Yes I remember when Greg Little wrote the above in 2004 and here are the key points to consider about
that blurb as they pertain to the Long Rocks by Cat Island:
1) He has never been there and doesn't plan to go -ever. I questioned the open-mindedness of that decision, but it became evident that this was made because he favored his own satellite discovery of the Bay of Cazones at Zapata, Cuba as the likely site for Plato's center city of Atlantis in support of his close friend Andrew Collin's Atlantis = Cuba hypothesis. But that feature at Zapata shows
no concentric circles at all(!) -none on any of the space photos I've seen: see a somewhat roundish natural peninsula but that is all. It measures 4.6 miles in diameter on NASA's Worldwind in contrast the outer ring of Plato's center city of Atlantis is 3.2 miles.
2) Greg is not a cartographer or possessing of such skills.
3) The "commercial dive operators", or
recreational divers rather, that he mentioned were not looking for ruins, doing subsurface excavations etc. or considering the entire feature of the Long Rocks. In other words, they weren't qualified to assess the feature's artificiality.
4) Ron Smith who is a cartographer by virtue of his ownership of a land title company has measured them with Maptech maps and the arcing bands
do extend into circles which do match Plato's dimensions! I posted a link to this research earlier in this thread and Desiree copied out the maps, diagrams, and photos into a different thread.
5) The site was surveyed in 2002 by archeologist Bill Donato who contends that overall, the parallel arcing bands and remnant coral heads indicate an artifactual structure that merits closer investigation. This will take considerable time because the site is MILES in size!
6) Considering that Cayce identified the Bahamas as remnants of Atlantis, that the Grand Bahama Bank itself matches many of the characteristics set forth in Plato's
Critias, and artifactual features are being found all over this Bank, such context lends strong probability of artifactuality to this formation.
Anyway, I'm sure Greg would be thrilled if we found any ruins there and likewise I will be happy if he and Lora manage to turn up anything when/if they explore the Bay of Cazones in Cuba.