I’ve voiced my take on this gloomy prediction, but I’ll state it here again.
The Mayan’s were expecting the Great White teacher to return in 1517. They welcomed the Spanish Conquistadors with welcome arms into their city, which was well fortified and the Spanish would never have been able to enter it by force. It was only in believing in their prophesy that the Mayans foolishly let their conquerors see first hand their defenses. Their prophesy came true exactly when it was foretold. But NOT in any way how they expected it to be. They got it totally wrong. 1517 was supposed to be a good thing, and it was anything but. So if 2012 is supposed to be such a bad thing, we can only hope that the Mayans record for successful prediction continues on it’s TOTALLY WRONG streak, LOL.
Hi Sungate,
With all due respect, you are mistaken on a couple of points here:
1) The Mayan calendar does not predict any kind of apocalyptic destruction. The calendar simply ends.
People link cataclysmic doomsday to the end of the Calendar's long count for a variety of other reasons:
1) Possible return of Nebiru/Planet X
2) Increase sunspot activity and resultant massive solar flare
3) Galactic alignment, solar system alignment, gravitational tug of war
4) magnetic pole reversal
5) Mother Nature correcting gross ecological, environmental imbalances perpetrated by virus-like homo sapiens
As far as "gloom and doom" I personally don't see anything gloomy about Mother Earth purifying herself if/when its time. When our bodies contract a virus, they heat up w/ fever and may shake too --perhaps likewise w/ Gaia.
2) The calendar has nothing to do with the Spanish conquest of Mexico either, and the history you are referring to concerns the defeat of the
Aztecs, not the Mayans. The Mayan civilization was already in decline at this point but it still took the Spanish 170 years to conquer them.
3) The Mayan calendar's prediction of astronomical events is fairly solid such as the solar eclipse of 1991. Mayan elders said that this marked the "return of the voyagers of the Sixth Sun" and an unprecedented amount of UFO activity was witnessed over Mexico City and elsewhere at that time.
I would say their track record is fine, actually.