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Maybe The First Atlantians Were Extraterrestrials
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Maybe The First Atlantians Were Extraterrestrials
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Topic: Maybe The First Atlantians Were Extraterrestrials (Read 541 times)
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Posts: 6
Maybe The First Atlantians Were Extraterrestrials
March 28, 2007, 03:18:44 pm »
I suspect extraterrestrials came down from the sky, the Bible calls them the Elohims, I say they were ETs that had knowledge beyond any scientist even of today. They came to earth after the Ice Age and started gene engineering to produce animals and intelligent workers, being Cro Magnon man. Genesis I of the Bible says they were made and were told to multipy. Now get real, you don't expect animals to understand words to multipy do you? In Genesis II the perfect specimen was created being Adam. My belief is the Bible is a book given by The Anunnakis. The Anunnakis are just one group of sky visitors who created humans using their DNA. I believe the Asians come from the Draconian ETs. To this day they love their "dragon".
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Jennie McGrath
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Re: Maybe The First Atlantians Were Extraterrestrials
Reply #1
March 29, 2007, 03:26:30 am »
Hi Starlight and welcome to the forum!
Have you ever heard of Nordic aliens? They come from the planet Pleides, settled here, and also fit the description of angels. In my opinion, they are the beginning of the legend of Atlantis.
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Posts: 6
Re: Maybe The First Atlantians Were Extraterrestrials
Reply #2
April 01, 2007, 06:49:40 pm »
Thank you for welcoming me here, and yes I really believe the elohims of the bible were extraterrestrials. Some call them the Watcher, whatever, they produced us to be their workers and servants. The Book of Enoch tells how the Watchers (angel ETs) taught the decendants of Adam what needed to be learned to make them progress, being in art, writing, even how to have a language. Its their DNA that is the "missing link" the scientist cannot find between man and animals, why the change to desire to be educated. They changed because the Elohims made us like them, with their understandings. We are small in knowledge compare to them who could travel space but its their genes that gives us the interest to progress and to have interests in building, designing, burying our dead, curing illnesses, and even to travel how we cannot do by natural means. Nope, our minds are not animal at all, we have the mind of our creators. As the Bible says, we were made a little lower then they, (we are part them). These ETs produced and that takes sex items within them to do that.
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Re: Maybe The First Atlantians Were Extraterrestrials
Reply #3
April 03, 2007, 09:02:57 am »
I think it would be cool being mammals bats and humans that ETs would cross breed the 2. Think of it human mammals that can fly.
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Hero Member
Posts: 246
Re: Maybe The First Atlantians Were Extraterrestrials
Reply #4
April 03, 2007, 09:41:35 am »
How about this one? WE ARE the aliens.
You can find aliens in just about every religious texts in the world if you look hard enough. It's all in the eye of the beholder I guess.
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Ra's Warrior & the Talismans of Time!
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Re: Maybe The First Atlantians Were Extraterrestrials
Reply #5
April 03, 2007, 11:23:26 am »
Cleasterwood, Volitzer and STARLIGHT1946
The hindu "Praja-Pati" the Sons of Gods going with the Daughters of the Earth; the Zamzuzzites the NEPHILIM at RAPHIDDIM, the gaint famous CANAKES the CABIROI etc even the
that were bigger that one man( ofcourse only when seated on an Elephant!)
THOSE were the "extra-terrestrial" Ancients"becaise they lived on Mountaintops or Acropolisses and the Common People( the likes of Us.) were living in the Flatlands.
Zacharia Setchin wants Us to believe that the
(=Phulestines.) and the
(= Egyptians.) and the men from the underworld or ALUU, were the
of the Ancient-Extraterestrials or rather better read: The "EXTRATERRITORIALS !"
Last Edit: April 03, 2007, 11:25:15 am by BlueHue
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( Blue's)THEORY, locating"original" Atlantis( in Aden-Yemen.)
1: ATLANTIS =Fake=Latin name, original Greek: ATHE(=a Region in Aden)
2: Atlantic-OCEAN=Greek: RIVER-of-Atlas+also" Known "World-OCEAN(=Red-Sea)
3: Greek-obsolete-Numeral 'X' caused Plato's Atlantisdate:9000=900
Hero Member
Posts: 246
Re: Maybe The First Atlantians Were Extraterrestrials
Reply #6
April 03, 2007, 02:59:03 pm »
Don't get your feathers in a ruffle. Geesh. Besides, according to some more respectable scientists a meteor or comet brought the spore that created all life to this planet. The planet was conducive and provided the right atmosphere to sustain life. If you look at it that way, in an obscure, albeit distant way it makes us alien. No to mention, you have to be pretty niave to think that we, humans, are the only intelligent life in the galaxy. There are millions of worlds, a handful of which are capable of supporting human life, we can't explore so we shouldn't discard any possibility of alien visitation. You can even go so far as to say the Christian God is an alien. Turth is, we don't really know.
Quote from: cleasterwood on April 03, 2007, 09:41:35 am
You can find aliens in just about every religious texts in the world if you look hard enough. It's all in the eye of the beholder I guess.
But on a whim, I tried to find the word
in my hieroglyphic dictionary and can't find it. Do you mind giving me the transliteration so I can discuss this with you further. As far as I can tell, there is not word beginning with any form of the letter "A" in the Khemetic language where the "n" and "d' are shown together. So either Sitchen is making up words or you're misspelling it and I've never put much stock in his 'research'.
Giants are easily explained, so are beasts bigger than man. People dressed in animal skins, a man over average height can be considered a giant. I saw some 7' twins in a store once and they could definately pass for giants. By no means am I supporting anything Z.S. states, but the ancient texts still can not be discarded just because of his skewed veiws.
Blessed be,
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Ra's Warrior & the Talismans of Time!
Superhero Member
Posts: 1126
il mio va Piano, sono Asino ?
Re: Maybe The First Atlantians Were Extraterrestrials
Reply #7
April 03, 2007, 04:02:57 pm »
, "Cleasterwood",
/ a form related to CA
is not Egyptian but rather Jewish/Hebrew denomination of The Amorite-C
naan tribes in
, or "Babylonian". The Royal Title of the egyptian/assyrian Vassal-Pharaoh:"TAR
" is also not egyptian rather Persian/Pahlavi.
I scribbled it up somewhere, I never fathomed 20 years ago, that I would have to re-find my private archives ( they have , meanwhile, been stolen by
GIANTS: when the israelian Land-spies JOSHUA & CALEB(=
General Amose Penekbet & General Amose KALABsha.
) returned from the CANANITE territory, they told a FIB(= FABLE) to withhold the israelians to enter the
Palestine territory.
THEY said that each city had City-GATES and TOWERS that were TEN times higer than MAN ( which is true because they only described the ordinary egyptian PYLONS there.) To further befuddle their Foolks they told that even the GRAPES ( which are normally not bigger than a man's THUMB !) were in this case as big as one man's arm.
To illustrate this, they showed the gathered people Fresh FiGGS( which they had never seen before ) and told them that these were:"Grapes". and indeed Fresh FIGGS look alot like giant Grapes!
Ten they showed the people a metall "Breastplate" embossed with an Engle with spreadded wings and told them that all soldier wore such metall Breastplates like The GIANT-Goliath did.( later-on.)
But the"
" was not human but a battle-
, and you can guess that the Big embossed thin metall sheet-"Breastplate"was non other than the Panzerplate of a war Chariot ! ( Which the israelians at that time has also never seen before either!)
So you see the Choosing of these Two Generals( by Moses.) outof the others that were doomed to wander 4(0-)years in the Sinaï desert and Die beforehand of a crime that they had not comitted, was a clever move.
I forgot about the rest of the israelian ivasionstory into CANAAN. They did go afterall but I forgot who was the man that had told to JOSHUA & CALEB that they were liers?
Anyway general-Joshua devided his men, those of the millicia, that were afraid by his Fable of
men and
GIANT citygates
were allowed to remain home, but they were all afraid to go by now !!!
SO, he had to devise a scheme by which half of his man still would qualify to invade CANAANITE Territory despite the "
-Tales "!
He asked them to drink from a lake so that they had to bow to coop -up the water, those who cooped-up the water in their hand were to remain home, but those who were too hasty to keep the water from escaping through their fingers and started to drink with their faces, half immersed in the water he kept as invasion force fighters.
They soon found out that Joshua and Kaleb had lied about the
Statue of the enemy
men, those were even smaller people, only they had
battle Elephants
that were however so gentle clad in metal sheets and flowing garments that they felt so safe that they even did not move towards the israelian-enemy.
This was just a Story Sincerely
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( Blue's)THEORY, locating"original" Atlantis( in Aden-Yemen.)
1: ATLANTIS =Fake=Latin name, original Greek: ATHE(=a Region in Aden)
2: Atlantic-OCEAN=Greek: RIVER-of-Atlas+also" Known "World-OCEAN(=Red-Sea)
3: Greek-obsolete-Numeral 'X' caused Plato's Atlantisdate:9000=900
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