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Topic: Nordic Aliens (Original) (Read 11470 times)
Jennie McGrath
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Posts: 4349
Re: Nordic Aliens (Original)
Reply #330
February 02, 2008, 11:54:56 pm »
posted 09-17-2005 10:15 PM
Jenny, Cal and Jennifer -
It saddens me that you incorrectly read so much into my limited comments. At no point did I dismiss the potential that ET exists. My whole point was simply that, since we have no credible evidence of their existence, the idea that anyone could attribute specific concerns to any particular species of ET is absurd. The ramblings of some manufactured dogma aside, the fact remains - we have no ETs in our possession.
Now, having said that, I think it to be highly probable that life exists elsewhere in the universe, and I have said so {religiously} in many other postings. The laws of science predict such a reality, and in fact, the laws of probability demand that they do. There is so much that physics (my discipline) cannot explain, yet suspect is true, that to say something can't or doesn't exist would be utter stupidity.
As long as M-Theory and Super-String theory requires 10 or 11 dimensions, Relativity requires worm-holes/white-holes/black-holes, and spacial anomolies continue to present themselves - I will continue to believe that interspacial travel is certainly allowed. My web page has information on it explaining just that.
My Spot
I hope this clears things up for you.
.. ..
[ 09-17-2005, 10:16 PM: Message edited by: 19MERLIN69 ]
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Jennie McGrath
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Re: Nordic Aliens (Original)
Reply #331
February 02, 2008, 11:56:09 pm »
Jennifer O'Dell
Member # 2239
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posted 09-18-2005 12:58 AM
We like our aliens around here, Merlin. As to why we like our aliens, it's beyond me. All they do is abduct us, probe us, then erase our memories of those events. Mean little gray guys...
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Jennie McGrath
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Re: Nordic Aliens (Original)
Reply #332
February 02, 2008, 11:56:42 pm »
posted 09-18-2005 07:19 AM
I hear you Jennifer, I just didn't want to take a bum's wrap for something I didn't do. Besides, I look like a viking, so it's in mt best interest to promote the Nordics - right?
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Jennie McGrath
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Re: Nordic Aliens (Original)
Reply #333
February 02, 2008, 11:57:03 pm »
Member # 1839
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posted 09-18-2005 11:02 AM
Is that what a bum wears?
Or did you mean a "bum rap" ?
"Illigitimi non carborundum!"
All knowledge is to be used in the manner that will give help and assistance to others, and the desire is that the laws of the Creator be manifested in the physical world. E.Cayce 254-17
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Jennie McGrath
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Re: Nordic Aliens (Original)
Reply #334
February 02, 2008, 11:57:26 pm »
Jennie McGrath
Member # 2197
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posted 09-18-2005 07:18 PM
It is in your best interest to promote the Nordics, Merlin, and everyone else's, too. They're the good guys!
I know that a lot of the earlier abduction witnesses often reported seeing the Nordic types and seemed to feel like they were primarily running the Grays.
Gee, Cat, I've never seen that before, do you know the source? Cause from what I can see, the Nordics are here to warn the human race about the grays and that they are, themselves, fighting an intergalactic war against them!
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Jennie McGrath
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Re: Nordic Aliens (Original)
Reply #335
February 02, 2008, 11:57:55 pm »
posted 09-18-2005 07:49 PM
Originally posted by rockessence:
Is that what a bum wears?
Or did you mean a "bum rap" ?
LOL - a little of both I suppose. You should try concentrating on what you are typing while holding a 2 month old who thinks all the pretty colors on the monitor are worthy of touching.
My apologies for the typo.
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Jennie McGrath
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Re: Nordic Aliens (Original)
Reply #336
February 02, 2008, 11:58:32 pm »
Member # 2683
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posted 09-18-2005 08:30 PM
Nordic Aliens-
The following information was emailed to me just today, and if you will read what is here you will begin to see what is the truth, and what is fiction about a lot of things that have been covered up over the years by our own U.S. Government, and why we have achieved the fantastic level of technology in the past 100 or so years after being basically primitive for Thousands of years! Some of this information was leaked to the producers of the Television Show "Dark Skies", which was pulled after being on for just a few seasons and is still running on cable stations, the Sci-Fi Channel. I believe that most of the following is true, and can be validated just by doing research on the internet since this information has been recently declassified.
The Greys and the Earth Agenda
A 1995 Alex Collier Lecture
Interaction Between Gizeh Group and Nazi Germany The Greys made contact with a world governmental body for the first time in 1931. This was in Germany. The Greys were however turned away by the German go-ernment, because it had already committed itself to involvement with the Gizeh intelligence. Now, I don't know if you know who Gizeh intelligence is, but I will tell you that it is a renegade group of human extraterrestrials that were headquartered under the Gizeh plateau in Egypt. They were predominantly Pleiadians at the time. Ashtar was part of that group, Kamagol was part of that group. Even Jehovah was part of that group for some time. They did their own thing. They came down here and "played God" with us, and people worshipped them as "Gods" because they had this technology. They abused their power. The Germans were, in the 1930's, building rockets and starting a space program because of their contacts with extraterrestrials - the Gizeh intelligence.
Technology was developed and used to create weapons, because the German gov-rnmental bodies involved were concerned that there was going to be an alien invasion. The Gizeh intelligence told them that the Greys were here. However, there was not an actual invasion, per se, in progress. Weapons, such as sound devices, lasers, neutron bombs, particle beam weapons were created, although many of these were actualized later on in history. The Germans were given a lot of this technology by the Gizeh intelligence. These technologies also included free energy devices and anti-gravity technology. Tripartite Interaction: US, USSR and Britain. The United States was the first to open its doors to the alien race known as the Greys. I have been told of a contact in 1934, wherein the Greys made their presence known to the United States government in Washington State. It wasn't until 1947 that actual contact occurred with the aliens and United States officials, due to the shooting down of an alien craft in Roswell, New Mexico. This pressed the Greys into contact earlier than they had anticipated. After this crash at Roswell in 1947 the United States, the Soviet Union and the British, at the very highest levels of government, became "blood-brothers".
Now, these governments did not know what Germany was really up to at that time in history. The Germans were very very secretive about their contact with Gizeh intelligences. What was going on in Germany and what was going on between these other countries were two separate issues.
The Roswell incident created more of an urgency to develop a true space program in order to defend the Earth. Again, the United States government and the Soviets thought that there was a threat due to the technologically advanced state of the aliens they had encountered. The true space program as an "underground" development that we are just now beginning to hear about. It was originally financed by members of the Club of Rome. Now, you will need to do some homework to find out who those members are, and don't be surprised at who you see. We'll talk more about that when we discuss the moon. The Greys assisted the "black government" with the building of some of the first facilities on the moon and Mars.
Prior to all of this, between 1850 and 1950, there were instances of the mutilation of both cattle and humans. The NSA, which was created in the 1950's, knew that aliens were responsible. How they knew this, though, I have not been told. I will try and get more clarification on that. In 1952, the government prepared itself for the realization of ongoing alien contact.
When our military radar systems started to bring down craft, the Greys realized that in order to perform their genetic experiments on such a large scale, in an attempt to genetically save their race, they would need the cooperation of a political body of a high caliber. In other words, they had to come to terms. A select body in the United S-ates was designed to be the liaison between the Greys and earth humans. The military was very enthusiastic, in the hope of exchanging raw materials for alien technology. This liaison group, the political structure, was the National Security Agency. This is what its original purpose was.
The Agreement and Contract
In May of 1954, the United States go-ernment made the agreement with an alien race. Some of the terms of this agreement featured the exchange of technology of anti-gravity, metals and alloys, environmental type technologies, free energy and medical technologies geared toward dealing with the human body. All the Greys asked for in return, they said, was to be allowed to study human development in terms of consciousness and emotional makeup, and to be allowed to stay here on Earth. The agreement took place at Holloman Air Force Base.
This single act involving the signing of a "contract" with an extraterrestrial race was the most significant event in human history, because it launched mankind in a direction we were never intended to go in the first place. It also thrust us into a role that we were not prepared for, either, of being host to an alien race. This also essentially "handcuffed" the Andromedan Council, and those benevolent extra-terrestrial races from being able to take a more active role in our evolution. In effect, it has placed the burden squarely on the shoulders of humanity, to enlighten itself relative to the facts, and to consciously create ascension on an individual basis, because outside help was now unavailable.
The particular treaty was agreed upon between these aliens and the Ultra unit in the NSA, which is in actuality a government unto itself. Now, pay close attention, because this is the first time I have ever mentioned this.
The particular document and originally exchanged materials may be found today in the NSA facility called Blue Moon, underneath Kirkland Air Force base in New Mexico. The entrance to this base is in the Manzano mountains. Also, at this location is the private Department of Energy (D-E) technological base. Currently, the building of free energy devices for use in space is ongoing in this particular facility.
Much of the alien technology has been reconstructed and sent, via a connecting tunnel, to Los Alamos and an area located underneath the cliffsides of Los Alamos canyon, where huge vaults are built into the earth. This facility is 29,000 square feet, and contains laboratories equipped to study light, thought, and pure energy. This facility is also used as a jail for aliens captured by black government factions.
Now, the NSA is exempt from all laws in the United States, unless it is itself mentioned in any creation of law. This is because of its interaction with alien species and what it sees as necessary intervention into the civil and constitutional rights of the American people.
The Underground Network and Its Management
Corporations that are currently assisting the various alien groups and the "black government" are: Standard Oil, Lockheed, Northrop, McDonald-Douglas, AT&T, IT&T, the A. Matthews Construction company, the Robbins Company, the Utah Mining Company, and a host of others. There was a great deal of private money used by the NSA to build alien technology, and to keep humanity under control, and the status quo secure. Even the CIA doesn't know a lot about money used by the NSA to build alien technology, and to keep humanity under control, and the status quo secure. Even the CIA doesn't know a lot about the Ultra unit or the Blue Moon unit in the NSA, which deal with alien technology and information.
Now, Alpha 1 and Alpha 2 (under Blue Moon) control compartmentalization, building and applications of alien technology. According to the Andromedans, Alpha 2 is MJ-12, and MJ-12 is at the bottom of the hierarchy, even though we are led to believe that it is at the top. Alpha 2 also controls the release of information and the security of that information. MJ-12 meets in a facility called the "country club" in the mountains of Virginia. The "country club" is owned by the Rockefeller Foundation. The vital meetings are held underground, and the members of MJ-12 are taken via a small subway to the town of Warrington, Virginia. From there, they are taken to
an underground city called "Ravenrock", which is located just south of the Blue Ridge summit in Pennsylvania. The effort and energy they put into keeping all of this secret is incredible. It's nice to know that a race 2.2 million light years away knows what is going on here.
Most of the underground tunnel system across the United States is between 2,500 and 3,500 feet underground. The Boeng Aerospace Company built and created fuel batteries and power generators to operate this subterranean highway system that is apparently all across the United States. Apparently, in these fuel cells, they mix chlorine and hydrogen and electricity is created, as well as hydrogen chloride, which is then reseparated again into hydrogen and chlorine. The process continues forever, creating electricity forever. It never wears out, apparently. (JW I've
never heard of that one before.)
The planning and implementation for blueprints and designed for the tunnel connections underground was handled by the Navy. The National Research Council was responsible for the underground tunneling systems across the United States. The management of all these facilities is handled by the Department of Energy. Now, the machines that were built to create this underground tunnel system and the underground facilities were built by the Ja-va Corporation of Ohio, the Morrison-Knudson Company out of Boise, Idaho, and the Robbins Company in Washington State. Most of the financing for this program, and all of these facilities, has been done through the NSA..
The Nordics are an extra terrestrial species which has been reported to be observing the activities here on Earth. Individuals who have allegedly come in contact with the Nordics say that they are here to observe our culture and not interfere in our evolution.
Some individuals have suggested that because of the Nordic's similar physical appearance to humans that they could possibly be our long lost relatives who have since moved on to another planet. Other individuals suggest that the Nordics are in conflict with they Greys because they object to the Greys interfering with human evolution. Other than these few theories, not a lot is known about the Nordics.
There are countless types of aliens UFO witnesses have claimed to have seen over the years. However, the overwhelming majority of them fall into roughly six categories. These classifications are listed below along with what information we have about them. This list should in no way be considered complete and is intended as a guide only to help witnesses relate their stories.
The Grays (or Greys)
Without a doubt the most famous of all aliens, the Grays are featured as the aliens of choice in Steven Speilberg's Close Encounters, the X-files and numerous other TV shows, books and movies. The Grays represent almost 80% of all aliens allegedly encountered by witnesses in the last 40 years or so.
Overall descriptions vary somewhat on a case-by-case basis, but the average Gray alien can usually be described as between three and five feet tall with a fragile, thin body and oversized head possessed of no hair. Faces have large black eyes, small nose and mouth and no identifiable ears. Appearance can best be described as almost fetus-like, and reports indicate the Gray aliens have at least four elongated fingers, with some witnesses claiming to have seen as many as six digits per hand. Witnesses also claim aliens of this type often have either webbed hands, webbed skin or both. Skin color tends toward varying shades of gray (hence the name) and reports have these beings wearing either skin-tight suits of the same color or no discernible clothing at all.
Grays are most frequently the aliens reported in abduction cases and seem to be the only aliens involved in mass abductions. The purpose of such abductions is almost always reported to be experimentation for breeding purposes, in which sperm and eggs are taken by force from abductees for use in creating a hybrid race of human and gray. Other reports of advanced surgery for other purposes have been recorded, but the end purpose of these experiments remain unclear. Often victims of both types of experimentation claim to have been implanted with small metal or silicon devices. Speculation is that these implants are tracking devices, and given the fact that abductees often claim to be abducted from early childhood throughout their entire lives, this may have some weight. It is also believed that Gray aliens are responsible for cattle mutilations the world over.
The Grays do not seem to be overly cruel to humans. Most witnesses report their treatment as impartial, something akin to the relationship between an animal and veterinarian is a comparison that has been drawn by many abductees. It is during these experiments the Grays exhibit a powerful form of psychic power, actually able to communicate not only thoughts but emotions as well. It is also related by many witnesses that these aliens use a form of mind control power force them to stop resisting the abduction process.
While the experiments are very demeaning to the victims, the Grays appear to do no lasting bodily harm and tend to just drop abductees off near or exactly where they found them. Recent reports have also linked these types of UFO abductions with ovarian and genital cancer, as many alleged victims, many with no family history of cancer, have come down with the disease within a few years of their alleged abductions.
Reports from witnesses sometimes reveal more detail about grey social structure and society than all the other types of aliens reported. The most common of these is the different types, or sub-types of greys who vary in size (mostly height) and mental powers. Many accounts also incorporate the nordic aliens into the grey society. We will be planning a separate and more detailed account of this grey society in updates to the UFO Reporter.
The Nordics/Blondes
Reported mostly in the 1950s and 60s but declining steadily in reports after that, the Nordics get their name from their appearance. They tend to look like blond haired, blue-eyed, light-skinned men and women in excellent physical condition who wear clothing similar to that of humans. Their nature has often been called "catlike" because they move with great agility and seem to have superior strength and dexterity. Usually six to seven feet tall, they tend to be very imposing and many reports show them to have certain psychic powers. The most common of these seems to be a form of telepathic suggestion, wherein the witnesses actually have a conversation with the Nordic but don't seem to remember the alien actually "saying" anything.
The overall behavior of the Nordic aliens tends to be almost informal. Most encounters with these beings tend to take place in rural towns or on highways in areas with low populations. Their conversations with humans tend to be deceptive and with no real point, yet those contacted by them don't seem to realize this until long after the contact has taken place. Few cases of Nordic contact seem to involve abductions or experimentations.
The Reptile alien is by far the most violent of all the alien races reported over the world. Reptilian aliens stand up to eight feet tall in a roughly human shape and have scaly green skin with yellow to green snake-like eyes. Their strength tends to be superior to that of humans, and most alleged abductees found themselves hopelessly outclassed physically by these beings. In some cases, their eyes tend to be overly large like the gray aliens, leading some to speculate they are in fact Grays the witnesses can't quite remember clearly. In any case, the reptile aliens act much differently than their Gray counterparts. Their hands tend to be taloned, but fully capable of manipulating tools and weapons.
The Reptile aliens, by most accounts, are encountered in pairs or threes, usually at night in a field or forest. Reports have these aliens firing beam weapons on humans, killing or immobilizing them, and taking them to their ships for experimentation and in some instances torture. Documented accounts (including one we picked up not long ago) are very gruesome indeed, involving disemboweling or dismembering of humans or animals.
Few reports have surfaced about these aliens, and those that do sometimes place them in the service of other alien types, usually the Grays. These aliens tend to be of artificial construction, usually some kind of shiny metal, with various appendages for specified tasks, which usually seems to include collecting samples of everything from soil, plants, and in a few cases humans.
Some witnesses have described the robots as hovering disks up to seven feet in diameter or cylindrical creations in the more conventional perception of a robot, complete with blinking lights and dome-like heads, and yet others give them a more human description. Many reports place them as scouts for the Grays, and at least one report had a number of them controlled by a Nordic. Usually, they are encountered singly, roaming forests and even reported sifting through garbage in remote trash dumps. Based on the majority of reports of encounters with these mechanical aliens, their purpose seems to be more for scrounging and scouting than for direct contact with humans. Most cases involving robots usually have the robots leaving the area when coming into contact with humans. Whether the mode of travel is hovering, walking or rolling on wheels, the robots seem to exit the area with remarkable speed.
The Dwarf/Goblin is a class of aliens that seem to resemble the class of mythological creatures that they are named after. Like the mythological beasts, they tend more towards practical jokes, pranks and other annoying tricks than in the actions of the other alien classifications.
The Chupacabra beast is considered by many ufologists to be an extension of this alien classification. Whatever its origins farmers, police and even government authorities have taken the creature's killing of goats and other animals very seriously, to the point of sending out armed patrols to hunt the creature down.
It is arguable that this class is actually an extraterrestrial at all. Indeed most cases involving these creatures do not follow the same patterns of most human contact with aliens. They seem to have no purpose other than to accost humans and have fun at their expense. To date, they have not been associated with experiments, abductions in the extraterrestrial sense (though in the sense of the traditional fairy tale this has occurred) or alien spacecraft of any kind. They are, however, included because they are still a subject of paranormal encounters and their relationship with other extraterrestrials is still a remote possibility.
This type of alien appears as an insubstantial entity, existing in sight and sound only but devoid of any physical mass. The Apparition has been reported to walk through walls and is often hard to look directly at, as such entities are usually surrounded by shimmering or bright lights which obscure much of its features. It is speculated by many ufologists this is a safe form of investigation for alien beings, who can use some kind of hologram or projection technology to investigate terrestrial targets without actually being near them. No cases to our knowledge involving these types of aliens have included abductions or anything physical happening to eyewitnesses other than some reported cases of mild radiation poisoning, presumably from the shimmering fields of the holograms. Most Apparition type encounters usually end with the being simply dissappearing into thing air or walking through a wall to evade pursuit. They are almost universally encountered alone, without any others of their type around.
Many UFO abductees have reported aliens that seem half Gray alien and half human, perhaps the end result of the apparent breeding programs that dominate accounts of Gray experimentations. They have large heads, but with hair, and while their noses, ears and mouths are more pronounced, the eyes are large like the Grays. The overall build is not as fragile as that of the Grays, but not quite as rugged appearing as a human. By nearly all accounts, they do not talk, and most do seem possessed of some psychic powers. Skin color tends to be much fairer than the Gray alien, but not quite of human pigmentation either. Skin texture seems to be human in nature without the webbing or mesh traits of the Grays.
It is important to note that these Hybrid types are almost always found in the company of the Grays aboard spacecraft, often used to calm frightened abductees and in many cases to have sexual relations with them. No cases to our knowledge have ever placed the Hybrids outside of the ships they come in, the reason communicated for this that they are too fragile or would be at risk on our planet. In no cases do the Hybrid aliens seem to be in control of things, and aside from calming and mating, seem to have no actual purpose in the running of the ships or in the experiments.
The Roswell Aliens
These aliens, named after the most famous UFO crash in the world, and are the subject of some debate among ufologists. Many experts insist they are a separate race from the others reported, while others support the belief that they are Grays whose description has been watered down or "humanized" over the decades. If reports from witnesses in the Roswell incident (actually a misnomer since the alien bodies were supposedly recovered near Corona, New Mexico some 40 miles Northwest of Roswell) are to be believed, these aliens were four feet in height, possessed of slim hairless bodies like the traditional Gray would be described. However, their noses and mouths seem to be larger, and some accounts even have the surviving aliens crying out or talking. The eyes are described as dark and pupiless, but closer together the way a human's would be. Clothing seems to be of a bright silver suit easily recognizable as such, and the hands of these beings are possessed of four fingers, with many small suction cups just under the ends of the fingers.
Aside from the infamous incident, few reports of the Roswell aliens have been reported.
Some UFO cases involve beings of pure light, usually in the form of balls that hover several feet off the ground, are hard to look directly at, and communicate by telepathy. Given the fact that many of these encounters take place in remote swamps and fields at night, a direct comparison has often been drawn between these beings and the mythical will 0' wisps of Northern Europe. Like the dwarfs or goblin aliens, these balls of pure light seem more bent on frightening witnesses than any form of scientific investigation like the Grays, the Reptiles or to a less extent the Nordics.
This class of alien has been reported only rarely in witness accounts, though it is very widespread in science fiction tales dating back to Jules Verne. Insectoids are so called because of their insect-like appearance and have been described often as a human-sized preying mantis, only with longer forearms with "hands" capable of manipulating tools. Again, reports on this type are sketchy at best, and no generalities of their behaivior or attitude toward abuductees (assuming, of course, they do abduct humans) can be drawn.
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Jennie McGrath
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Re: Nordic Aliens (Original)
Reply #337
February 03, 2008, 12:00:19 am »
Jennie McGrath
Member # 2197
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posted 10-03-2005 10:32 PM
"Few cases of Nordic contact seem to involve abductions or experimentations."
As I have often mentioned here, the Nordics are the good guys!
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Jennie McGrath
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Re: Nordic Aliens (Original)
Reply #338
February 03, 2008, 12:00:48 am »
Jennie McGrath
Member # 2197
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posted 10-23-2005 10:29 PM
ZetaTalk: Nordics
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.
The Nordics have less patience with humans than other alien groups, and expect humans to grow to the level of 4th Density Service-to-Others before they will engage. They do have many takers, humans pure in heart who have little conflict about their roles or who are in a position, in their incarnation on Earth, to function in this role. There the Nordics work at a high level toward solving the Earth's problems, which are numerous and varied. The Nordics feel they make best use of their efforts in this way, and their track record reflects this. There are no Service-to-Self Nordics at work in the Earth's vicinity at the present time. The Nordics are named for their appearance, as they refused to divulge their constellation of origin to their human contacts, deeming this to be an insignificant issue.
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Jennie McGrath
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Re: Nordic Aliens (Original)
Reply #339
February 03, 2008, 12:01:48 am »
Jennie McGrath
Member # 2197
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posted 10-23-2005 10:43 PM
The Beautiful Blondes and their Incredible Flying Machines
by Don Worley
Source: UFO Universe
Cover Page Wording: Angelic ETs predict Earthly Doom
[Though the Grays seem to get all the attention these days, there are still plenty of other alien-types flying around the galaxy, including ETs who could pass as humans.]
When one thinks of aliens, in all likelihood the mind conjures up images of strange creatures that show up regularly on the SciFi Channel or at least on the movie lot of a Steven Spellberg shoot.
In the last half century or so Hollywood has thrown all kinds of bug-eyed boogie monsters from space at us, but only in a handful of motion pictures (such as the classic The Day The Earth Stood Still) have our "visitors" been depicted as resembling human life as we recognize it, here on Earth. We've been exposed to, a multitude of giant insects, meandering bloobs, things with tentacles and a host of other mix-shaped aliens, but outside of a shapely female cyborg here and there, directors and script writers would lead us to believe that almost all aliens are just plain ugly as sin ... or at least down right weird looking.
With this background in mind, when one enters the UFO arena as a serious researcher, it would seem obvious that common sense would dictate to us the appearance of alien crews based upon "past performance," Thus, you can imagine my surprise when I discovered that human-looking UFOnauts not only exist, but that they play an extremely important role in the riddle of the flying saucers.
When I embarked upon my research of the Nordic-types as they are generally referred to, I certainly was not prepared for what I was to learn. My preconceived ideas were quickly shattered when it came to this particular aspect of the UFO enigma. In my role as an investigator I found that many of those claiming encounters and abductions were describing the same types of beings and events without knowing each other.
For the most part, those whom I spoke with for the purposes of this article are lifelong experiencers. Most frequently their contacts have occurred during the night time hours and in what science might refer to as as altered state of consciousness. In rare instances a small number of individuals have said that their encounters have transpired in broad daylight under like circumstances.
In a total of approximately 100 cases, 36 of the reported episodes involved Nordic-type aliens, Utilizing the testimony of these contactees, I was able to place their experiences in the following categories:
A - The nature and appearance of the Nordics.
B - Special revealing cases that have occurred involving this particular type of being.
C - The Nordics affinity for discussing forthcoming cataclysmic Earth changes.
Appearance and Nature of the Nordics
# We hear first from Donna, a Canadian who hold a BA degree whose experiences started in childhood while residing in Scotland. 'I observed the occurred involving this particular Nordics along with the worker Grays and a group of child-like beings who were very pale. They were all in one place and the Nordics - who were blonde - wear silk ysmooth, light blue suits. The only symbol of their victims I recall is a dragon-like snake with wings. The males were handsome with bottomless blue eyes, set in angular faces. The only emotion they displayed was serene amusement until they began to mentally talk to me. The place had a beautiful glow and atmosphere of serenity. Most of the beings looked young, but there were some there who looked older with beards and flowing robes. I had an intense longing for these beings after I left them, and an intense love, respect, and awe when I was with them."
# Julia, a rural Mississippi housewife. "They do have underground bases, even an under-river base. I have seen the little Grays, the Nordics and their friends the red-eyed apes. They also had a military pilot with them who was being held against his will. The big blondes might weigh 275 lbs., had striking blue eyes, dark skin, and white teeth. Some of the good kind don't like what the bad kind are doing and there is warfare in space."
# Judy, an extensive Texas experiencer recently emotionally declared that if the extraterrestrials who manipulated her into the mess she is in don't help her soon her life is doomed. "Yes, around the age of 11 or 12, I had the first experience with the Blondes as you call them, the Elohim as I call them, when I was sitting in our yard near the plum tree. Suddenly my flesh began to itch and I heard a buzzing sound. Directly in front of me, I saw them through a window in the air. They were very, tall, exceedingly handsome, and dressed in White hermits and suits. The one sitting down had on a long white robe and their eyes were weird for they had light coming from them. I felt they were talking to me, but now I don't remember what was said. After the image vanished the itching stopped and I sat there for a very long time. I knew something truly remarkable had happened to me in this chilling experience."
# Andy Anderson, an Indiana man, has been abducted far too many times for his liking. According to Andy, there also exists a shorter, adolescent appearing Nordic. This kind of entity approached Andy in a normal daylight setting as he worked in a supermarket. The two who approached him spoke a strange language making him think they must be retarded. So began years of frequent abductions in which a Sanskrit-like language was used to communicate. Andy was informed of this and when he spoke the language in public he ended up in a mental hospital under observation. Sanskrit was the language of the ancient Gods of India who flew in aerial craft. Who knows why it has surfaced in modern America in this case of an abductee.
The Giants
There also exists a giant type of Nordie. On a Mediterrean island the titan sized entities were called Genitori. In South America a Costa Rican contactee was taken to a base in the Andes mountains run by giant Nordics. There were also Grays, and humans there too.
Nordic contact has also been reported in such diverse places as England, Spain, Mexico, and Canada. In northern Mexico, in a zone of silence near Cebal los, Durango, Nordies have wandered into town from the desert, accepted refreshments, and then vanished back into the desert. In Canada, one large religious group still has contact with Nordies they call "Overseers." This intirnacy, they say, extends back into ancient days in Europe.
Initially, I was surprised to learn that the Nordics are the controllers of some of the android-like Grays, there are several examples of such cases.
# Near Red Fork Falls, Uanaka Mountain, Tennessee: One August evening in 1990, five persons watched a curious event. Near a large fire was an unusually tall naked man with long blonde hair. Dancing around him were some 30 midgets with large heads.
# A farmhouse bedroom near Floyd's Knob, Indiana: During one abduction a blue eyed Jesus-like figure in resplendent robe appeared in a shaft of sparkling light that came through the ceiling. He took the abductee's hand and said, "Don't be afraid my child! These are mine," gesturing to the little humanoids who were standing around the room.
Now let us turn to our next category. In it we will learn some even more startling things from the very lips of Nordic experiencers. There are a number of close contact cases in which the persons insist that their Nordic friends are physical in every sense of the word.
Special Revealing: Episodes
# Janice, residing in New Hampshire. Since a child she has considered the Nordics as her "other family" and perceives them as true physical beings. She insists, "They are not gods or angels. They are another race who are here because they are responsible for us. I have seen them breathe in a physical state, but not in the non-physical state.
"I have seen them sit, lie down, have sex, but not go to the toilet. However I have used their standup toilet. She also said, "It is the fear a person is living through that changes his or her perception of the experience. Just because I am not afraid doesn't mean I never was. It's the same for the nine other persons I know about. I can't tell you how many times we are referred to as "aliens lovers or delusion-driven breeding stock, because we are no longer afraid."
# Amy, who lives in Michigan, is a very kind experiencer who has tried to help others. My last communication from her had her feeling caught in the middle due to the arrival of new players who gather to find out what the other ETs are doing. The situation has caused her to be hospitalized. She has not seen the Nordics eat, but has seen them resting on what looked like a chaise lounge. Amy told me, "As you know, I believe there are different groups of tall beings making contact. When I stated I had not seen any Nordies with the Zeta's (Grays) .. or maybe what I should have said is that I don't have any recollection of seeing them. I know that Janice and I have the same Zeta contact.
"We have seen each other on board their craft several times. Needless to say, we find this exciting and call each other up in the morning. We have never met in person on Earth. Anyway Janice does see the tall beings the Pleiadians, on board with our group of Zeta's, I would say that not all Nordic types are from the same community and perhaps their goal/agenda is not the same. The Zeta's I am in contact with do have humans living among them. They are from genetic material that they have collected from us earthbound experiencers. I have met several of their people, both human and halflings. I have been shown different living areas for these humans on board.
"One seemed to be for recreation in a park-like atmosphere, I have had several conversations with both males and females about their life there. They seemed genuinely happy people. I do not think they are being treated like slaves."
# A highly respected pastor from Canada says that as a child he was held on the lap of his lifetime mentor "Gold" (Entity has a golden sheen to its eyes which can change color according to its mood), and watched what was done to his loved ones. Over 300 lost time periods and many abductions, details have been recalled over 45 years. Some of these memories involved groups of persons in his religious group.
In his intimate relations with those he calls the "Overseers or non-Terrans," the cleric has seen them breathe, eat, drink, lift some abductees out of a lake with their arms, and glide over the surface of the water,
Here in the Pastor's own stunning words is his description of the Nordics most astonishing appearance. If memory serves me right, it was in late August 1987. Just about all our brethren who would be participating in the almost fall ritual were out on the landscape. That would make about 400 men, women, and children, and several hundred animals. They appeared just as we were commencing our march to our most holy place. One second they were not there, and the next second they were. Of the few brethren who'd been facing in the direction in which they appeared the word was that there was a rippling in the air not unlike that of heat just prior to the arrival of the non-Terrans. A most abrupt silence descended on the group when they realized. Just who had joined our party, It was five Nordics led by my "buddy." Only he was observably masculine. The others were of the non-gender variety as far as we could, determine. As chief functionary I approached Gold. He said they wished to witness the ritual in person.
They hung around for the entirety of the ritual, then went back to the spot where they had arrived before departing in the same manner."
This man who holds a number of PhD's, further explained... "Yes, Don, the ones I have been around do respirate. I have touched and been touched by them on plenty of occasions. You don't think that what I felt was real? Thanks to the number of events wherein I've been in the presence of ephemerals, I assume that I've come to know the difference."
In a later conversation, the Pastor who is also a physician-described some medical instruments and techniques used by his erstwhile benefactor. As the cylinder is passed slowly from the apex of my cranium to the soles of my feet, probes descend and pass through my exterior derma and into my various interiorties. Yes, I do believe that I can sense something, that can be construed as feeling or sensation. Feeling not good or bad but both. It's not unlike being able to laugh and cry at the same time. There is a separate wand which wields the needle which they stick in your nostril. Having thought about it, I'd venture to express that I have seen a little ball-thing that they install, remove or re-install. It's creamic-like only more toward slivery-white. It's quite slender, and some inches in length.
The crunching sound is constant whether they are sticking it into you or taking it out. Sometimes the placement seems to affect the sight of the eye that they've placed the little ball behind."
Some of the things that we have learned about the Nordics are pretty startling. Perhaps what astonished me the most was when I learned due to the series of lifetime experiencers-that our enigmatic Nordics seem to exist in both the space/time dimensional world of the spirit and the physical world of sensory substance. Now let us move on to the fascinating Nordic habit of giving out cataclysmic Earth destruction warnings.
Nordies Warn of Cataclysmic Earth Changes
The dire warnings of a supposed future axis tilt and Earthly chaos repeat themselves like a broken record in the UFOlore of the English and Spanish speaking parts of the world, and probably elsewhere that we don't know about. The warnings date back in Biblical antiquity and other ancient sources and continue to the present day. One amazing source is the Hopi Indian religious mythologies, legends, pictographs, and petroglyps. These - thus far -incredibly accurate predictions seem to come mainly from seven foot, blonde-haired, blue-eyed, Nordics by way of the Hopi ancestors who called them the Hisatsinom. Not Anasazi as is sometimes mistakenly stated. Anasazi is the Navajo word that means enemy ancestor.
Now, let me describe four of my best cases. When it comes to the United States, the southwestern and mid-America/Great Lakes regions seem to be the focal points of the greatest upheaval although plenty of changes are due to happen in other places. Are the Nordics telling it to us straight or are they really colossal deceivers? Or, can they just be off timewise? I have noticed a few important misses I'll give later. Maybe reliability is contingent upon the relative hieratical status of the being imparting the warnings.
# Dannion Brinkley, the man who was struck by lightening and died, spent time with a series of magnificent beings in a fabulous crystal city of light. Thus far many of the 117 predictions that were given to him about future events have come true.
# Sarah, a prolific message receiver wonders if those who identify themselves to her as "The Lifeforce" may not be the well known Ashtar group through her prediction about Ashtar's arrival on Earth in 1994 proved inaccurate. "The place known as California will disappeang. The ocean will relocate during the shift and the deserts of Nevada and Arizona will be a wastrel of waters. The Great Lakes will be destroyed in the latter part of the shift, distributed into waterways that now, are oceans. All animals know what is to come and some are even glad to end their mistreatment at the hands of humans. They prefer to embrace the leaving of this planet. There will be many liftoffs in the days before and right after the shift. All persons have chosen their paths and know within their souls the choice that they have made in advance."
# Donna, of Canada, among my foremost Nordic experiencers, predicted a big quake in California, in 1995 which did happen. Regarding the urging of the Nordics for her to move further north in Ontario, I suggested she stay put, which proved right. Donna said, "California will undergo terrible destruction and most of it will be covered by water. Water will cover some parts of the central USA, including Mississippi, and they specifically mentioned New York. Certain people, myself included, are being trained to be helpers during this crisis.
"Massive numbers of people are going to die, and at death, the Nordics usually assist people in making the transition helping to minimize the fear, disorientation, and trauma. However, there will not be enough Nordics to go around and human helpers will be necessary. The Nordics have always oriented us to the new dimension when we die, moreover, it takes some time, because the shock of "dying" and yet, finding one's self alive and not in heaven or hell in the traditional sense is more than some souls can't olerate. Also, there is normally a 'review' and `evaluation' period where we are required to look over events and choices of our Earthly life and determine which experiences contributed to our evolution of consciousness and which retarded progress."
# Brenda of Kansas has experienced many abductions and on one occasion the Grecian-featured platinum blonde figure with stunning blue eyes, appeared in broad daylight. Brenda has received messages of Earth's destruction as well as other predictions. One of these given in 1989 was that Bob Dole would become president of the U.S. This of course was a clear miss.
# El John, a lifetime New Mexico contactee, also made a prediction of a great California quake in 1994, which never happened, "Most of this I receive from direct physical contacts with Nordic beings like the Orion group, who almost always appear wearing blue tights or jumpsuits. Among those encountered are both light-skin and dark skin beings whose life span is 1,000 to 3,500 Earth years. As far as I know the two mile high tidal wave will, happen soon, striking from the far east.
Due to my own personal involvement, I have come to understand from those involved that each contact with the Nordics can prove to be a gripping drama. To the majority of those who have been selected for contact these beings can be wondrous-almost angelic. But in studying these cases I have come to understand that there are many unanswered questions which these encounters pose to the serious investigator.
For example:
# Exactly who are these beings?
# Where do they reside' and furthermore are they physical or paranormal in form?
# Are their intentions good, bad or indifferent, and are they guided by a supreme, wise, master somewhere whom we might call God?
We know at least some of the Nordics can be classified as "deceivers," as many of their predictions and dire warnings have not proven accurate. As a good case in point, is the recent demise of the followers of the Heavens Gate group. Their leader, Bo or Do, had in the past detailed out of body experiences, mentioned hearing voices, and told of a higher level of consciousness which could be reached with the help of beings from space. Many of his followers were contactees who seem to have been easily swayed by these beautiful entities with awesome powers.
In not one of my 40 articles published over the years have I ever advocated trusting totally in the aliens. I'm convinced 'that all of these aliens should be judged by their actions and riot by what they show or tell anyone they have contacted. We must keep an open mind but always remember never to put our life on the line.
Author's Note: In order to safeguard the reputation of those involved so as they will not be the brunt of ridicule or harassment, no actual names have been used in this article, though the files are here at my home for reference. Those with experiences to relate may contact me at:
1051 Beech Street, Connersville, IN 47331.
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Jennie McGrath
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Re: Nordic Aliens (Original)
Reply #340
February 03, 2008, 12:02:25 am »
Jennie McGrath
Member # 2197
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posted 11-17-2005 08:42 PM
Well, what do you know, I now have 400 posts, and this one is it! Another proud Nordic accomplishment!
Posts: 730 | Registered: Nov 2004
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Jennie McGrath
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Re: Nordic Aliens (Original)
Reply #341
February 03, 2008, 12:02:51 am »
Jennie McGrath
Member # 2197
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posted 11-17-2005 08:45 PM
KT Cat & Unknown, what happened to both of you? Haven't seen either of you here in quite some time! I'm dearly hoping that neither of you were abducted by aliens! If you were, hopefully, it's not those perverted little grays!
Posts: 730 | Registered: Nov 2004
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Jennie McGrath
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Re: Nordic Aliens (Original)
Reply #342
February 03, 2008, 12:03:14 am »
Member # 2403
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posted 11-18-2005 12:10 PM
Hi Jennie
I wasn't abducted, but then again how would I know.
several species of small furry animals gathered together and grooving with a pict in a cave
Posts: 1756 | From: Pontiac, MI. Oakland | Registered: Mar 2005
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Jennie McGrath
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Posts: 4349
Re: Nordic Aliens (Original)
Reply #343
February 03, 2008, 12:03:34 am »
Jennie McGrath
Member # 2197
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posted 11-18-2005 08:33 PM
Well, gee, Unknown, you know some of the symptoms as well as I do! Missing time would be one of them, nosebleeds, subsequent visitations!
Beware perverted little gray guys with cold little hands, that's what I always say!
Posts: 730 | Registered: Nov 2004
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Jennie McGrath
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Re: Nordic Aliens (Original)
Reply #344
February 03, 2008, 12:03:56 am »
Member # 2403
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posted 11-18-2005 08:38 PM
Hi Jennie
That grey thing is actually kinda spooky, Have you ever read any of Shirely McClaines books?
several species of small furry animals gathered together and grooving with a pict in a cave
Posts: 1756 | From: Pontiac, MI. Oakland | Registered: Mar 2005
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