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The Russians' Findings

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Author Topic: The Russians' Findings  (Read 12862 times)
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« Reply #60 on: September 15, 2007, 09:13:19 pm »

Then a secret department existed in OGPU, secretly leading and financing some laboratories and expedition projects and among them elaborations of Barchenko. The discoveries of Barchenko at once appeared in the hands of officials of All-Russian Special Commission for Combating Counter- revolution and Sabotage and were strictly placed on secret about which there are documental corroborations.

Seidozero itself is a symbol and personification of Great Mystery. According to legend it has double bottom. In the mountains near the lake Barchenko went down to underground cave which probably led under the bottom of  the lake. In July 2001 the expedition of Demin managed to fix with the help of radiolocation on the coast of Seidozero a vast- about 9 meters in height- cavity of the cave kind filled with water. From here under the bottom of the lake a tunnel goes also filled with water and silt. In a year here  rectilineal stone blocks were found processed as examination showed by metal instruments! The time of their artificial processing oscillate from 8th to 9th thsnd. B.C.
Also a great impression make pyramidal  peaks on Spitsbergen. The name of northern archipelago is derived from two words: spitz- “sharp end”, bergen- “mountains”. One of the most famous mountains on Spitsbergen is called so- “pyramid”. Pyramidal hills, mounds, mountains and, properly speaking pyramids are everywhere.

In Russia pyramidal constructions and, in fact, pyramids we can meet in Chukotka, Yamal, Urals, Siberia, Primorsky region (Nachodka), in Middle Asia. Even in Crimea whole 37 underground pyramids are found! In the centre of Nachodka a pyramid with the name “Brother” is rising exploded in Soviet times. The age of pyramid is estimated by the scientists of Second Amur expedition in some tens thousand years, and may be hundred thousand years.
Large stone balls of different seize the researchers unexpectedly found on the island of Champ of Franz Josef Land archipelago. Undoubtedly, they are processed by human hands and resemble the same artifacts of Costa-Rica, Guatemala  and Mexico. The scientists managed to find similar stone balls in other regions of the planet- in Kazachstan, Egypt, Romania, Germany, Brasil.

Some data let us tell that rivalry between Soviet Union and USA in a cold war took place not only in the sphere of traditional science and culture but in the non-traditional sphere such as esoteric knowledge of ancient civilizations including Hyperborea, Lemuria and Atlantis. The archives of the former special agencies and special departments OGPU, NKVD, MGB, in particular, concerning expeditions of Barchenko, Rerich and other investigators to Kolsky peninsula, Krimea, Altai, Aphganistan,Tibet, Mongolia and other concealed centers passed under the authority of KGB and then FSB of Russia. It is known that in 1926 Barchenko and Rerich met with each other.

In the last decade Russian scientists continue the searches of  the perished civilization. In the period from 1996 to 1999 the group of scientists from Ufa under leadership of doctor of medicine, professor, the director of All Russian center of optic and plastic surgery of Ministry of health of Russia E.R.Muldashev organized four expeditions in the region of Tibet to find legendary City of Gods.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2007, 09:19:21 pm by Bianca2001 » Report Spam   Logged

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