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THE THREE HALLS OF RECORDS - By Drs. Gregory & Lora Little

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Author Topic: THE THREE HALLS OF RECORDS - By Drs. Gregory & Lora Little  (Read 13155 times)
Superhero Member
Posts: 41646

« Reply #75 on: February 01, 2009, 12:37:37 pm »


NO, Horus really was the first one to notice.

Yours came later, even though I did post it FIRST where you and Wind were.

Thanks, Wind for noticing it too.

Sungate, don't feel bad about not knowing 'where or what' -

                                                        I GET LOST TOO!!!

There are tricks, though:

- Wind's advice above

- Try to remember with WHOM you were discussing WHAT - go to their profile, click 'latest posts' and
  you'll find it - that's my favourite and fastest method

  (don't do it with me, as some days I can top 100 posts and  you'll end up cussing me in both
  English and Italian....)  I go to my own  'profile' first because I pretty well know the time and day
  I am looking for

- The obvious, what section was it in?
« Last Edit: February 01, 2009, 12:44:24 pm by Bianca » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #76 on: February 03, 2009, 12:07:27 pm »

There are so many places to post things that I can’t find what I’m looking for, and I forget where I posted something and have a heck of a time finding the thread I was in last!  No wonder Horus missed this, LOL.

Actually, Sungate, what I meant is that I missed it in Venture Inward magazine but thankfully Bianca typed it out for us all here.

As for tracking your threads, as Wind pointed out, you can click "Show new replies to your posts." which will pull up any threads that you have ever participated in that have new replies to them.

But if you would like to review every post you've ever made you can click your own name above your avatar on the left of the message and it will pull up your profile. Scroll down to "Additional Information" and click "Show the last posts of this person." and it will pull them all up for you.

If Horus can find this thread again, (kidding), maybe he knows the answer to the question I posed in the other thread, (which thread?  I haven’t a clue right now, LOL).  But I think I asked you if the chamber was the one in the “right front paw of the Sphinx” as Cayce had predicted.  There was another hidden chamber discovered in the rear of the Sphinx,

On two occasions, Cayce mentioned a chamber accessed from the RIGHT paw of the Sphinx. What was detected by seismograph and confirmed by radar was a cavity under the LEFT paw, and actually unbeknownst to most, Schoch told my friend Bill Donato that they had actually detected MULTIPLE cavities near the left paw! I think that this still counts as a"hit" for Cayce -it's close enough!  This is the "chamber" that the A.R.E. would like to probe -again! A fiber optic camera was already inserted once in the '90s but didn't see much.  You are also correct in your recollection of  a large chamber beneath the rump detected by radar in 1997.  That would be more difficult to drill into because it's deeper and directly beneath the Sphinx's body. It should connect with smaller chamber(s) in the front though.
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"For the greater individual is the one who is the servant of all. And to conquer self is greater than taking cities."

Reading 3253-2
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Posts: 41646

« Reply #77 on: February 03, 2009, 12:21:51 pm »

"Actually, Sungate, what I meant is that I missed it in Venture Inward magazine but thankfully Bianca typed it out for us all here."

Don't feel bad, Horus.

It was a SMALL article in the page. 
Easy to overlook.

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no thing
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« Reply #78 on: February 03, 2009, 12:26:09 pm »


You may have already seen this info, but FYI...


no thing
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« Reply #79 on: February 03, 2009, 03:20:20 pm »

Hi no thing - long time no see Wink

I have posted that information from galactic-server in my thread Plato's Atlantis My Theory, but it was some time ago, and most folks don't go back in threads very much to see what has been covered already. 

Here is a sister link regarding the Shaft, the Subway and the Causeway.
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An open-minded view of the past allows for an unprejudiced glimpse into the future.

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no thing
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Posts: 167

« Reply #80 on: February 03, 2009, 03:34:44 pm »


Did not mean to replicate...thanks for the follow up link. This info is also touched on in one of the two "Flower of Life" books, not sure if it is Vol. 1 or Vol. 2.

I have always wondered why this knowledge is being suppressed, but then again, if this is the library of ancient wisdom, it may be a good idea to keep it that way. We have more than enough ways to destroy ourselves already. There are still members of the secret societies who are dedicated to keeping this type of info from us. Hopefully, when the time is right…

How are you doing these days?


no thing
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« Reply #81 on: February 03, 2009, 03:54:57 pm »

Great article, no thing!  If you don't mind, I am going to start a topic on it.
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no thing
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Posts: 167

« Reply #82 on: February 03, 2009, 04:03:32 pm »


Welcome! Please do!!


no thing
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« Reply #83 on: February 03, 2009, 05:50:49 pm »

Horus and Sungate:

Here is the passage in the Littles' book that describes the readings in question:

                                        T H E   R E C O R D S    I N   E G Y P T

The temple of records in Egypt is entered via a hall or passageway that begins at or
near the Sphinx, according to Cayce.  He referred to this in one reading as the

"chambers of the way between the Sphinx and the pyramid of records." 
(Reading 1486-1). 

Cayce's description of this hall of records varied somewhat.  He referred to it as a "pyramid of records", a "temple or hall of records" and on some occasions called it "the house or tomb of records".  In another reading he clearly states that the records are not located in the Great Pyramid, although both projects (the pyramid and Hall of Records) were planned during the same era.  In fact the readings indicate that the records are underground as one person was told he had been

"a supervisor of the excavations - in studying old records and in preparing and in building the house of records for the Atlanteans as well as part of the house initiate - or the Great Pyramid".
(Reading 2462-2). 

He also describes another person's activities with the building of tombs in conjunction with the construction of the Hall of Records "yet uncovered".

In some discourses Cayce described its location as being off the right front paw of the Sphinx in line with the Great Pyramid.  He mentioned the Temple of Isis as a key to locating this hall or pyramid of records.  Remnants of the Isis temple still stand between the Nile and the Sphinx, off its right front paw in line with the Great Pyra-mid.  On one occasion he said the shadow of the Sphinx points to the cache although it seems impossible to cast a shadow across the right paw, since the sun never gets behind the Sphinx's head from the northwest.

The Cayce readings further state that the base of the Sphinx was

                                                       "laid out in channels",

and in the left rear corner of the Sphinx, which is facing the Great Pyramid, one can find the wording
of how the Sphinx was

"founded giving the history of the first invading ruler [Arart] and the ascension of Araaraart to that position".
(Reading 195-14).
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« Reply #84 on: February 03, 2009, 06:00:11 pm »

A 1933 reading (378-16) described an elaborate ceremony that was held in 10,500BC for the dedication of the record vault.  It was led by King Araaraart, the priest RaTa and a relocated Atlantean named Hept-supht ("he that keeps the re-cords, that keeps shut) who was responsible for the actual "sealing" of the Egyptian Hall of Records.  The event was said to have transpired "in the groundsabout this tomb or temple of records."  Also present were all of the Egyptian andAtlantean officials and others associated with the Law of One, who had workedto create the records. 

The sacred festivities included purification and celebratory rituals performed by those who served in the Egyptian institutions of healing known as the Temple Beautiful and the Temple of Sacrifice.  This event was so importantto the people of that time, that there were more ceremonies and activities associated with it than with the completion of the Great Pyramid.  In fact, it was indicated that a metal apex on the Great Pyramid was placed there to symbolize and commemorate the earlier sealing of the records.

In the above reading, given for a 56-year-old man who had been identified as a reincarnation of Hept-supt, the recipient asked whether he would receive instructions about the specific location of the records in Egypt.  He was told that he was one of a threesome that would be involved in finding the records.  The other two were identified as the reincarnations of Atlan and an entity possibly once known
as El-ka, although the spelling of this last name is noted as being uncertain. 

Atlan, who had also had a reading from Cayce in this lifetime, had already returned andwas 27 years of age in 1933.  During his lifetime he was a long-time ARE member, even serving on several occasions on the board of trustees.  He died in 1985.  There are no other readings for El-ka. 

Since Hept-supt and Atlan were each leaders of the effort to place records in Egypt and Atlantis,it would seem logical that the third person that will someday discover the records might be a reincarnation of Iltar who was the leader of the Yucatan record palacement.  Perhaps, since the spelling is uncerain for El-ka, Cayce actually said Iltar.  Or perhaps, El-ka is the name of someone who was with Iltar in the Yucatan.  Unlike with Atlan and Hept-supt, there were no past life readings given, that we could find, for someone who had been Iltar.  The 1933 reading goes on to say that the other two entities (Atlan and El-ka) "will appear". 

Since the records have not been opened as of this writing,it seems possible that the reading might have been referring to a collaboration of the three in some future time.
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« Reply #85 on: February 03, 2009, 06:04:43 pm »

According to the archives of the Edgar Cayce Foundation, #378 (Hept-supt) was Ernest Zentgraf, Sr.  He and his wife Helene were long-time Cayce friends from New York and served on the board of trustees for the Cayce organization.  He was the person who requested the information related to the origins of the Maya in reading 5750-1 (reprinted in the next section).  Beginning in April of 1934, he was the subject of a series of readings related to his disappearance from the home due to depression from a mishandled financial dealing.  The readings indicated that he was contemplating suicide, but that he should not be forced to return, because that would interfere with his free will.  Instead, a group close to him began a prayer group on his behalf.  He returned home three months later, a spiritually transformed man.  He and his wife, who were also associated with the theosophy movement, migrated to Germany in the 1930s in some sympathy with the Nazis.
They returned home after the start of WWII.  Zentgraf discontinued contact with the Cayce organization after 1939, although the reason is unknown.  He is most likely no longer living, given his
age (56) at the time of his 1933 reading.

A later rading in 1934 more directly asks the question of who would uncover the hall of records in Egypt.  The answere given was,

"As was set in those records of the law of One in Atlantis, that there would come three that would make of the perfect way of life.  And there is found those that have made, in their experience from the
sojourn in the earth, a balance in their spiritual, their mental, their material experiences or existences, so may they become those channels through which there may be proclaimed to a seeking, a waiting, a desirous body, those things that proclaim how there has been preserved in the earth (that as is a shadow of the mental and the spiritual reservation of God to His children) those truths that have been so long proclaimed.  Those then, that make themselves that channel.  For, as He has given, who is to proclaim is not mine to give, but they that have made of themselves such a measure of their experiences as to be worthy of proclaiming."
(Reading 3976-15)



Drs. Gregory and Lora Little
& John Van Auken
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« Reply #86 on: February 04, 2009, 04:05:39 pm »

Atlan, who had also had a reading from Cayce in this lifetime, had already returned andwas 27 years of age in 1933. During his lifetime he was a long-time ARE member, even serving on several occasions on the board of trustees. He died in 1985. There are no other readings for El-ka.

This is definitely a part of the book written by John Van Auken and reflects one of his notions about what the readings say. He believes that Atlan was the head priest in Poseidia, was a relative of Iltar's, and that the Poseidian Hall of Records is in the "Temple of Atlan", but that isn't really what the readings say at all and this is John's creativity at work. 

The Atlan referred to in the quote above was a prince in Atlantis before the second of the three destructions that befell Atlantis.  This was many thousands of years before the third and final destruction.
"... the entity was in that land known as the Atlantean, during those periods when there was the second of the destructive forces that brought destruction to those both of the ONE FAITH and those of Baalilal. The entity then was among those of the One Faith, being a brother of the Prince of Atlantis whose name was Atlan..." (416-1)

He is different from this individual, a Poseidian priest who had apparently immigrated to Egypt after the third destruction:

(Q) "Am I the one to receive directions as to where the sealed room is and how to find it?"
(A) "One of the two. Two, with a guide. Hept-supht, El-ka, and Atlan. These will appear." (378-16)

It may be that "Atlan" was a a fairly common name in Atlantean culture like "John" or "Johnson" is in English-speaking countries, and that might help to explain its different uses here.  The initiate named Atlan in Egypt may have been named after Prince Atlan just as some people are named after Biblical characters like "Elijah".

There are only two other readings that use the name Atlan but in the context of a royal house of the Law of One faith -like the royal houses of "Windsor" or "Tudor" in England:

"... the entity was in the Atlantean period before the second of the turmoils that separated the islands or broke up the land into islands; and in the city of Eden in Poseidia did the entity then dwell. The entity was among the Atlan lands and peoples, and in the same sex, and of those that served in the temple during the building of the temple to the One, the law of the One, the understanding of the law of the One." (390-2)

"Then, with the leavings of the civilization in Atlantis (in Poseidia, more specific), Iltar - with a group of followers that had been of the household of Atlan, the followers of the worship of the ONE with some ten individuals - left this land Poseidia, and came westward, entering what would now be a portion of Yucatan." (5750-1)

During the second destruction Prince Atlan was of the Sons of the Law of One, and his "lands and peoples" mentioned in these readings were too. This clan survived all the way to the final destruction and Iltar was of this lineage.

Since Hept-supt and Atlan were each leaders of the effort to place records in Egypt and Atlantis,it would seem logical that the third person that will someday discover the records might be a reincarnation of Iltar who was the leader of the Yucatan record palacement. Perhaps, since the spelling is uncerain for El-ka, Cayce actually said Iltar. Or perhaps, El-ka is the name of someone who was with Iltar in the Yucatan. Unlike with Atlan and Hept-supt, there were no past life readings given, that we could find, for someone who had been Iltar.

There is nothing "logical" about this idea at all, and "El-ka" doesn't sound anything like "ILTAR"!! Cayce's stenographer deserves a little more credit than this! She heard Cayce mumble words thousands of times and there is no -R- sound in El-Ka!  Besides that, Iltar immigrated to the Yucatan, not Egypt, and he and a few key individuals are connected with the temple of records over there.

So who was in charge of the Poseidian Temple of Records? Well it clearly wasn't Atlan, so the natural choice is the top director of the time capsule program which was planned in Poseidia:

"An Atlantean, of the first water; ...the entity was in the Atlantean land, when there were the constructive forces as to the activities of the children of the Law of One, - in all of those influences during the periods when the land was being broken up.
We find the entity was as the leading influence for the considering of ways and means in which there would be the preserving of records, as well as ways, means and manners in which either the few or the numbers might be preserved from the destruction of the lands.
There we find the entity, in the name Oron, was as the leader of those influences to those that made for the escapes. " (2012-1)

"First water", "leading influence", "leader" --if that doesn't mean that he was the boss of the whole time capsule program, I don't know what does!  Oron's reading is one of the most important for the Hall of Records information, next to Iltar's and Hept-Supht's.

Three priests are to open the Egyptian Hall, but does the same hold true for the other two? Three priests for each of three locations? If so then here are my guesses for the other two:

1. Oron
2. Segund
3. Mr. 1908

2. Ikunle
3. Ex-Cex, Queetel, or Mr. 914
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"For the greater individual is the one who is the servant of all. And to conquer self is greater than taking cities."

Reading 3253-2
Hero Member
Posts: 683

Hermes, Gateway of the Sun

« Reply #87 on: February 04, 2009, 06:27:47 pm »

Wow, great discourse Horus and Bianca!  Well since these men who Cayce indentified as reincarnations are more than likely deceased by now, I would suppose we would expect to see another reincarnation of them, as well as the third.

I’ve been thinking about this right paw vs. left paw mishap.  Cayce mentions that the paw in question is in line with the Temple of Isis, (which stood closest to the Nile River), and the Great Pyramid, (which lies furthest from the river).  Since the Sphinx lies in-between these structures, perhaps what he was referring to is that if you draw a line from the Temple of Isis to the apex of the Great Pyramid it will pass through the paw of the Sphinx which is on the right side as you view it from the Temple of Isis.  So it is the “right” paw looking at the Sphinx, and not the Sphinx’s right paw as perceived if we were the Sphinx itself.

What we need is a map of this. But this is all I have right now, and I’m not sure exactly where the Temple of Isis lies, only that it is off the map to the right.


In some discourses Cayce described its location as being off the right front paw of the Sphinx in line with the Great Pyramid.  He mentioned the Temple of Isis as a key to locating this hall or pyramid of records.  Remnants of the Isis temple still stand between the Nile and the Sphinx, off its right front paw in line with the Great Pyra-mid.  On one occasion he said the shadow of the Sphinx points to the cache although it seems impossible to cast a shadow across the right paw, since the sun never gets behind the Sphinx's head from the northwest.

I think Bianca has taken this from this site:

Here is the whole paragraph in question from that site:

The temple of records in Egypt is entered by a hall or passageway that begins at or near the Sphinx, according to Cayce. He is inconsistent in his description of it, sometimes referring to it as a "pyramid of records," other times calling it a "temple or hall of records," and on one occasion calling it a "tomb of records." In some discourses Cayce describes its location as being off the right front paw of the Sphinx in line with the Great Pyramid, which would locate it somewhere east-southeast of the Sphinx. He also references the Temple of Isis as a key to locating this hall or pyramid of records. Remnants of the Isis temple still stand between the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid. In another discourse he clearly states that the Egyptian record cache is between the Nile and the Sphinx, off its right front paw in line with the Great Pyramid. On one occasion he said the shadow of the Sphinx points to the cache. But it seems impossible to cast a shadow across the right front paw when the sun never gets behind the Sphinx's head from the northwest. However, Cayce also said that the poles of the Earth were reversed during the ancient times. In which case, the Sphinx would indeed throw a shadow over its own right paw. A mystery yet to be understood.

What if it was the Temple that casts a shadow onto the Sphinx from the rising sun across the Nile in the East? 

I really don't think that the poles were reversed in 10,500 BC, although we may be approaching that in 2012, LOL.  Cheesy

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Hermes Trismegistus:  “As above, so below.”
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« Reply #88 on: February 04, 2009, 06:49:30 pm »

Hi Sungate,

Be careful in using Van Auken when trying to figure it out. When he writes "Cayce said..." it doesn't usually mean that at all.  Better to look at the quotes themselves.

The Temple of Isis was not used as a reference marker for locating the the Hall of Records.  

"The excavations were made for same [the Sphinx] in the plains above where the temple of Isis had stood during the deluge, occurring some centuries before, when this people (and this entity among them) came in from the north country and took possession of the rule of this country, setting up the first dynasty." (195-14 given 7-8-25)

Cayce had indicated in other readings that part of Giza was a archaeological restoration project when the Atlanteans had arrived in 10,500 B.C. suggesting that the site is vastly-ancient -perhaps by tens of thousands of years beyond the final sinking of Atlantis.  Approximately 200 or more years before the Atlanteans began building there, a preexisting temple of Isis had withstood a deluge which may have been part of the onset of earth changes that began globally circa 10,700 B.C.

Ancient Egyptian religion traces its history back to the Zep Tepi, or "First Time" when the Gods were incarnate and ruled the Nile Valley circa 10,500 B.C.  Cayce mentioned several characters on the scene at that time who bore names of later Egyptian Gods  like Ra, Hermes(Thoth), and a real person named Isis, a ruler who administrated the Giza/Rostau complex during the restoration project of 10,500 B.C. .

Some reserarchers have speculated that one of the heavily-eroded and ruined temples in front of the Sphinx (the Valley Temple) was once what Cayce named "the Place of Isis", -that is,  Isis' administration center from which Giza/Rostau was governed.  It may be that the observable weathering on the Sphinx, and the temple in front of it, were partially a result of this earlier "deluge", and that the older "temple of Isis" became the administrative "Place of Isis" -the queen, after it and the Sphinx were repaired.  

Anyway...Isis temples aside, ALL of the readings that one needs for finding the HoR are in my unfinished "Locating the Giza Hall of Records" thread (click here) along with satellite images of the area and photos of the zone in front of the Sphinx.

« Last Edit: February 04, 2009, 07:16:54 pm by Horus » Report Spam   Logged

"For the greater individual is the one who is the servant of all. And to conquer self is greater than taking cities."

Reading 3253-2
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Posts: 41646

« Reply #89 on: February 04, 2009, 07:02:36 pm »

Horus and Sungate:

I got the above from THIS same thread, it's from the Little's & Van Auken book.,630.0.html

I'll read over Edgar Evan Cayce's book by the same name and let's see what he says about
Egypt's Hall of Records.
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