
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