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Nordic Aliens (Original)

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Author Topic: Nordic Aliens (Original)  (Read 11684 times)
Jennie McGrath
Superhero Member
Posts: 4349

« Reply #405 on: February 03, 2008, 11:08:13 pm »


Member # 2736

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   posted 06-30-2006 11:12 AM                       
Almost all of the stars presently in the Local Anomaly (or Bubble) are just passing through, coursing randomly past each other as they make their way around the galaxy. The Solar System is presently expected to move out of this Local Anomaly in about 50,000 years. There are other branches of the Anomaly that may intersect ours before then but I suspect this was the event our ancestors saw as Fimbulwinter.

Some of the star systems within the Anomaly appear to move in tandem with each other and are called Superclusters. There are three major Superclusters within 500 light years of the solar system: The Hyades, The Pleiades, and very close to us, The Sirius Supercluster. These Superclusters contain hundreds of very young stars, some as young as 70 million years.

Sirius is the fifth closest system to the sun, at 8.6 light-years away. Sirius B exploded about 124 +/- 5 million years ago, long before The Pleiades explosions formed the Local Anomaly. It is now a white dwarf and the companion to Sirius A. Any planet orbiting Sirius A would have to withstand heavy bombardment from Sirius B. The Sirius Supercluster, however, produces the same tunneling effect as does The Pleiades.

I personally do not know if there have been physical visitations by beings from these stars because they are very young, which is why I said that intelligence was transmitted to us from the Pleiades and Orion’s Belt within the last 14 million years.

Certainly, there have been other neutron stellar explosions and other transmissions, but if physical entities have visited the earth, they were either from older stellar systems or other dimensions.

The stories that Sirius is the center of a vast confederation persist, and the physics of that system certainly indicate that something very strange occurs within its neighborhood. Remember, I said in reference to Sirius, "that fluctuations of gravitational waves in space-time indicate the probability that numerous states - and possibly dimensions - exist simultaneously"? The Hyperboreans were described as "semi-transparent", and this indicates to me the possibility that they originated in another continuum or in an area of space vastly different from our own.

The Atlantic Modal Haplotype (AMH) people of the European Western Facade are identified as the Welsh, Irish, Orcadian, Basque, Sami and Aesti. The Sami and Aesti came from the Baltic region and were probably the first Nordic people.

The Aesti were likely the first to practice cultivation. They owned the hereditary right to gather and trade Baltic amber, which is found in a vast formation called “Blue Earth”. Blue Earth is actually green due to the inclusion of Glauconite in the clay. This is a natural potash mineral, an important source of plant nutrients and soil conditioners that enhance agricultural productivity. The original hunter-gatherers who summered in the Baltic began first to collect the magical amber gems they called the golden apples of the sun and later turned to agriculture when they found that the earth in which amber “grew” could increase crop yields and provide them with an abundant food supply. This is why the dust of amber was called “Ambrosia”, the food of the gods.

The gene responsible for red hair, fair skin and freckles first appeared in northwestern Europe among these people. White skin is a mutation generally associated with the change from the heavy meat diet of hunter-gatherers to one of grains and vegetables by a settled, agrarian people. Without the heavy consumption of animal fat, darker skinned people cannot absorb enough vitamin D from sunlight in the northern latitudes to maintain their health. On the other hand, white skin allows the assimilation of Vitamin D, which in turn boosts calcium absorption, prevents psoriasis, osteoporosis, breast and prostate cancer.

In women, the mutation that causes red hair also produces a higher pain threshold. In most people, the melanocortin-1 gene produces a protein that reduces the efficacy of opiate drugs, but redheaded women have a non-functional mutation of the gene so natural and artificial painkillers work unhindered. The painkilling effect is three times greater for redheaded women than for blondes, brunettes, or men, though differences in the way male and female brains process pain may explain the gender inconsistency.

In a primitive society, women who were stronger, healthier and more capable of bearing pain could carry more children to term and participate in activities like hunting and war. Their value would place them at the pinnacle of society, insuring that their genes were spread throughout the population and explain the worship of goddesses of childbearing, hunting and war. The Aesti were the first of the Nordic people to worship a diety known as the Mother of the Gods.

All of this is consistant with the legends of the Hyperboreans, so, yes, Diansyl, operating on the premise that there are aliens and there are Hyperboreans, the Nordic aliens would have something to do with the Hyperboreans - but nothing to do with the Greeks, Luke. We are not speaking of the myth of the Pleiades, only the stars identified by that name.


[ 06-30-2006, 12:04 PM: Message edited by: Briwnys ]

To those who understand, no explanation is necessary; to those who do not, no explanation is possible

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