Dear. . . . . . . . ARCTURUS,.
I am a great admirere of late
who although a rocket tecnician,
had insight in geo-topography as well
The series of 500.000 shallow meteorite impacts
the Carolinabays impacts from Georgea to Delawar,
may be continued on the other side of Earth, because
the same alignment of Impact-craters matches, in a former Sea-basin
occured on the Arabian peninsula likewise when it was filled
with apparently fresh water.
These meteorite impacts may have occured simultaneously
but in different subsoils which accounts for the strange difference in timeline
determination difference and thus these meteorite impact-craters
may not be a cyclic repeated affair/occurence afterall. but distributed
'Whole-Sale' each
50 odd yearsIn false tradition, the MOON is called the PHENIX or PHOENIX bird that
picks itselves every
500 years !
The overstatement of Plato 's Atlantis by an obvious ten-fold may be
commonpractice we thus must resize Atantis
to find that it fits ADEN's port.
The Geological & Paleontological determind Time line of 10.000 or
8498 bc may be Bogus as a timeline for both the meteoric impacts
and their connection with Atlantis demise.
Half of the Atlantologists have already agreed that 900 not 9.000 bc
is the demise of Atlantis, because a King from historical Athens
reported this Demise of Atlantis.
This was King Cecrops whom' bribed empire-judgement beteen
Athena & Poseidon caused Poseidon to want to smite MAN &
his own City that had changed loyality from him to Athena by
subterfuge which he coutered by commanding the SEA to cover
the World( in Egypt this same feat was done by AMUN-Re
who sent out his:" EYE" to destroy the wicked Humanity.
We knoe that The Eye of Re is a eufemism for the MOON,
thus ASTARTE/ TIAMAT, and ATHARGATIS who are all accused
of beiing alternative names for the MoonGoddess are the one planet
called APHRODITE or DIONE-Nyssos who bumped Earth at the Hawaii-isles
and re emerged covered with Sea0Foam and was thus renamed Aphrodite
or DIONe-NYSSOS.( which is the same as the Daughter of HELIOS called
ATON, or TYPHON/ Neus.
MOON collide with Earth TWICE and the Shallow Craters on Earth
were one satelites og the Moon, which was supposed to have been
born from Planet Venus and invisible cecause of the coating OF
The two single occasions that MOON hit EARTH was during the
Conjuctions of Moon & Mars which still cases Springtide-Tsunamies,
on Earth
TITANO- MACHIA ( also named as the Flood of
occurred in 1055 bc and Giganto-Machia ( also the Great- Ogygos-Flood.)in 855 bc,
in 1075 and 955 also occurred minor Tsunamies called the " Floods/-Deluges
Phoroneus and the Deluge /cataclysm of
Andromeda also during
King David's reign around 1005 bc a Cataclysm causing Pest or rather
asphixiation was caused by a mere Tsunami.
Around 1.000 bc, Earth's central axis, stood still erect in the
plain of the Orbit around the Sun,.as the Miamar and Thailand
Tsunamies were raised by the Moon-impacts ,
But the Moon collides first in 1075 bc against Antartica
which caused the Earth's Oceans to Crack open
but as of yet the fresh-water mountain lakes stayed intact
but at the second Moon impact on hawaii, the tremor was that
resounding that there occured a global" QUARTERNAYE - LAKE- Burst
supposedly in 8.000 bc but actually in 855 bc.(=date for melting of Iceglaciers in America.)
King Salmanasser-3 was bussy at the time laying siege at ras- Aden
in South arabia when he was disturbed by White Elephants driving the
assyrian siege Soldiers from the waterfront, when they resited a huge
Tsunami destroyed the assyrian Army.
History does not tell anything of this only in India it was mentioned that
LORD SHIVA, was once bothered by" Flying"( rather Crying.)
Elephants he clipped their wings and they became the Hymalaian Mountains.
RUDRA was the indian God that rode on White holi-Elephants called the
AIR-a-WATAR indicating that the Elephanty was always an aquatic animal
SHIVA is hailed as an Elephant kiler the Act of restoring Satrivi's guard ganesha,
with an passing by Elephant's HEAD only illustrades his aversion for the innercent
animal. The holi-White Elephant was an Avata of the MOON, so naturally
Salmanasser-3 was convinced that they caused Earth-Quakes and Tsunamies
and had these " Beast/ Behemoth" of the APCALYSE murdered all 1.000
of them in ras -Aden
Paleontologists agree that the Elephant species called
Elephas Maximus Asyrus was suddenly mysterioully extinct around 855 bc.
Part iof the Tsunamies in 1055 & 855 bc may have come from
Freshwater Lake explosions
when Earth stood still momentarily the water did not and
splashed obver the vast Plain into the City of Atlantis.
Small wonder 99% of Atlantologists continue to locate Atlantis around the Atlantic Ocean.
which is wrong only because PLATO said the Ocean had a
Side-Brance(+ Brazillo de Mer.)
or Braz de Mar.)which was named the Atlantic thus definitely not the Ocean itselve which had another name.
Herodotus alread stated that the
Mare- Eryreaeum was the very Sea of Atlas
called the
OKEANOS- OIKUMENES or the World Sea that surrounded,
HORIZONTALLY around Earth so for once that cannot very well be the present ' Atlantic'
Moreover, Plato wrote Greek and Atlantis is clearly latin translation,
so guess what Plato's original Geo-name for Atantis was?
THETA-Land the same as the Hindu ATALA or PATALA the egyptian Lands of PTHA
PTHA again is PUT ( Butho.)& LUT or in Greek Phoenicia & Lebanon.
( Punt is the name of the original land of the Punicians which is present Yemen
then called ESCHERIA, that Odyseus visited calling it (E-)Scheria of the FAEACEANS or Punicians !)
THETA- Land's waterfront shores were washed not by the Atlantic, but by the THETHYS- Sea,
which ( what every Marine-Oceanographer will corroberate )was the INDIAN- Ocean.
This means that all Atlantologfists were barking up the wrong tree
and that I have the dubious honour of having found the original Atlantis
(= Ad-Land or ras Aden-Crater.) whisdt beiing laughed at even ridiculed at
by the traditionally biased Atlantologists following Plato's Latinized( " original")text" Closely"
As is usual none of these 99% Atlantologists commented ( if they did )
favorably about my discovery
To summarize my " BlueHue" Hypotheses in a nutshell: Atlantis was
THETA-Land today Ras(= Isle-of)-Aden-Crater, and sunk twice in 1055 & 855 bc,
whilest on false-tradition, It was an pellagio-island realm sunken on
the Mid-Oceanic-Ridge in 9600 bc
I am sure like everybody else You will forget to comment on my Sub-Script !
" BlueHue " dd May-7- 2008