Member posted 02-13-2004 10:50
There are indeed a lot of controversial stuff in the mentioned Bocksaga. Even to non-conventional scientists and people.
At the same time the open-minded layman can find a lot of obvious and highly interesting material for NEW thougth and reflection. Although "new" to us - it is evident that the source for this material is quite old - as it is keeping track of key-elements in our older languages.
According to the genetican John Richards at the Univ. of Huddersfield (GBR) the oldest populations in todays Europe is to be found in Scandinavia, where they came "more that 10.000 years ago".
Brand new archeological evidences from both Norway, Finland and Russia actually states (with 100 % scientific proofs) that modern man inhabitated the northernmost area of the Fenno-Scandic shield DURING ice-time, i.e. 10-40.000 years ago.
The discovery of a peculiar setlement in Finland are now under hot discussion, since it contradicts the common opinion (read: theory) that modern man emigrated out of Africa about 70.000 years ago - to reach Europe about 40.000 years ago. The finding of Susiluola ("The Wolf Cave"), 30 km outside the Finish city of Kristinestad contains human remains more that 280.000 years old. See;
Since the general opinion of biology "states" that mankind at this point where not evolved to homo sapiens sapiens yet, the conclusion of the Finish archaeologists and historians are keeping "due course" announcing that the Susisluola was inhabitted by Neanderthals.
Though there are NO technical evidence found to substantiate that statement. On the contrary; experts on the Neanderthals from sourthern Germany and Cro-Magnon of southern France and Spain both have determined that Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons where NOT able to conduct an arctical life. This have even been used as an explanation to why the Neanderthals and the Cro- Magnons "disappeared" - to the benefit of "modern man".
Consequently the recent discoveries from Fenno-Scandia, - of both biological and archaological as cultural nature - are obviously more in tune with the controversial material recently presented by Michael Cremo and Ron L. Thompson. Thus we may have to admit that conemporary science still is in the mist about the REALITY of out origin and history on this planet.
When the Finish Saga refers the legend of Atlantis in a most delibrate way it may be our duty to give it a "fair call" and an objective investigation.
One point I already have made is the fact that Fenno-Scandia during ice-time was an ISLAND (rather than a penninsula) - as the ocean passed from the Finish Bay over Ladoga and Onega to the White Sea. Thus the survivors of the cataclysmic end of the ice-time would say they "came from an island, larger than Libya and Asia together..." as the Greek/Egyptian sources are telling.
The later stories from the Homeric litterature are now pointing in the same direction - documented with a solid and convincing material by the italian Dr. Felipe Vinci. That Dr. Vincis conclusions are highly controversial doesn`t change the matter that he has been revealing hard, new facts on theese old matters.
We can`t change the history of the earth, of life and of humankind. But we may be able to change our understanding of it.
During the last century alone the general understanding of the age of man have changed a number of times - starting with some 6-7000 years (since "Adam and Eve") and ending with todays ASSESMENT of 5-6 million years, since "Homo habilis". And - by the way - the explanations of the origin, cause, course and effects of the Gulf-stream have also changed dramatically over the last decades. Not to mention the history of the ice-time. And both theese topics are still not being finally and completly understood. Just ask any serious and professional geologist.
During the last century modern science have gone through numerous aletrations and changes in their opinions about the origin of man. Thus it should not be too difficult to understand that OUR presumptions - that we often hold as facts - again will change. The mentioned discoveries are indeed pointing to that we - again - will have to re-examine the basic understanding of our own history, in - yet another - new ligth.
Have a good and reflective week-end!
[This message has been edited by Boreas (edited 02-14-2004).]