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the Emerald Tablet of Thoth (Original Version)

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Author Topic: the Emerald Tablet of Thoth (Original Version)  (Read 24749 times)
Veronica Poe
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Posts: 2645

« Reply #315 on: May 30, 2008, 12:34:16 am »

Orion von Koch

Member # 2038

  posted 01-17-2007 02:10 PM                       
One does not need to tell a story, but one does need to think upon his own being (Know Thyself). I have been given the same story in my dreams. I never read this prior to today. I did not realize that I had been given data that exists elsewhere. There are strange things going on in this world at present and I am beginning to think that perhaps if we meditate and dream upon such may present itself as real. As I meditate upon the mounts of Texas I am seeing the ancient past in my mentality. Being an artist and creative writer, I know my mentality is massively full of these visions. Yet, from where do I get these impressions..? I do not know yet. But I have been directed to read Lubicz's Temple of Man and I have bought hundreds of books on Egypt trying to make heads or tails of these deep visions. I am no fool, but I do know something is going on in the background of my mind. I have prayed for the Wisdom of Solomon and feel as if I am being given that knowledge perhaps all the masters of our past are attempting to aid us in transcendent knowledge...who knows? I do know that I have been somewhat afraid of the power that I am currently visualizing...Lubicz's words are frequenting my dreams now...meditation is getting stronger. If these things are happening to you, let me know. I feel something is coming down...I once did not believe it...I was preoccupied with myself. But lately I am becoming more altruistic and feel more in touch with this universe...It is so hard to put into words. I have seen things I know I never saw in my lifetime. There is a power out there and if one seeks, they will indeed find...the door is opening. The Gnostics were right...the body of this wisdom is there for us all...REASON (and the word was REASON)

[ 01-18-2007, 07:56 AM: Message edited by: Orion von Koch ]
Posts: 5565 | From: Deep, Deep — extremely Deep West Texas | Registered: Jun 2004   
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Veronica Poe
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« Reply #316 on: May 30, 2008, 12:35:28 am »

Bear Boyd

Member # 1703

Rate Member   posted 01-17-2007 10:37 PM                       

Originally posted by Orion von Koch:
One does not need to tell a story, but one does need to think upon his own being (Know Thyself). I have been given the same story in my dreams. I never read this prior to today. I did not realize that I had been given data that exists elsewhere. There are strange things going on in this world at present and I am beginning to think that perhaps if we meditate and dream upon such may present itself as real. As I meditate upon the mounts of Texas I am seeing the ancient past in my mentality. Being an artist and creative writer, I know my mentality is massively full of these visions. Yet, from where do I get these impressions..Huh I do not know yet. But I have been directed to read Lubicz's Temple of Man and I have bought hundreds of books on Egypt trying to make heads or tails of these deep visions. I am no fool, but I do know something is going on in the background of my mind. I have prayed for the Wisdom of Solomon and feel as if I am being given that knowledge perhaps all the masters of our past are attempting to aid us in transcendent knowledge...who knows??? I do know that I have been somewhat afraid of the power that I am currently visualizing...Lubicz's words are frequenting my dreams now...meditation is getting stronger. If these things are happening to you, let me know. I feel something is coming down...I once did not believe it...I was preoccupied with myself. But lately I am becoming more altruistic and feel more in touch with this universe...It is so hard to put into words. I have seen things I know I never saw in my lifetime. There is a power out there and if one seeks, they will indeed find...the door is opening. The Gnostics were right...the body of this wisdom is there for us all...REASON (and the word was REASON)

I have not been able to put into words what you have just described. I have many books on Egypt myself and I've told my friend who is an Astrologer and psychic that I feel like I'm being guided to read these books. There are certain books that I've passed by but others the titles jump out at me. She says that what I am doing is my "remembering". I read the whole book but it's not always the whole book that I need. I get whatever information it holds and it sparks something in me. I have what I call waking mediation and sometimes things will come to me like the theory I posted about '"King Solomon's Temple" in Egypt?' No only do I think of these things before I've ever read them in any book but I also see the visions of this. In the book Tutankhamun Prophecies it talked about how the Egyptians not only believed in an afterlife but they also believed in a reincarnation. Because of this, they would leave a whole lot of information behind so that when the, did reincarnate, they would not have to start all over. The soul already knows but the information left helps bring it forth from the back of the mind. It may be quite possible that you've had a past life or two in ancient Egypt. I know I have just by how I reacted to seeing the famous bust of Nefertiti in the Egyptian Museum in Berlin, Germany. Let me know what you think.


[ 01-17-2007, 10:39 PM: Message edited by: Bear Boyd ]

"For those with eyes to see, let them see." - Bear "He that hath ears to hear, let him hear." -Luke 8:8 "Seek and you shall find. Knock and it shall be opened to you." - Matthew 7:7 "Veritas vos liberabit"

Posts: 294 | From: Kokomo, Indiana, U.S.A | Registered: Oct 2003 
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Veronica Poe
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Posts: 2645

« Reply #317 on: May 30, 2008, 12:36:01 am »

Orion von Koch

Member # 2038

  posted 01-18-2007 07:50 AM                       
Indeed so. I am as you describe initiated one. I have never stopped doing this gambit...for eons I have trekked these realms in physical Time/Space and never grown weary. But I do not believe in reincarnation as some do...I believe in the Multifaceted One — whose eyes are many...the Anthropomnic being we all are — the One without any second. You are from the same facet that I am from...the part of the whole that some would suggest has holographic elementals seeking to come home. The Burgeoning is upon us. I was Egypt as were you...collective humanity could grow so exponentially if it could awaken to its past, present and duration. I suggest we all read the Temple of Man and think upon the potential of a final awakening at this place called here.

[ 01-18-2007, 07:58 AM: Message edited by: Orion von Koch ]
Posts: 5565 | From: Deep, Deep — extremely Deep West Texas | Registered: Jun 2004   
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Veronica Poe
Superhero Member
Posts: 2645

« Reply #318 on: May 30, 2008, 12:36:37 am »


Member # 3091

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   posted 02-27-2007 06:30 PM                       
Thoth = Quetzalcoatl = Zoroaster (Thrice Born)

Spirit guide to Ellie Crystal of the Crystal Links website.

I wish she'd just ask him where Atlantis is, and we could get on with it!!

If you go to the Crystal Links web page, then click on the alphabetical index, then click on 12 Tablets - Lunar Journey of Lost Tablets - you will see some beautiful pictures.

[ 02-27-2007, 06:44 PM: Message edited by: Qoais ]

An open-minded view of the past allows for an unprejudiced glimpse into the future.

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Veronica Poe
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Posts: 2645

« Reply #319 on: May 30, 2008, 12:37:08 am »


Member # 4961

Rate Member   posted 02-27-2007 10:01 PM                       
Orion, please describe to us the Multifaceted One, whose eyes are many...the One without any second?

Also, what is "final" awakening...and where is this place called "here"? Is that the same place where "home" is?

..and if all of this information is only for the "initiated one(s)", why are you and these initiated one(s) being exclusive of the others?

..and is the One the whole? and if yes, isn't the whole all inclusive vs. being exclusive???

[ 02-28-2007, 08:29 PM: Message edited by: wirelessguru1 ]

The Invisible Universe

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Veronica Poe
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« Reply #320 on: May 30, 2008, 12:37:35 am »


Member # 3037

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   posted 02-28-2007 07:47 PM                       
I second that

[ 03-04-2007, 02:22 PM: Message edited by: sevens ]
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Veronica Poe
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« Reply #321 on: May 30, 2008, 12:38:14 am »


Member # 802

  posted 03-28-2007 06:45 PM                       
Qoais: Now how do you conjecture that? Do their fingerprints match? or their DNA?  Wink
Posts: 10609 | From: Old Washington, Ohio , USA | Registered: Apr 2002   
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Veronica Poe
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« Reply #322 on: May 30, 2008, 12:38:48 am »


Member # 26155

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   posted 04-15-2008 05:21 PM                       


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« Reply #323 on: June 02, 2008, 10:44:22 am »

LOL yeap that would be the most recent. That GoneWithForever fella. What a hoot.
Reminded me of that early herefornow guy.
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