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Author Topic: THEOSOPHY AND ATLANTIS  (Read 2449 times)
Superhero Member
Posts: 41646

« Reply #15 on: March 31, 2007, 07:08:48 am »



ATLANTIS - Myth or Reality

By Murry Hope

As the complexitiers of Theosophical beliefs do not comprise the subject matter of this narrative, we must limit our inquiry to the Atlantis episode.  The race that pre-
ceded that of Atlantis was the Third Root Race, which occupied the continet of Lemuria and it was from the peoples of this race that the Fourth Root Race of Atlan-
tis was apparently formed.   Within Atlantis itself, we are told, there were seven sub-races, to which the theosophist teachers applied the following names, which were chosen ethnologically according to where traces of these sub-races have been identified, although it is admitted that there is little for science to seize upon where the first two are concerned:

1.  Rmoahal

2.  Tlavatli

3.  Toltec

4.  First  Turanian

5.  Original Semite

6.  Akkadian

7.  Mongolian

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Posts: 41646

« Reply #16 on: March 31, 2007, 07:25:08 am »

THEOSOPHY                                                                                             continued


ATLANTIS - Myth or Reality

Murry Hope

The Rmoahals, who originated in Lemuria, were a dark people who averaged some 10 to 12 feet (3 to 3.6 meters) in height, although their stature dwindled over the
following centuries.  They ultimately emigrated to the southern shore of Atlantis,
where they were engaged in constant warfare with the sixth and seventh sub-
races of the Lemurians.  Most of the tribe eventually moved north, while the remainder settled down and intermarried with the black Lemurian aborigines.  The
remainder of the race travelled to the extreme northestern promontories contiguous with Iceland, and after many generations their colour lightened until they became a relatively fair people.

The Tlavatli originated on an island off the west coast of Atlantis.  From there they eventually spread into Atlantis proper, chiefly across the centre of the continent and
tending towards the northern stretch facing Greenland.  A strong and hardy race of mountain-lovers, red-brown in colour, the Tlavatli were not so tall as the Rmoahals, whom they drove still farther north.

The Toltecs are spoken of as a 'magnificent development'.  These people ruled the continent of Atlantis for thousands of years, during which they paid much attention to material power and glory.  Remnants of this race were to be found among the ruling families of Mexico and Peru before their degenerate descendants eventually were conquered by the fiercer Aztec tribes from the north.  These peole were also red-brown, but more copper coloured than the Tlavatli.  Their height averaged around 8 feet (2.4 metersw ) and their features were straight, after the style portrayed by the ancient Greeks.  These first three sub-races are spoken of as the
'red races'.  The following four are referred to as 'yellow'.
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« Reply #17 on: March 31, 2007, 07:49:03 am »

THEOSOPHY                                                                                               continued

The Turanian sub-race had its origin on the eastern side of the continent, south of the mountains inhabited by the Tlavatli people.  These people were great colonists and travellers, although Theosophical teaching does not see them as being particularly dominant as far as the mother country is concerned.

Ethnologists are somewhat confused, we are told, when it comes to the Semite sub-race.  These people had their origin in the muntainous country that formed the more southerly of the two north-eastern peninsulas, now represented by Scotland,
Ireland and some surrounding areas.  It seems these were turbulent, discontented people, always at war with their neighbours, the Akkadians in particular, who eventually gained ascendancy over them.

The Akkadian came into existence after the great catastrophe of 800,000.  After de-
feating the Semites, the Akkadians set up a dynasty that ruled the country wisely for several hundred years.  These were a great trading, seafaring and colonizing
people, whos established many centres of communication with distant lands.

According to Scott-Elliot, the Mongolian, or seventh, subrace had absolutely no touch with the mother continent, having its origin on the plain of Tartary.  This
subrace spawned the ancestors of the majority of the Earth's inhabitants, although
many of its divisions are also genetically related to earlier races to the extent that it is seldom seen in its purest form today.
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Your mind understands what you have been taught; your heart what is true.
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« Reply #18 on: April 01, 2007, 06:34:13 am »

THEOSOPHY                                                                                              continued

In those early days humanity was still, for the most part, possessed of psychic attributes, which were still carefully nurtured and trained according to the prevailing occult disciplines.  In later times, the Atanteans developed engineering skills and were able to produce airships.  Regarding the method of propulsion, we are told that in earlier times personal VRIL (occult power - what we would probably refer to
today as PK) supplied the motive power.  Later, when the demand exceeded the number of adepts able to exercise this phenomenon, a new type of energy was em-
ployed, which, from Scot-Elliot's description ( he assures us it is part etheric and part mechanical) sounds somewhat like a prehistoric jump-jet.  However, the con-
traption was evidently capable of speeds up to 100 miles (160 Kilometers) an hour,
which no doubt inspired the early Theosophists, but would be dismisssed as unim-
pressive by today's standards.  These vehicles were, however, able to achieve a height of only a few hundred feet (100-200 meters), which obliged them to circumnavigate mountains or any other tall objects that might obstruct their paths.

Men and women were, we are informed, equal in those ancient times, although some branches of the sub-races were polygamous.  Others allowed two wives and some only one, which sounds rather like a contradiction of facts. Many women were occult adepts with full knowledge of the VRIL power.  Equality was recognized from
infancy and there was no separation of the sexes in schools and colleges.  The diet
of the adept was strictly vegetarian and differed considerably from that of the ordinary people.  Strong drink was known, but because it caused those who partook of it to lose their sense of propriety and become violent, its consumption was forbidden by law.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2007, 07:01:13 am by Bianca2001 » Report Spam   Logged

Your mind understands what you have been taught; your heart what is true.
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Posts: 41646

« Reply #19 on: April 01, 2007, 06:50:44 am »

THEOSOPHY                                                                                               continued

Weapons of war naturally altered over the long period involved,although explosives
were in use from very early times and poison gas was also employed in warfare.  As
regards a system of exchange, originally there was no coinage as such, although a system of tokens was later developed.During the most prosperous epochs a system
of barter prevailed, divided among the inhabitants, each person receiving his or her just portion.  Children were selected very early for their destined trade or calling, the assessment being made by a psychic or what sounds like the Atlantean equiva-
lent of a 'transpersonal psychologist'.  The state provided care and all necessities of
life for every inhabitant.  This included food and shelter, education for all and care of
the sick and infirm.  Retirement began at 45, this being deemed the age when hard work should cease and leisure and enjoyment take over, 'except for the governing
class, for whom there was no cessation of work.

The Theosophists also believe that towards the latter days degeneration on a mass scale took place, with only a few initiates, priests of learning and wisdom and pursuers of the Right-Hand Path holding firmly on to the banner of Light.

And that, in a nutshell, is the Theosophical picture of Atlantis.  Those wishing for more detail are referred to Scott-Elliot's book, or to the headquarters of the THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY in the major city nearest them.  The fact that these teachings set a pattern for
future psychics is evident in that much of their information and dates, in particular, has
appeared with striking regularity in subsequent revelations, albeit differently presented and coulored by the personal bias of the channelers.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2007, 08:28:11 pm by Bianca2001 » Report Spam   Logged

Your mind understands what you have been taught; your heart what is true.
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