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The Russians' Findings

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« Reply #90 on: November 29, 2007, 06:32:41 pm »

                                                RESEARCHES BY THE SOVIETS

Ancient remains in the Atlantic, in 1979

Announcement of the discovery of the sunken Amber mountain, in 1984

The discovery of a smooth marble plate in 1985.

During the end of March in 1979, some Soviet researchers announced the success of their research in the Atlantic Ocean by saying “Plato showed us the way to the lost Atlantis”. The soviet boat of underwater researches, named “Vityaz”, anchored to the river Tagus of Portugal. Dr. Andrey Aksenov, assistant manager of the Institute of Oceanography of Soviet Academy, called reporters on the boat and announced a discovery:
"In the sea area, 900 km from the Portugal coasts, there have been found, on a sunken mountain, a plateau in strange formations. After a close examination with our scientific instruments, we discovered that in this area there are remains, probably of a sunken city. We spotted almost clearly half-demolished walls and giant stairs, even if they were covered with seaweed and other sea plants. We took many photos, by which eight of them show the huge symmetrical escalation, and they will be sent to Moscow for special elaboration...."

The Soviets of “Vityaz” told to Mr Vaskonselo, manager of the National Fishing Institute of Portugal, that they are certain they have discovered a sunken part of the lost Atlantis. Dr. Aksenov also mentioned that this discovery is only the beginning of a whole research which will be centered to this place of the Atlantic. Besides, this is the place that Plato defined the existence and disappearance of Atlantis.

The research boat “Vityaz” continued its mission by scanning the bottom of the Atlantic, westward of Madera. In this area, under the surface of the sea, it is extended the mountain Amber. It is a strange mountain in the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean and due to its shape attracts all those Atlantologists, who study Atlantis by Plato scripts.

In 1984 the Soviets of “Vityaz” finished their long researches and gave the information that the mountain Amber, found beneath water, has once been a large island above the surface of the sea.

Unfortunately, they did not announce the details and evidence on which they had been based...

In September 1985, there has been announced by the soviet and foreign tabloids that the Russians pulled out of 4500 meters in the Atlantic, a strange piece of marble. The research was carried out by the oceanographers of the soviet boat “Academic Boris Petrov”.

This discovery has troubled a lot the research group of the boat.

From the very early studies on this object, it has been found out that it was a smooth plate of marble colored from both sides in white-yellowish. Its shape proves that it had been smoothed by a man. They estimated that this object exists in the ocean for many thousand years. Leon Hitrov, scientist of the Soviet Academy of Sciences and chief of the mission pointed out:

“This finding is of great importance. I will personally take on its analysis in the Laboratory of Analytic Chemistry and Geochemistry of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. This scientific test will show if the plate was a part of a structure of an unknown civilization or if according to all evidence, it comes from the legendary and powerful nation of the Atlantians”.

Unfortunately, the Soviet Academy of Sciences, from all we know, has not announced something officially. There are rumors that the “secret” researches continue in the Atlantic Ocean, not only by Russians but by Americans.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2007, 06:34:31 pm by Bianca2001 » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #91 on: December 31, 2007, 07:30:58 pm »

  Re: ATLANTIS & the Atlantic Ocean 1 (ORIGINAL)
« Reply #37 on: December 22, 2007, 05:13:39 pm » Quote Modify 



Member # 1890

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   posted 08-12-2004 12:43 AM                       
Thanks for the link, Riven, here is one for you. This is more information on the Russian discoveries of Atlantis, though still no pictures:

Soviet Case for Atlantis
On the 27th of March 1979, the Soviet vessel, of oceanographic research, "Vityaz" was found at the delta of the Portugeuese river Tago. During the same night journalists from all over the country and abroad, would listen to Dr. Ascenov's scientific announcements regarding the results of their research in the Atlantic.
After the necessary introduction to the journalists, the Soviet oceanologist announced some peculiar results regarding their research within the Atlantic ocean.

" In an Area that is located 900 kilometers off the Portuguese shores, an underwater plateau was identified, with strange formations. The plateau is on top of an underwater mountain. After extensive research and based to the measurements of our scientific equipment, we have identified possible ruins of a submerged city. We clearly identified destroyed walls and gigantic stairs. And although all these items are covered with loads of marine plants, we managed to take clear photos of the area. The photos are showing symmetrical stone constructions, staircases and other remains. All this material will be sent to Moscow for further analysis".
this short announcement, the soviet scientists revealed to the journalists, that they could have probably found Atlantis.
The Soviet vessel continued its mission searching the oceanic floor west of Madeira.

Close to this area there is an underwater mountain called "Amber". Five years later, in 1984 when the Soviet scientists concluded their research, they announced that "Amber" mountain, once was an island that was eventually submerged without giving any more information.

In September of the following year (1985) "Pravda" reported that the Soviets had pulled out of the ocean, from a depth of 4,500 meters a strange piece of marble. This discovery was made by another Soviet vessel: "Academic Boris Petrov". This new finding, puzzled the scientists.
The marble artifact's sides were smoothened. Its color was yellowish. Its schema betrayed artificial origin. The Soviet scientists mentioned that it was definitely man-made. By chemical analysis they produced palaeochronology results, showing that this piece of marble was lying at the bottom of the ocean for thousands of years (the experimental procedure unfortunately was not published).

The leading scientist of the Soviet Academy of Science, Leo Chitrov declared that he would personally head the research for the chemical analysis of the find. Since then, the Soviet Academy never announced anything regarding the results.   


« Last Edit: December 31, 2007, 07:33:04 pm by Bianca » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #92 on: December 31, 2007, 07:37:31 pm »


Member # 1890

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   posted 08-14-2004 05:34 PM                       
Here is an interview with one of the Russian scientists who visited the Ampere Seamounts in the 1980's. Apparently, they have been there in 1974, 1978, 1984 and 1986. That's a lot of visits, and the information in the article seems to correspond with the recent interest in the area of the ocean just to the east. I read a quote today from Dr. Maxine Asher's website where she also says that there are "four sunken cities in the area just to the west of Gibraltar."


Searching for the Lost Continent
07/09/2003 16:45

Russian scientist believes, Atlantis lies between Gibraltar and the Azores.
Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, professor Alexander Gorodnitsky has recently celebrated his 70th birthday.  This is a world-known scientist from the Russian Institute of Oceanology. Alexander Gorodnitsky is also known in Russia as a poet and a song writer.
Alexander Gorodnitsky chaired the laboratory of the marine geophysics at the Arctic Geology Research Institute in Leningrad. He took part in a lot of expeditions in various areas of the World Ocean, he explored the ocean at the depth of five kilometers in underwater vehicles. He was the first scientist in the world to calculate the lithosphere power. The professor published more than 260 scientific works, including eight studies about the geology and geophysics of the ocean floor.

You wrote a song about Atlases, you read books about Atlantis. What is it: a return to the old romantic hobby, or something more serious?

It is probably both. Vyacheslav Kudryavtsev, Director of the Metahistory Institute, believes, there is a mouth of an ancient river on the continental slope to the south-west of the British Isles. Kudryavtsev thinks, an ancient town might have existed on the banks of the river too. He is determined to go there to explore that place. There is no actual evidence to prove that supposition, but a theory says that the Greenland ice melted in the beginning of the historic time, and the Gulf Stream made it to the north. The continent with such a beautiful name - Atlantis - was flooded as a result of the ocean level change. It seemed to be very interesting to me, especially after we came across a strange construction under the water - it looked like the ruins of an ancient city.

We have all necessary equipment at our disposal at the Oceanology Institute: we have underwater probes and vehicles, which allow to submerge to the depth of the ocean. We have already developed the project of the mission, freighted a ship, we have even obtained a permission from the UK. We just need $200,000 for the expedition, but Russian sponsors have refused to help us.
Why breaking a lance - a lot of people believe that there is no Atlantis at all, because there has not been any evidence found to prove the existence of the ancient continent.

The absence of findings is not supposed to be the base to say no to further attempts and works. It simply testifies to the low level of the research. About 15 years ago scientists found a proof that a large ancient civilization used to exist - the huge Hittite Kingdom.

I think that the lost continent is situated somewhere between Gibraltar and the Azores. In 1984 and 1986 our expedition was working on the slopes of Mount Ampere, when we found very strange constructions at the depth of only 100 meters - they looked like rooms and walls. I submerged to see that myself, made some sketches. Other geologists drew alters or walls - that was what they had seen, we could not take any photographs at that time. At first it seemed to me that those rooms and walls had been created by the nature, but the rooms were equal in size. The human psychology is organized very specifically: if someone had said that professor Gorodnitsky found the lost continent, no one would have believed such a message.

Yes, it is true, but there were a lot of other scientists, who were trying to find Atlantis, Jacques Yves Cousteau, for example.

It was Cousteau, who explored the sea floor around Santorin volcano and found the ruins of an ancient state there. A lot of people believed that it was Atlantis. However, such a point of view contradicted to Plato's words, who said that Atlantis was situated on the other side of Pillar of Hercules. From the point of view of the modern geology, I dare to prove that the underwater mountain chain between Gibraltar and the Azores is the lost continent. Canaries and Green Cape islands are the last peaks of Atlantis.

Atlas stands next to Pillar of Hercules, which means that ancient people had reasons for that. Of course, it would be ridiculous to think that we will find a golden statue or ruins of ancient towns. Any expedition has a chance to be a success, because there is always an opportunity to discover something new. If we manage to prove that Europe used to spread far behind the Pyrenees, it will change the perception of the human history. In addition to it, it is a great chance for Russian scientists to discover Atlantis!

Scientists say, the angle of inclination of the axis of the equator is changing, which will eventually make continents collide with each other. The collision will cause a monstrous earthquake, the land will sink under the water, tsunamis will flood practically everything. What is your attitude to such forecasts?

They are nonsense. The stability of continent plates tectonics is determined with endogenous (internal) factors. As far as the Earth's axis is concerned, one may not worry about it for the coming 100,000 years. It will remain as it is now and will not cause an earthquake that would be capable of destroying continents.


« Last Edit: December 31, 2007, 07:38:53 pm by Bianca » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #93 on: January 25, 2008, 11:15:21 pm »

Back in the 1970s, the Russians made publicity by stating that they found undersea ruins near the Ampere Seamounts.  Some of the pictures ended up in the books by Charles Berlitz!  The original reports and pictures have ended up being a Holy Grail of sorts for Atlantis researchers.

To make a long story short, I found out that this material came into the possession of Edgerton Sykes and that he willed his entire Atlantis collection to the A.R.E. when he died. 

Awhile ago, I asked Dr. Greg Little of the A.R.E. to check on that information and se if there was anything useful in it!  Over the holiday break, he got the chance to do so and here is what he found:

"We were in Virginia Beach over New Years and spent two days in the Edgerton Sykes room copying and videotaping from his files. One of the early Bimini skeptics, John Gifford, was interviewed about the Bimini columns after he examined them in the 1970s. Gifford described the fluted marble columns and related that they appear to be directly linked to 3000-year old temples in the Mediterranean. Phoenician trading was cited. Secondly, Sykes had a huge amount of material regarding the Russian underwater explorations in the Mid-Atlantic. I wasn't aware that the Russians actually did so many followups to it all. The initial report they put out related that some of the things they found might be manmade. This is cited all the time. But, there were a host of follow-up articles by the same researchers, and they conclusively showed that everything they had seen on the bottom was natural. They had a lot of photos and scientific reports on it, most of which never were available in the US--and none of it is on the internet. Sykes also had a lot of books and articles on Atlantis in Spain, Cadiz, Andelucia, etc, etc., etc. Incredible. Not a new theory anywhere as every possible place is covered in these books even Israel, the UK, -- you name it. Sykes seemed convinced that Atlantis was primarily in the Bahamas-Carribean area, but it had remnants spread out all over the globe.

There were at least three followup articles with photos. They concluded it was all natural. There were some photos. It all looked interesting, but it looked natural."

I'd like to see the info on this myself someday, but I trust Greg's opinion on this, so that verdict is good enough for me.  It's a disappointment, but, in the end, I would much rather know the truth than hold onto a fantasy! 

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This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean. But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea.
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« Reply #94 on: January 26, 2008, 09:37:24 am »

Well, Desi, THAT may not be the end of the story.

Here is THE HUTTON COMMENTARIES' latest on the Mid Atlantic Ridge,6614.0.html
« Last Edit: February 09, 2008, 11:51:07 am by Bianca » Report Spam   Logged

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« Reply #95 on: August 26, 2008, 11:43:12 am »

Carolyn Silver
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    Russian scientist believes, Atlantis lies between Gibraltar and the Azores

« on: July 28, 2008, 11:25:25 pm » Quote 


                     Russian scientist believes, Atlantis lies between Gibraltar and the Azores

Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, professor Alexander Gorodnitsky has recently celebrated his 70th birthday. This is a world-known scientist from the Russian Institute of Oceanology. Alexander Gorodnitsky is also known in Russia as a poet and a song writer.

Alexander Gorodnitsky chaired the laboratory of the marine geophysics at the Arctic Geology Research Institute in Leningrad. He took part in a lot of expeditions in various areas of the World Ocean, he explored the ocean at the depth of five kilometers in underwater vehicles. He was the first scientist in the world to calculate the lithosphere power. The professor published more than 260 scientific works, including eight studies about the geology and geophysics of the ocean floor.

You wrote a song about Atlases, you read books about Atlantis. What is it: a return to the old romantic hobby, or something more serious?

It is probably both. Vyacheslav Kudryavtsev, Director of the Metahistory Institute, believes, there is a mouth of an ancient river on the continental slope to the south-west of the British Isles. Kudryavtsev thinks, an ancient town might have existed on the banks of the river too. He is determined to go there to explore that place. There is no actual evidence to prove that supposition, but a theory says that the Greenland ice melted in the beginning of the historic time, and the Gulf Stream made it to the north. The continent with such a beautiful name - Atlantis - was flooded as a result of the ocean level change. It seemed to be very interesting to me, especially after we came across a strange construction under the water - it looked like the ruins of an ancient city.

We have all necessary equipment at our disposal at the Oceanology Institute: we have underwater probes and vehicles, which allow to submerge to the depth of the ocean. We have already developed the project of the mission, freighted a ship, we have even obtained a permission from the UK. We just need $200,000 for the expedition, but Russian sponsors have refused to help us.

Why breaking a lance - a lot of people believe that there is no Atlantis at all, because there has not been any evidence found to prove the existence of the ancient continent.

The absence of findings is not supposed to be the base to say no to further attempts and works. It simply testifies to the low level of the research. About 15 years ago scientists found a proof that a large ancient civilization used to exist - the huge Hittite Kingdom.

I think that the lost continent is situated somewhere between Gibraltar and the Azores. In 1984 and 1986 our expedition was working on the slopes of Mount Ampere, when we found very strange constructions at the depth of only 100 meters - they looked like rooms and walls. I submerged to see that myself, made some sketches. Other geologists drew alters or walls - that was what they had seen, we could not take any photographs at that time. At first it seemed to me that those rooms and walls had been created by the nature, but the rooms were equal in size. The human psychology is organized very specifically: if someone had said that professor Gorodnitsky found the lost continent, no one would have believed such a message.

Yes, it is true, but there were a lot of other scientists, who were trying to find Atlantis, Jacques Yves Cousteau, for example.

It was Cousteau, who explored the sea floor around Santorin volcano and found the ruins of an ancient state there. A lot of people believed that it was Atlantis. However, such a point of view contradicted to Plato's words, who said that Atlantis was situated on the other side of Pillar of Hercules. From the point of view of the modern geology, I dare to prove that the underwater mountain chain between Gibraltar and the Azores is the lost continent. Canaries and Green Cape islands are the last peaks of Atlantis.

Atlas stands next to Pillar of Hercules, which means that ancient people had reasons for that. Of course, it would be ridiculous to think that we will find a golden statue or ruins of ancient towns. Any expedition has a chance to be a success, because there is always an opportunity to discover something new. If we manage to prove that Europe used to spread far behind the Pyrenees, it will change the perception of the human history. In addition to it, it is a great chance for Russian scientists to discover Atlantis!

Scientists say, the angle of inclination of the axis of the equator is changing, which will eventually make continents collide with each other. The collision will cause a monstrous earthquake, the land will sink under the water, tsunamis will flood practically everything. What is your attitude to such forecasts?

They are nonsense. The stability of continent plates tectonics is determined with endogenous (internal) factors. As far as the Earth's axis is concerned, one may not worry about it for the coming 100,000 years. It will remain as it is now and will not cause an earthquake that would be capable of destroying continents. 
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« Reply #96 on: September 06, 2008, 12:03:24 pm »

It's a shame that the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is too deep to do any real research at it. Work there is so expensive that only big corporations and the military ever gets to it.  Of course neither would be very forthcoming when it comes to archaeology.
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« Reply #97 on: October 21, 2008, 07:41:45 am »

Gwen Parker
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     Soviet Scientist Says Ocean Site May Be Atlantis (1978)
« on: October 11, 2008, 07:02:32 pm » Quote 

(Courtesy of Mark, this is the original 1978 article that ran in the New York Times, discussing the findings of ruins purported to be the remains of Atlantis.  I am typing the whole thing manually as we only have it in PDF form at the moment)

Soviet Scientist Says Ocean Site May Be Atlantis

By Craig Whitney

Special to the New York Times

Moscow, May 20 - Plato, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and all you science fiction writers who have puzzled over the lost Continent of Atlantis, move over for Prof. Andrei Arkadyevich Aksyonov.

Soviet scientists may maintain that the so-called Bermuda Triangle, an area in the Atlantic where mysterious disappearances of ships and planes is said to have occurred, is nothing but water and that flying saucers are optical illusions. But Prof. Aksyonov says he has photographs of man-made stone walls and staircases at a depth of about 200 feet in the Atlantic Ocean, 275 miles southwest of the Portuguese coast. 


"It's possible that it's a part of Atlantis, maybe not the whole thing, but a part," Dr. Aksynov said.  He is a man of established scientific reputation, a deputy director of the Institute of Oceanology of the Soviet Academy of Sciences.

His evidence, he concedes, is limited:  two pictures showing eleven stones that he believes bear the mark of human handiwork.

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« Reply #98 on: October 21, 2008, 07:43:41 am »

Gwen Parker
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     Re: Soviet Scientist Says Ocean Site May Be Atlantis (1978)
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2008, 07:17:03 pm » Quote 

The photographs were taken two years ago, not by Dr. Aksyonov but by a colleague, Vladimir I. Marakuyev.

(Photo here)

The New York Times, May 21, 1979

A Soviet Scientist said he found ruins on the Ampere Searmouts

with a submersible camera on the submerged summit of the Ampere Seamount, a dormant volcano midway between Lisbon and the Madeira archipelago.  The ocean floor around the seamount is more than 10,000 feet below the surface.

In his office at the institute, D. Aksyonov said recently that he was sorry but he could not show the pictures.  "They belong to Marakuyev, and he is very sick with a heart condition in the hospital," he said.  "I think they'll be published in one of our scientific journals sometime soon."

Mr. Marakyev apparently did not realize what he had until late last year, when he got around to developing film from a 1977 exploration of the seamount that he had made in the Soviet research vessel Moskovsky Universitet.  "I don't why it took him so long to get to them," Dr, Aksyonov said.

An offer of Directions

He will not say he has discovered Atlantis, but he offers free directions to anybody else who wants to.  "All you would have to do is take a ship with the right equipment to the Ampere Seamount, go down 60 meters, find the stones and bring them up to see if they are manmade or not," he said.  "It's my personal opinion that they are."
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« Reply #99 on: October 21, 2008, 07:45:15 am »

Gwen Parker
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     Re: Soviet Scientist Says Ocean Site May Be Atlantis (1978)
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2008, 07:26:38 pm » Quote 

Accounts of the discovery were published in Europe earlier this spring, and Dr. Aksyonov says they brought amused smiles from oceanographer colleagues in Den mark. 

"I asked them, 'Did any of you believe this?'  They said 'No,' and they said they laughed a lot."

As he describes the pictures, of a total of eight, only two are really interesting.

'Typical Wall From Antiquity'

"One of them shows eight stones - four square ones and four rounded ones in a line about three and a half or four feet long," he said.  "Specialists who've looked at it say it's a typical wall from antiquity.  The second photo shows three equally spaced stones at the left-hand edge, and it appears to be part of a staircase."

Dr. Akysonov just returned from an unrelated oceanographic cruise in his research ship, the Vityaz.

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« Reply #100 on: October 21, 2008, 07:47:01 am »

Gwen Parker
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     Re: Soviet Scientist Says Ocean Site May Be Atlantis (1978)
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2008, 08:06:46 pm » Quote 

"Heinrich Schliemann, the great 19th-century German archeologist, found the ruins of Troy by studying the poetry of Homer very attentively," he said.  Mr. Schliemann, too, got a skeptical reaction at first.

Atlantis was described in two of his dialogues, the Timaeus and the Critias.  "Plato says it was located in the Atlantic Ocean and on an island and that tribes living on it took part in wars in southern Europe and in North Africa before one day the island sank between walls of water," Dr. Aksyonov said.  "I believe that the objects in the pictures once stood on the surface too, though specialists say it's difficult to believe the seamount could have sunk so far," he said.

Cities Lisbon Earthquake

He says that the catastrophc earthquake in Lisbon in 1755 caused a tidal wave and a flood that left part of the city forever beneath the sea.  Something similar, he surmises, may have happened to an island of which the Ampere Seamount would be the submarine remnant.

The legends around Atlantis have been nourished over the centuries.  It has been variously located in America, Scandinavia, the Middle East and the Canary Islands, 500 miles south of the Ampere Seamount.

"The ocean is full of mysteries," Dr. Aksyonov says.  "And our investigations are the beginning of our understanding."

Published May 21, 1979
Copyright the New York Times
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« Reply #101 on: October 21, 2008, 07:49:49 am »

Gwen Parker
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     Re: Soviet Scientist Says Ocean Site May Be Atlantis (1978)
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2008, 08:12:51 pm » Quote 

From dhill757:

3.2 The Discovery of the Russians

It is suggested that Atlantis did not sink into the sea but rather was “drowned” by the ocean due to the rising waters brought about by the melting of the glacial ice. There is an implication that the present small islands where Atlantis once existed might be found on seamounts, plateaus and marine valleys surrounding it and in underwater traces of buildings or walls indicating the existence of an advance culture in the past. Russian underwater research provided certain measure of corroboration for this theory.

Russia , although far from the Atlantic Ocean maintained interest in the Atlantic and in the tradition of the lost continent of Atlantis. An expedition carried out by the Academician Petrovsky, a Russian research ship, photographed seafloor topography and archaeological relics where legendary Atlantis was supposedly located. The aim and the result of the expedition, which took place in the early part of 1974, was summarized by Barinova and appeared in Znanie-Sila (no.8, 1979).

On board the ship were geologists, biologists and an underwater photograph specialist named Ivanovich Marakuev who studied the sandbanks of Mediterranean Sea shallow waters and of the Atlantic Ocean not far from the Northwest Africa . It is the origin, structure and population of the sandbanks, the peaks of underwater mountains that are the prime scientific interest of those specialists.

Photos taken at the Horse Archipelago (300 miles west of Gibraltar ) especially at the summit of Ampere Seamount, an underwater plateau that was thrust upwards from a depth of 10,000 ft. to 200 ft. below the sea level showed unexpected features. These pictures show masonry on an upper edge of a wall. It is about 1.5 meters high and slightly longer in length. Its width is approximately 75 centimeters (Berlitz, 1984).

The Russian discovery at the Ampere Seamount was not published for several years until worldwide publicity came in 1978 via an interview of Prof. Andrei Aksyonov, then the deputy director of the Institute of Oceanography of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Prof. Aksyonov while cautious on the Atlantean identification of the ruins believed that the objects in the picture once stood on the surface of the land . An AP release issued by Alexander Nesterenko, then the director of the Fleet Department of the Institute of Oceanography , confirmed the report that the Russian research ship has taken pictures of “ what might be ruins” but denied reports that Vityaz, another research ship was investigating the same site. (See Image 4)
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« Reply #102 on: October 21, 2008, 07:52:14 am »

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    Re: Soviet Scientist Says Ocean Site May Be Atlantis (1978)
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2008, 11:16:46 pm » Quote 

I see that there was a follow-up on this, in a 1981 publication.  I couldn't get the article, but at least the discovery didn't vanish from the news:

Atlantis found -- again

When Soviet oceanographers examined their underwater photos taken of the Ampere Seamount, they discovered what seemed to be walls, stairways, and other artificial stonework. The Ampere Seamount is 450 miles west of Gibraltar, just the area where Plato placed Atlantis!

(Anonymous; "Undersea Discovery May Be Atlantis," Baltimore Sun, April 5, 1981. AP item.)

From Science Frontiers #15, Spring 1981. © 1981-2000 William R. Corliss
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« Reply #103 on: October 21, 2008, 07:54:15 am »

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    Re: Soviet Scientist Says Ocean Site May Be Atlantis (1978)
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2008, 04:00:06 am » Quote 

Hi all,

I'll add my reply from Greg Little last year on this as he actually went to Virginia Beach (where the Sykes material now resides with the A.R.E.).  It seems to be the only real wrap-up we got from the Russians:

Greg Little
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"The Phoenican ship in itself is an incredible find!  That alone could be the subject of it's own documentary.  When will you try and verify that it's Phoenician and release the info to the public?"

Reply: What we found was a pile of ruins from a white marble temple. Then we found through library research that it had been previously found and investigated and that the ribs of an 1800's ship were under the marble. Oddly, the night before we left our house for Virginia Beach to present the finds at a conference, Andrew Collins was staying with us. We discovered, to our amazement, another 1970s tv-documentary video piece on the marble. It stated that the Phoenician ship is under the ship with the marble on it!! Again, I'm clueless beyond that. I had long wondered about the source of the "Phoenician ship at Bimini" report--and I do not know if it's valid. We do not have plans to revisit it--there is just too much else to do. (A lot of confusion was caused by the 1970s researchers because they had no reliable way to refind something--they ad no gps. So the kept finding and losing sites that were later refound by someone else and then lost again.)

I'll add two more items. We were in Virginia Beach over New Years and spent two days in the Edgerton Sykes room copying and videotaping from his files. One of the early Bimini skeptics, John Gifford, was interviewed about the Bimini columns after he examined them in the 1970s. Gifford described the fluted marble columns and related that they appear to be directly linked to 3000-year old temples in the Mediterranean. Phoenician trading was cited. Secondly, Sykes had a huge amount of material regarding the Russian underwater explorations in the Mid-Atlantic. I wasn't aware that the Russians actually did so many followups to it all. The initial report they put out related that some of the things they found might be manmade. This is cited all the time. But, there were a host of follow-up articles by the same researchers, and they conclusively showed that everything they had seen on the bottom was natural. They had a lot of photos and scientific reports on it, most of which never were available in the US--and none of it is on the internet. Sykes also had a lot of books and articles on Atlantis in Spain, Cadiz, Andelucia, etc, etc., etc. Incredible. Not a new theory anywhere as every possible place is covered in these books even Israel, the UK, -- you name it. Sykes seemed convinced that Atlantis was primarily in the Bahamas-Carribean area, but it had remnants spread out all over the globe.

"As for the wall at Joulters, do you have any notion what it might be, any speculation?  What are it's dimensions, by the way?"

Reply: The wall, at least as far as we can tell, is about 300-400 yards long and curving before it disappears into the sand. The intact area of it is about 4-6 ft wide and 5-6 feet high as it comes off the bottom, but there are more stones below the sandy bottom. The first impression is that it could have been a high quality seawall of some sort, but the stone blocks are really nice. There is also a large flat area 30x30 feet formed by blocks. It isn't a pirate construction and it isn't modern. I remain stumped beyond that.

Dr. Michael Faught, former Chair of FSU's underwater archaeology department has accepted an offer to speak at the ARE October 9-12, 2008. See:

"When will the documentary be out and do you have a title for it yet?"

Title: American Mysteries: The 40-Year Search for Edgar Cayce's Atlantis.

It is going to be shopped around to tv markets, starting in 2 months. If it can't be sold it'll be available as the first episode in a dvd series--around October.
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« Reply #104 on: October 21, 2008, 07:56:54 am »

Jr. Member

Posts: 32

    Re: Soviet Scientist Says Ocean Site May Be Atlantis (1978)
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2008, 09:59:50 pm » Quote 

What a shame that one of these Mid to East Atlantic discoveries has yet to pan out!,13305.0.html
« Last Edit: October 21, 2008, 08:03:52 am by Bianca » Report Spam   Logged

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