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Circumstantial Evidence of an Atlantic Ocean Cataclysm

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Author Topic: Circumstantial Evidence of an Atlantic Ocean Cataclysm  (Read 1439 times)
Mario Dantas
Superhero Member
Posts: 1376

« Reply #15 on: April 14, 2008, 09:41:02 pm »

Hi Ian,

That is amazing material!

Sais is then a much more important City. They might have destroyed it, as you said. That story wasn't exactly Egyptian "friendly". It wasn't, probably, the kind of message, many of the Egyptians would like to perpetuate. Maybe we will never find it ? but all these references are very intriguing.

« Last Edit: April 15, 2008, 06:16:48 am by Mario Dantas » Report Spam   Logged

Ian Nottingham
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Posts: 3441

« Reply #16 on: April 15, 2008, 01:29:15 pm »

Hi Mario,

Thanks, I am of two minds why it might have been destroyed (I sort of think it was something to do with the whole pagan vs. Christianity thing).  But one thing for sure, the pillars, or the remnants of them have to exist someplace.

I have been following the digs at Sais, and they haven't turned up anything yet.  Could be the evidence is in a British museum, could be it is in one of the surrounding villages around Sais.  Anyway, one thing is clear - no one has checked, even though corroboration of the story would be key in uncovering the truth about Atlantis, where it was, and when it was.
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Mario Dantas
Superhero Member
Posts: 1376

« Reply #17 on: April 15, 2008, 05:21:59 pm »

Hi Ian,

Cool to know that you are investigating Sais. And yes, there should be some proof of it somewhere. He (Sonchis) enphasizes that it was well recorded in temples, if i recall, meaning that they were widely available, they wouldn't want to have only one "copy" of the story, but several. The fact that he also states that there were annotations and all, makes one think that Plato wouldn't be making that up, either.

The mixing of the Greek cultural elements like Hermes in Egypt, is amazing and the proof that they must have came somehow from the same "root". There were important links with Greece, in Egypt.


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Ian Nottingham
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Posts: 3441

« Reply #18 on: April 16, 2008, 01:25:47 pm »

Hey Mario,

The fact that the story was written down would add volumes of credibility to it, if the stonework on it was ever found.  Time and again, you will hear that Solon misread the symbols, but if they were written down (not spoken, like Georgeos always says), you will notice that the Egyoptian hieroglyphic symbol for 100 looks nothing like the symbol for 1000.  Likewise, I am sure that the location of Atlantis could not be confused as all the ancients pretty much placed the pillars where they are now (Gibraltar).

I will try and dig up the symbols for you when I get the chance so you can see for yourself.
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Mario Dantas
Superhero Member
Posts: 1376

« Reply #19 on: April 16, 2008, 07:43:16 pm »


Thanks for the attention Ian, i don't think you should bother.. anyways thank you.

I always thought that, as Critias put it, everybody (then) got its full share after an allotment was made. Egypt too, for that matter. Then after Deluges and the vanishing of Atlantis, "many Country folk" was without a Homeland, and somehow managed to "infiltrate" not only the neighboring Nations, but those far away. There were also many other factors, this being just one of them. I am sorry if i sound like i know something, i always think in a loud voice.

Your data on Sais is most important, Egypt was "influenced" by former Atlanteans. It can't be a mere coincidence that one of the greatest Egyptian Accomplishments lies, namely in Architecture and Geometry. The description Critias left, was most of all, an Architectural and Engineering one, in which indeed People achieved that specific point of development in the History of Mankind.  Everything indicates that Sais was really important, and as you said, Greeks knew only about the Deucalion flood.

The Egyptians had different names to the Gods, that Solon later on translated as we know it today...

Is it known which Egyptian Gods Sonchis spoke about? Of course that the whole story tells of this Power and how it was well established. Why would it be known and registered there and not somewhere else?

The Story of Atlantis must have been registered there for a reason. Perhaps it was the beginning of an Era, and Sais was one of the fist very important City in the early period of the Egyptian Empire.

Egyptians seem to have copied Atlantis more than the Greeks, in terms of what Critias tells us. They had great Monuments like the Pyramids, but weren't imitated by the Greeks nor by any other European Country. The Incas, Mayas and Aztecs did it also (very large Pyramid monuments, with large stones), but not the Europeans, and yet Solon states that the Greeks descended from Atlantis Civilization.

I was particularly fascinated by the idea that Neith could really be Athens, that would explain a lot of things, in my view.

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Josie Linde
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Posts: 4493

« Reply #20 on: April 16, 2008, 11:54:17 pm »

Hi guys,

Here is a chart with the Egyptian numerals on there.  Like has already been said, the numbers for 100 and 1000 look nothing alike: 

Supposedly, the names of the words, when spoken sound similar, though, when spoken.
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Hero Member
Posts: 248

« Reply #21 on: April 17, 2008, 02:11:35 am »

 * * * Quote from Mario * * *  "EGYPTIANS SEEM TO HAVE COPIED ATLANTIS MORE THAN THE GREEKS, . . . THEY HAD GREAT MONUMENTS LIKE THE PYRAMIDS, BUT WERENT IMITATED BY THE GREEKS NOR BY ANY OTHER EUROPEAN COUNTRY."       * * * did it ever occur to you that the egyptians may have been copying the pyramids of the very remote ancient greeks [the pleiadians] ? ? ?       *s*h*e*l*l*s*t*a*r*s*y*s*t*y*m*s*2**8
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Ian Nottingham
Superhero Member
Posts: 3441

« Reply #22 on: April 17, 2008, 01:36:13 pm »

Thanks for the chart, Josie, really illustrates my point!


Sais is one of the oldest cities in Egypt and Saitic traditions some of their first.  As to it being the Athens that Plato spoke about, that is an interesting idea.  Neith and Athena were supposed to be the same goddess, but with different names. 

I am not really sold on that, though!  I can't remember offhand if Sais was ever involved in any of the Egyptian wars. We should check into that. 

I would think that there would be evidence of ancient settlements (seaports) by Atlantis on the Atlantic coast if the story is to be believed.  That is why we need to pay attention to places like the sunken area off Cadiz and Lixus, in Morocco.  Both have evidence of ancient ruins there that predate the Romans and possibly the Phoenicians as well.

There should also be evidence of this war they fought along the coast of North Africa and the Med!
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Mario Dantas
Superhero Member
Posts: 1376

« Reply #23 on: April 18, 2008, 11:40:35 am »


I can only agree with you.

I remember reading this the other day...

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