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News: Plato's Atlantis: Fact, Fiction or Prophecy?
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ATLANTIS & the Atlantic Ocean

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Author Topic: ATLANTIS & the Atlantic Ocean  (Read 40895 times)
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« Reply #105 on: May 19, 2007, 03:04:55 am »

Here is the passage from "Atlantis, the Antediluvian World" that first places Atlantis specifically along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, courtesy, of course, of Ignatius Donnelly. Let's look at it first, then get into the specifics later. Donnelly, of course, is the author most credited with the modern renewal of interest in Atlantis:

Sacred Texts  Atlantis 
p. 46



SUPPOSE we were to find in mid-Atlantic, in front of the Mediterranean, in the neighborhood of the Azores, the remains of an immense island, sunk beneath the sea--one thousand miles in width, and two or three thousand miles long--would it not go far to confirm the statement of Plato that, "beyond the strait where you place the Pillars of Hercules, there was an island larger than Asia (Minor) and Libya combined," called Atlantis? And suppose we found that the Azores were the mountain peaks of this drowned island, and were torn and rent by tremendous volcanic convulsions; while around them, descending into the sea, were found great strata of lava; and the whole face of the sunken land was covered for thousands of miles with volcanic débris, would we not be obliged to confess that these facts furnished strong corroborative proofs of the truth of Plato's statement, that "in one day and one fatal night there came mighty earthquakes and inundations which ingulfed that mighty people? Atlantis disappeared beneath the sea; and then that sea became inaccessible on account of the quantity of mud which the ingulfed island left in its place."

And all these things recent investigation has proved conclusively. Deep-sea soundings have been made by ships of different nations; the United States ship Dolphin, the German frigate Gazelle, and the British ships Hydra, Porcupine, and Challenger have mapped out the bottom of the Atlantic, and the result is the revelation of a great elevation, reaching from a point on the coast of the British Islands southwardly to the coast of South America, at Cape Orange, thence south-eastwardly

p. 47


Click to view


p. 49

to the coast of Africa, and thence southwardly to Tristan d'Acunha. I give one map showing the profile of this elevation in the frontispiece, and another map, showing the outlines of the submerged land, on page 47. It rises about 9000 feet above the great Atlantic depths around it, and in the Azores, St. Paul's Rocks, Ascension, and Tristan d'Acunha it reaches the surface of the ocean.

Evidence that this elevation was once dry land is found in the fact that "the inequalities, the mountains and valleys of its surface, could never have been produced in accordance with any laws for the deposition of sediment, nor by submarine elevation; but, on the contrary, must have been carved by agencies acting above the water level." (Scientific American, July 28th, 1877.)

Mr. J. Starke Gardner, the eminent English geologist, is of the opinion that in the Eocene Period a great extension of land existed to the west of Cornwall. Referring to the location of the "Dolphin" and "Challenger" ridges, he asserts that "a great tract of land formerly existed where the sea now is, and that Cornwall, the Scilly and Channel Islands, Ireland and Brittany, are the remains of its highest summits." (Popular Science Review, July, 1878.)

Here, then, we have the backbone of the ancient continent which once occupied the whole of the Atlantic Ocean, and from whose washings Europe and America were constructed; the deepest parts of the ocean, 3500 fathoms deep, represent those portions which sunk first, to wit, the plains to the east and west of the central mountain range; some of the loftiest peaks of this range--the Azores, St. Paul's, Ascension, Tristan d'Acunba--are still above the ocean level; while the great body of Atlantis lies a few hundred fathoms beneath the sea. In these "connecting ridges" we see the pathway which once extended between the New World and the Old, and by means of which the plants and animals of one continent travelled to the other; and by the same avenues black men found their

p. 50

way, as we will show hereafter, from Africa to America, and red men from America to Africa.

And, as I have shown, the same great law which gradually depressed the Atlantic continent, and raised the lands east and west of it, is still at work: the coast of Greenland, which may be regarded as the northern extremity of the Atlantic continent, is still sinking "so rapidly that ancient buildings on low rock-islands are now submerged, and the Greenlander has learned by experience never to build near the water's edge," ("North Amer. of Antiq.," p. 504.) The same subsidence is going on along the shore of South Carolina and Georgia, while the north of Europe and the Atlantic coast of South America are rising rapidly. Along the latter raised beaches, 1180 miles long and from 100 to 1300 feet high, have been traced.

When these connecting ridges extended from America to Europe and Africa, they shut off the flow of the tropical waters of the ocean to the north: there was then no "Gulf Stream;" the land-locked ocean that laved the shores of Northern Europe was then intensely cold; and the result was the Glacial Period. When the barriers of Atlantis sunk sufficiently to permit the natural expansion of the heated water of the tropics to the north, the ice and snow which covered Europe gradually disappeared; the Gulf Stream flowed around Atlantis, and it still retains the circular motion first imparted to it by the presence of that island.

The officers of the Challenger found the entire ridge of Atlantis covered with volcanic deposits; these are the subsided mud which, as Plato tells us, rendered the sea impassable after the destruction of the island.

It does not follow that, at the time Atlantis was finally ingulfed, the ridges connecting it with America and Africa rose above the water-level; these may have gradually subsided into the sea, or have gone down in cataclysms such as are described in the Central American books. The Atlantis of Plato may have been confined to the "Dolphin Ridge" of our map.

p. 51


Click to view


p. 53

The United States sloop Gettysburg has also made some remarkable discoveries in a neighboring field. I quote from John James Wild (in Nature, March 1st, 1877, p. 377):

"The recently announced discovery by Commander Gorringe, of the United States sloop Gettysburg, of a bank of soundings bearing N. 85° W., and distant 130 miles from Cape St. Vincent, during the last voyage of the vessel across the Atlantic, taken in connection with previous soundings obtained in the same region of the North Atlantic, suggests the probable existence of a submarine ridge or plateau connecting the island of Madeira with the coast of Portugal, and the probable subaerial connection in prehistoric times of that island with the south-western extremity of Europe." . . . "These soundings reveal the existence of a channel of an average depth of from 2000 to 3000 fathoms, extending in a northeasterly direction from its entrance between Madeira and the Canary Islands toward Cape St. Vincent. . . . Commander Gorringe, when about 150 miles from the Strait of Gibraltar, found that the soundings decreased from 2700 fathoms to 1600 fathoms in the distance of a few miles. The subsequent soundings (five miles apart) gave 900, 500, 400, and 100 fathoms; and eventually a depth of 32 fathoms was obtained, in which the vessel anchored. The bottom was found to consist of live pink coral, and the position of the bank in lat. 36° 29' N., long. 11° 33' W."

The map on page 51 shows the position of these elevations. They must have been originally islands;--stepping-stones, as it were, between Atlantis and the coast of Europe.

Sir C. Wyville Thomson found that the specimens of the fauna of the coast of Brazil, brought up in his dredging-machine, are similar to those of the western coast of Southern Europe. This is accounted for by the connecting ridges reaching from Europe to South America.

A member of the Challenger staff, in a lecture delivered in London, soon after the termination of the expedition, gave it as his opinion that the great submarine plateau is the remains of "the lost Atlantis."



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« Reply #106 on: May 19, 2007, 03:08:11 am »

The Pre-Clovis

(Picture from Scientific American Discovering Archaeology: Issue 7 January/February from the article written by Kenneth B. Tankersley)

South America First?
Skelatal studies indicate that humans crossed the Pacific and colonized South America before anyone lived in North America (Dixon, 2000). The earliest skulls lack the Mogoloid traits of people from Siberia. Intead, South American skulls are similar to Polynesians and Australians. Colonization of North America probably began in South America, spreading south to north across the Great Plains (Hofman, 2000). Regional diversity shown in South America occurred at the time the Clovis spread in North America, around 11,000 ya (Gruhn, 2000). Regional technological traditions, and adaptations to different environments in South America were diferent from the Clovis culture. This supports Pre-Clovis existence, and supports a human presence in South America at the same time as the Clovis arrival in North America. The sites excavated, such as Monte Verde in south-central Chile and and Lapa do Boquete in the interior uplands of eastern Brazil that support the Pre-Clovis theory, were subject to recent controversy. Some of the dates in question suggest occupation of South America occurred around 35,000 ya. A list of links concerning this controversy is available in the reference section.

Statistical analysis on a few available early American skulls looked at variations in cranio-facial features between early (10,000-9,000 ya) and more recent Native Americans have implicated the first colonizers to be from the Jomon of Japan or other populations from southern or central Asia (Steele, 2000).
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« Reply #107 on: June 03, 2007, 10:45:07 pm »

Large red triangles show volcanoes with known or inferred Holocene eruptions; small red triangles mark volcanoes with possible, but uncertain Holocene eruptions or Pleistocene volcanoes with major thermal activity. Yellow triangles distinguish volcanoes of other regions.
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« Reply #108 on: June 15, 2007, 12:36:03 am »

3.2 The Discovery of the Russians

It is suggested that Atlantis did not sink into the sea but rather was “drowned” by the ocean due to the rising waters brought about by the melting of the glacial ice. There is an implication that the present small islands where Atlantis once existed might be found on seamounts, plateaus and marine valleys surrounding it and in underwater traces of buildings or walls indicating the existence of an advance culture in the past. Russian underwater research provided certain measure of corroboration for this theory.

Russia , although far from the Atlantic Ocean maintained interest in the Atlantic and in the tradition of the lost continent of Atlantis. An expedition carried out by the Academician Petrovsky, a Russian research ship, photographed seafloor topography and archaeological relics where legendary Atlantis was supposedly located. The aim and the result of the expedition, which took place in the early part of 1974, was summarized by Barinova and appeared in Znanie-Sila (no.8, 1979).

On board the ship were geologists, biologists and an underwater photograph specialist named Ivanovich Marakuev who studied the sandbanks of Mediterranean Sea shallow waters and of the Atlantic Ocean not far from the Northwest Africa . It is the origin, structure and population of the sandbanks, the peaks of underwater mountains that are the prime scientific interest of those specialists.

Photos taken at the Horse Archipelago (300 miles west of Gibraltar ) especially at the summit of Ampere Seamount, an underwater plateau that was thrust upwards from a depth of 10,000 ft. to 200 ft. below the sea level showed unexpected features. These pictures show masonry on an upper edge of a wall. It is about 1.5 meters high and slightly longer in length. Its width is approximately 75 centimeters (Berlitz, 1984).

The Russian discovery at the Ampere Seamount was not published for several years until worldwide publicity came in 1978 via an interview of Prof. Andrei Aksyonov, then the deputy director of the Institute of Oceanography of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Prof. Aksyonov while cautious on the Atlantean identification of the ruins believed that the objects in the picture once stood on the surface of the land . An AP release issued by Alexander Nesterenko, then the director of the Fleet Department of the Institute of Oceanography , confirmed the report that the Russian research ship has taken pictures of “ what might be ruins” but denied reports that Vityaz, another research ship was investigating the same site. (See Image 4)
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« Reply #109 on: June 30, 2007, 07:11:29 am »

Spain and Portugal

            The Ancient Mediterranean Research Association held an important Congress in Cadiz, Spain in 1973. Maxine Asher, an archaeologist and explorer of underwater cities off the coast of Spain, organized the event as described in the March 1973 issue of Atlantis in Sykes’ article, The Cadiz Congress Of 1973.
            In 1979, two Soviet professors Dr. A.A. Aksyenov of the Oceanographic Institute and Dr. Marcello Vasconelos of the Fishery Research Institute announced a remarkable discovery made by a recent expedition on the Ampere Seamount between Madeira and the Portuguese-Spanish coast. The event was described in the May and November 1979 issues of New World Antiquity in Russian Discoveries On The Ampere Seamount by Egerton Sykes and Russian Under Sea Discoveries On Atlantis by Mr. Barinov. The research vessel Kurtachov took eight undersea photographs showing lines of brick or stone walls plus fragments of a wide flight of steps. The pictures were taken from the Horseshoe archipelago that is linked with the islands of Madeira, Porto Santo, and Dezerta, and with the Gettysburg bank. Sykes stated that the ruins could not be part of Atlantis but may be contemporary. An Atlantean site would more likely be found a mile or so south of the triangle formed by Santa Maria, St. Miguel, and the Formigas Rocks, at the eastern extremity of the Azores. He believed the finds to be part of the European African continental shelf and probably submerged about 6000 BC.


            Dr. N. Th. Zhirov was a personal friend of Sykes for over twenty years. Unfortunately, Zhirov suffered from injuries received in World War II and never got out of Russia actually to see the Atlantic Ocean about which he wrote so much. Zhirov quoted early Russian classical sources; thus, he was an outstanding contributor to the study of Atlantis. He was very scientific and absolutely objective, and set a standard for Russian Atlantology. Zhirov died in December 1970 in Moscow. His obituary was published in the January 1971 issue of Atlantis.

Russians and Atlantis

            The earliest original work on Atlantis was written by A.S. Norov and published in 1854 in Russian and German. In 1917, appeared one of the most serious works by V. Bryusov, the famous Russian poet, who was engaged in the scientific study of the problem until his death. He gave all of the data available as evidence that Atlantis was the cradle of the majority of subsequent civilizations. In the 1930’s, there was considerable interest in the problem with articles in small popular science brochures and the publication of B.L. Bogaevsky, a prominent Soviet historian, who dismissed the lost continent. Almost twenty-five years followed, in which not a single work on the subject appeared in the USSR. Impetus was given in 1954 by E. Andreeva’s most popular science book about Atlantis, Easter Island, and Sannikov’s land, in which she used scientific geological and oceanographic data to demonstrate the undoubted reality of Atlantis.
            In 1963, Sykes received a Christmas card from Zhirov which had postage stamps issued in Russia commemorating two well known scientists who were also famous Atlantologists — Vladimir Obzuchev, Member of the Academy 1863-1956, and Valery Brussov, the famous poet and Atlantologist.

Some Of Zhirov’s Writings

            In 1957, Zhirov published Atlantis in Moscow, a most informative book on Atlantis with a bibliography that included no fewer than eighty references in Russian, plus sixty references in other languages. The book was only available in Russian. Zhirov was an active contributor to Atlantis journal. In the November 1957 issue of Atlantis, Sykes published A Letter From Dr. Zhirov & A Short Contents Of The Book Atlantis, and in the September 1958 issue of Atlantis, An Open Letter From Dr. Zhirov To All Atlantologists was published.
            In January 1962 in Atlantis, Zhirov, who was always looking for evidence that the Mid-Atlantic Ridge was once above sea level, reported in An Indisputable Demonstration Of The Great Subsidence Of The Mid-Atlantic Ridge,that N.N. Gorskiy’s book The Secrets of the Ocean, Moscow, 1960, showed two photographs of shallow water corals grown on rock, dredged up from the Mid Atlantic ridge from a depth of twenty-five-hundred meters by the Soviet oceanographic expedition ship Mikhail Lomonossov. No Carbon-14 dates available.            In January 1962 in Atlantis, Zhirov wrote A Critical Analysis Of The Material Culture Of Plato’s Atlantis in which Plato mentions iron, gold, silver, copper, tin, orichalcum (a copper alloy?), and the antiseismic architecture of Egypt and Mesopotamia.
            On April 22, 1964, Dr. Zhirov’s The Existence and Destruction of Atlantis was read to the Leningrad House of the Scientists Geological-Geographical Section. The report gathered more than one-hundred-and-fifty scientists and students for two-and-a-half hours. The event was reported in the October 1964 issue of Atlantis in an article titled Atlantological News From The USSR.
            Zhirov’s Atlantida was published in 1964 by the State Publishing House of Moscow. The preface was written by the editor, Professor Demetrius G. Panow, Doctor of Geological Sciences. The book was published in Romanian in 1967, while Sykes ranted impatiently that no copies were available in French and English. In the book, Zhirov painstakingly reviewed the latest knowledge of the formation of continents, structure of mountains and submarine ridges, seismic processes, cosmological influences, tectonic origins, and the effects of glaciations on the distribution of flora and fauna, and changes produced by the Gulf Stream. The accumulated evidence indicated that a land mass could have existed in the Atlantic. If this view could be proved, it would lead to a complete reversal of the views generally held concerning the migration and development of man.
            Atlantis, Atlantology: Basic Problems was published in Moscow in 1970. At the time, this book was the most extensive attempt to produce geological and geographical proof that Atlantis really existed. The great complexity of the geology of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is discussed. There was a thirty-five page bibliography of eight-hundred references. Sykes owned this book in three languages. The book was reviewed in the November 1971 issue of New World Antiquity.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2007, 07:25:59 am by dhill757 » Report Spam   Logged
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« Reply #110 on: June 30, 2007, 08:18:54 am »

Great info, DHill.  Thank you.

Love and peace,
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Your mind understands what you have been taught; your heart what is true.
Mark of Australia
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Posts: 703

« Reply #111 on: December 30, 2007, 02:46:55 am »

Hi Dhill ,

This is some of the best posting about Atlantis I have ever seen. Especially since it's about 'scientific' evidence for Atlantis in the ATLANTIC.

I want to use this thread to comment on the 'Original Atlantis in the Atlantic' thread from AR.

In keeping with the theme of a large island in the Atlantic as suggested by the O'briens. I quote Desiree from the 'original' thread:

"The problem with this rationale, Jamie, is that you act that, just because something hasn't been found in the Atlantic yet, you act like it will never be found. Well, we don't know that. There are several different possibilities for Atlantis in the Atlantic as I listed above. One of the main criteria about Atlantis is that it "sunk," so obviously it's not still above water. If we look at this scientifically, it's pretty clear that a huge land mass can't sink, so we have to be looking for something smaller, an island or city perhaps and that's what sunk. There are many candidates in the Atlantic. "   Reply 455,5655.450.html

I take issue with this comment because it does appear to contradict itself or be hypocritical..  Firstly Desiree basically says that you can't say Atlantis doesn't exist in the Atlantic just because it hasn't been found there yet.  I agree with that ,but then she says that a huge landmass can't sink.  Why can't a huge landmass sink ?  Just because we haven't found out it happens yet ??

  I suggest that large landmasses can sink ,landmasses about the size of O'Briens Azorean-Atlantis.

I know that Desiree's response was to Jaime's theory that Atlantis is within the Mediterranean. So, while Desiree seriously considers an Atlantic Atlantis ,I feel that she is unnecessarily limiting herself to an Atlantis that doesn't match Plato's account ,since Plato spoke of a large island.

I wanna take this moment to say that Desiree is one of the best at this forum. Smiley
« Last Edit: January 01, 2008, 10:07:23 am by Mark Ponta » Report Spam   Logged
Mario Dantas
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Posts: 1376

« Reply #112 on: January 01, 2008, 10:00:41 am »

There seems to be upward forces that impeach a landmass to "sink" into the asthenosphere:

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Isostasy is a term used in Geology to refer to the state of gravitational equilibrium between the Earth's lithosphere and asthenosphere such that the tectonic plates "float" at an elevation which depends on their thickness and density. It is invoked to explain how different topographic heights can exist at the Earth's surface. When a certain area of lithosphere reaches the state of isostasy, it is said to be in isostatic equilibrium. It is important to note that isostasy is not a process that upsets equilibrium, but rather one which restores it. It is generally accepted that the earth is a dynamic system that responds to loads in many different ways, however isostasy provides an important 'view' of the processes that are actually happening.

« Last Edit: January 01, 2008, 10:08:52 am by Mario Dantas » Report Spam   Logged

Hero Member
Posts: 461

« Reply #113 on: January 03, 2008, 12:35:48 am »

Firstly Desiree basically says that you can't say Atlantis doesn't exist in the Atlantic just because it hasn't been found there yet.  I agree with that ,but then she says that a huge landmass can't sink.  Why can't a huge landmass sink ?  Just because we haven't found out it happens yet ??

Hi Mark

Geologist William Hutton (a geology PhD for 60 years) has a theory which shows how major portions of the crust can downwarp during an axial poleshift. 

Also large masses can appear to "sink" when in truth they were inundated or flooded by rising sea levels at the close of the Pleistocene ice age.  It's well known that huge tracts of land -ancient islands and coastlines such as the Grand Bahama Bank, the Campeche Bank around the Yucatan and the Florida Shelf- were swallowed up by 100-300 ft. of water during this period.

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"For the greater individual is the one who is the servant of all. And to conquer self is greater than taking cities."

Reading 3253-2
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Posts: 2633

« Reply #114 on: January 03, 2008, 06:19:42 am »

Horus, are there any scientific papers you're referring to when you state that the Grand Bahamas Bank was submerged by 100 to 300 feet of water?  I assume this would be at the last Ice Age and my interest would be if it happened quickly or gradually.
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Hero Member
Posts: 461

« Reply #115 on: January 03, 2008, 09:27:23 am »

Horus, are there any scientific papers you're referring to when you state that the Grand Bahamas Bank was submerged by 100 to 300 feet of water?  I assume this would be at the last Ice Age and my interest would be if it happened quickly or gradually.

Good question Arcturus, and it's mine too.  This is what I do know:

Research done by Professor Faught's FSU team on the Florida Shelf reveals that sea levels were 110 ft. lower 12,000 years ago and 300 ft. lower 18,000 years ago.  This data is also corroborated by a study made by Toscano and McIntyre. The Grand Bahama Bank is relatively shallow (in some areas only 15ft. for miles and miles) matching Plato's statement in that regard.   

A study of stalactites in underwater caves or "blue holes" beneath Andros Island (which were explored by Jacques Cousteau) proved that they were above the surface in 10,000 B.C. and suggesting that the whole Bahama Platform was submerged about that time. 

Research done in other parts of the world have proved rapid and sudden flooding of certain areas such as the modern Persian Gulf during this cataclysmic period circa 9600 B.C. This is why scientists mark the beginning of the Holocene period at that exact date because of the sudden shifting of climate and sea levels at this time.  Is it a coincidence that this falls 9000 years before Solon's time as given in Plato's Dialogues?

My own theory suggests that volcanism from the nearby Caribbean Crustal Plate (which is small and highly unstable having five other major plates grinding against it) was dramatically accelerated by either an axial poleshift or the Carolina Bays meteor bombardment and either of these events could have produced a sudden, violent tectonic submergence of the southern rim of the North American Plate which is already naturally subducting the Caribb Plate.  -H
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"For the greater individual is the one who is the servant of all. And to conquer self is greater than taking cities."

Reading 3253-2
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Posts: 1126

il mio va Piano, sono Asino ?

« Reply #116 on: January 04, 2008, 12:27:46 pm »

Dear . . . .  DHILL,  Mark Ponta,  Bianca  &  Horus,


 Grin  Why do you think " People " placed it there ?

  Cool YOUR  AZORES reasoning is fine, and fits Plato's description of a " Horseshoe-Mountain-"  surrounded island, but do you subscriber to the Notion that Atlantis was built within an " exitinct" Volcano Caldeiras ? ( Because THAT is what these AZORes Islands look like !)

NOT IMPORTANT:(?) " BlueHue's Theory:

My theory is that we" Fellow Atlantologists" have started out on the Wrong Foot   because " Atlantis / Atlantide / Atlantidis, " ADLANDIDIS ", was originally written in Greek whilst we are barking up the Wrong Tree using the Latin version, I have stressed this fact on mutual DEAF-ears !

Suggesting how ' Atlantis' would have been written in the original Gree is not difficult, the Latin translators by papershortage have shortened the GEO- Name " Atlantis" also : from the Greek:  THETA-Land to the Latin AT-Lant-is !

The SEA of Atlas or the Atlantic OCEAN would thus have to be re-written as: THETYS- SEA  or the OCEAN of THETYS !
WHICH is- ofcourse- the INDIAN- Ocean.

Moreover: If you " remember " that the Continent of EUROPE was named so, after herself, by a Queen of Atlantis named EUROPA, by refugies" Survivors" if you please FROM Atlantis, than it should be plausible that the Geo-Name:" Mediaterranean-Sea is derived from the WORLD- encompassing-OCEAN, which is PELAGIOUS OIKUMENE in Greek, but : in Latin reads " MEDIA-  TERRA- NEA-n SEA "!

The present ATLANTIC-  OCEAN was renamed so from it's original name " the SEA of SPAIN ". at the Peace-Treaty of Spain & Holland in Munster in 1649, the reason was that the over-cobceited Dutchman considdered this Peace treaty their sole victory over SPAIN and so they did not wish to continue to sail in the " Spanish" Sea, so by treaty in 1649, the Spanish had to change that -dutch-provocating-name !


SO, who are WE, poor sods of amateur Atlantologists, that we may contradict a scientific  KING  of  Spain in the CHOISE of the " original" Atlantis ? ? ? . . . I have placed this fact infront of the others who refused to counter-argue this fact ! and call it " off Topic" in any- other topic !

Why is KING Ferdinand, according to every Atlantologist, ( except: " GEORGEOS' and ' Reiner KUHNE' .)  wrong (?)in naming his SPAIN as the ONLY' original' Atlantis, was he an Historian; Politician, or BOTH?  ( The present King Carlos, is very-un-ambitious in this respect ! )

WHY, is SPAIN, NOT " Atlantis" ( because THAT is what, You and all other Atlantologists are implying ! Maybe I am asking this to the wrong person !  Maybe to YOu and ALL others you use the same generic arguement as to Why " ADEN is not " Atlantis " Euh ?

" Try to wriggle yourselves out of that STEEL-Arguement !"

Sincerely yours,  Sad  " BlueHue ". Sad  dd 4 Jan. 2008

dHILL, Since you are so ' fond' of -exquisite-Russian Atlantis-theories, it may intrest you, that my mother's first-name was ' VERA' of veracity or, la- Verite and she was born in August-1917-in Moscau ! ( so,  my discovery of ' Atlantis' in ADEN, stays " in the family of -russian-Atlantis theories !". )  Cry
« Last Edit: January 04, 2008, 01:53:26 pm by BlueHue » Report Spam   Logged

( Blue's)THEORY, locating"original" Atlantis( in Aden-Yemen.)
1: ATLANTIS =Fake=Latin name, original Greek: ATHE(=a Region in Aden)
2: Atlantic-OCEAN=Greek: RIVER-of-Atlas+also" Known "World-OCEAN(=Red-Sea)
3: Greek-obsolete-Numeral 'X' caused Plato's Atlantisdate:9000=900
Mark of Australia
Hero Member
Posts: 703

« Reply #117 on: January 04, 2008, 12:56:05 pm »

Hey Bluehue my old friend ! Tongue

You say " fits Plato's description of a Horseshoe-Mountain "

errr... where the hell does Plato say that ?!!!   are you telling fibs again ?!!! Roll Eyes

..Amazing huh?   I actually read what you posted !!  ....well atleast the first line , I never get beyond the first few lines with your posts.  So hows about you put anything you have to say of substance in the first line from now on  ,that way I can respond to it. Roll Eyes
« Last Edit: January 04, 2008, 12:58:28 pm by Mark Ponta » Report Spam   Logged
Superhero Member
Posts: 1126

il mio va Piano, sono Asino ?

« Reply #118 on: January 04, 2008, 01:46:44 pm »

Dear MARK,READ my SUB-Script, and comment on that First would you ?

EVIDENCE of ATLANTIS: exhibit A: Plato wrote of LOW-Mountains surrounding the ' Island ' descending into the Sea. Thus' not un-like a horseshoe !

MARK  PONTA found these same ' mountains' as Azores Island( or was it Malta ? I forget !) Grin  ( I am sorry, I have to cope with Alzheimer's disease)!

« Last Edit: January 04, 2008, 02:04:10 pm by BlueHue » Report Spam   Logged

( Blue's)THEORY, locating"original" Atlantis( in Aden-Yemen.)
1: ATLANTIS =Fake=Latin name, original Greek: ATHE(=a Region in Aden)
2: Atlantic-OCEAN=Greek: RIVER-of-Atlas+also" Known "World-OCEAN(=Red-Sea)
3: Greek-obsolete-Numeral 'X' caused Plato's Atlantisdate:9000=900
Superhero Member
Posts: 1126

il mio va Piano, sono Asino ?

« Reply #119 on: January 04, 2008, 01:54:22 pm »

Hey Bluehue my old friend ! Tongue
You say " fits Plato's description of a Horseshoe-Mountain "
errr... where the hell does Plato say that ?!!!   are you telling fibs again ?!!! Roll Eyes
Amazing huh?   I actually read what you posted !!  ....well atleast the first line , I never get beyond the first few lines with your posts.  So hows about you put anything you have to say of substance in the first line from now on  ,that way I can respond to it. Roll Eyes

OKAY > > > MARK, here goes,  for the 64.000 Dollar Question:

 Huh QUESTION : WHAT was Plato's GREEK name for the Latinized Geo-Name " Atlantis " ?   Cry   ( Take it easy ! You may take a sneak-preview below !)  Huh
« Last Edit: January 04, 2008, 02:07:40 pm by BlueHue » Report Spam   Logged

( Blue's)THEORY, locating"original" Atlantis( in Aden-Yemen.)
1: ATLANTIS =Fake=Latin name, original Greek: ATHE(=a Region in Aden)
2: Atlantic-OCEAN=Greek: RIVER-of-Atlas+also" Known "World-OCEAN(=Red-Sea)
3: Greek-obsolete-Numeral 'X' caused Plato's Atlantisdate:9000=900
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