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Topic: THE THREE HALLS OF RECORDS - By Drs. Gregory & Lora Little (Read 13155 times)
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Re: THE THREE HALLS OF RECORDS - By Drs. Gregory & Lora Little
Reply #45
September 18, 2007, 03:57:33 pm »
Thanks, Rocky:
Very enlightening!
I saw quite a few pictures of the OSIRIS TOMB and the article that went with it in one of the
blogs. Unfortunately I was knee-deep in something else and couldn't stop.
I have tried my best to find it again, but no dice. I'll keep looking and bring it here.
Let's hope it hasn't been taken down.
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Re: THE THREE HALLS OF RECORDS - By Drs. Gregory & Lora Little
Reply #46
September 18, 2007, 06:41:51 pm »
Hi Bianca,
I don't know if this is what you are looking for but I located some photos here:
and diagrams and other information here:
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Re: THE THREE HALLS OF RECORDS - By Drs. Gregory & Lora Little
Reply #47
September 18, 2007, 06:47:15 pm »
No, Horus, but neither is this:
I guess we'll just keep trying (We posted at the same time)
Symbolic tomb discovered in Giza
Al-Ahram Weekly
3 - 9 June 1999
Issue No. 432
By Nevine El-Aref
Herodotus, the Greek historian who travelled widely in Egypt and devoted the second volume of his immortal History to describing its monuments, people and religious practices, was not always regarded as the most trustworthy of sources. Therefore, it is particularly interesting that excavations by modern archaeologists confirm some of his early observations. This is what happened last week when an Egyptian mission working at Giza entered Osiris burial shaft in the area between the Sphinx and the pyramid of Khafre.
"Its location was long known among Egyptologists," said Zahi Hawass, director-general of the Giza Plateau. Hawass said, "The shaft is 30 metres deep leading to a large tomb where remains of limestone columns and a granite sarcophagus have been found surrounded with water."
Two days later, after cleaning the tomb and pumping out the water, the mission discovered that the tomb consisted of three levels. The first, at the top of the shaft, is an empty rock-hewn chamber.
The second was located underneath and is larger, containing a main hall with six small rock-hewn chambers on each side. Excavation revealed pottery and human bones in the main hall and two empty granite sarcophagi, each weighing 12 tons, in the side rooms. There is evidence that this level of the tomb dates back to the 26th Dynasty, the period during which Herodotus visited Egypt.
This symbolic "underwater" tomb, believed to be that of the legendary god of the underworld, Osiris, was discovered recently at Giza. The tomb has three levels below the ground
Excavations of the third level at the bottom of the shaft caused excitement. Hawass said the remains of four limestone columns with a large granite sarcophagus in the middle were found with the word Per, which means "(the) place", engraved on the ground.
Studies on the lowest level reveal that it was constructed much earlier than the other two levels (during the 18th Dynasty) and it is likely, in the opinion of Hawass, to have been the first symbolic tomb constructed at Giza in honour of the legendary ancestor Osiris who, during the New Kingdom, was known as the Lord of the Underworld. Hawass explained the significance of water. As it surrounded the sarcophagus and was associated with rebirth (of the land each year and of the deceased in the afterlife), water's presence on the pyramid plateau, "suggests that the god Osiris protected the kings buried underneath their pyramids".
A small tunnel was found to the east of the lowest level, leading directly to the pyramid of Khufu. "This suggests that kings of the Late Period excavated this area in an effort to discover the underground tunnels which their ancestors mentioned," Hawass said. A small camera will be installed in this tunnel in an effort to learn more about it.
Last Edit: September 18, 2007, 07:04:34 pm by Bianca2001
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Re: THE THREE HALLS OF RECORDS - By Drs. Gregory & Lora Little
Reply #48
September 18, 2007, 06:50:52 pm »
The Shaft, The Subway & The Causeway / 5
"Opening The Lost Tombs" - The Tomb Of Osiris
On the 2nd of March 1999, the FOX Television Network broadcast a programme entitled 'Opening The Lost Tombs: Live From Egypt.' The closing section of the programme dealt with the 'Tomb of Osiris', the location described in these pages. Here was an opportunity for the man in charge of the excavations to end the speculation about what lies beneath Khafre's causeway.
The Underground Layout
above images © Radio...With Pictures Productions 1999. This graphic of the shafts and chambers under the causeway is taken from the FOX TV Special "Opening The Lost Tombs" which was transmitted on the 2nd of March 1999. It has been compiled from a number of video frame captures. It must be immediately pointed out that this graphic does not show the true layout under the causeway.
For the purposes of this discussion, we shall assume that the causeway as shown is orientated east/west although the real layout is slightly off this axis. Khafre's pyramid is to the left (west), and the Sphinx is to the right (east).
The layout implies that the first and second chambers lie on an east/west axis and that the connecting shaft descends from the first chamber's east side to the second chamber's west side. The shaft to the third chamber is shown descending from a sidechamber in the south wall. It enters the chamber - the 'Tomb of Osiris' on its north side. This chamber is shown on a north/south axis and extends south, away from the causeway.
To visualise the actual layout of the complex, rotate the third chamber through 180 degrees so that it extends under the second chamber rather than away from it. Now using the first shaft as an axle, rotate the entire underground complex 90 degrees anticlockwise, so that the first and second chambers are aligned with and under the subway rather than the causeway, and the third chamber is aligned with and under the causeway rather than the subway. Do not mentally rotate the subway and the causeway.
Last Edit: September 18, 2007, 06:53:50 pm by Bianca2001
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Re: THE THREE HALLS OF RECORDS - By Drs. Gregory & Lora Little
Reply #49
September 18, 2007, 06:54:54 pm »
Overhead Plans
The two figures above represent overhead plans of the chamber layout, i.e. you are above the causeway and looking straight down through the chambers. Figure 1 shows the actual layout. Figure 2 shows the layout as suggested by the graphic depicted above. Ladders are shown on the plans as blocks.
With reference to figure 1, the first and second chambers lie on a north/south axis. The first shaft descends from the southern end of the subway. A ladder is affixed to the south side of the shaft. Stepping from the ladder, one would turn and walk north, entering the first chamber on its south side. The second shaft descends from the chamber's north side and enters the second chamber on its south side. The first and second chamber interiors in the above graphic are representative depictions of the actual layouts although (with reference to the correct orientation) the shaft descending to the third level occupies the southernmost of the three sidechambers on the east side.
The third chamber lies on an east/west axis, the shaft entering on the east side. The sarcophagus (not shown) is also orientated on an east/west axis. The entrance to the unexcavated tunnel in which Doctor Hawass stood is located in the north west corner of the chamber (T).
The layout shown in figure 2 is discussed in the section 'The Underground Layout'.
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Last Edit: September 18, 2007, 06:59:49 pm by Bianca2001
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Re: THE THREE HALLS OF RECORDS - By Drs. Gregory & Lora Little
Reply #50
September 18, 2007, 07:07:44 pm »
Thursday, 17 February, 2000
Ancient sarcophagus discovered
The sarcophagus was found underneath one of the Giza pyramids
Archaeologists in Egypt have found the symbolic tomb of the ancient Egyptian god Osiris buried deep underneath one of the Giza pyramids.
According to Egyptian archaeologist Zahi Hawass, the discovery of the granite sarcophagus became possible after water levels inside the pyramids sank.
Mr Hawass said the sarcophagus, which is estimated to date from 500 BC in the New Kingdom, was surrounded by the remains of four pillars built in the shape of a hieroglyphic House of Osiris.
Ruler of the underworld
The granite sarcophagus was burried deep underneath a pyramid
Osiris was one of the most important gods of ancient Egypt who according to mythology was murdered by his wicked brother Seth.
He was buried by Isis, his sister-wife, and brought back to life as judge of the dead and ruler of the underworld.
According to Mr Hawass, Herodotus, the famous ancient historian, mentioned that this tomb existed in the middle of the 5th century BC, but it has never been possible to access it because of high water levels.
Deep underground
After the dirt and water were cleared from the shaft located between the Sphinx and the Pyramid of Chefren (Khafre), archaeologists found three underground levels, with the submerged Osiris sarcophagus at the lowest, about 30 metres below the surface.
The Sphinx is there to protect the pyramids
"I never excavated this shaft because it was always full of water. But when the water went down about a year ago, we started the adventure," Mr Hawass told Reuters news agency.
"Many people believed there were tunnels going to the Sphinx and another leading to the Great Pyramid but only when we sent a young boy into a tunnel in the west wall did we find this exciting discovery," said Mr Hawass.
The excavation also unearthed 3,000-year old bones and pottery found in the underground water.
Last Edit: September 18, 2007, 07:08:52 pm by Bianca2001
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Re: THE THREE HALLS OF RECORDS - By Drs. Gregory & Lora Little
Reply #51
September 18, 2007, 07:14:01 pm »
This is not it either, but a good one.
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Re: THE THREE HALLS OF RECORDS - By Drs. Gregory & Lora Little
Reply #52
September 18, 2007, 07:37:00 pm »
Spotlight Interview 2000 - Dr. Zahi Hawass
I next met with Dr. Hawass on April 10, 2000 in his office on the Giza Plateau. Here's what we talked about this time:
Guardian: Let's move on to the so-called Osiris Shaft. Why do you call this the Osiris Tomb? Were there any such inscriptions in there?
Dr. Hawass: This shaft, everyone knows about it, and people have talked about and there are lots of rumors about it. I found out that the water table that was preventing it from being again explored became low a little bit and this is when I started my excavation. I found that this shaft consists of three levels. The first level goes down maybe 12 feet. And after that the second level we excavate3d and we found out that it has 6 rooms cut in it. Inside the 6 rooms there are 2 large sarcophagi made of granite. And inside the area there is much pottery and bones. I dated this level to 26th Dynasty, 500 BC. based on the pottery style and that this second shaft was cut later. Then after that when you go to the third level that was interesting. It was very hard work because we drained the water in the shaft 90 feet down. We had to take the dirt from down there up 90 feet. It was like an adventure and a big operation that never happened before in any place in Egypt or outside Egypt. But the result was very interesting. When we finished the excavations this is what I found:
The remains of 4 pillars. Inside the 4 pillars a big, large granite sarcophagus surrounded by water. Two important discoveries happened here. The first one is a statement written by Herodotus, the "Father of History". When he came to Egypt in the middle of the 5th Century BC, he wrote stories about Giza. One of the most interesting stories that laymen, scholars, and Egyptologists talk about was that he said that he saw that Khufu, or Cheops, was buried in a large sarcophagus and there is a big lake near the Great Pyramid. Everyone said that if Herodotus saw this, where is this water, where is this lake? This is exactly what he saw. Because he would never go as an old man down 90 feet. The people, the guides at the plateau who will say anything, they used to swim in this place. Because today, before I excavated that, they used to swim and drink from this water. And therefore, since ancient times they did the same. In the past, when they met Herodotus they told him that Khufu was buried here and there is a big lake near the Great Pyramid. This is away from the pyramid about 600 feet. Even today when you describe it, there is water near the Great Pyramid, you will not say there is water near the second pyramid , what's famous here is the first pyramid. That's exactly what they told Herodotus when he came here in the middle of the 5th century BC .
Now, the second important thing is that the Giza Plateau is known in the New Kingdom by the word "pr osr nb rstw", it's a hieroglyphic inscription. "Pr" means, "place", or "house". "osr" means "Osiris". Together this means the "place of Osiris". Nb means "Lord". "rstw" means "cemetery", but literally means "the underground tunnel". The Giza plateau was called in the New Kingdom by the name, "House of Osiris, Lord of the Underground Tunnels". And look here (see picture at right) there is evidence at the beginning before these two pillars of the hieroglyphic sign "Pr" which means "place". Then this is the place, symbolically of Osiris, who was buried here, controlling the underground tunnels at the Giza Plateau. And based on the size of the sarcophagus and the style of the pottery that has been found inside the shaft I dated this to 1550 BC., the New Kingdom. What's happened is that people knew about this because this symbolically is like the Osirion at Abydos exactly the same structure of the pillars as the Osirion at Abydos. This is the Osirion of Giza. Then people looked at these tunnels when they came in the Late Period and they cut a tunnel on the west wall of this shaft, and this tunnels goes about 12 feet toward the Great Pyramid, then it becomes very narrow. We'll need to send a fiber-optic camera to see beyond this. But this exactly is misunderstood by people who think that the Osiris tunnels go to the Great Pyramid. But, symbolically it's Osiris whose buried here resting and controlling it and he is surrounded by this water because Osiris, for vegetation, the King of the guard of the Afterlife is always surrounded by water.
Guardian: But weren't bones found here at this level?
Dr. Hawass: Because they used this in the Late Period also for burials.
Guardian: So then you you believe this third level to be originally from the New Kingdom and then later used for burial in the Late Period??
Dr. Hawass: Yes.
Guardian: Is there plans for further excavation in there?
Dr. Hawass: Yes, of course. I will continue more because this season that we did was very interesting and we still have to do some more work.
Guardian: Thank you. Moving on, so you're going to be involved with the new mummy finds at Bahriya. How long are you going to be doing that?
Dr. Hawass: I will go there next week for a month starting the excavation there.
Guardian: And after that, what will you be doing next?
Dr. Hawass: I'm going to come back and do more at the Osiris Shaft and continue the Workman tombs that I've been doing right now.
Guardian: And how about the excavation at the south side of the Menkaure Pyramid?
Dr. Hawass: We will also continue the work on this.
Guardian: The last news that you released on the continuation of the exploration of the shafts in the Queen's Chamber was that these would resume examination in May. Is that still the intended date to send another robot up the shafts?
Dr. Hawass: No. I do not really find the expertise to do it right. I am waiting for some proposals to tell me how they can do it because you know because we do not want this German to work there.
Guardian: So right now there are no further plans to explore this?
Dr. Hawass: No, not yet.
Guardian: You're accepting proposals?
Dr. Hawass: Yes.
Guardian: When we had last spoken you had mentioned that National Geographic was going to get involved in that?
Dr. Hawass: But they did not come yet with a proposal. We are still waiting for more information.
Guardian: When you do that you'll be exploring the northern shaft then?
Dr. Hawass: Yes.
Guardian: OK, we'll move on. Are you restoring the Pyramid of Unas to reopen it again to the public or will it remain closed?
Dr. Hawass: A pyramid like this, why do you open it to the public? Why do you ruin it? We'll keep it for the future. Because this pyramid is unique. If you need to see a pyramid text, go to the Teti pyramid, but the Unas pyramid is a masterpiece, and therefore we are restoring it to close it.
Guardian: Currently the pyramid of Khafre is closed. When will this restoration be finished and the pyramid reopened?
Dr. Hawass: We will open the Khafre pyramid soon and close the third pyramid. As you know, this is part of a rotation system. Maybe this will be within 2 or 3 months, we'll open the second pyramid.
Guardian: I thank you for taking the time to meet with me each year. I always enjoy these discussion very much.
Dr. Hawass: Thank you Andrew.
Last Edit: September 18, 2007, 07:39:28 pm by Bianca2001
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Re: THE THREE HALLS OF RECORDS - By Drs. Gregory & Lora Little
Reply #53
September 18, 2007, 08:49:31 pm »
Hi Bianca,
Something that few people know about the so-called "Tomb of Osiris" is that it was found by Dr. Joseph Schor (a life member of the A.R.E.) and Florida State University when they were surveying the Plateau between 1996 and 1998. They had advanced down to the 2nd level where they found the lid for the sarcophagus, but needed to pump the ground water out to go deeper. Their plan was to open a tunnel there which connects to the room beneath the rump of the Sphinx --all located with ground-penetrating radar. Then Schor's permit was revoked indefinitely by Hawass and the Supreme Council of Antiquities, and right afterwards Hawass essentially commandeered the discovery and pumped all the water out. It was featured in a very bad, campy and staged FOX program in 1999. I wrote a review of it right after it aired.
There was a interesting 60-second segment at the end of that program which showed a blocked, earthen tunnel at one end of the Tomb and the narrator asked tantallizingly if the Hall of Records could lie behind it. Nothing has come that...
Last Edit: September 18, 2007, 11:53:11 pm by Horus
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Re: THE THREE HALLS OF RECORDS - By Drs. Gregory & Lora Little
Reply #54
September 19, 2007, 12:07:39 am »
Is there a link to your review you can post, or the review itself....
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Thus ye may find in thy mental and spiritual self, ye can make thyself just as happy or just as miserable as ye like. How miserable do ye want to be?......For you GROW to heaven, you don't GO to heaven. It is within thine own conscience that ye grow there.
Edgar Cayce
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Re: THE THREE HALLS OF RECORDS - By Drs. Gregory & Lora Little
Reply #55
September 19, 2007, 08:00:34 am »
I believe these records will contain homo sapians frist journey, or migration out of Africa . 70,000 years ago man almost went extinct, and there are still some artifacts and bodies to be found of that frist journey of homo sapians that spoke the frist lanuage.
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Re: THE THREE HALLS OF RECORDS - By Drs. Gregory & Lora Little
Reply #56
September 19, 2007, 08:26:15 am »
When I googled Dr. Joseph Schor I found a lot of articles - none of them too kind for him or
the ARE. Something was going on.......
These articles were all written before the turn of the Century and nothing is dated beyond that.
Whatever was going on, I trust in Cayce's prophecy that (paraphrasing, here):
"The WORTHY will find the Hall of Records.........."
Oh, I did find the original:
Edgar Cayce (1933) -
Obviously nothing has come out of this.
This is the 'kindest' article I found on Schor:
Following the eviction from Giza by Dr. Zahi Hawass of John Anthony West and his colleagues (including geologist Robert Schoch, and the seismologist Thomas Dobecki, who identified a large rectangular chamber concealed in the bedrock 20 feet below the front paws of the Sphinx), and the subsequent re-application by Mr West in co-operation with the prestigious Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Laboratory, (which was turned down), a one-year license was granted at the end of March 1996 to a new team that claimed academic sponsorship from Florida State University (and reportedly involved the participation of four geologists from that University).
The team was largely financed by Dr. Joseph Schor, an American multi-millionaire and life-member of the Association for Research and Enlightenment (ARE). This association, based in Virginia Beach in the US, is a multi-million-dollar organisation that exists to promulgate the teachings of the American psychic Edgar Cayce. Prominent among Cayce's pronouncements were many statements to the effect that the Sphinx had been built in 10,500 BC by the survivors of Atlantis who had concealed beneath it a "Hall of Records" containing all the wisdom of their lost civilisation and the true history of the human race. Cayce prophesied that the "Hall of Records" would be rediscovered and opened between 1996 and 1998. He connected the opening with the second coming of Christ and asserted that the contents of the Hall would not be shared with the general public until many years after it had first been entered by "three who would make of the perfect way of life."
Cayce's prophecies had been mentioned in the NBC television film by Boris Said called "The Mystery of the Sphinx" about the work of John Anthony West, which had incensed Dr. Hawass whose official line was that he was opposed to the notion of the Sphinx being far older than the ancient Egyptian civilisation that historians claim built it. How ironic then, that Hawass should appear in a promotional video, "Secret Chamber" also made by Boris Said in Nov/Dec 1995, and financed by Joseph Schor (to the tune of $100,000). In the video Dr. Hawass talks of opening the tunnels under the Sphinx and mentions the Cayce prophecy. That he should also grant a license to a team financed by Dr. Schor makes the irony all the greater. Dr. Hawass also stated his wish 'to further delineate that civilisation'.
On 11 April 1996, when Hancock & Bauval informed Joseph Schor that they intended to write about these matters in the London "Daily Mail", he threatened them with a libel action and stated, 'We do not work for the Edgar Cayce group... The major purpose of the Schor Foundation and the Florida State University is to aid in the preservation and restoration of the Pyramids and Sphinx. In addition we are surveying the underground of the Giza Plateau to find faults and chasms that might collapse. This will increase the safety of the Plateau because chasms and faults can be collapsed or roped off for the protection of tourists and Plateau personnel.'
On 14 April 1996, in the "Egyptian Gazette", Dr. Zahi Hawass gave a rather different account, mentioning hidden tunnels around the Pyramids and the Sphinx. He made no mention of public safety but hinted that excavation of the tunnels would reveal many clues regarding the establishment of the Giza pyramids.
In July 1966, after worldwide protest over the activities of the Schor Foundation and Florida State University at the Sphinx, Dr. Hawass claimed on South Africa radio that he had halted the project: 'I found that their work is not following the correct steps... I wrote a letter to them saying that they cannot do work again because they are not really following the correct work.'
The same month, however, rumours began to circulate that the team had identified nine further tunnels or chambers under the Giza Plateau. In all of them, apparently, their remote-sensing equipment had identified objects made of metal.
In early Autumn a conference took place in Delaware (US) in which both Graham & Robert took part. During their stay they both appeared on the Art Bell radio show in a four-hour live debate with Richard Hoagland, the author of several books on the Martian anomolies (see section on Mars later), who also attended conferences with Graham & Robert in London and Leeds earlier in the year. In the radio interview Hoagland claimed that he met Schor for a five-hour talk AFTER Hawass's cancellation of the license. Schor assured him that the explorations under the Sphinx were still going ahead. This was confirmed in a fax received by Hoagland in September from Boris Said, inviting him to be present at the opening of chambers beneath the Sphinx in the last week of October/first week of November 1996. For this radio debate Dr. Schor gave Hoagland carte blanche to talk of Schor's interest in the Cayce prophecies, even though this went against his earlier threats to sue Hancock & Bauval for saying exactly the same thing.
On this same show, both Graham & Robert appealed for an independent international investigation to sort out the controversies surrounding the work done on the Sphinx. They suggested UNESCO could undertake this, as it had previously declared the Sphinx and the Pyramids a world heritage site.
Between 22 and 26 November 1996, Robert Bauval & John Anthony West hosted a conference at Giza in the Mena House Hotel organised by "Amateur Astronomy and Earth Sciences Magazine" (AA & ES).
During this conference numerous attempts were made to see the new head of the Supreme Council at Giza, Dr. Ali Hassan. Finally on 3 December, John Anthony West managed to meet Dr. Hassan, and documents and videos concerning the controversy at Giza were handed to the latter. Dr. Hassan was totally unfamiliar and unaware of the involvement of the Edgar Cayce Foundation and its members at Giza since the late 1970s, and he said that no license to undertake digging under the Sphinx, or of opening the door in the Pyramid would be implemented before he verified the situation left to him by his predecessor, Dr. Nur-El Din.
Both Robert Bauval & John Anthony West plan to meet with Dr. Hassan again to further discuss this matter.
Last Edit: September 19, 2007, 10:19:17 am by Bianca2001
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Re: THE THREE HALLS OF RECORDS - By Drs. Gregory & Lora Little
Reply #57
September 19, 2007, 08:41:44 am »
Actually Horus, it does not seem that Joseph Schor is the one who found the "Tomb of Osiris"
Read this:
Reprint From Circular Times
Volume Two : Spring 1996
Dr. Colette M. Dowell
by Dr. Colette M. Dowell © 1996
An honorable person would tend to think of giving credit where credit is due;
a person of deceit tends to pillage souls with reckless abandon.
‘The Sphinx Project’ headed by John Anthony West and Robert Schoch has suffered numerous indignities in its quest to continue its next stage of research; seismographic surveying of the Giza Plateau and opening the hidden chamber under the sphinx’s paw. (West and Schoch discovered in 1991)
An application to continue work on the Giza Plateau was submitted to the Egyptian Antiquities Organization in 1993 by Robert Schoch, accompanied by a letter from Schoch’s Dean at Boston University explicitly stating that Boston University was pleased to participate in this important research . There was no reply. Subsequently, Dr. Zahi Hawass, Director of the Giza Plateau, told BBC television that he did not consider the proposal a legitimate academically sponsored application. Hawass was either mistaken, fortunately blind to the obvious intentions of West’s team, or he had another agenda.
Three years later, Boris Said (ex-project manager and executive producer for the ‘The Mystery of the Sphinx ,’ who West is suing for misappropriations of funds; $120-200,000.00) and Dr. Joseph Schor, have successfully schmoozed up to Dr. Hawass and have now mysteriously somehow received permission from the Supreme Council of Antiquities to carry on the research that West and Schoch were denied. Judging from the seven minute promotional video tape produced by Said on Schor’s project, it may be that Dr. Hawass was promised a starring role. So hey, is Hawass to be the new modern Charlton Heston? He may hope so.
Anyway, Schor (or the Schor Foundation) has big bucks; at a minimum, a million dollars has been allocated for their team’s expenses and any ‘incidentals’ along the way. Florida State University will act as the attentive University where Schor is a Courtesy Professor of Geochemistry. Joe Schor is a member of the Edgar Cayce Research foundation. Edgar Cayce, known as the sleeping prophet, proclaimed a chamber would be discovered under the paw of the sphinx which would be eventually known as ‘The Hall of Records’. West’s and Schoch’s team possibly found such chamber and want to further their research and ‘open the door.’
West sent a letter to Schor proposing a ‘joint venture’ enclosing copies of Schoch’s earlier proposal to the E.A.O. Multiple letters from various individuals were also sent stressing the scientific importance (and common decency) of including West and Schoch on Schor’s team, but Schor declined to invite them to join the expedition. It seems to me like this Joe Schor guy is in a fantasy ‘road race’ with West and Schoch because of Schor’s relations and devotions to Edgar Cayce, but Schor’s greasing the turns on the track so others will be eliminated out of ‘the race.’
In one letter from Schor to West, Schor states he prefers to keep his team as defined in his submission to the Supreme Council of Antiquities and generously wished West, a ‘good luck’ in pursuing his own goals. That was good of you Joe.
This Misery of the Sphinx game has some naughty players. In a savage 1994 newspaper article, Dr. Hawass vilified the initial project as an attempt to vindicate Edgar Cayce, which it never was. Yet he now champions the project he knows full well is, under the cover of science, nothing but an attempt to vindicate Edgar Cayce.
How could it be that Schor and Said were granted permission
where Schoch and West were denied? Hmmm...
Reprint From Circular Times Volume Two : Spring 1996, Dr. Colette M. Dowell
Last Edit: September 19, 2007, 08:44:51 am by Bianca2001
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Re: THE THREE HALLS OF RECORDS - By Drs. Gregory & Lora Little
Reply #58
September 19, 2007, 08:59:36 am »
This item is a copy of an item entitled "Strabo's Well" and Tomb of Osiris" which was located at
. The site also contained many other interesting articles. Unfortunately, it no longer exists at this address, and all attempts to locate it have failed. If you are the owner of the site or know where it has moved to, please email me so that a link can once again be established, and this copy deleted.
May 30, 1914
The side aisles only, about ten feet wide, had ceilings. It is doubtful whether the middle nave was roofed. It was, perhaps, only covered at the end over the enterance to the "tomb of Osiris". When the work reached the lower layer of the enclosure wall, a very extraordinary discovery was made. In this wall, all round the structure are cells about six feet high and wide, all exactly alike, without any ornament or decoration. They had doors, probably made of wood, with a single leaf; one can see the holes where they turned. Such cells are not seen in any other Egyptian construction.
What was still more surprising is that they do not open on to a floor, but on to a narrow ledge which ran on both sides of the nave. There was no floor in those aisles; under the ledge, which is slightly projecting, the beautiful masonry goes on, and at a depth of twelve feet water was reached. It is at the level of the infiltration water in the cultivated land, though the structure is in the desert. This year the Nile is lower than it is known to have been for more than fifty years.
Were the river at anormal height, the water would reach the ledge, which is below the cultivated land. Thus the two aisles and the two ends of the middle nave form a continuous rectangular pool, the sides of which are very fine masonry on large blocks.....
The middle nave is a block of masonry also made of enormous stones, which goes down as deep as the water, and on which rest the pillars of the colonnades. The floor is at the same level as that of the cells and of the ledge. This platform is an island; it could be reached only with a small boat or by a wooden bridge; there is water on four sides. Even in front of the doorway, there is only the ledge; there is no pathway of any kind leading to it. On both sides - east and west - there are two staircases leading from the platform to the watert. The last step is about three feet above the present level of the water. In a normal year the two or three last steps would be covered....
This showed that there was behind the wall something of a funerary character, the tomb of Osiris, perhaps. Osiris, although he was a god, was supposed to have been torn to pieces by his enemy, Set of Typhon, and his limbs had been scattered among the chief cities of Egypt. Abydos being the residence of the god, its share had been the head, which was buried in his tomb. That tomb was very famous, and various excavators have been searching for it for years. When the lower part of the end wall of the nave was cleared, there appeared the door of a cell quite similar to the other ones. The back wall of this cell had been broken through in order to make an opening, a door which had been blocked afterwards with stones. It gave access to a large subterranean chamber, wider than the whole construction, very well preserved, with a ceiling consisting of two slabs leaning against each other. On the ceiling and on the side walls are funerary representations like those of the tombs of the kings. It is evidently a tomb and the sculptures show it to be what was regarded as the tomb of Osiris. The chamber was quite empty except ofr a heap of sand in one of the corners. When this had been removed, it was found that the sand came through a hole used by robbers. There was no sarcophagus or object of any kind. It is not to be supposed that anything of that sort can be found in a construction used for centuries as a quarry.
The tomb of Osiris is of a later date than the pool with its cells.... As for the pool, it is probably one of the most ancient constructions which have been preserved in Egypt. It is exactly in the style of the so-called temple of the Sphinx, which is a work of the IVth Dynasty, and one of the characteristic features of which is the total absence of any inscription or ornament. But the pool is even more colossal. In the temple of the Sphinx the pillars are 4 feet square; here they are 8 1/2 feet. It is impossible, in spite of the havor made, not to be struck by the majestic simplicity of the structure, chiefly in the corner where the ceiling has remained.
Last Edit: September 19, 2007, 11:04:32 am by Bianca2001
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Re: THE THREE HALLS OF RECORDS - By Drs. Gregory & Lora Little
Reply #59
September 19, 2007, 09:17:18 am »
Tomb of Osiris" Blue Sarcophagus Lid
These rare photographs were taken inside the "Tomb of Osiris" at the Giza Plateau, Cairo, Egypt. The "Tomb of Osiris" complex is more commonly known as the "Water Shaft". The entrance to this tomb complex is situated due west of the Sphinx on the Causeway (see first photo taken in 1999). Lots of local trash is often seen at this entrance way even to this day (UNESCO, where are you?).
Descending down from the entrance, there are three levels (or chambers) of this tomb complex which can be reached. It can be a very treacherous and frightening descent down the various shafts and levels especially in complete darkness (totaling approx 33 meters in total depth). The second level of the Water Shaft features a large chamber with 7 sub-chambers. Inside one of the west wall sub-chambers is a remarkable and large black sarcophagus (see second taken in 1999). The glow sticks were used to mildly illuminate the sarcophagus in the pitch darkness while the photo was taken.
Peering inside this coffer, one can see yet more trash (see photo 3 taken in 2002). Continuing and descending further down the shaft, one reaches the third level of the Tomb of Osiris complex. This third level is so far below the surface of the Giza Plateau, it reaches the underground water table. Therefore the third level chamber is partially submerged under water. This chamber was the star attraction in the 1999 live FOX Television "Opening The Lost Tombs" show. The main feature of this chamber is of course the unique sarcophagus which is fully submerged with water. The lid of the sarcophagus was rigged and roped and ready for lifting for the FOX TV show (see photos 4 and 5 taken in 1999 on the eve before the live televised broadcast).
Unseen or unobserved on television (and pretty much elsewhere) is the fact that the lid of this sarcophagus is clearly BLUE in color, perhaps being made from lapis lazuli stone (perhaps from the Blue Desert in the Sinai). As far as I know, a blue stone sarcophagus lid is extremely rare (perhaps even non-existent) amongst ancient Egyptian artifacts. But uncommon Egyptian artifacts are often overlooked by the alternative community, in the same manner that the 'flying machine' hieroglyphs from the Temple of Seti I in Abydos were given the focus of attention although inches away are even more bizarre glyphs which remain completely ignored even after a decade.
Anyway, I thought listeners might like these photos of the blue sarcophagus lid from the Tomb of Osiris. A full set of high-res images from this tomb complex can be found at our Giza Plateau Coast Club.
Last Edit: September 19, 2007, 11:21:51 am by Bianca2001
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