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Nordic Aliens (Original)

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Author Topic: Nordic Aliens (Original)  (Read 11690 times)
Jennie McGrath
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Posts: 4349

« Reply #300 on: February 01, 2008, 09:57:01 pm »

Jennifer O'Dell

Member # 2239

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   posted 08-12-2005 01:11 AM                       
And this is post number 300 for this thread. Whoops! Better make it something about aliens again for a change.

Possible Signs That You Have Been Abducted

Feeling you are Special or Chosen or have an important task to perform
Have a memory of having a special place with spiritual significance, when you were a youngster
Fear or anxiety over the subject of aliens or UFOs
Sensitivity to issues affecting the Earth, its environment and all life forms than other people
Fear of being kidnapped or abnormal constantly monitoring of your surroundings

Insomnia or sleep disorders which are puzzling to you
Must sleep against the wall or must sleep with your bed against a wall
Paralyzed in bed with a being in your room
Dreams of flying or being outside your body
Dreams of passing through a closed window or solid wall
Dreams about seeing UFOs, being inside UFOs, or interacting with UFO occupants
Dreams of doctors or medical procedures
Dreams of destruction or catastrophe
Dreams wherein superior beings, angels, or aliens are educating you about mankind, the universe, global changes or future events
A waking memory of being inside a UFO or interacting with its occupants
Feeling of being watched much of the time, especially at night
Seeing unexplained balls of lights or beings when in bed
Beams of light outside your home, or come into your room through a window
Hearing unexplained physical noises
Unexplained nosebleeds especially when you wake-up
Awakened to discover unexplainable marks or bruises on your body
Awoken with soreness in your genitals which can not be explained

X-rays or other procedures reveal unexplainable foreign objects lodged in your body
Sinus trouble or migraine headaches
Frequent or sporadic ringing in your ears, especially in one ear
Unusual scars or marks with no possible explanation on how you received them -small scoop indentation, straight line scar, triangular marks, scars in roof of mouth, in nose, behind or in ears
Unusual fear of doctors or tend to avoid medical treatment

Missing or lost time
Compelled to drive or walk to an out of the way or unknown area
A strange fog or haze that should not be there
Strange humming or pulsing sounds, and you could not identify the source
Seeing one or more UFO's up close within short walking or driving distance
One or more sighting experiences
A strong "marker memory" that will not go away (i.e.: an alien face, an examination, a needle, a table, a strange skinny baby
DNA genetic encodings activated - increased psychic abilities
Channeled telepathic messages from extraterrestrials
Recall your children or parents speaking of similar experiences on occasion


Karla Turner's 10 Facts in Respect to Alien Abductions
1. We don't know with any certainty exactly what these entities may be; they may be extraterrestrial, inter-dimensional, earthly or some combination of the above.

2. At least some of the aliens lie. [Predictions, warnings, promises, and contradictions.]

3. During encounters, the human's perceptions are controlled as are the conscious memories of the encounters.

4. False memories can overlay and disguise the actual events of an encounter.

5. Abductees report alien controlled information to the research community. While reporting their experiences honestly and sincerely, abductees are really reporting alien-controlled data.

6. There is a serious element of human involvement in the abduction phenomenon, in addition to the very real alien participation. Many abductees are monitored and harassed by human agents of some sort and the cases involving phone and mail interference, helicopter surveillance are only part of the story.

7. The abduction agenda involves quite physical aims and procedures that belie the idea of a primary spiritual motivation on the aliens part, as well as refuting the notion that all they're doing in their agenda is crossbreeding. There are physical procedures and aims that have nothing to do with reproduction. These include: various types of implants in parts of the body; insertion of wires and tubes into the chest, kidneys wrist and knees; brain operations, deliberate pain experiments ; abductees immersed in water, forced ingestion eating or drinking of unknown fluids, cloning of humans

8. The agenda involves long-term mental and psychological programming of the abductee, it targets among other concepts: our social and personal relationships, our sexuality, our political ideas, and our religious and spiritual concerns. These are targets of programming that begin in almost every instance, with the abductee in early childhood.

9. Aliens through technology create virtual reality scenarios that are absolutely real to the perceptions of the targeted person. All five senses are involved.

10. The aliens show an extraordinary interest in human souls and in using those souls.
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Jennie McGrath
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« Reply #301 on: February 01, 2008, 09:57:33 pm »


Member # 2421

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   posted 08-12-2005 05:01 PM                       
"False memories". Very funny - since such a thing simply dont exist - anymore than the "cores of a black hole" or "Footprints in The Ocean". But it is always posible to construct the term, by adding words like False+Memories together.

I am a bit puzzled that people still adjust their mindset to such contradictions in terms. Ět reminds one of the slogan for Pope Alexander of the 14th century; "The world wants to be deceived. Ergo deceive!"
Posts: 1330 | From: Norway | Registered: Apr 2005
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Jennie McGrath
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« Reply #302 on: February 01, 2008, 09:57:58 pm »


Member # 267

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   posted 08-12-2005 05:12 PM                       
Has anyone seen the Steven Spielberg's mini series called "Taken" I have watched all the series and they were all very good. All about alien abductions and the ending is great. Makes you wonder what became of that "little girl" that went off with her alien father to a Planet? Maybe he will make a conclusion? I also enjoyed the movie "Starman".

The Truth Is Out There

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Jennie McGrath
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« Reply #303 on: February 01, 2008, 09:58:20 pm »


Member # 1839

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   posted 08-12-2005 08:47 PM                       

I think the term first arose when those interviewing adults who were possibly abused as children placed suggestions which developed into "false memories".

"Illigitimi non carborundum!"
All knowledge is to be used in the manner that will give help and assistance to others, and the desire is that the laws of the Creator be manifested in the physical world. E.Cayce 254-17

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Jennie McGrath
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« Reply #304 on: February 01, 2008, 09:58:48 pm »


Member # 2421

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   posted 08-12-2005 09:50 PM                       

That should be called "fake memory" - or outrigth "deception"/"self-deception".

But - off course, to "spear the children" we emalgate the term to sound better. Making the entire thing even more sub-counscious - or theoretical.

Thats why a lot of outdated psychologers and psychiatrists sounds like scientologians these days. As do a number of what Brig call "pompous axxes" - as he refer to the hipocritical parts of our Historic Institutes.
Posts: 1330 | From: Norway | Registered: Apr 2005   
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Jennie McGrath
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« Reply #305 on: February 01, 2008, 09:59:15 pm »

Jennifer O'Dell

Member # 2239

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   posted 08-13-2005 08:13 PM                       
Starlight, I saw "Taken," that little girl in there, Dakota Fanning, is a really good actress. I didn't even realize she was the narrator of the whole thing until halfway through.
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Jennie McGrath
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« Reply #306 on: February 01, 2008, 09:59:45 pm »

Jennie McGrath

Member # 2197

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   posted 08-14-2005 06:17 PM                       
I saw Taken, too, very good show.

A big congrats to you, Jennifer for getting to 300, and also for getting us back on topic here!

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Jennie McGrath
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« Reply #307 on: February 01, 2008, 10:00:16 pm »

Jennie McGrath

Member # 2197

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   posted 08-14-2005 06:20 PM                       
Wow, you have more posts than either me of Pagan now, you must have really been busy here.
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Jennie McGrath
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« Reply #308 on: February 01, 2008, 10:00:49 pm »

Jennifer O'Dell

Member # 2239

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   posted 08-14-2005 08:45 PM                       
Yep, I'm just a really chatty person here lately...
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Jennie McGrath
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« Reply #309 on: February 01, 2008, 10:01:22 pm »


Member # 2369

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   posted 08-14-2005 08:56 PM                       
Jennifer O, what are you doing passing ME up?

☼The Pagan ☼

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Jennie McGrath
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« Reply #310 on: February 01, 2008, 10:02:04 pm »

Sun Goddess

Member # 2409

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   posted 08-21-2005 03:59 AM                       
Alien Sex 101, The Antonio Villas Boas Account

by Nigel Watson
Source: Fortean Times

March 23, 1999

Almost from the start, sex and UFOs were inseparable bedfellows. The adventure of 23-year-old Antonio Villas Boas on 16 October 1957 in Brazil is probably the most famous case of interstellar intercourse. Antonio was ploughing a field on the family farm when the engine of his tractor cut out; at the same time, an object with purple lights descended from the sky. Humanoids in spacesuits emerged from the object and took him into their craft, subjecting him to what seemed like a medical examination. They stripped him, spread a strange liquid over him and took a sample of his blood. He was left alone in a room for what seemed a long time, until a beautiful, fair-haired woman arrived.

She was naked and Antonio was instantly attracted to her. Without speaking or kissing, they had sex, during which she growled like a dog. Despite his strange circumstances or perhaps because the alien liquid had ****-like properties Antonio was soon ready for a second helping. Interviewed later, he said: "Before leaving she turned to me, pointed to her belly, and smilingly pointed to the sky." Before letting him go, his captors gave Antonio a guided tour of the spaceship. Antonio went on to become a successful lawyer and still stood by his story over 30 years later.

Equally lurid stories of sexual liaisons with UFO occupants came from the world-famous contactees of the 1950s. Howard Menger, for one, had regular meetings with Marla, a beautiful blonde from space who claimed to be 500 years old. She projected "warmth, love and physical attraction," which he found irresistible. Menger divorced his wife to marry Marla (aka Connie Weber). From July 1952, Truman Bethurum had many meetings with Aura Rhanes, the captain of a flying saucer, whom he found to be "tops in shapeliness and beauty". Bethurum's wife wasn't so impressed with this "queen of women" and cited Rhanes in her divorce petition. From the late Forties to the early Sixties, female contactees in contrast to today's female abductees are few and far between. This is more than made up for by the astonishing story of Elizabeth Klarer, who in 1956 fell in love with Akon, a scientist who took her to his home planet, Meton. There, he seduced her, saying: "Only a few are chosen for breeding purposes from beyond this solar system to infuse new blood into our ancient race."

This smooth talk worked;

"I surrendered in ecstacy to the magic of his lovemaking," she wrote later.

Klarer said their "magnetic union" produced a perfect and highly intelligent son named Ayling.

She was sent back to South Africa alone and died in 1994; as far as we know her starman and son live on somewhere beyond Alpha Centauri. Rather ordinary tales of 'contact' are thus transformed into heroic fantasies of youthful virility. Antonio Villas Boas claimed to have done what any healthy young man would have done in the same situation; he and Elizabeth Klarer delivered the goods, helping to save an alien race from extinction. Scientific ufologists, more interested in 'hard' evidence (like radar traces, photographs and forensic samples) condemn this 'wet' material as too subjective, relegating claims of sexual assault and abduction to the fields of psychology and folklore (which they likewise distrust). The early contactee literature provides a rich variety of such stories and, whatever their validity, it is a pity they have been largely neglected or ridiculed. When ufologist John Keel visited college communities in Northeast America during the mid-1960s, several young women told him they had been raped by aliens, and young men confessed that aliens had extracted their semen.

By the 1970s, the idea of hybrid 'space babies' was more widely known but taken seriously only by UFO cultists who, said Keel, feared, that "the flying saucer fiends are engaged in a massive biological experiment creating a hybrid race which will eventually take over the Earth."

A decade later, these notions were part of mainstream ufology. Serious researchers some of them academics, like John E. Mack and David Jacobs openly declared their belief that the 'Greys' were taking sperm and ova from human abductees. It was common to hear female abductees tell of being impregnated, of the ftus taken from their wombs, and of later being shown their hybrid babies in a nursery on a flying saucer. Historically, pregnancy and abortion have been surrounded by a constellation of myths and old wives' tales and it is, perhaps, no surprise to find UFO mythology being used to explain unexpected pregnancies, 'mysterious' discharges and missing or malformed babies. In the 1970s, a 19-year-old Californian girl attributed the birth of a blue-skinned, web-footed baby to being gang raped by six blue-skinned web-footed humanoids who attacked her after she watched their spaceship land on a beach. Similar stories of lusty mermen (the ocean has some affinity with space) can be found in folklore and are usually given as explanation for the birth of deformed babies with reptilian or fish-like characteristics. Some researchers are aware of intriguing similarities between the lore of witches and fairies and modern abduction reports, and nocturnal sexual encounters with supernatural beings of all types can be found in most cultures to the present day. In the past, hundreds of men and women confessed (not always under torture) to sexual intercourse with demons.

Some shapeshifting demons were said to lie with a man (as a succubus) to obtain sperm and then (as an incubus) impregnate a woman with it.

Ufologists, in particular, have been aware of the structural similarities between accounts of fairy and alien encounters. A recent study by James Pontolillo compared 1517th century accounts of sexual relations with demons to 20th century encounters with aliens and concluded that both traditions expressed a fundamental fear of female sexuality but today the male body and mind are just as likely to be under attack. Communion author Whitley Strieber famously described being sodomised by a narrow, 1ft (0.3m)-long alien probe.

He felt that, while inside him, it seemed alive and was surprised, on its removal, to find it was a mechanical device. In my own research I have interviewed 'Martin Bolton' who had visions of, and telepathic communications with, three young space women. On behalf of these entities, he window-shopped for female attire and watched **** films. They were the 'goodies'; the 'baddies' beamed pain to his brain and for a three-year period stretched his **** during the night. On several occasions they afflicted him with phantom pregnancies. Ridley Scott's movie Alien (1979) dramatised the nature of the alien sexual assaults; the proof of their inhumanity is that they don't always differentiate between the sexes or even between species.

Historian David Jacobs who offers accounts, in his book, of abductees compelled to have sex with fellow victims while aliens watched speaks for many who believe that the apparently spontaneous experience of abduction by so many different people implies the phenomenon really exists as an objective threat. Yet Rogerson has demonstrated that most of the elements of the abduction narrative appeared together as early as 1967 in "The Terror Above Us" by Malcolm Kent. This science fiction novel anticipated such ufological themes as the 'Oz factor' (the sensation of being transported to a different reality), the supernatural cold, the doorway amnesia (the informant cannot remember what went on inside a room after entering), the alien in disguise, and impersonal scientists experimenting on humans. For good measure, the story also includes a male protagonist having his genitals examined before sex with an alien female.

Another critic of the hybrid-breeding idea is British ufologist Peter Brookesmith, who compared the described activities of the alien 'doctors' with the procedures used by terrestrial fertility specialists. He found that the alien inseminators singularly fail to take their subjects at the premium time for egg removal, namely within 48 hours of ovulation. And the aliens are just as likely to be confused by 'missing' fetuses as are humans, given the general difficulty of diagnosing pregnancy within the first eight weeks. For all their cosmic superiority, the alien inseminators can make pretty elementary, and farcical, errors. Aliens inserted a long needle into Betty Andreasson's navel. They said their purpose had to do with creation and were puzzled to find 'something' missing. Andreasson had to explain to them that she'd had a hysterectomy. Whatever the genesis of such reports, we have to consider that folk have reported sexual contact with all manner of supernatural beings throughout history. Either the aliens have been conducting their beastly experiments for millennia, or such stories meet some deep-seated socio-psychological need. Until any solid medical evidence is provided, the latter hypothesis seems the more likely.

This article by NIGEL WATSON can be found in Fortean Times 121. It is printed with a fully anotated reference guide.
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Jennie McGrath
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« Reply #311 on: February 01, 2008, 10:02:31 pm »

Sun Goddess

Member # 2409

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   posted 08-21-2005 04:02 AM                       
Alien sex

Three questions to ask an alien before having sex:

(1) Are you carrying any diseases which might be communicable to humans?

(2) Have you had sex with any high-risk partners in the past six months?

(3) Which one is your mouth?
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Jennie McGrath
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Posts: 4349

« Reply #312 on: February 01, 2008, 10:03:00 pm »


Member # 1492

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   posted 08-25-2005 03:43 PM                       
the greys are a menace to the human
race,the are cyberetic beings
that obey only there creators
the reptilians,greys have tendecy
to lie,if you belive that the
greys say you are on the path
of desctruction
greys cannot be trusted

i seen there real nature of there being
predatory typ of aliens
if nordics warn us of them
then we shult listen
what the have to say.
the truth is more horible
that any think you now.

A soul on the path of light
only seeking the truth in
the world,may the light
protect me.

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Jennie McGrath
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« Reply #313 on: February 01, 2008, 10:03:28 pm »


  posted 08-25-2005 07:59 PM                 
Someone has been reading entirely too much Robert Baird lately... Actually, just reading the name "R.B.B." is too much, but hey - who's counting...

Considering the reality that the presence of "E.T." has ZERO EVIDENCE, the idea that anyone can give specific information of particular versions/species make me laugh.

I have an idea - instead of focusing on the risks invovled with each species, maybe we could focus on actually finding them (one would be nice). And then after lunch, we could discuss their STD status. 
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Jennie McGrath
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Posts: 4349

« Reply #314 on: February 01, 2008, 10:04:07 pm »

Jennie McGrath

Member # 2197

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   posted 08-25-2005 11:09 PM                       
Nice post, Akata!

Merlin, vast as the universe is, I would think it incredible if we were actually alone in it. You know physics, don't you? Don't you believe that interplanetary travel is possible..? I sure do! For all we know, an alien race has mastered not only quantom teleportation, but wormhole technology and time travel! They are light years ahead of us, in fact, maybe STDs even originated from alien abductions for all we know!

As for the government capturing one, well, maybe they already have! I doubt they'd come right out and tell us about it.

Oh, and the grays are not to be trusted!
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