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THE THREE HALLS OF RECORDS - By Drs. Gregory & Lora Little

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Author Topic: THE THREE HALLS OF RECORDS - By Drs. Gregory & Lora Little  (Read 13155 times)
Superhero Member
Posts: 3423

« Reply #135 on: May 07, 2009, 10:31:13 pm »


Moving forward was in reference to the cyclic nature of spiritual development and the potential, during certain time intervals, for ‘individual spirits/souls’ to ‘move’ to the next level.

This is off topic and I apologize. It is just difficult to discuss the Halls of Records without touching on some of the possible information within them that may pertain to our present time.


no thing

Thanks no thing.  It's still as clear as mud to me.  Huh (Probably the wrong thread for this) but why is spiritual development cyclic in nature?  I sort of thought that one progresses forward, through all their lives but that physical life on the earth plane was cyclical - not the spiritual development of individuals.
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An open-minded view of the past allows for an unprejudiced glimpse into the future.

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« Reply #136 on: May 07, 2009, 10:34:46 pm »

Hi sungate
I used to wonder myself, if the Hall of Records would be opened some how other than by human hand.  I know Cayce mentioned that there would be three that would go together to do the opening, but there is supposed more than one hall of records, so do we assume that only one will ever be found and opened?
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An open-minded view of the past allows for an unprejudiced glimpse into the future.

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"Intellectual brilliance is no guarantee against being dead wrong."
Hero Member
Posts: 461

« Reply #137 on: May 08, 2009, 09:10:32 am »

  It's still as clear as mud to me.  Huh (Probably the wrong thread for this) but why is spiritual development cyclic in nature?  I sort of thought that one progresses forward, through all their lives but that physical life on the earth plane was cyclical - not the spiritual development of individuals.

A: Souls "projected" into the 4D astral plane (early Lemuria) from the 5D etheric plane, then into the 3D physical plane and to such a low vibration that they became amnesiac of their spiritual origin and unity w/ Source/God.  The involution into matter is followed by the long evolution back up the dimensional ladder to Spirit -- or ascension, as the individuated expressions of Spirit slowly become aware of themselves as such and as indivisible parts of the macrocosm.   That's the cycle.  The other spiritual cycles within that are the rise and fall of civilizations.  Many of the souls that were in places like Atlantis and Rome are here now.  

I used to wonder myself, if the Hall of Records would be opened some how other than by human hand.  I know Cayce mentioned that there would be three that would go together to do the opening, but there is supposed more than one hall of records, so do we assume that only one will ever be found and opened?

Cayce stated that the records in the Yucatan "WILL" be found.  The sunken temple of records near Bimini is being searched for very actively this year.  Astonishing things  were found last month and, so long as no complications arise, I will be there this July with a team working on that!  
« Last Edit: May 08, 2009, 09:20:26 am by Horus » Report Spam   Logged

"For the greater individual is the one who is the servant of all. And to conquer self is greater than taking cities."

Reading 3253-2
no thing
Hero Member
Posts: 167

« Reply #138 on: May 08, 2009, 09:27:33 am »


From what I have been able to uncover from numerous different sources, it appears that there is a ‘cyclic’ nature to most everything in existence. Spirit has shown this to us in so many ways; day and night, the seasons of the year, etc. etc. There also appears to be cycles associated with spiritual development. This cyclic nature not only reflects of our physical existences (through reincarnation) but it appears that there is also a cycle for ascension.

Ascension is when we move from one level of existence to the next higher level. The levels of existence are vibrational in nature, so a particular ‘cycle’ will contain entities that range within certain vibrational levels.

I interpret this to mean that every so often (timeframe unknown), the human (or other) souls that have completed enough cycles in the physical (or whatever cycle they are on), and have elevated themselves to a higher vibration through lessons learned and mastered, will be given an opportunity to move forward to the next cycle. (i.e. they will ascend). This cyclic process of advancement/purification, etc. continues at the next level (‘cycle’) with a whole new set of lessons to learn/laws to master. The teachings of Ra call this a ‘harvest of souls’, but ascension appears to be the most commonly used term.


no thing
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Hero Member
Posts: 461

« Reply #139 on: May 09, 2009, 11:47:33 am »

I’ve voiced my take on this gloomy prediction, but I’ll state it here again. 
The Mayan’s were expecting the Great White teacher to return in 1517.  They welcomed the Spanish Conquistadors with welcome arms into their city, which was well fortified and the Spanish would never have been able to enter it by force.  It was only in believing in their prophesy that the Mayans foolishly let their conquerors see first hand their defenses.  Their prophesy came true exactly when it was foretold.  But NOT in any way how they expected it to be. They got it totally wrong.  1517 was supposed to be a good thing, and it was anything but.  So if 2012 is supposed to be such a bad thing, we can only hope that the Mayans record for successful prediction continues on it’s TOTALLY WRONG streak, LOL.

Hi Sungate,

With all due respect, you are mistaken on a couple of points here:

1) The Mayan calendar does not predict any kind of apocalyptic destruction.  The calendar simply ends.  
People link cataclysmic doomsday to the end of the Calendar's long count for a variety of other reasons:

1) Possible return of Nebiru/Planet X
2) Increase sunspot activity and resultant massive solar flare
3) Galactic alignment, solar system alignment, gravitational tug of war
4) magnetic pole reversal
5) Mother Nature correcting gross ecological, environmental imbalances perpetrated by virus-like homo sapiens

As far as "gloom and doom" I personally don't see anything gloomy about Mother Earth purifying herself if/when its time.  When our bodies contract a virus, they heat up w/ fever and may shake too --perhaps likewise w/ Gaia.

2) The calendar has nothing to do with the Spanish conquest of Mexico either, and the history you are referring to concerns the defeat of the Aztecs, not the Mayans.  The Mayan civilization was already in decline at this point but it still took the Spanish 170 years to conquer them.

3) The Mayan calendar's prediction of astronomical events is fairly solid such as the solar eclipse of 1991.  Mayan elders said that this marked the "return of the voyagers of the Sixth Sun" and an unprecedented amount of UFO activity was witnessed over Mexico City and elsewhere at that time.

I would say their track record is fine, actually.


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"For the greater individual is the one who is the servant of all. And to conquer self is greater than taking cities."

Reading 3253-2
Hero Member
Posts: 683

Hermes, Gateway of the Sun

« Reply #140 on: May 19, 2009, 01:33:11 am »

 Smiley   I think this quote sums it up:


Does the Mayan calendar really predict the end of the earth in 2012? The calendar does seem to predict that certain events will happen and those events will bring a very drastic alteration to the fabric of humanity and the earth as we experience it today. So will the "Dark Side" of apocalyptic prophecy consume our view of the Mayan calendar?

There is divergence of opinion concerning how the Mayan calendar should be interpreted and many people are capitalizing on the prophesy of the future events as forseen by the calendar

There is always a lot of interpretation in any prophecy.   Wink
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Hermes Trismegistus:  “As above, so below.”
Hero Member
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Hermes, Gateway of the Sun

« Reply #141 on: June 19, 2009, 07:25:11 pm »

 Smiley  HORUS mentioned a curious notion in my thead on the Ley Lines, that really belongs in this thread, so I'll post it here.  It's a great idea to locate the thrid Hall of Record.

A couple of years ago, on my Halls of Atlantis forum, we had a thread running called "Yucatan HoR on the Grid."  Since Bimini and Giza seem to be at convergences of ley lines and on energy votices, a member of my forum suggested thaT finding a similar convergence in the Yucatan region would help to locate where the third mysterious Hall of Records would be.  I think alot of work by Bruce Cathie was discussed at the time.  I'll see if I can't dig it up if you are interested.


Since the Hall of Records at Giza defiantely lies on a Ley Line, it only stands to figure that the other one in the Yucatan must lie on one as well.  Wink

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Hermes Trismegistus:  “As above, so below.”
Hero Member
Posts: 461

« Reply #142 on: June 19, 2009, 07:45:17 pm »

Smiley  HORUS mentioned a curious notion in my thead on the Ley Lines, that really belongs in this thread, so I'll post it here. 

It doesn't belong in yours?  THis thread is (or was) about the Littles' and Van Auken's book, and their contention is that the Yucatan HoR is at Piedras Negras, Guatemala -case closed on other options.

What I was suggesting is finding a convergence of Ley Lines in the Yucatan and if one exists, it may pinpoint a potential Atlantean HoR site, or something else a Mayan Stonehenge?   But figuring that out falls into the study of geomancy and ley lines which is why I brought it up in your thread.  Looking at Cayce's Yucatan readings, or the Littles' book,  won't help  much on this matter. 
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"For the greater individual is the one who is the servant of all. And to conquer self is greater than taking cities."

Reading 3253-2
Superhero Member
Posts: 2568

« Reply #143 on: June 19, 2009, 08:00:03 pm »

  As strange as this may seem, according to Cayce, the records are also recorded in consciousness, in the deeper Collective
Mind of humanity, and therefore one could open and study the records anytime!


The term Akasha comes from a 5000 year old Sanskrit language which means "hidden library".  This secret hall of records (known as the Akasha Records) can be revealed by diving into the subconscious mind in deep state of meditation.  The Akasha may be better understood in our technologically advanced world as a type of internal Universal Wide Web, where anyone can access the information freely about anybody.

The information you'll find in an Akasha Reading is much more than a psychic reading, it is glimpse into your Souls path and destiny.  We each have access to this information because we are each intimately connected to the Universe, yet sometimes the mind becomes very busy and blocks the connection to this infinite internal database.  The Akasha is real.  It is a subatomic energy field of quantum particles and waves of information which are found within everything and everyone in this Universe.  It is the informational highway that connects all people and things.   

The Akasha of energy is found within each situation you are in.  Just stop and look within this experience.  Go through and beneath your emotions and thoughts.  Notice this consciousness that is here.  We are all tightly woven into the Universal web of consciousness, this is the doorway into the Akashic records.

When we tap into and open this subconscious connection, we can pull up specific information about any souls journey, in any place or time in history.

The Akasha exists at the subconscious level - the state of awareness just before you wake up in the morning or right as you're falling asleep.  Only through a deep state of meditation can one bridge the gap and read what's in this massive informational databank without losing consciousness and falling asleep.  When we step beyond our normal chattering ego-based mindset and into the silence, we can hear, see and feel this information as if God herself were whispering it to us. 

How is your Akasha Information Stored?

Through your full birth name and birth date, each person Akasha information can be found.  Your information comes through a certain special frequency of energy that is completely different and unique in vibration from anyone or anything in the Universe.  It acts like a fingerprint which is embedded and encoded in into the Akasha, thus showing up as your personal Akashic Records.  This is your soul's "book of knowledge" or database of information containing the most important and vital information about your soul's mission, purpose and journey in this lifetime.

Our past is essential to realizing and understanding the life path we're on right now.  Without the past we would have no concept of who we are today.  Yet many of us have become TOO attached or over-identified with our past and cannot see the entire forest through the trees.  Just like your own eyeball is too close for you to see it, we need an outer reflection or a great mirror to truly see who we are.

The direction you are heading towards in the future will become clear the moment you can realize who you were.  This empowers you to make those adjustments you need to redirect your ship back on course.  The future is not set in stone, and the more we can realize who we once were, the easier we can re-create who we are today and will be tomorrow.

This Universe is a HUGE beautiful playground which has no boundaries on time or space.  By accessing this Akasha Record information we can choose to play a much BIGGER game, a DEEPER game of life, where we can learn how to enjoy each experience that arises no matter what it may be.  This allows us to help others (and ourselves) to create the empowering life we are here to live!   
How do you access your Akashic Records?

The secret to tapping into the ancient Akasha Records are found by entering into an extremely deep and meditative mindset.  This depth is similar to the life and energy we find in the whales.  The profound depths to which these creatures can dive and resurface, is similar to how one retrieves information from the Akasha Records.

Through meditation you should quiet your mind so you can see into your personal Akasha Record.  Finding your personal Akasha Record is similar to tuning your car stereo to a particular channel or radio frequency.  Your soul sends out a specific "signature" frequency that you can feel is you, and then the data starts being transmitted from your Akasha Record.  There is this certain "alignment feeling" you might experience inside when you are tuned into your personal Akasha Record.  Sometimes many lifetimes of your souls journeys are revealed in a single instant! 

This information cannot be forced and comes in randomly and in unusual moments when you least expect it.  The information and insights simply happen when the body and mind are open, centered and focused on what you most need to know.  Each reading will reveal more information than before in your Akasha Records, about the specific details your soul is wanting to take in life. 

The Akasha may also reveal a personal vision of your most enlightened future self, or events from the past that you may need help releasing. 

Accessing Your Akasha Record


 Relax as you sit in your chair.

 Allow your body to feel at ease,
your mind to be free of thoughts.

 You are about to enter your soul record,
the frequency of who you are.

 Now close your eyes.

 See yourself in a chamber filled with ancient hieroglyphics.

 You walk down a flight of stone steps

 You enter a passageway which leads


 to a labyrinth of tunnels.

You allow your intuition to guide you

until at last you see a stone door.

 The door must be opened by pressing on different symbols.

You must press the symbols in the correct order to enter.



If you are remembering you are ready to enter

a chamber that contains a book about you,
Your Akashic Record - Your Soul Memory.

 You walk over to the book and look at it.

You hold the book in your hand.

You and the book move from the physical to a higher frequency
until you are One with the book and can access the information.

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